hm THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Ts = | SMART FURS FOR 1926 'ENSEMBLE, FUR SCARFS Of different Furs, and Silk and Fur combinations. . Hares, all colors. Priced at $6.50 and $7.50 Summer prices on orders placed now. Pa ] ' Manufacturers Merchants 1059 JI67 » John McKay Limited KINGSTON, CANADA 149 to 157 Brock Street - - Kingston FULL COURSE DINNER, 65c¢ A LA CARTE MEALS Best food and excellent service. - . Queen's Orchestra in attendance every day 13 to 8 p.m., 6 to8 po. and © to 11 p.m. Picnic Lunches prepared. THE GRAND CAFE Opposite Capitol Theatre - - - PETER LEE, Prop. MATTRESSES When eaning have your Mattresses cleaned and re- modelled. Go to Hughes' wheh you want a new one at iow price. W. H. HUGHES, - 403 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 2130-J, GARDEN PARTY HELD | | CHURCH GOOD THIEF Event on Wednesday Was One | of the Most Successful | | of the Season. { | The dark clouds of Wednesday | morning indeed turned their silver |linihg om the beautiful grounds { which surround the Church of the | | Good Thief, Portsmouth, which, | | with its decorations of flags and bunting, presented a most attractive and inviting appearance to the many visitors who attended on Wednesday afternoon and evening what is con- sidered one of the most successful garden parties held this season. Rev. Dr. Kingsley and his staff of earnest and eflclent workers are deserving of the highest praise for their ef- forts and it is a source of pleasure to everyone that they were so well rewarded for the time and energy shent in the cause of providing food and fuel for the poor. Shortly after 2 o'clock in the af- ternoon, the garden party was thrown open to visitors and from then until midnight there was much to attract those in attendance. Races of all kinds, the different booths, the pleasant grounds, the meeting of friends, etc, all helped to while away pleasant hours as the guests of the good Portsmouth people, and at the same time enabled the visitors to assist in the very worthy cause r which the affair was held. There ee much for the visitor. to see, and there is little doubt that those in attendance enjoyed tha afternoon and evening thoroughly. Tea was served to a great many people on the grounds and it is ex- pected that a good sum will be rea- lized from this source alone. The ice-cream, soft drink and all other booths did big business and it is thought that when the amount made is announced, that it will surprise a great many. MODLER'S BIG CLOTHING SALE We are offering the balance of our opening stock at prices TEMPTING, even though YOU do not need a new Suit. ® purchased our opening stock at 30% disedunt, and are at 10% discount off opening prices.' Bk anywhere and everywhere and you will find this is © you will purchase your Suit. SUITS--regular price $45.00 to $50.00. OQurpricenow ........ ......$29.50 SUITS--regular price $35.00 to $45.00. Our pricenow ......:.......$25.00 SUITS--Regular $25.00 to $35.00. Our pricenow ..............$17.50 SUITS--<Regular $18.50 to $22.50. Our pricenow ..............$12.75 | MODLER & CO. KINGSTON'S MOD ab WY WR The oe Sa he W e excéptional tone quality i ber Piano appeals to the most pi hn FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINOKU. AY C.W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms. Princess Street rahi dhl "| ments--Mrs, T. F. Burke, iil | laine, in the new parish hall and a very large number from Portsmouth and Kingston were in attendance. Dances of the old school and the new were indulged in and a fine programme of music was rendered by Shea's or- chestra. The new parish hall is ideal for an affair of this kind, a new wing having been added to the school house a short time ago. An excellent floor has been put down and the parishioners of the Church of the Good Thief have every reason to be proud of their fine parish hall. r-- 'Those in Charge. The following is a list of those in charge of the different depart. ments of the lawn social, who work- ed so hard to make the affair the success that it was, the first men- tioned being the chairman of the committee: Chairmen of committees -- Rev. Dr. Kingsley, Dr. E. Ryan, M. J. Kennedy. Erecting booths, ete.