\ 7 smmay, your 10, 1925 «® THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG OM Boys' Reunion \ August1-6 PRESCRIPTIONS Filled with care and dispagch. Sickroom Supplies 'Hot Water Bottles, Ice Caps, Cottons, Gauze, etc., Trusses and Supports. Patent Medicines Perfumery and Tollet Goods. We have all the latest. ' OPEN EVERY DAY . (Bundays included) till 10.80. L. T. Best Prescription' Specialist 'Phone 50. ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. 311% BROCK ST., KINGSLON EERE FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Lees! and long distance. All Motor Trucks with Alr Tires. H. L. BRYANT Division Street. 'Phone Parker Duofold Pens For SUMMER STUDENTS and all other writers. Both Ladies' and Gents lemen's sizes. Let us demonstrate the many good features of this popular Pen om your next time downtown. We also have Water man Pens for all hands, but are emphasizing the Parker Duofold merits WANTED Applications for the installa- tion of GAS services into your home so you may emjoy the comfort derived by the use of GAS for COOKING. Price $1.53 per 1,000, Net "Phone 1604 or drop a card for any infor- mation desired. Public Utilities Commission C. C. Folger, General Manager. INNING ANNI INN Nt NINN tN Unknown epidemic raging in the Lake ofvGeneva is killing fish by the ton. London women are now insuring their complexions. Aeroplane "dusted" sixty acres of fruit trees in Oregon in thirty-four seconds, a task which takes large crews of men several days. "Compact refills." Gibson's. MEN'S GREY FLANNEL TROUSERS-- NEWEST OILED LINEN RAINCOATS-- Sizes 36t044 .............. $12.50 MEN'S BUTTONLESS UNDERWEAR- NEWEST NECKWEAR-- Our Price ...con vas MEN"S SILK HOSE-- RONEY'S PRINCESS STREET Building Supplies When building or repairing get the following supplies from us:-- CEMENT, HYDRAITED LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, PLASTER PARIS, SEWER PIPE, LAND TILE, RED BRICK, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, ASBESTOS PLASTER; DOME DAMPERS, ASH DUMPS, SOOT DOORS. Wehaveallthessinstock. ENTRANCE RESULTS IN PRINCE EDWARD | Those Who 'Passed at Ploton, Wellington, Bloomfield and Other Places. Martha McGowan Medal--Mildred | Varty. Old Boys Entrance Medals. 1st Medal--Mildred Varty, Picton public school; 2nd Medal, Dorothy Leavens, Picton public school; 3rd Meral, Morley Jackson, Bloomfield public school. Township Leaders. Ameliasburg--Keith Onderdonk. Athol--Freda Smith. Hallowell--Ronald Hystt. J «Hilller--Mabel Lloyd. N. Marysburg-- Bessie Merritt. 8. Marysburg--Karl Murphy. Sophiasburg--Gordon Osborne. First Class Honors, (In Order of Merit.) Mildred Varty, Dorothy Leavens, Morley Jackson, Donald Knight and Diana Kates equal, George VanDu- sen, Albert Case, Bessie Wheeler, Grace Hubbs, Kenth Onderdonk and Bessie Mason equal, Marguerite Bris- tol, George McQuade, Ronald Hyatt, Edith Lloyd, Keith Pearsall and Bes- sie Merritt equal, Margaret Cant- well, Laura McKee, Marion Platt, | Gordon Osborne and Margaret Hubbs Fequal; Merlin Hicks, Arnold Masters and Homer Thomas equal, Helen Kelly and Harold Kelson equal, Jos- eph Dunning and Winnifred Wycott equal, Fred Jones, Eunice Cretney and Ernest Vick and Gertrude Craw- ford equal, Mabel Lloyd, Marguerite Frink, Alice Martelle and Dorothy Giles equal, Gordon Caughey and Nora Kelly equal, Madeline Jarvis and Frank Reynolds equal, Betty Fillingham, Clifford Roundell, Mel- vin Taylor, Karl Murphy, Lillian VanDusen and Jean Ross and Gena Young and Freda Smith equal, Pearl Hamilton and Walter Wallbridge and Jack Yott equal. Picton Centre. Alphabetically.) ¥Clesson