iy _ ThE DAILY BRITISH WHIG And | Tennis Balls 20% Discount - DELOO-LIGHT Mieetrie light and power for coun~ try homens, villages and small towns. > W. ©. CANNON © Bibby Bleek Phone 120-w. At WO Hard Wood Cholce Body Hardwood. Soft Mixed Wood. Kindling and Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son ' 840 NELSON STREET 2 'Phone 1746J. --- . THOMAS OOPLEY Carpenter :: "Phone 887 See us work. Estimates given on new floors for all kinds of Carpentry |} ald. Have your hardwood floors ¢lean- ||| ed with our new floor cleaning ma- J chime. Fine English Silver We have just received a com- plete line of ENGLISH PLATH and STERLING SILVER. This 1s the newest from Sheffield and comprises the following: Tea Sets, Waiters, Meat Platters, Bread Trays, Entree Dish- es, Cake Plates, Com- ports, Sugar Dredg- | Candle Sticks, ers, Gravy Boats, Bon- | "Bon Dishes, etc. Kime § ffs 168 PRINCESS ST, JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY Brick, Stone, Plastering and Tile Setting Douglas & Mcllquham OONTRACTORS 400 Albert Street That which is newest you will find in our collection of Fur ap- parel. We are featur- ing a wide range of Neckpieces in Fox, Squirrel, Martin, Mink, etc. W. F. GOURDIER 78 BROCK STREET WEAVER-WELSH STOVE and EGG COAL $17 SOWARDS COAL CO. TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE BAGGAGE dain pioass-s stow all Wid 'rs. Hobo: biomed ==boats, trains and highways are crowded. Our new Travelling Goods Department is well stocked to Attractive and durable luggage of the "THE SUSPECTS TO STAND TRIAL Brawleys and nd Wright Before Magistrate Bradshaw-- Stolen Goods Identified. «Mr. gpd Mrs. Ross Brawley and James Wright, all of Kingston, were committed for trial on the charge of robbing Thomas H. Craig's store at Verona, Sunday night, when they were given a preliminary hearing be- fore Magistrate Bradshaw, Wednes- day afternoon. The evidence of Mr. and Mrs. Craig and of Constable Maclachlan were taken against all three, whose cases were taken up separately, while that of Samuel McQueen, of this city, was also taken against Wright, he possessing an Important conver- sation with the last accused. The solen goods in the court room were divided into two lots. A table was piled high with men's and. boys' pants and work shirts, overalls, dress goods, boots and tobacco, which had been found by Constable Maclach- lan in bushes half way up Gibson's Hill on the Portland Road. The other articles were a ladies' silk blue and white sweater, a package of Millbank cigarettes and a package of Ogden's fine cut tobacco, which were found In a room rented by Mr. and 'Mrs. Brawley at 192 Ordnance street, city. Stolen Goods Identified. Mr. and Mrs. Craig, who repeated their evidence three times, said they were able to identify most of the property found, principally by the price marks and tags and the hand- writing. Mrs. Craig was sure they had had & sweater exactly like the one stolen. It was in the store Sat- ing. Mr. Craig said he had lost a cartoon or so of Millbanks cigarettes and kept Ogden's tobacco in stock, Mr. McQueen, in his evidence, said that he knew James Wright, and that he had been talking with him on Monday morning about nine a.m. at the corner of Clarence and On- tario streets. The latter had told witnésses that he had taken clothing from a store in Verona that morning and that he had hid it on thé road in from Glenvale, between two hills, of which Gibson's Hill was one. The goods were brought there in a Ford car belonging to another fellow with whom he stayed, Witness did not know the latter. Wright wanted to know of the witness where he could get rid of the goods." He sald he was afraid to bring it into the city in daylight. De- scribing the incident to the witness, Wright said they had left the woman he lives with in the car at the tracks at Verona, while he and his friend went to the store. Later the car was brought to the store to receive the goods. On Tuesday, in a second conversa- tion with the witness, Wright sug- gested getting a horse and buggy to go out to the bushes where the cloth- ing was. Witness met Wright"again on Wednesday. Wright gave him a sealed box of Millbanks, but he could not say whether Wright told