7 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1925. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC EE ---- ---- TT | i» { ONE NAN IN HOSPITAL TT IS CR FREE || vor me | i ANOTHER I JAL ||| Fore Eine PROBS: Fine and warm on Thursday "HOME WEEK OLD BOYS As ie Rost of Sleady Fism RECALLS OLD DAYS IN KING. NEE EEN ENE ENE EEN EER in Glamorgan Township, |" = STON. ) : AND BB SPECIAL Near Lindsay. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 2.--(To the [ill 5 -- { Editor): I am one of the "old boys" One gold plated Auto GIRLS Lindsay. Aug. 5--Willpm Stot-| who 8 ° it inconvenient to visit the 9 - OF ; hart, a lumberman living in the|old Lin one City this year, but Strop Razor, com township of Glamorgan, about ten | hope to have the pleasure of read- ' . , T « miles south of Haliburton, in the)ing the enclosed poem in the col- > plete with Strop mn KINGSTON ¢ Gooderham direction, lies in the |umns of the weekly edition of your | { { valued paper which is one of the - & metal case free with Ross Memorial Hospital badly beat- may have t h e en up and in a serious condition, as | permanent institutions Kingston one large package of . . a result of an assault committed by | boasts of. I left the old home town L Blad 3 jolliest home- | Sidney Fairfield, a farmer, living in [in 1892, but there remains still in ades. . : h d |'the same neighborhood. Fairfield is | my heart a tender spot for King- . . 5 ONLY at this Store coming with goo at present in the Lindsay county ston. To-morrow we offer some exceptional bargains-- season- . - jail, having been remandec r eight | Sincerely yours, 3 . . . health and pros ore Ta aon ears ra: | witLiam sTaxLey. |B able merchandise at give-away prices. perity always 1s | tion until the condition of Stothart|65$40 East Lafayette ave. . ns : 2 = [~ is fully shown. -- ® es { the hearty wish of | Constable Porter states that the | "The Round House Gang." j scene of the attack presented a | J . { Prescription Specialist | sorry spectacle, -considerable blood (By William Stanley, Detroit.) S THAN COST Phone 59, | " | | having been spattered in all direc- ) : ] AT LES - q 1 € " C | tions. The wonder is how Stothart, | am lonesome tonight for the days mL : ce { who is a man about fifty-seven | of yore : i CF : | | years old, had strength enough to| When the showts of my old pals i . f B | | row across the river and ride five | rang. ' / | miles to his brother's home. Need I be ashamed of the tear in my : Fy 1 'PROGRESSIVE LEADER As I think of the "round-house E : / Bateman's Real Estate SF ~O@e"™ MAKES A PROMISE» sare tote wp ot hoon BRICK BUNGALOW---7 rooms, 3 pc. town, And stood on its streets so fair; Ti . hots tocagan he Aube lot asd That Progressive 'Party WIIl| Then, friend. I'm hungry to hear | =md $4.50 to $7.95, for| $8.00 to $15,75 for | you talk $2,000--Frame, 4 rooms, B. and T., | Support Progressive Meas- And give me news from there. | ; electric tight. | ures of Any Party. i $3,000--Frame, 7 rooms, 8 p. bath, { ee Does Kingston remain the same old = 5,2 electric light and furnace. " Regina, Sask., Aug. 5.--When the place = * Government introduces progressive | That it was in my boyhood days? = $4,000 -- Brick, semi-detached, 8 For the next month, we will meas : wi iv i = 1easures they will be given Pro-| Are its streets as shady, the sun as = Faas, 8p. bath, eletiric MEBs avd ff oo 'Gag Pipes inside tbe = ® & deep lot and garage. | gressive support," declared Robert bright, wall of your house. Forke, M.P., leader of the Progres-| Does each face reflect its rays? 000-- Brick 8 p. bat ) | sives in the Federal house, who ad- *, Yous, 8 P he Auyone desiring to become a dressed a largely-attended public|Is the stranger welcomed with N 2 electric light and furnace, garage. consumer of the best and | meeting here last night. smile | ; Ih materials are Voiles Endtish Broad- 87,500--Brick, all modern, central. cheapest fuel on the market, B| «I am prepared," continued Mr. | As he was in the days gone by? e€ = MONEY TO LOAN. 