Allen (2nd hon.), Robert Brown (2nd hon.), Blake Brans- combe, Margaret Cantwell (1st hon.), Albert Case (1st hon.), Clar- ence Carson; Gladys Clapp, Edna Foster, Eva Foster, Wayne Francis, Mabel Gilder (2nd hon.), Margaret Hubbs (1st hon.), Grace Hubbs (1st hon.), Marion Heffernan, Claude Hyatt (2nd hon.), Merlin Hicks (1st hon.), Ronald Hyatt (1st hon.), Ray- mond Hudgin, Able Hyatt, Winston Hicks, Leonard Jones (2nd hon.), Fred Jones (1st hon.), _Robert Jam- feson (2nd hon.), arion "Jones, Madeline Jarvis (ao ron. Donald Kerr, Helen Kelly (st hon.), Don- ald Knight (1st hon.), Mary Kava. nagh (2nd hon.), Diana Kates (1st hon.), Jean Killip (2nd hon.), Nora Kelly (1st hon.), Vernon kwood, Dorothy Leavens (1st hon.), Isabel Lyons (2nd hon.), Bessie Merritt (1st hon.), Marcia Minaker (2nd hon.), Russell Minaker, Jack . Mc- Gibbon (2nd hon.), Gerald Minaker, Alice Martelle (1st hon.), Carl Nor- ton (2nd hon.), Mabel O'Rourke, Gordon Osborne (1st hon.), Rhea Powers (2nd hon.), Madge Phasey (2nd hon.), Harry Palen, Hazel Rutter, Frank Reynolds (1st hon.), Clair Robertson (2nd hon.), Alma Rose, Helen Shepard, Kathleen Smith, Willie Smith (2nd hon.), Freda Smith (1st hon.), Mildred Varty (1st hon.), George VauDusen (1st hon.), Ralph Warren, essie Wheeler (1st hon.), Edith liams (2nd hon.), Winnifred Wydstt (1st hon.), Ruth Zimmerman (2nd hon.). Passed by board of examiners, un- able to write--Nora Benson, Claribel Hughes, Mildred Spafford. We Centre. Margaret Bailey (2nd hon.); Mer- le Burriss; Laura Covert (2nd hon), Everett Dunn; Betty Fillingham (1st hon.) ; Eva Fox; Irene Haydon; Ver- na Hunt (2nd hon.); George Jack- son; Thelma Jinks; Mabel Lloyd (1st hon.); Permelia Mallory (2nd hon.); Bessie Mason. (1st hon.); Kathleen McNeill (2nd hon.); Del- bert Panting; Bert Rattray; Jean Ross (1st hon.); Vernon Smith (2nd hon.) Evelyn Stoneburg (2nd hon.), Florence eburg, Annabelle Tay- lor, Dorothy Taylor, Melvin Taylor (1st hon.), Homer Thomas (1st hon.), Bebble Upton (2nd hon.), El- mer Urch (2nd hon.), Gladys Urch (23nd hon.), Gena Young (ist homn.). , Milford Centre. - Ina Anderson (2nd hon.), Nellie Axcell (2nd hon.), Evelyn Brum- mell (2pd hon.), Muriel Cole (2nd hon.), Melvin Dulmage (2nd hon.), Rhea Eliott (2nd hon.), Geraldine Hicks, Laurine Hicks, Gladys Kir. by (2nd hon.), Karl Murphy (1st | Demorestville Centre. Vera Ackerman, Arnold Ander- hon.), Audrey Miller (2nd hon.), Wilfred Taylor (2nd hon.), Lillian VanDusen (1st hon.), Helen What- tam (3nd Jon), Francis Welbanks, rs-- [ 1val Stark | hens, Verna Tripp, Donald Thomp- | oa George McQuade (1sti hon.), Alice Norton (2nd hom.),| | Marion Platt (1st homn.), Clifford | | Pooley (2nd hon.), Keith Pearsall | (1st hon.), Nina Rosborough (2nd | | bon.), Clifford Roundell (1st hom.), | (2nd hon.), Ellis Step-| (2nd hon.), son, Ernest Vick; (1st hon.). Ameliasburg Centre. Ronald Adams, Geraldine Allison (2nd hon.), Audra Alyea, Bernice Belnap, Clarabel Belndp, Isabel Bel- nap (2nd hon.), Verna Belnap (2nd hon.), Harold Boater, Marguerite Bristol (1st hon.), Muriel Broad | (2nd hon.), Lorne Cole, Eunice | Cretney (1st hon.), Clayton Cruick- shank, Fred Dehaney (2nd hom.), Arthur Dempsey (2nd hon.), Earl Fox, Dorothy Giles (1st hon.), Kath- leen Giles (2nd homn.), Pearl Hamil- ton (1st hon.), Amy Hawley (2nd Lon.), Carman Herrington, ' Harry Hubbs (2nd hon.), Norma Huff, Dor- efhy Kemp, Hilda Latchford (2nd hon.), Arnold Masters (1st hon.