$rumspaY., JULY 21, tems \_ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | ROCK | "| CRYSTAL '} GOBLETS Beautifully Decorated AND IN THE DAINTIEST DESIGNS These Goblets are of the finest quality -- will not smuage or get cloudy. Let us show you these new arrivals. PRESCRIPTIONS Filled with care and dispatch. Sickroom Supplies Hot Water Bottles, Ice Caps, Cottons, Bandages, Gauze, etc., Trusses and Supports. Patent Medicines Perfumery and Tollet Goods. We have all the latest. OPEN EVERY DAY (Sundays included) till 10.80. The price is quite moderate. FOR SALE Bateman's Real Esta] BRICK BUNGALOW? Iooms. 3 ye. bath, electric light, double an choice location. | §8,000~Frame, 4 rooms, B. and T., electric light. | $8,000~ Frame, 7 rooms, 8 p. bath, ; eloctzio' light and furnace." | $4000 ~~ Brick, semi-detached, 8 rooms, 8 p. bath, electric light ard Sas, deep lot and garage. $5,000--Brick, 6 rooms, 3 p. bath, + electric light and furnace, garage. $7,500--Brick, all modern, central. MONEY TO LOAN. CUSTOMS BROKER ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. 4133 BROCK ST., KINGSION a ------------ And think this over 0 For an ordinary dwelling hous- ing a family of from three to five, the gas bills average from two to four dollars per month. Check this up against the cost of coal and you will readily see the advantage of gas for cook. ing. "Phone 1604 or drop a card for any infor- mation desired. Public Utilities Commission C. C. Folger, General Manager. FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Local and long distance. All Motor Trucks with Alr Tires. 54 Divine Birctt | SPA yes. FOR YOUR VISITORS You will have many visitors among the Old Boys. How about your floors and woodwork--are they in good condition ? Johnson's Floor Wax Old English Dancing Wax -... . . Floor Varnish ......c..n.... . ..... .$1.00 pint Are your Bath and Basin Taps in good repair? Have them gone over and washers put on where needed. Our Plumbers will leave them in good shape for you. McKelvey & Birch Limited Farmers might make go Broadcast station builders. for Sant Sh, aks, {0d brosdeast st ne fhe Both bani p ows for grounding the aerial lk a H. Jewett used the plow to advania, PRITAIN IN COAL STRIKE A. J. Cook, British miners' leader (above): Major G. R. Lane-Fox (left), and Sir A. Steel Maitland (right). ASLEEP IN THE DEEP Sidney Helms of Des Moines, Iowa, has completed a 200- mile trip down the Mississippi River on a mattress. He is a mattress salesman and the mattresses he sells float. So he pul a light wooden frame around one, gave the bow a toboggan flare, stuck an outboard motor at the back and got up a speed of eight miles an hour. Louis. SHE'S "STANDING FAWN" NOW "Miss America" is called Ci-Ca-Ke-Ka-Po-Nee now. Miss Ruth Malcolmson of Philadelphia was given the first title at the Atlantic City pageant last year. Now she has been adopted the Blackfoot Indian tribe." She is shown with th e chiefs of the tribe--Curley Bear, Split Ears Two Guns. Her name means Standing Fawn. . 2 VICTORIA CAFE - pad _- N-- PROBS: --Scattered showers, mostly fair. Wed- nesday, fair and cooler. He went from Keakuk, Iowa. to St.|ll \ NEUEN ENE EEE NA "of - STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY For the'information of out-of-town customers who were under the impression we closed on Wednesday af- ternoons during July and August. : HALF PRICE SALE The greatest bar- DC gro ecs. ar gain event of the EE ---------------- Summer season Se ol Somson starts to-morrow-- EE ------------ and offers a wealth of extraordinary EE -------------------------- bargain opportuni- ties for all Women. . A real, genuine, super-bargain event that overshadows all so-called July clearance events for quality and price, 1000 DRESSES Coats, Suits, Trimmed Hats AT HALF PRICE : / DRESSES--500, in the season's smartest styles, fabrics and col- ors, which includes our entire Summer range of Silk and Tub frocks; also a number of Novelty Colored Georgette, Flat Crepe and Crepe de Chene Fr s. Priced regularly from $3.50 up to $75.00. Sale prices... . .$1.75 to $37.50 SUITS AND COATS--Our entire range of Spring and Sum- mer styles for Children, Misses and Women. No restric- tions--the full stock goes at this drastic reduction. TRIMMED HATS--Your choice of every Colored Hat in the store in a broad range of the season's newest and colorings. Priced from $3.50 to $15.00--remark. to just half of the regular prices. = SKIRTS --In Wool Crepe and Serge with and without Camisole tops--just the thi r country wear and motoring. Regu- Jor $275 to $16.00 ne TAT Y "ar and motoring, + Everything is marked with its original tickets _ in plain figures. i --SALE STARTS 9.30 O'CLOCK -- ~