THE DAILY BRITI ISH WHIG KINGSTON STUDENTS |< CAN -- Literature, C | PASSED EXAMINATIONS ¢ Sn rw Bem & Veale, Lauretta, A. s Monkis: Comp] Vine: Can W.--Algebra, C; French EAEAEEEERNIEENENENNANENANEANEEANNENEREREREENE "ISATURDAY!} f The Last and Greatest Day at | STEACY'S PROBS:-- Saturday, light winds, fair and compara. tively cool. FREE HOME WEEK SPECIAL One gold plated Auto Strop Razor, com- plete with Strop in metal case free with 'one large package of fl Blades. - ONLY at this Store. L.T. Best 'Phone 359, (Continued 1: trom Page 2.) | m _ Patterson, Bryce R.--Eng. Comp., l ; Literature, C; British History, C; | A Si Lisa 1st. Percival, John A.--British His- tory, C. Percival, 3rd; Geometry, Latin Authors, Latin Comp., | | 3rd; French Authors, 3rd; French ugh, n--Eng. Comp., ne; | Comp, C. iter : ; British History, | Peters, Lillian P.--Eng. Comp. |C stry, 2nd. |C. Way, "Ronal d--Eng. Comp., C. Peters, Melville J.--Eng. Comp. | Weir, Irene V Eng, Comp, C; C: Ancient History, C; Algebra, Ist; | Literature, 2nd; British History, C; Geometry, 1st; Latin Authors, 2nd; | Chemistry, 3rd; Latin Comp, 3rd. French Authors, C. : Westlake, William B.--Latin Au- thors, 3rd; Latin Comp, 2nd. Pickering, Kilborn L.--Litera- ture; 2nd; British History, 8rd: White, Thomas L.--Eng. i Ci Chemistry, 1st. hemistry, 3¢ E.--Literature, 1st; Pierce, Muriel BE.--Algebra, 3rd; : Geometry, 1st; Physics, 3rd; Chemis- try, 1st; Latin Authors, 3rd. Pixley, Etta R.--Algebra, C. ck, Allan--Literature, C: British: History, 3rd; Chemistry, DIAMONDS Have Wonderful Possibilities . Let us show you how the gems from your ring or old necklet may be re- mounted in new, attrac tive settings. t F--~Eng. Com i; British Horr b ¥V.--Algebra, Physics, 2nd; | William 1st; 2nd; The cost is very moderate and the new Ring or Bar _Pin is always most pleasing. "> Wilder, Stuart--Eng. Comp., erature, 3rd; British History, C; mistry, 2nd. Williams, Clarion L.--Chemistry, C. Wilson, Lois I---Ancignt History, C; Che. FOR SALE Bateman's Real Estate BRICK BUNGALOW--7 rooms, 8 pe. electric light, double lot and For the next month, we will 2nd. Patterson, Marion I.--Eng. Comp.. 3rd; Literature, C; British History. C; Chemistry, 1st. Publow, Marjorie R.--Eng. Comp., C; Literature, 3rd; British History, 1st; Ancient History, C; Chemistry, 3rd. Puttenham, Annie .Comp., C; Ancient Physics, C. Raney, Douglas E.-ging. Comp. { C: Ancient History, C; Algebra, 2nd; | Geometry, 2nd: Chemistry, 1st; | Latin Authors, 3rd; Latin Comp., C; French Authors, C; French Comp., C. M. -- Eng. History, C; Algebra, 1st; Geometry, 1st; Physics, 2nd; Latin Authors, 2nd; Latin Comp. C; French Comp., C; French Authors, 3rd: Wilson, Muriel A.--British History, C; Ancient History, C; Geometry, 2nd. Wiltse, Alberta M.--Eng. Comp., C; Geometry, 1st; Physics, 3rd; Chemis- try, C. Wise, Howard S.--~Chemistry, C. Wright, Hilda G--Anc. History, C. Yampolsky, Sarah C--~Algebra, C; Geometry, C. The above list includes only the students of the Kingston Collegiate Institute. Several Kingston boys at- Damp Goods Sale! To-morrow is positively the last day. Prices have been cut to the bone for a final clearance. HALF PRICE N\ BRUSSELS RUGS COCA VERANDAH MATS 15 only, Brussels Rugs. Size 6 | 60 in the lot, all wanted sizes; ft. 9" by 9 ft. All good de-| fancy painted borders. Priced signs and every Rug marked| regular $1.50 to $10.00. with its original price ticket. original price ticliet REMNANTS STAIR CARPET 100 yards, all lengths, in Mil- tonsand T: ies--27 inches _ wide. Regular $1.50 to $4. 