GODKINS LIVERY For bus and taxi, buggies and saddle News From District Places Clay Drain Tile | Si Cenp? suttedny and wonder = mast | MRS. RILEY OF ATHENS WILLE WILDS B ANQUET GIVEN T0 That piece of low ground can be tiled, GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Plate Glass, Liabil- ity, Auto, Burglary and Baggage. GUARANTEE BONDS * Agent Great West Life Assurance Company. R. H. Waddell ] 108 Wellington St. Phone 256. Kingston Transfer Co. 153 WELLINGTON STREET Moves steel, bullding equip- ment, 5 » safes, pianos, ete. . Money loaned against mortgages. "PHONE 377. ings 2231 DR. J. C.W; BROOM Dental Scrgeon iy Don't Forget Our Mid-Summer Sale, July 25th till August 8th Boys' Suits $4.95 Sizes 28 to 85. Values up to $12.00. Prevost's Est'd 1871. 55 Brock Street Lackawanna Coal Everything points to a Coal Strike September 1st. We would sdvise you place your, order for our high grade Lackawanna Coal for delivery now or later before the price ad- REACHES GREAT AGE "Another Story of a Nonagenar- lan Who Is In Good Health. Athens, July 29.--Occasionally one hears of an individual who has {attained a more advanced age than our "oldest resident," yet very few perhaps at her age are still mistress of a home and performing the daily routine of household tasks. In April last, Mrs. Wilson Riley, Wellington street, celebrated her ninety-third birthday, and, though her hearing is somewhat impaired and her sight is slightly dimmed, yet she and her aged husband attend to their duties unaided, except when a friend or neighbor drops in to lend a helping hand. This remarkable old lady was born on the farm mow owned by Adam Hawkins, just south of the village on the Charleston road. She is the last surviving member of a family of fourteen children born to the late James Wiltse and his wife, Mary Coleman. Her grandfather, Joseph Wiltse and family, escaped to Can- ada from the States during troublous times, the wife and children being placed on the back of a faithful black horse who swam the St. Law- rence river at Prescott, the husband HTL ~r~was thinkin' last night how awful lonesome it would be if Papa hadn't married into our family." Funeral At Tamworth. Tamworth, July 80.-- Patrick Murphy, aged eighty-seven years, died on Friday. The funeral was held, on Sunday, at the Roman Ca- tholic church and the remains were buried in the Methodist cemetery. E. Douglas and wife and Mrs. Pome- roy, Buffalo, N.Y., are the guests of L. P. Wells. They intend leaving for Napanee, Thursday morning, en route to Buffalo. Miss Woodman, with a party of ten girls and boys, called on Eulalia Floyd, Sunday last, and spent the afternoon. G. H. Rich- NAPANEE CHILDREN By the Veteran Charles Stev- ens, One of the Town's Leading Business Men. Napanee, July 31.--One of the most unique and largely attended | banquets ever given in Napanee was | be used to advantage. S. held last night at the business pre-, mises of the Charles Stevens Com- | pany.; , The host was the veteran towns- man, Charles Stevens, and his | guests were the kiddies of the town! to the number of five hundred; and each of them received an invita-| tion card which bore a number. | These cards were put in a hat and | the first three drawn entitled the: lucky ones to valuable prizes. ! The following notice was painted: on a banner in the office window: "My Diamond Jubilee, Farewell! Banquet. Orchestra---Refreshments. | Thursday evening, July 30th, 1925. 7 O'clock. Every girl and boy Welcome." o at 3 Altogether there must. have been | nearly a thousand persons present.