--H. Assel- stine, P. Kennedy, J. St. Picrre, T. Guthrie Jr., N. Henderson, T. Fow- ler, Jr, J. R. Davis, Supervisors of lights and grounds ~--James Lawless, T. Tobin, John McGeein, H. Nagle, A. Coughlin, A. Beaupre. Ticket takers--R. McDonald, T. McGuire, J. D. Kennedy, P. Wims. Sports---George Sullivan, P. Bird, R. McGeein, Sr.; L. McGeein, M. McGeein, N. Wilson, A. Murphy, James Kennedy, C. Gallamore, T. F. Burke, Thomas Burke, Wallace Beaupre, Miss M. Baker. Soft drinks--T. Guthrie, F. Ken- nedy, T. Fowler, Jr. ; Dance committee--James Grain- ger, J. J. Kennedy, P. M. Beaupre, Misses M. Sullivan, M. Kennedy and C. Burke. Printing---Rev. Dr. Kingsley and F. J. Doyle. Shooting gallery--R. McGeein, W, Beaupre, J. D, Doyle, E. Burke, * Home-made booth and _refresh- rs. Al- Mrs. Thomas = Guthrie, Sr. Mrs. James Lawless, Mrs. Thomas McGuire, Mrs. T. Tobin, Mrs, R. Me- In the evening a dance was held | Geein Sr., Mrs: John Lambert, Mrs. Gray, Miss Deane, Miss Bedore, Mrs. William Ryan, Miss L. Ryan, Mrs. Conroy, Misses Maybell and Elsie Lawless, Miss Kingsley, Miss M. Shortt, Miss M. McDonald, Mr. B. i} Davis, Tce cream booth--Mrs. P. M. Beaupre, Mrs. J. R. Davis, Mrs. Cot- fee, Mrs. James Grainger, Mrs. F. J. Doyle, Mrs. Thomas Fowlér, Mrs. M. J. Kennedy, Misses Rose and Margaret Kennedy, Mrs. T. Guthrie, Je. i Fish pond--Mrs, C. Gallamore, | Mrs. F. Smith, Mrs. Harry ----- Mrs. R. McGeein, Jr, Miss Patricia McGeein. Candy booth -- Miss Renaud, Misses Renaud and Culhane, Miss M. GRANULATED SUGAR + 100 pounds ......... $6.70 PREMIUM TEA John Kingsley, won by Mr. Edward Burke, Portsmouth. Five nated by Laura Secord Co., won by Frances Kennedy, Portsmouth. Two-pound box of chocolates, da- nated by Miss Deane, won by Mrs. Leo Cochrane, William street. Percolator, donated by Stevenson & Hunter, won by-Mr. Frank Clarke, Portsmouth. Tea-pot, Brothers, won by Thomas Fowler, Livingston Ave. Porch rocker, donated by James Reid firm, won by Mr. Coughlin, Mowat Hospital. Silk scarf, donated by 3ibby's Ltd.,, won by Mr, Lamonts. Result of Races. The following are the results of the races which were held: Girls, 7 years and under, A. Doyle, P. St. Pierre, Boys, 7 years and under, H. Smith, J. Sullivan, Girls, between 7 and 9, M. Martin, M. Smith, - Boys, between 7 and 9, H. Smith, BE. Brith. Girls, between 9 and 13, E. Raw- ley, V. Wathen. Boys, between 9 and 13, F. Doyle, W. Beaupre. Girls, three-legged race, N. Har- vison and F. Cunningham; M. Smith and B, Buart. Boys, three-legged race, S. Camp- bell and B, Doyle; W. Beaupre and F. Doyle. Girls, shoe and stocking race, V. Wathen, E. Ewart, Boys, running backwards, F, Doyle, W. Beaupre. Girls, running backwards, H. Har- rison, E. Rawley. Boys, cap race, W. Beaupre, T. Burke. Boys, horse-back race, T. Burke and D. Black; F. Doyle and F. Smith, Girls, rolling a peanut, BE. Rawley, M. Smith. Boys, wheelbarrow race, T. Burke, and B. Doyle; H. Smith and V, Doyle. General race, boys and girls, N, Harrison, T: Burke. | Band Concert To-night i By kind permission of Lieut.-Col. Sparks and officers, the P.W.O.R. band will play the following pro- gramme in Frontenac Park to-night (Thursday) at 8.15 o'clock, weather permitting: Old Nobility The Little Corporal Beautiful Rose The Two Patriots Musician Overture Cornet Duet .... (Sergt. H. Armstrong, W. Allen) Fox Trot .... The Blacksmith Rag Mareh ...