THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 198s. ; ---- 4 4 diay i PREPRESS Br roa "DEAR OLD KINGSTON" { WEIL WOME A i : : £ 4 , | ASE - Sieh af} 75 = WR i : : "Dear ingston!" Sh Q Ih NRBReTE 3 3 g | stonians express themselves. cforms: 4 € CO € Oo € | ---- Er ------ 5 LER 3 ; to the old home town, in their letters hei days. Th vill talk that Sr at th ll aver ALWAYS EVERYWHERE IN youth--th, d old days. Stories will be told and retold of ife's batts, Lf CANADA their struggles, ups and down et, etc, and it will be a time of great rejoicing. That Kingston will "go of the top" in its reunion goes witho say. 4 ing. The stage is all set, and as Mayor y Angrove says, "The city is yours; paint it whatever color you like." = ( S "Old Home Week" will linger for ; g » years in the minds of all who take i . on part in the celebration. ; i ------------ ome Yee ou oE oamvALs Matches a! A ] 8 . and also on their arrival in the city, FHARMASYIV She PE A RT : : ; Back to the old town for the reun. ; oo ion. The long-looked for event is now on the calendar, and Kingstonians from all parts of the globe are congre- gating in Kingston, for a week of fes- tivities. Here the boys and girls of yesterday will meet those whom they knew in Wy Aad da 4 4 2 -- The ice carnivals at the old covered 4 ) rink thirty years ago, will no doubt be * 3 ---- - - " oC recalled by many of the old boys and Ek SM - _ Li g : > girls pa ing a visit to Kingston, Ra as a as BEY St. Mark's Church, Barriefield. The-Tiles of the Whig for the win. ie n--~. ter of 1805 contains glowing accounts of these events. "These carnivals are looked forward Many old friendships will be renewed when the to with no little concern," says the wanderers come back to the old town. The County of F YONLENAC" {| Whig in one wien peters the er could not have been desired, and 4 hhh dd 4 4 A 4 4 4 4 WY ay hn no 4 4 be 4 | the ice was in perfect condition. It had ® : . . © Family groups will re-assemble, and the story of old, $ : been given lots of time to freeze. We Extend a Bi haif- forgotten things will be re-told. } Picturesque Fr ntenac County stret- rir a farge number of colonists who | white many of the costumes were ches one hundred miles north from | did not wish to surrender their British very extravagant, still the impersona- l tlegiance and citizenship, migrated to tions were more taking. There were TO OUR MANY FRIENDS: : Why not resolve, here and now, to keep alive at least shores where Lake Ontario and the h ] 3 y ' 8 3 Canada and were allotted large tracts Some of the friendships that will be re-kindled when the | River Su Lawrence mest, and etme] of Lan oy vanes, Shoued lar country | 3% et Jou men Wi . Old Boys come home ? braces within its boundaries innumer- fupon which to settle. These men and oi was indeed comical." and sincerely hope your visit to your Home Town will. long be remembered through the many pleasant reunions, able lakes and streams. No other dis- women were known as United Empire A Mitchell & Co ® @ » Wy Vy Vy 4 Aiud h A 4 4 4 4 a 4 "Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station." VV WW NNN ININIppppy . : . ft in that and many other natural ad- honor not only for the motive which least an occasional talk when the celebration is over and | vantages which render it a peculiarly prompted them to come to this new : the visitors have goné back home. | delightfyl summierlatd to those seek- {and primitive land, but for their hero y ing rest, health or recreation. ism and dauntless spirit in overcoming . . The first of these hardy adventurers The first named road led up from Port. . LACK. y W ANNA CO: \L | to visit this region was Champlain | jand through Hinchinbrooke and Old- . { | who, returning in 1615 from an €Xpe- | en Townships to Clarendon and. Miller Be ap IMPORTER OF THE CELEBRATED Fo dition on the south shore of Lake On. and Palmerston and Canonto while WELSH COBBLES COAL 15 Ontario Street It is so good to hear the familiar voice--s0 much eas- Although it Lis one of the oldest the difficulties and braving the hard- ah : counties of Ontario and 'many of its ships which met them here. The com- ier, too, then letter writing, and so much more satisfac- townships are full of prosperous farms | panies which came to this region set. and thriving villages, there are still tled upon the shores lying just east and great tracts in its northern section | west of Kingston, and many of their Evening and night rates make Long Distancé inex- where, except for the roads which descendants .are still residents of this Station-to-station services i Keeping thousands Wind Sve rocky hills and through Codnty, : pensive. on 8 ping | wooded valleys and in spots where It was not until 1855 when the col- of widely separated friends and relatives in weekly touch busy miners are wresting from the | onization roads, known as the Fron. with other earth gold and other precious ores, the tenac and Addington roads, were be- each . country presents the sams unspoiled gun by the government of Upper Ca. tario, entered the mouth of the Catara- the - other road beginning in the ad- qui river at what is now the city of joining County gave access to Barrie, Kingston, and proceeded northerly up | Settlers came slowly, although lum- its_course "about twelve leagues" and: bering operations for a time brought then by portage to one of the lakes unusual activity throughout the whole 5 iri which there abounded. Here they en- of the rear half of the County, and 3 gaged in a hunt in which Champlain | even yet in the more remote sections became Separateq yom his Sompan: many square miles are sparsely settled ions and was lost for three ays in the | because for the most past they are not dense forest, but finally, after much suitable for agticoNtie hoa hav- Anotht ah PARY, REDFORD North | the typawsiter magnifies the sten-|ean be taken by special 'tube and hardship, happily found his way back 'ing great attractions and rewards for | Frontenac. ographer's notes. Same. Plan to make use of Long Distance. Arrange for at jt in the province can coipare with | Loyalists and their memory is held in beauty as greeted the early explorers nada, that the settlement of the. Nor- SOLE AGENT FOR Sy three centuries ago. thern district became at all general, to them. His description of the district the miner, hunter, tourist and other EE ---- nt leaves little doubt that it was in the kindred spirits. > " yy A new device which 18 attached to Photographs of the stdmach now heart of what is now Frontenac Coun-| The County of Frontenac is com= ty, probably somewhere in Bedford posed of sixteen municipalities of Township, : which one, Portsmouth, is a village, After the American war of independ-{ and the others township 1862 PIA NO S | ; 1925 AND : But success will quicker find them BE A BOOSTER If they know that your behind them. Boost for every forward movement. - : . Boost for every new improvement. In his letter to City Clerk Dr. W. |" Boog the man for whom you labor. : W. Sands, in which he returned | Boost the stranger and the neighbor, ? thanks for the invitation extended to] Boost the oné's whom you employ : ¢ him to attend the old boys celebration,| Whether man, or girls, or boy. Mr. M. G. Storms, of Rutherford, New| Cease to be a chronic knocker n Jersey, stated that the old saying re- Cease to be a progress blocker verberates: "There's No Place Like] If you'd make your school and city Home." In his letter, Mr. Storms also better, , contributed the following under the Boost them to the final letter. heading, "Be A Booster" ! Boost your city, boost your friend; More than 800,000 women and Boost the church that you attend. girls in . London are employed in Boost the street on which you dwell, | Fusiness and professions. s Boost the goods that you sell, American apples ure more popu- Boost the people around about you, | lar in Egypt than those received | They can get along without you. , |from Italy and Greece. audi a acs @ 1 ee AD now let us tell you about the new baby--the lat- est arrival, i" ity that has characterized Wehe products for the past | ThenewBabyGrandisof the same standard of qual. eR) As proof--the first Grand was sold to one of King- ston's best citizens before it was completed. . IT'S A BEAUTY!