| Amongst other pleasures the! children had, was all the ice cream | they could eat. Charles Stevens, who is known all! over the American continent, both north and south, as the original dis-} surface water removed, so that the land may {§ 3 Come to us for all sizes of Tile, . : 3 ANGLIN CO. INTE) - Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO 3 Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571 Saturday-A Profitable Buying Op 10 Days--JULY SALE--10 Days Ending SATURDAY, August 1 "at TWEDDELL'S 650 MEN'S SUITS : Without reserve have been reduced in clearance. You have the chance to 8 made by the best manufacturers in Canada, at a WONDERFUL- LY LOW PRICE. ECURE the FINEST Ist, . price to effect a quick ver... $524.50 vena $310.50 ceeee. $14.50 . SUITS --regular $45.00 . SUITS -- $35.00... SUITS --regular $25.00 . . . _ SUITS--regular $20.00 . . . tributor of "Canada Hardwood. Ashes," for fertilizing purposes, is! now an old man in years, though his | heart is still young. He has been] in business here for 50 years and is! making his way across, as best he might. Later this man established a grist mill on the farm now owned by Roy Alguire, Wiltsetown, it be- ing the first mill of the kind in the Vances. NUT, STOVE AND EGG $15.50 per ton ardson is in Toronto with his son- in-law, 'David Rogers, who is quite fll. Mr. and Mrs. Woodman, King- ston, visited at the home of D. B. Floyd's on Wednesday last. Evenings by appointment. FIANO TUNING Vi} » wrronptl & co. Plans Tuning, Repairing ard Player Flano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. "PHONE 184. Telephone 67. 15 Ontario St. . 2334-236 Ontario St. kinds of Stationary and Marine re; vicinity. Previous to this, any wheat flour had to be ground at Brockville. Most people in the early days used more corn meal, which was made from pounding the corn in a hallow- ed out stump of a hard maple tree. The meal was sifted after the pro- cess, the finer grade being made into "Johnny cake" which was baked in -------------------- Lake Opinicon News. Lake, Opinicon, July 25.--The farmers are busy getting in their hay. The frequent showers are a great benefit to the crops. Berry picking is active. Miss Emily Hughson is visiting her sister, Mrs. an ex-mayor of Napanee. For some! years he - published a newspaper! known as "The Napanee Star." He, also had other business enterprises. ! One side of his life and character is not so well known, and that is that! he is and always has been very cha-! ritable and philanthropie, but his! good works have been dome quietly| COMPARE AND PROFIT TWEDDELL'S Reliable Clothes for Men and Young Men" Pron Eng Efficient hd. too. the brick ovens by the fire-place,| B. Kerr, Smith's Falls. Mrs. M.|and unostentatiously. ~~... ¥: Oxy-Acetyiene Welding. the coarser grade, by long slow cook- Darling spent a couple of days at F. Part of the promised entertain- 3 ee oe | Ing In kettles hung by cranes before Best's. A. Darling and family spent | ment of the evening was the "life 5 New Rest Ream located % Noqiien. WY} In Ter) some Boal ol " ' i e new rest room y 3 the fire-places being made into por-|Sunday at Kora Darling's. Mrs. ! story of a boy who started as a sail night with the staff of employees DR.W.A. JONES ridge. Cows were kept from which ample supplies of milk, butter and tunity of making their yearly sup- Trowbridge, Kingston, spent a week | the guest of Mrs. H. Austin. K. Engagement Announced. or, then became a soldier and later on a business man." Riverside Drive, opposite the Town hall, Clayton, N.Y., is now open.The building is of stucco finish and is numbering ninety and room for about forty more. They are besleg~ Wellbrock Offices, 130 Wellington St. = y a Telephone 2714. . || cheese: were produced, thus aug- Darling motored to Crosby on Tues-| The -youngstc-s appreciate the A X-Ray and Physio Therapy menting the bill of fare. Wild ber-| day. kindness of Mr. Stevens and will) the property of the village.The place |ed with orders and the propects tor Office open from 9 a.m. to 5 pam. || ries grew in the woods, and the lux- s------------ never forget his Diamond Jubilee,| has been newly furnished with large future prospérity are certyinly Also Tuesday, Thursday and Satur. ||, maples afforded the oppor- I ---- comfortable chairs and tables, etc., | bright. 