him they were from the store. Admission of Wright. y Warned and asked if he had any- thing to say, Wright said he had not seen any of the money taken. Ross Brawley got that. Wright said he was going to his job at Napanee, Sunday night, whén Brawley took it into his head to go out to Verona "to do the job." Wright said he did not know C nor that he had a store. Asked by Mr. Rigney where he got the cigarettes he gave McQueen, he id it was at the bottom of the hill. Neither Ross nor Mrs. Brawley had anything to say, nor would they sign the Magistrate's form to that effect. The former wanted to know if it meant that he was guilty, and said he wanted a lawyer. Though none of the accuged were required to plead, Mrs. Brawley told the court that she was not guilty. Regarding Mrs. Brawley, Con- stable Maclachlan said that after he arrested her on Wednesday, he had asked her, after warning her of the consequences of speaking, what she had been doing at Verona. She re- plied that she had not been there in three weeks. T. J. Rigney, K.C., conducted the prosecution. Mr. Rigney placed Mr. McQuéen under a recognizance for $500. GANANOQUE July 30.----Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Boyle are spending a few days in Toronto. Ted Roadhouse, Toronto, is ex- pected in town today and will be the urday night but gone Monday morn-|" among whom will be the; Commodore, A. Marnell, Montreal, and E. Tressider, rear commodore, | {Ottawd, | Mr. and Mrs. Bohan, Kingston, | were among those who came down | | yesterday for the eivic holiday sports { {at the Driving Park. ! Miss Grace Davis, Kingston, spent | yesterday here with friends. RESULTS OF HORSE RACES IN. GANANOQUE The Kingston n Entries Did Well ' --Fred Patch 8etond In 2.19 Class. tonight, Gananoque, July 30.--Following are the results of the horse races on Wednesday, observed as Civie Holi- day: 2.30 Class. Peter Direct--Charles Ran- dall, Napanee. Maude E---D. Wright, anoque. Macdale--F. 'Metcalfe, 'mang ston.. . Varda Wilks-- Robert Shields Lansdowne. . King © Hal--M. Westport. . .. Time--2.20%; 'Gan- 'MeMartin, 2.29%; 2.29%. 2.50 Class. Donald M---Fred Metcalfe, Kingston. . . Daisy Patch--George Lansdowne.. .. Robert Murray--John "Lowry Kingston. . .. Little Goldie-- William "Fink Odessa. Little Wonder--F. McDonald, Lansdowne. . Time--2.34 % : "Peck, 2.34%; 2. 2.19 Class. Mr. Horton St. Thomas. . .. Fred Pateh--R. Rylsworth, Kingston. 3s Directum Murphy--T. "Nich- olson, Kingston Herman E--Dr. Belleville. . .. 43 Victoria Patch--F. Metcalfe Kingston.. .. .. .. .. 56 6 Time--2.18%; 2.18%; 2.18%. LOWER SCHOOL CERTIFICATES. The Successful Pupils at Napanee Collegiate Institute: Certificates have been issued by the Department of Education in lower school work to the following pupils of the Napanee Collegiate In- stitute in the subjects indicated. The certificates may be obtained from the Secretary-Treasurer of the Nap- ange Board of Education. Certificates in Canadian History, Geography, Art and Botany---Doug- las Alkenbrack, Jean Allen, Martha Allison, Ilah Card, Reg. Chapman, Sidney Cousins, Helen Drake, Del- bert Dupre, Walter Exley, Irene Fox, Norma Fretts, Muriel Garrison, Mary Gerow, Eileen Gonu, Ilah Hart, Mary Hawley, Langford Haycoek. Katherine Henderson, Gordon John- ston, Grace Joyce, Helen Lancas- ter, Jean Lancaster, Florence Lash- er, Marjorie Lloyd, Edith MacMor- ine, William Powell, George Pur- cell, George Reid, Grace Scott, Mar- jon Sills, Edwin Way, Robert Wil- son, Marion Young. Certificates in Physiography, Arithmetic, Zoology and either Eng- lish Grammar or Latin Grammar---- Hazel Bakér, Ruth Dickson, Gladys Galt, Mildred Harrington, Dorothy Hogle, Aileen Lewis, Ruth Loyst, Hazel Martin, Mary Mellow, Leslie Merritt, Irepe Miller, Evelyn Mills, Anna Otis, Marion Roblin, Helen Schell, John Wagar, Reginald Wood- ruff. Certificates have been issued to the following as indicated in the bracket following each name: Lenore Black (Can. Hist, Art, Bot- any), Thressa Barnhard (Physio- graphy), Beatrice Brady (Geos: Art), James Burns (Physiog. Arith. Zodlogy), Janet Clancy (Hist., Beot.), Lilburn Cowling (Hist.,, Geog., Art), Josephine Clark (Hist, Geog., Art), Kathleen Kickson (Zoology), Win- nifred