'SMART FURS FOR 1926 THE _DATLY BRITISH WHIG TE SUMMER STUDENTS 10 | ENSEMBLE FUR SCARFS Of different Furs, and Silk and Fur combinations. Hares, all colors. Priced at $6.50 and $7.50 Summer prices om orders placed now. wd of GO INTO DRAMATICS, It Is Expected That Fifty Will Attend the Lectures and Rehearsals. { } Queen's Summer School students [have added dramatics thelr | course, and plan to put on a play be- fore the close of the session in Aug- | ust. A meeting of those interested { was held Thursday afternoon, and | they decided to start the classes {| Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock, Mr. | | Gates to Instruct. It is expected { that about fifty students will attend. | There will likely be three lectures | and three rehearsals each week, | though apart from the play, the cur- | riculum has not been definitely de- cided on. The report to { of the nominating | COURSE DINNER, 65¢ Best food and excellent service. 40c. AND UP Queen's Orchestra in attendance every day 12 to 2 pam, 6 to 8 pm. and § to 11 p.m. Picni¢ Lunches prepared. THE GRAND CAFE Opposite Capitol Theatre . - PETER LEE, Prop. § | committees--Sports, J. Brown, To- MATTRESSES : When housecleaning have your Mattresses cleaned and re- modelled. Go to Hughes' when you want a new one at low price. W. H. HUGHES, - 403 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 2180J. SUITS MADE-TO-MEASURE $25.00 The CLUB 3 Doors Below Opera House TTT YOU BUY WHEN The exceptional tone quality in the Weber to the most aesthetic taste. YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. AY C.W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street Fiano RS WR" v Vv ahaa A Camera for the Youngsters-- or for you NO. 2 BROWNIE Pictures 23 x 3%. The No. 2 Brownie at $2.85 is a re- markable value. You'll see that at| & glance, Its aluminum body, light and strong, 48 covered with imitation leather -- Save The Difcreuce | Every Day | HH | ll! Kingston Yacht Club Thursday after- fli noon and withstood the | trials. || persons comfortably, but to show Corn Flakes 3 for 28c. ppered Snacks . .4 tins 25¢. }| committee, which was adopted with- - | music, S. W. Carriere, Cobalt. 1 | the winter students at ball Thurs- | The latest invention in collapsible Il i! will still be intact and capable o il| carrying a heavy weight. ll! main qualities is that it cannot be ll! tipped over, with the exception of a il deliberate attempt. it people were taken out in it and pad- {out change at Thursday night's | meeting of the students, named the | following slate for the coming year: | Honorary president--P. H. Shef- { field, Nelson, B.C., who was presi- | dent a year ago; past president -- | Orville E. Ault, Ottawa; president, J. L. Challinor, Chatham: first vice- president, M. W. Nichol, Ottawa; second vice-president, Miss T. Pax- {| man, Peterboro; secretary-treasurer, | C- F. Cannon, Newcastle, Ont.; as- | sociate 'secretary-treasurer, J. Sny- { der, St. Laurent, Que.; conveners of | ronto; social, 8. C. Clegg. Brantford; Prof. Macgregor continued his {course of lectures In religious edu- | cation on Thursday night, with a | second address on the subject, "The Cross in Human Life." On Friday | night his subject will be '"The Holy | Spirit in Human Life." The closing | lecture on Saturday will be given at | ten o'clock in the forenoon. Dr. {| Macgregor's thoughtful treatise bf | his subject is very much appreciated | by those interested. Miss Lake, of | Gananoque, has brought a carload of | townspeople to the lectures every | evening. Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Me- Cree have come all the way from | Almonte, for the purpose of hearing { the Scottish divine. The public is { not being charged any admission to | the Toe now. The following players will repre- {| sent the Queen's Summer School in | their match with the Kingston Ten- | nis Club on Saturday afternoon; the | Misses Bogart, Todd, Fleming, Bar- ! rie, Truax and Cattanach, Prof. Mac- | donald and Messrs. Ewing, Bruce, | Forbes, Nichol, Reid, Young, G. | Macdonald, Cannon, Seymour, Half- | penny and Eaton. The stummer students defeated | 99.7 | { | day night by | Summer school pinsand rings are | now ready for purchase by the stu- | dents. AT TREADGOLD'S STORE. | The Latest Invention in Collapsible Boats is Bélng Exhibited. | boats is being exhibited at Tread- gold's Sporting Goods store. It is a | boat which when folded up weighs only seven and a half pounds and can easily be | when filled with air {t is guaran- | lifted