7 re day evenings by appointmient, to make everything convenient for _-- Se Ta x a -- ply of syrup and sugar, the latter be- The engagement is announced of Change Sackets Harbor Light. the travelling public. The rest room . ing stored in huge cakes. The, Henrietta Bispeth, daughter of the| The United States hydrographic|is a much needed addition to the B 7 DR RUPERT P. MILLAN methods employed were primitive, |/ate John R. Binning snd of Mrs. | office A Sa he Shirsgers village. P § i | Binning, Montreal, to Dr. David M,|istic of the Sac ets Harbor, N.Y, --- -- 2 : W R McRae & Co. DENT IST ost 2 he ba als_used or le Caldwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. F.| light has been changed from fixed HOTEL 3 : 84 Princess 'Street. Phone 1850 were Yesourceful. and made every-| Caldwell, Arnprior, Ont. The mar-| white light to flashing white every A Busy Firm. In Public Service Since 1784 ION BLOOK Gas for Fainless Extraction thing from furniture to shoe pegs. | riage will take place at the home of | three seconds and of 550 candle- Tayside 'Textiles Limited, who M. BouAN SRIPEIEIOn GOLDEN L OPEN IVYENINGS BY Once, in sugar-making time, when |the bride's parents on Aug. 12th. ' power. bought out the Boyd Caldwell & Co., == | Mrs. Riley was ten years old or so, ho R ons we she and a younger sister went to the I fii} I | Ak id # S AY IT WITH FLOWERS bush to see what was going on. They wo 1 © . decided to go to another bush, separ- : ) * . A By wire anywhere, any time. ated from that by a foaming spring * nd . e can deliver flower gifts on short notice to any town or city anywhere. ; imply call uw and tell us your 'wants--ws will do the rest and satisfaction is guaranteed by The Emily Crawford Flower Shop 171 WELLINGTON & torrent which was spanned by a log. In crossing, the sister slipped in, but the' older Bir] seized her hair, and pulled her to safety. W&ll for her was it that day that the craze for bobbed hair had-not arrived! Amébng her earlier teachers, Mrs. Riley re- ( calls Henry Lillie, and Martha BEl- more, who taught in the building now owned by Abel Kavanagh, and QUALITY COAL | Save your money by | spending it NOW and | insure yourself the additional saving I AH A LADY NU 1H + ictor; nha Ah a A dhdhhh "Phone 2744. House "Phone 1673m. occupied by him as a dwelling. In n \ . 3 1 Coa A ~ - that house, too, (cormer Elgin and : os. which Quality IL 1 > "| Wellington streets) -she ' attended ll I] i 7 rio €8 you calng | Sunday school as a child, the late i ro Tv. gv y Y | g | Mrs. Stone being her teacher. We : Pouning P] hone 133 to-day. In those days the ground sur. ti iy 3 : 3 3 : : rounding 'Athens was densely wood- 2 * ¢ ed, part of the land being swampy. | » BOOTH & CO. 10 [PHere were wolves and wild-cats I ; ' prowling about, rendering it unsafe 4 QUALITY . MEANS ECONOMY d2, 8X AT ONG } to be about after night-fall, and AY aD o'] necessitated a close watch being kept { : 2 ! ; r QREL ABLE Ret for the safety of the stock. Oxen| ; | : . : were used for the most part for t | fo . D8 THOMAS' ploughing and hauling loads, but the v : WA Florist ECLECTRIC cutting of hay and grain was done \ ) TN by means of the scythe and cradle. \ y . h 3 X : Horses were kept for making jour. . 1 N + 380 Wellington Street OlL neys, the mail being carried thus. Nem ; a * When you want the best in Cut - Once while riding horse-back when a ¥ work girl, Mrs. Riley's saddle slipped : ai Plants or design all WATTS 1708 Store, 1187 around carrying her under the horse, residence. ot A Tole. but some bua seeing et) prediea. : : I i mt, ri to her rescu 0! ; CY for a -- wat TaJaped a. Of all the wonderful advancements 3 x NM Dr. William How- ; Ge out-of-town orders so- a ee liam How. --marvelous improvements the new who resided near Soperton, and min- istered to the country-side. Later Dr. R. K. Addison, an eminent prac. titioner in his day, came herd to re- side. "Pe first store she wis Victor © records stand alone--the unrivalled accomplishment of all time. : Acclaimed for over a quarter of a pad 3 All August releases are the legof Lamb ........... 88c. Lamb Fronts ...........25¢ Pork Sausages ,.........200 Pickled Tongues Tresese B00, Picnic Hams tertareaae Be Beef Pot Roast ........, 1%. ~ Stewing Heese sn and 1 Hamburg Steak reesinade 5