Drake (Gram.;, Physiog), Grace File (Arith.), Carmel Fretts (Hist., Geog., Bot.), Gertrude Grange (Physiog.), Arthur Hall (Geog., Art, Bot), Mary Ham (Hist, Geog., Art), Mabel Hart Physiog), Muriel Hart (Arith.), Donald Hawley (Physiog., Zool.), Eleanor Hudgins (Geog. Bot., Art), Fred Hudson (Hist, Geog., Bot.), Emma Innes (Arith.), Charles Jackson (Bot., Zool.), Helen Joyce (Gram., Arith.), BEdra Me Knight (Gram. w Zool.), Bima McKnight (Art), Milton Mar- tin (Hist, Geog.), Helen (Hist.), Jean Milling (Hist, Bot.), Hattle Milling (Hist, Physiog. Arith., Zool), Marjorte (Gram., Hist, Physiog., Arith., | We'll Say They Need It! The summey schools are on full swing They're teaching almost everything, Almost, but what a chance they're losing Not teaching folks to be amusing! The Leak. Morris: "This country is suffer- fng from & shortage of raw mate- rial." Statler: "Yes, most of it has been used in the books and plays." How To Become Popular. b By Frederick T. "Stettin. T have an old friend Horace Mills; Whenever down the street he drills A whole townful of Jacks and Jills Salaam to him with pleasure. He gets, where he buys ples and cakes, Corn plasters, soda pop or rakes, Tin pans, fish poles, or sirloin steaks, Attention, and good measure. Said I to him, "When I'm your age 1 hope, like you, I'll be the rage; That is no airy persifiage, No flattery I'm handing. I think it is a wondrous thing That everyone your praises sing: I'd like to know how I can bring Myself to such high standing." He said, "I will admit, my boy, My townsmen's praise is truest joy, A pleasure that will never cloy; With peace my soul it fills; Tis due to tay philosophy To greet all people smilingly. Oh yes, and incidentally 1 promptly pay my bills!" Faithful. Mrs. Hulbert: "You used to say you couldn't do enough for me." Hulbert: "Well, ain't I keepin' my promise?" --Gertrude. Some of the girls in the daring bathing suits are getting tanned by the sun when it should be done by their mothers. Neo Joke. Contributor, looking at a batch of material he had written and which was not accepted by the Editor: "Appears as if the Editor belongs to that class of people that can't take a joke." Charles H. Carr. Admission. Hugh: "What do you think of wo- men who wear furs in the summer time?" Fred: "They evidently believe that beauty is only skin deep." , --G. H. T. fit Ain't Gonna-- The Wouse was in great excite- ment, for big sister was going to give a shower to 'a bride-to-be. "What's your sister supposed to do, Jimmie?" asked four-year-old Betty. "Sprinkle the water, I guess," said her five-year-old friend. --B. 'M. Clotworthy. Got What She Wanted. Muriel (just returned from a six weeks' visit): "How did Helen's marriage turn out?" Anita» "Quite satisfactorily, I should say. She married for money White Shoes i fod . 25% Discount We are clearing all lines of White Foot- | wear this week at ONE-QUARTER OFF. All $8.00 linesfor.... $7.00 lines for .... $6.00 $5.00 lines for ... $4.00 lines for . . .. $3.00 E The Abernethy Shoe Store Br ------------ Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers REID'S FOR BETTER HOMES Have Your Home In Order For The Home Coming of The Old Boys. Refurnish your home THE REID WAY now while prices are the LOW EST they have been for years. It insures Comforts Satisfaction and ness--satisfied with the PRICE----satisfled with the QUALITY----and you buy here and have the added comfort in knawing that. you are pity tected from inferior goods. JAMES REID "Phone 147 for Service. and got alimony." % --HBdgar A. Porter. 1025. (Copyright, Reproduction Forbidden). The poison of the gila monster, used in the treatment of locomator ataxia, is so strong that it has to be diluted to the one hundred-thou- sandth part. o | dog Death Severs Historic Link. James M. (Jimmie) Nicol, who died at his summer home near Ban- croft, Hastings County, was first man in Toronto to receive the authentic news of the armistice. At ten minutes to three om the morm- ing of November 11th, 1918, telegraph key clicked out to trained ear the flash, 'Armistice signed." "As indispensable as the Tele- phone" is now a favourite slo- We now handle an ovine of over 41,000 Leng Diganen calla day,