}, Laura McKee (1st hon.), Marguer- ite McLeod (2nd hon.), Charles Moreau (2nd hon.), Ned Moreau, Francis Murphy (2nd hon.), Keith Onderdonk (1st hon.), Hugh Rus- sell (2nd hon.), Orval Taft, Doug- Jas Wallbridge (2nd hon.), Walter Wallbridge (1st hon.), Campbell Wanamaker (2nd hon.), Florence Way, George White, Minnie Whitta- ker, Jack Yott (1st hom.). Died at Alexandria Bay, N.Y. , At Alexandria 'Bay, N.., on July 8th, the funeral services for the late Mrs. Christine Elizabeth Landon Trickey, aged sixty-nine, who died on Saturday following a long illness, was held Tuesday. Rev. O. E. Ray- mond, pastor of the Methodist Epis- copal church, officiated. Interment was made in Highland cemetery. Mrs. Trickey was born in Leeds county, the daughter of Augustus and Harriet Dalton Landon. Mairied at Newburgh. Percy Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clancy Moore, Newburgh, was mar- ried to Miss Mildred Hill, daughter of Mrs. Hill. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Mr. Spencer in the Church of England. The happy couple will reside in Detroit, where the groom has a good position in an electric shop. SR -- To Help Kingston Celebrate. Watertown, N.Y., will help King- ston celebrate Old Home Week from Aug. 1st to 6th, when the Canadian city is planning to stage one of the mgst specfacular and gigantic cele- brations that the Dominion has seen in a long time, The celebration will be for the purpose of having a reunion of old residents of the city and to get the people together for a good time during the week. Prescott, July 9.4~The Mutt, Jr., a speed boat owned by Joseph Powell, of New York, which sank in about 300 feet of water in the St. Law- rence River, at Alexandria Bay, on Tuesday, during a power boat race, was floated. It is believed that the damage to the boat caused by its sinking will not be extensive. Don't forget the Orange excur- sion to Watertown, July 11th, $2 and return. Boats leave foot of Brock street 8 a.m. (city time). "Ice cream bricks." Gibson's. Australia will float a loan of $100,- 000,000 in the United States soon Chancellor Luther of Germany claims German right to develop com- mercial aviation. "Page and Shaw sweets." Gibson's. Luckin's Ifyou want the best we have it. Have you tried our Picnic ; PROBE Saturday, | fine and warmer. Zz ERNE R REE A ERAN ARAN ARERR ERNE EARS AAR ANAS ANN R ANNAN AAA AR RRA ANE i Satdy at Steacy's | July Sales! A day of super-value giving that should find a ready re- sponse with all economical shoppers. SUMMER FROCKS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! og 50 to | Reg. $12.50 Reg. $16.95 to $22.50 3 05°95 912. % We have gathered two hundred pretty, Summer Dresses, developed in dainty Voiles of sheer love- liness--Fugi Silks in the fashionable stripes and plain colors, and Printed Silk Crepe de Chenes and. Flat Crepes, in a broad variety of the smartest colorings and print» ed patterns. A choice of the season's most advanced Summer styles awaits your inspection here to-morrow at these incom- parable prices! BEAUTIFUL SUMMER MILLINERY *5.00 THE POPULAR STYLES All the season's latest ui styles are to be found in this vast assortment of / new Sporty and Dress . « 'e . . . . » Felt Hats, Straw Hats and Leghorn Hats in f ractically 8voey conceivable shape, in White and the new Postelle colors. A Great One Day Sale House Furnishings Less 20% . . # Your choice ofiour satire stock of Floor Rugs. Mats, Gold Seal Congoleums, Linoleums, Floor Qilcloths, Cretonnes, Art Sateens, Sun-fast Draperies, Velour, Upholstery Coverings, Curtains and Curtainings, etc., etc. All marked in plain figures at a saving of 20c. on every $1.00 you spend. Here is a won- Se wy of replanting the town or eaumtry home