by a small child. | teed to carry 7560 pounds and has four air compartments, in case 1 one being punctured the other } One of its The boat was given a test at the hardest It is capable of carrying four { that it lives up to its Standard, five A heavy wind was GIVEN THREE MONTHS. Thomas Donoghue Still Stands by 4.4 Story. For the third time this week, Thomas Donoghue, who said he was drinking beer, appeared before the magistrate, after two remands, to tell the magistrate where he secured the liquor on which he .became in- toxicated last week. The Session was very brief. Thomas walked in and the following brief conversation took! place: Magistrate--' 'Memory Donoghpe Donoghue--"Not at all." Magistrate-- "Three months or till such time as you tell where you got your liquor." improved, | To Settle in Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Clarke, who for the past eightéen months have been residing at Pasadena, Califor- nia, are back in Belleville, having motored from the coast. He and Mrs. Clarke had returned "to Belle- ville with the intention of remaining there. While he had no fault to find with California, as it was a nice country, Canada, and especially this sectiongof Ontario, looked better to him. They will spend the summer at Weslemkoon Lake, and later settle again in Belleville. Additional Chimes Ordered. Edward J. Noble, owner of the Thousand Island Estates, including the famous Boldt Castle on Hart Island, has ordered chimes to com- plete "tho8& Partly installed in the Alster tower on Hart Island. The chimes are made and shipped from London, England, and will complete the large set originally planned by the former owner, the late George C. Boldt. As soon as the chimes ar- rive they will be installed in the old tower that stands facing across the waters towards Alexandria Bay. Honored Charles Abbott. Charles H. Abbott, Carleton Place, has retired as general foreman clerk after forty-three years in the service | of the C.P.R., and was banqueted by | his friends and associates at the| Mississippi hotel. On behalf of his | associates, Fred Stewart read an | address and presented Mr. Abbott with a substantial purse. Mr. Ab- bott feelingly replied. "THE HAT STORE" Saturday Sale of Summer Hats Come 'here to-mor- row if you want a bargain in a Summer Hat. We have furth- er reduced nearly all lines for Men, Ladies Se dN FOR MEN : Ses. FLAGS! OLD 'BOYS" REUNION Union Jacks, Canadian' Ensign, American Stars and Stripes Ls ALL SIZES COTTON PRINTED AND ENGLISH BUNTING Theres will be a shortage -- pl ~ ~. TOYS ace your order with us snow. FLAGS FOR HOMES, STORES AND STREETS WITH POLES. "MOORE'S SPGRTING GOODS Gold Dollar Silk Hose Non-tear Window Blinds, 29c¢. shades. 29 inches 500 yards of Fugi Silks, beautifu On Sale Saturday FUGI SILKS, $1.00 YARD wide. .... 1 quality, in all the newest .. Saturday $1.00 yard 75¢. BLOOMERS FOR 50c. 'Women's fine knitted, sum mer weight Bloomers with elastic top and double elastic trimmed cuff. Colors are White with Peach, White with Green, Pink with Green and Orchid with Black. Good sizes. Regular 75c. . . . Saturday 50c. pair MEN'S SOX, 50c. Men's fine Silk and Lisle Sox with fancy rib. Colors Grey, Brown, Navy and Black. All sizes. Regular 75c. PURE LINEN GLASS CLOTHS ~ ------ 25c. each sizes . RUBBER PANTIES, 29c. Babies' pure Rubber Panties in White, Natural and Pink. All | c .... . Saturday 29c. pair | Special . orsets. . CORSETS, $1.00 A special value for Saturday, in Women's strong, well boned Sizes 19 to 30. ------ Clearing Sale of Summer Millinery | Parisian Shop 322 FROCK: STREET IN MARINE CIRCLES Clearances: Steamers Lethbridge, | freight; Mapleheath, 'west to Port! Colhorne, with grain; Cgty of Hamil- | ton, east to Montreal; Toronto, east to Prescott, will return this after-| noon, and cleay west for Charlotte | and Toronto; Judge Hart, west for west to Fort William, with package coming from Buffalo. week guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tho- i} PICTON Picton, July 24.--Picton now has || two motor camps for tourists; ome on the Agriculturgl Grounds and the |} other, the vao&Ht lot owned by Mr. W. Vanalstine, of the' Globe Hotel, and facing on Queen street, opposite Mayor Newman's. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Holmes» Mr. Earl Holmes and Miss Nellie, are on a motor trip through Ontario, They are this mas Welch, Washburn street. A yacht from Toronto, with a large party from the Y.M.C.A. camp, was in the harbor over Sunday. The and carefully tested. there are two tripod 'sockets and the [ji } Hl jens and shutter are Eastman-made Fruits and Vegetables Outside Market Other Brownies, $2.05 up. ll| blowing at. the time of the tést, and | the boa was taken out in the rough Straws for . . . $1.00, $1.65, $1.95. None over $2.35. dled around. water, being handled very easily. Oars or paddles may be used with Buffalo; Brulin, east for Montreal, | YOUDE men came up in a body and with grain. attended services at the United The steamer Britannic arrived church, both morning and evening. from Montreal this afternoon with In the evening, Mr. Dean gave as & passengers. | solo, a special rendering of "Nearer Mahood Drug Co., Ltd. Corner Bagot and Princess Sts. li] the boat or if speed is desired, a ll} motor engine can be attached to it. ll| The teature of the boat is that it ean I! be folded and carried in a small bag, ® have reduced our quick sale. Come for the 20% prices to make a ii ae Lo Foi 3 ty and gt rt che Greatest assortment of Hats into which the pump used, also fits. A large number were at the Yacht Club dock to witness the test and were very much impressed with t fine qualities of the boat. It is claim- ed that these boats have been known to carry eleven people. This is the first boat of its kind to be in King- ston. FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. There Were No Sales Becorded at Thursday's Meeting. There were no sales at the Fron- tenac Cheese, Board on Thursday . The highést price offered Gibson's bid of 21 9-16 The following factories ware represented: Howe Island, 42; Hinchinbroke, 30; Silver Spring, 92; Thousand Islands, 52; total, 218. A Good Motto. "A used tool never gets rusty," is the motto of Albert Cross, a well- Panamas for $1.95, $2.95. None over No Hat in the store over $4.95, and scores of beautiful Hats for . $1.95, $2.95 and $3.95 NEW FELT HATS $1.95 to $4.75 - $1.95 to $3.35 The steamer Brockville from Montreal this afternoon with passengers. The steamer Brockville from Picton this afternoon, with package freight. arrived | A Fine Band Concert. } The band concert given by the pt W.O.R. band at Frontenac Park Thursday evening, was very largely | attended, and a fine programme was | given, each member receiving great; applause. The overture "The Little Corporal," and the cornet duet, "The Two Patriots," featuring Sergt. H. Armstrong and musician W. A. Allen certainly deserved the great applause given them. W. J. Christ- mas, bandmaster, conducted the con- cert. Enjoy Yourself. Come and enjoy a sail to Cape Vincent, N.Y. every Saturday and Sunday on Steamer Wauble, leav- ing Kingston 7 am. and 1.15 pm. (standard time). Passengers taking 7 a.m. boat and returning on even- ing boat will have an opportunity to arrived My God To Thee." Mr. M. Grant Thompson has sold his beautiful farm on the Bloom- ||} field road to Mr. Holmes Matthie, of | Hallowell. h i Pleton had severe electrical storms both Monday and Tuesday nights of this week, but from the one last woek. Mrs. R. C. Snelgrove and three children, of Regina, Sask., is holi- daying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomgs Welch, Washburn street. Pleton. United Church held their annual Sunday school picnic at "The Outlet" on Wednesday afternoon. There was also a union picnic from Cherty Valley, Point Petre and Sal- mon Point at the Outlet, the same day. The games were held on the lawn of Mr. H. 8. Miller's simmer home. Mr. H. 8. Colliver, M.P.P., is in spending t /A wety unique wedding ceremony was celebrated by Rev. J. J. Me]lor, pot so (| firebh damage has been reported as 'Oilcloths, Linoleums, Rugs and Window Blinds. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE | Real Estate in all its branches -- Buying, Selling, Renting ll $3,800--New frame Blngalow; | 5 robims, Turnace, ectric light, three piece bath, nice Jrden: in good condition. | is a bargain. ll $4,100--New Semi Bungalow, | all improvements. Deep lot. $4,600--Earl Street, brick, furnace and 1 provements. ll $5,100 -- Rooming house, 8 | bedrooms, (mear the Univers sity), all improvements. A great money-maker. Headquarters for Uallding ll Lots. Prices $50.00. Money to loan on first mort. Houses for reat. Fire Insurance. all ime --_-- Rochester, where their home. Mrs. McLeod and little son, Done ald, are visiting friends In Halifax: of Boston, Mass., are visiting Miss Agnes Kearse and Mr. Sherman Kearse, Centre street. ' Miss Mildred Dingman, of Corn wall, is in town for her with her uncle and aunt, MP. and Mrs. W. H. Williamson, Burns ave