'phone 1604 for full informa- Forke, "to say the same thing to Does he know the heart by the same | cloths, Ginghams, Linen, Foulards, CUSTOMS BROKER tion. the Right Hon. Arthur Meighen, hand shake, | ) C } KINDS OF INSURANCE. when he introduces progressive |And the twinkle in the eye? | + \ Repps, French repes. 44 If it can be done with heat measures he will get Progressive | BS 1113 BROCK ST., KINGSION you can do it cheaper with GAS. Bl support." Do you happen to know the police- | ad . - --_-- men's names? | The sizes are 16 to 52. eos . egege Are they dressed as they used to be? | Public Utilities SIX ARE ED ROBSING Tell something about the old home = " town | ~ un ) ' It will all be news to me. A SPECIALTY (One Woman Has Fractured Lecal and leag distance. C. C. Folger, 8kull and Others Broken For more than thirty years have : oto: w r as | . L s Millin SN L. BAYANT Cenc Saag Bone. cn Srna. art nt es Drastically Rednced--Summer Millinery Street. 'Phone 1753.) | Yet my heart returns to the good old 6 Petérboro, Aug. 5 Mrs. Cronk, days Sulphide, is 'in Belleville General | when they 'called us the "round- | Hospital suffering from a fractured house gang." nN skull and several others are in the same hospital with broken arms or Canadian Pacific. = mu ribs and severe cuts and bruises as -k fice, 180 Well- MEN"S GREY FLANNEL TROUSERS-- the result of an accident at a cross- meen 70 de a joel following | I ing three .mlles east of Tweed. - arrivals of their steamships: Wide or regular bottoms . ...... $4.50 A sedan, owned by Mr. Myatt, of | "Tihvals Of thelr steamehipe: Picton, and driven by his son, of the Quebec Aug. 6th. NEWEST OILED LINEN RAINCOATS-- same town, was struck by a west-| Montnairn, from Quebec, due Bel- bound C.P.R. freight train. The car| pass and Glasgow, Aug. 6th. Sizes 36 to 44 ston sesrre eran $12.50 was completely wrecked and all of Montclare, from Montreal, due the occupants sustained more or less Liverpool, Aug. 7th. severe injuries, five having broken Melita, from Antwerp, Southamp- MEN'S BUTTONLESS UNDERWEAR-- bones. ton, Cherbourg and Queenstown, due - The occupants were Mr. and Mrs Quebec Aug. 7th. All BEBBE o o.ov.0. 0.009 ov tun oe $1.25 Myatt, senior, Picton, the owners of Minnedosa, from Montreal, due the car, their son and grand-daugh-| Cherbourg and Southampton Aug. CKWEAR ter, Mrs. Cronk and her daughter,|gth and due Antwerp, Aug. 7th. NEWEST NE -- both of Sulphide, and Mr. and Mrs Metagama, from Glasgow, due OurPrice ......... .......... 95. Fulenord, Trenton. Quebec, Aug. 8th. Empress of Russia, from Hong The Third Watery Battle. Kong and Yokohama, due Van-| MEN"S SILK HOSE-- There was another huge crowd on | couver, Aug. 10th. the market square at noon on Wad- Empress of Asia, from Vancouver, . Newest designs VAs see» 50¢. to 95c¢. nesday to see the third water battle. | arrived Yokohama, Aug. 3rd | * ' N . The firemen were not so careful with due Hong Kong, Aug. 10th. a 1€S (0]0) u overs their hoses and there was more fun than ever. Those taking part were INTOXICATED CAR DRIVER | NEY'S Firemen Saunders and Patterson Regular $3.25to $4.50. : varsus Firemen Shepherd and Cam- Sentenced to Term of Seven Days eron, while Chief Armstrong and in Jail. Capt. Reid refereed. The demon- The second case within two days $ 1 KO Thursday <r 60 smart, Colored Hats in ~~ 75 Mid-Summer Hats in beautiful colorings and White. A great range of shapes. Regular $4.50 to shapes. Regular $6.50 to $10.00. $10.00. \ stration of the motor pump includ- of a young man charged with driv- PRINCESS STREET ed directing three lines of hose thg a motor car while intoxicated through one nozzle, producing a came before Magistrate Farrell, on spray that shot sixty or seventy feet w d ing. agd th ~cus- tL - into the sky, and could reach from | vy oon, morning. ad the accus- .75 Ladies' Wool Pullovers--all colors and color com- King street to the treasurer's of- days in jail. binations-- Peter Pan'and Cricket Neck styles. Full