¢e000000000. Our Bride Serenade ...... . Tranquility Molly on a Trolley '... Linger Awhile God Save the King. ~W, J. Christmas, W.0., Bandmaster. right Caused a Fall, At Cape Vincent, N.Y., on Tues- day, Miss Mary Hinckley, aged 80, sister of Capt. Gus Hinkley, Oswego, and one of the widely known resi- dents of the village, fell down stairs in her home during a severe electri- cal storm and received a broken arm, severe body bruises and possible fractured ribs. A severe thuader-clap frightened her so that &he lost her balance and fell down the stairs. Limit of Pension A The right to register appeals to the Federal Appeal Board, in respect of applications for pension or med- ical treatment by the Board of Pen- sion Commissioners or the Depart- ment of Soldiers' Civil Re-establish- ment, as the case may be, will ex- pire in many cases on August 17th next. At London the pastoral session of the Wesleyan Conference chose Mr. Maltby, of the Wesleyan Deaconess Institute, Ilkley, as president-elect for 1836. . $3.95, None over $4.95 very Hat New Hats of Leather $1.95 t0/$3.35 pound box of chocolates, do- ; donated by Simmons' | OLD BOYS' REUNION . Union Jacks, Canadian Ensign,' American *~ Stars and Stripes ALL SIZES COTTON PRINTED AND ENGLISH BUNTING There will be a shortage -- place your order with us now, FLAGS FOR HOMES, STORES AND STREETS WITH POLES, MOORE'S TIRES TOYS SPORTING GOODS Linee Non-Tear Window Blinds , .................... 29¢. each New Floor Coverings | At Popular Prices ~ CARPET SQUARES . A beautiful range of Wilton, Axminster, Brussels and Tapestry Rugs. All new designs and colorings that are stire to please you. All sizes. 4 } ' . LINOLEUM and CONGOLEUM RUGS all sizes. - | FLOOR OILCLOTHS A big range of new designs to choose from in Block, Floral and Tiling effects, in all colorings, all widths to 2} yards wide, in the best Dominion quality . ...... Ceieeiss eeliniesieieeieie es DOC 8Q. yd. I INLAID LINOLEUMS In new Tiling and Block de- signs. Special $1.50 sq. yard up. To see is to admire and LINOLEYMS A pattern and coloring for every room in the home -- all widths to 4 yards. Specially buy. priced . .......... .95¢. sq. yd. up | £m Newman & Shaw Kingston's Big House Furnishings Store men, which was won by the married men. Scrambles of peanuts and candies were given to the children. A tug of war between the men and women caused a great deal of fun, it being won by the women. The races resulted as follows: Miss Guild's class, (primary de- partment) --Alex. Reynolds, Earl Sherbino, Baxter Black, Hleanor Revell, F. Sherbino, B. McKenna, L. Crawford, Hiram Revell, Cradle Roll---Jean Black, Phylis Potter, Nadine Revell, Bertine Gage. Clearing Sale of Summer Millinery Parisian Shop 322 BROCK STREET LADIES DEFEAT MEN | Real Estate in all its branches -- Buying, Selling, Renting IN LIVELY TUGOF-WAR Which Was a Special Feature at the Calvary Church Sun- day School Plonio. The annual pilenic of Calvary Sunday school was held Wednesday afternoon to Brophy's Point. Al- though the weather was very change- able, there was a good attendance, and an enjoyable time was spent by all, : There was a baseball game be- tween the married and the single EE ASST i Ri NENA EEA Miss M. Maxam's class--Charles || Pardis, M. Petter. Miss C. Shufflebotham's Bessie Dumcan, M. Roberts, D. Crawford. Mrs. Hamilton's Gow, Alice Hait. Miss Ethel Beekham's Marion Walker, Gladys Cameron. Mrs. E. Watts class--Alice Revell, L. Sherbino, Doris Gow, Harry Keates. Miss K. Sommers class--Albert Keates, G. Cuthbertson, class--Thelma Cuthbertson, class-- Jennie Keates, class-- || Emily [| Allard, Albert || IUD: sxane the Univer great momey-makoer, H for Money to loan on first morte gage. Houses for rent. * Mrs. G. Allen's class--Lillian Pot- ter, Helen Potter. Mrs. E. Thompson's clags--Alleen Gow, Katharine Keates, Gertrude Gollogy. Mr. BE. Watts class--Albert 'Gow, | Murvile Watts, Melville Watts. Tuxis Boys' class--Cecil Harrison, Edward Revell, Charles Walker. Mr. Bert Gage's Sturgess, F. Jarvis, - Junior choir--Marion Walker, er Thelma Gow, Alice Revell. | Lady teacher's race--Miss Carrie { Shufflebotham, Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. | B Thompson. Ladies' Ald race--Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. F. Reynclds, Mrs. E. Thomp- Ladies' opén race--Mrs. A. Shults, Mrs. Gatehel, Mrs. McKinna. EE ER HT pie : g i %