75 a yard. install GAS Pipes inside the wall of your house. Ready, Frances C. M.--Algebra, 3rd; Geometry, 3rd. Reid, Howard M.--Literature; C; Ancient History, C; Geometry, 1st. Reid, John M.--Algebra, 1st; Geometry, 2nd; Physics, 3rd; French Authors, 3rd; French Comp., C. Reid, Thelma K.--Literature, 1st. Rider, Charles S.--Latin Comp, C. Robbs, Hannah F.--Eng. Comp., + C; Literature, C; British History, C: Chemistry, C. Rowland, Dorothy Comp.; C; Literature, History, C. Rowland, Comp., 3rd. Sanders, Douglas 2nd; Physics, 2nd. tending out-of-town schools wrote their examinations here, but theif results will be announced at the schools they attended. | WRN oR | Clearances of steamers on Thurs- day: Norman B. McPherson, east at E. --Eng. 2.30 p.m.; McKinstry, east at 2.40 3rd; British |p.m.; John J. Rammacher, west at 6.30 p.m.; Jeska, for Oswego. Clearances Friday: Beaverton, east at 1.45 a.m.; Kamloops, west lat 2 a.m.; Watkins F. Nesbitt, west {at 6.45 p.m.; Kingston, for Pres- Sanders, Ernest A.--Eng. Comp., |cott this morning, returning this 3rd: Literature, C; British History, [afternoon and clears for Charlotte) C; Chemistry, C. {and Toronto; City of Hamilton, east Sanders, Frank H.--Eng. Comp., | this morning; tug Weddell, for / 3rd; Literature, -C; British History, | Belleville this morning. MEN'S GREY FLANNEL TROUSERS-- ES Lita, Oi le wa et gto ot 1s Wide or regular bottoms . $4.50 British History, C; Chemistry, C. [Collingwood Shipbuilding Company's Scott, Geraldine M.--Algebra, (dry dock undergoing repairs. : NEWEST OILED. LINEN RAINCOATS- .. : 'Sizes36to44 .............. $12.50 2nd; Geometry, 3nd. The .teamer Brockville is due MEN'S BUTTONLESS UNDERWEAR- Shannon, Srearet from Picton this afternoon. MEN'S SILK HOSE--s r . 50c. to 95¢. Comp., 'C; Chemistry, 1st. "The steamer Britannic is due Shurtleff, George W.--British from Montreal thig aftergoon. va» v$1.28 History, C; Algebra, 1st; Geometry,| The tourist traffic to and from the All sizes 2nd; Physics, 3rd. United States is increasing steadily NEWEST NECKWEAR » Shurtleff, John E.--Algebra, €; and the steamer Waubic carried a Geometry, C. very large number of cars across PRINCESS STREET Auyone desiring to become a consumer of the best and cheapest fuel on the market, 'phone 1604 for full informa- tion. If it can be dome with heat you can do it cheaper with GAS. Public Utilities Commission C. C. Folger, % General Manager. ar' Eleanore M.--Eng. A.--Algebra, "os 0 0 REMNANTS OF OILCLOTH 200 yds., in widths | yard to 2 yards wide--all lengths--just half the regular price. Silver, Marion L.--Eng. Comp, |this morning. 3rd; Literature, C; British History, C; Chemistry, 1st. Simmons, Bert.--Algebra, 2nd. Simmons, Gladys R.--Literature, C; Chemistry, 3rd. Simmons, Katherine G.--Amncient History, 3rd; "Algebra, 2nd; Geome- try, 3rd; Physics, C; Latin Authors, 3rd; Latin Comp, 1st; French Au- thors, 3rd; French Comp., 2nd. Simpson, Donald M.--Algebra, C; Latin Authors, C. Simpson, Fred H.