fice. . range of sizes. Presentation to Rev. Mr. Smart. driving down Princess street, in a ' The Tweed High School Board | zig-zag fashion and that the car ran met in the Huyck House, when Fred into the curb two or three times. Houston, vice-chairman of the The accused said that he had been - a ° ® ° board, in.the absence from town ot > ' Wilbur Gordon, on behalf of mem- jrisking Satrace of. lemon 2544 Men S Balb all Combinations ory Ol ! ] or bers of the Board, presented Rev. : In addition to the term in jail Me Sioare ih 8 Beantife) iin) the accused was fined $10 and costs . ° Ppreciation ~, charge of being intoxicated. were expressed by those present. # " ° The ladies of St. James church did © v at 1 sey at $ 1 25 ' not forget Mrs. Smart and children, oe ot Sr NN July 22nd : 'C b P . for two addresses pere presented to : : 1 1g- i i 1S ce that estimable lady? accompanied by [ MS. Rebecca McCreary, wife of J. '12 dozen Simpson's Balbrig enman's 222 Combinations N. McCreary, formerly of Napanee. : 3 h t ' : " a case of silver knives and forks, an Combinations shor --8l1Zes 34 to 44. Short a while the two children were the reci Stie leaves, bedides hor husband, ons g nd pients of fountain pens. daughter, Gladys Lynter, Winnipeg. and long sleeve -- ankle long sleeve--ankle length ~~ > One son, Rupert, predeceased his mo- . . i --. . Tr w ago. . 1 h. Sizes 34 to 44. First f Window Screens 35¢ and 60c each Watertown Band Here. the bobs Sa =. hi Biggs iy voi ved Regular $ | 23 . / regular $l 13 a Suit. 1 in and The Watertown band, twenty-two |Saul, Winnipeg:. Joseph Saul, Screen Doors with H ges strong, in neat dark blue uniforms, Seattle; Willle and James Saul, To- Pull * se eisine .$2.50 and $3.50 ea. reached the city about 1.30 on Wed- | ronto; Mrs. J. W. Stewart and Mrs. : 4 : : nesday. They paraded up the main | Susan Robinson, Camden East. Also i 5 3 a - % 4 py Electric Toasters ees alone $6.00 each. streets, two young ladies represent-{iwo grandchildren in Des Moines and 3 500 Y ds. English Broadcloth ing Liberty and Canada in the lead, | two in Winnipeg. : Gas Hot Plates $3.50, $5.00, $7.00 ea: and with them Mayor Angrove, Dr. Sands and other members of the Put Wreaths On Graves. | Burner Ovens ........$5.00 each or Cartes, Sad aadmas- tie, Samal curemony of the ff Regular 90c. to $1.25. 2 Burner Ovens. ........$6.00 each The Enguiy Wilmed, Riss at: oohridiifie Someta: i ; 69 Electric Lamps--25, 40, 60 watt, JH ot 6k 10% Toronto mumiivat | of maple eaves Mee M. 'cataens | Thursday OJC jail, following complaints of prisou-| Renfrew, sent one composed entire- | 38 cr sfesa sssisaibinee. ior $1.00 . al, lg low ng 50 enfrew, sent o ers suffering from "porridge rash," |1y of maple leaves. The girls of St. | - : ¥ % od has been widened into an inquiry | Mary's high grade school, Folke-| I 500 yards in the lot--Stripes and Patterns -- 40 inches into the diet at all provincial insti-| stone, placed maple leaves on the | IB - To i tutions, prisons, county jails and|graves, the leaves being sent|H wide. To clear to-morrow at less than cost. four jail farms. from Canada by the Misses M. A. | ° Higginson, C. Grant, M. Stewart and | . : Ve IC Car Reported Stolen. M. Caldwell, Renfrew. Tae A ; 7 The police were notified on Wed- » : - nesday, to be on the lookout for an Nearly 500 members of the Lon- 2 ; . Limited automobile, which was stolen on |don Scottish Regiment = ---- TT ------ Tuesday night. The car, owned by a route march from Aberdeen to 'visitor to the city, was parked near | Perth. Victoria park. The police Nave the M. Caillaux will go to Washing- | : * number of the car. ton only if Americans will agree to|jg ae . ' i . . oy i Here Reunion. reunion, and being warmly wel- megotiate terms of debt funding. YET : Kingsto Shopping Cen nce 1881 A aa Mr Soh, of the costed by their an Iriooas' hare. Two bandits broke into Speacer's | gu : : ns tre S 3 * vat rmy, Peterboro, formerly | They took part in the Army services 8 . y : Rien. v Bg. t | pS ly