--Chemistry, 1st; Eng. Comp., 2nd. Sinclair, Clara E.--Algebra, C; Geometry, 1st. Skelton, Herbert H--Eng. Comp., 3rd; Literature, C; British History, C; Chemistry, 3rd. Skinner, Ruth A--Ancient History, C; Algebra, 2nd; Geométry, C; Latin Authors, 2nd; Latin Comp, 3rd; French Authors, 1st; French Comp, 3rd; Spanish - Authors, 3rd; Spanish Comp, C. Smith, Clifford W.--Eng. Comp, 2nd Literature, C; British History, 3rd; Chemistry, 3rd. Smith, Jean E.~Ancient History, C; Geometry, 1st. Smith, Loren D.--Eng. Comp, C; Literature, C; British History, C; Chemistry, C. Adolph 8. Ochs, publisher of the New York Times, and one of the most prominent newspaper men in the United States, will arrive at Alexandria Bay, on Sunday, for a {quiet rest. Alexander Sly died on Wednes- day at Black River, N.Y,, aged eigh- |B ty-one years. He was born at Elgin, Ont. His wife, formerly Miss Rachel Wiltse, also of BEigin, survives. If only a week of dieting would make you as lean as you feel inside. LUCKIN Phone 888 BEEF Oven Roasts, 1b. 15¢. 25% Discount Our entire stock of Curtains, Curtain Nets, Velours, Com- forters, Placement Rugs, Pullovers, Fancy Curtain materials, Tapestry eovetings all marked in plain figures--less 25%. MEN'S COMBINATIONS Penman's 222. Sizes | 34 to 44. All styles -- regular $1.75. Sale Price .:... $1.29 NEMO CORSETS Sizes 23, 24, 25. Dis- continued lines. 25 pairs only. Reg. $6.50. Half Price LADIES' SWEATERS 10 doz. Ladiés Wool Pullovers --~ sizes 38 to 42--all colors -- reg. $3.50 to $4.75. 'READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Keep Up With Progress A 3 Burner Gas Stove with lower oven and ? gil top oo vviatininin vanes +29920.00 « A 3 Burner Gas Stove with lower oven, white enamel oven door and ship A 4 Burner Gas Range with lower oven, . white enamel ' trim and grey enamel ROP «i sie sive ins satel) + +a 335.75 A 4 Bum Cabinet Range, . white Smith, Norman--Eng. Comp, 2nd; Literature, 3rd; British Hisfory, Sprott, Isabella R.--Algebra, 2nd; Geometry, C. Sproule, Flora, M.--Eng. Comp, 1st; Literature, 1st; Chemistry, C. Stafford, John M.--Eng, Comp. 2nd. Stewart, John D.--British History, 1st; Ancient History, 3nd; Physics, ist; Latin Authofs, 1st; Latin Comp., ist; French Authors, 1st; French Comp, 1st. Struchen, Julius A---~Physics, C; uthors, C, French A SE mi; Literature, 1st; British History, 'Susman, Bex Algebra. 101; Gages try, 1st; Physics, 1st; ga. Jats Gugmes Pot Roasts, 1b. 123. Stews, Ib. ..... 6c. Hamburg, Ib. . 10c. Pork Chops, Ib. 32¢. Pork Sausage . . 20c. Lamb Stews .. . 18c. Lamb Shoulders 25¢. -- TEA. Our special ..... 5%. || SCOTCH GINGHAMS Anderson's Scotch Ginghams -- Plaids, Stripes and Checks -- regular 50c. yard. 36 pd FLANNELETTE White and Colored -- Sale Price ... $1.59 TABLE CLOTHS All Linen, 2 x 2} -- regular $7.00 each. Sale Price ... $4.95 DRESS VOILES 200 yards) only, Be-| dora Voile§. Range BROADCLOTH SHIRTS 60 only, genuine, lish Broadcloth Sh Regular $4. 50. 1 . MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS 1st; Latin Comp, 1st; Sac Authan, 10 dozen Forsythe $575 onirts -- regulas $213. - viniaisit ans ais YT 'enamel Te Ranger whit : ~The oven ig enamel lined to prevent : tory, (RN __-s 5 Boe uch quali Rog. fe nh wd; Chemis a a 2 + 2°8Y ? lar 25c. < ! NS \ of colors --\ regular 69c¢. yard.