Ra Phone 316 | "cholens'in 2 = ; ---- -- -- News From District Places || COALINSURANCE ODESSA TEAM TOOK | | GODKIN'S LIVERY | | | LIGHTNING KILLS ~~ | LAST LEAGUE GAME HORSE AT STELLA re tn Fa « Since the outcome of the Coal Strike is uncertain--as-& Safeguard against a possible coal scarcity during Fall and 0 Winter months, we advise consumers to lay in x % one quarter or half of their season's supply. during the Summer; Bus for Satafaqu 0 "nen? saturday Monday ot] + Alse truck for moviag. KINGSTON TRANSFER CO. 158 WELLINGTON STREET ment, Felghb Sted. Ming Sauip- | | J 2 4 MONEY LOANED | (The Odessa Stage and Mall And Plays Queer Pranks in a Yell D.L. & W. Scranton Anthracite. . 07%, Evenings 2281. reparation has been | Route Has Been Sold te. | Severe Storm on Amhersi Ss. Remeber : | and has Bo equal for offset M. Frin Island. Se ANGLIN CO, LIMITED a ory, Lula! : Stella, Aug. 235.--A very severe electrical storgy passed over the head Odessa, Aug. 24.--The baseball, working > BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO "Fs Liabi ul Put up only by The T. Milbum Co. | game played by the Odessa team and r : . Fi re, Plate Glass, bil Limited, Toronto, Ont. Co, Adolphustown team at Newburgh, | of the Island on Wednesday Morne Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571 last Thursday, was by far the most | ing last. The lightning struck a large | : the. township shed at| tree near important event of the season as it' Rp @ GUARANTEE BONDS ity, Auto, Burglary and B decided the honor of holding the silver cup which was won by Odessa, Emerald. Slight traces of the light-| o ning passed through the shed. Sev- | eral milk drawers had just driven Agent Great West Life Assurance the score being 10-8 in their favor Company. and the last league game of the sea- into the shed out of the storm. The aon. > ; | lightning knocked 'al} the horses off | Joseph Anglin has sold his stage their feet. One of a span belonging] and mall route to Murl Frink, who {Skinny missed the apple he was ; } What are the Correct Coat and Suit Styles for Men this Fall? Will advance on Sepfember Igt. We advise you to see to your coal supply at ence. to George Cork, was instantly Killed, | and the other is still in a serious! 86 BROCK STREET Book: youd o at Gave before taok possession last Thursday. Mr. | gofs' to shoot off o' my head with 328 and we vanes tek 3 3 Anglin contemplates: running a ig Rive but It didn't make | condition. Parts of the metal on | Sold only By large buss from Tweed to Kingston | much difference. That tooth was | the harness of the horse killed was! a little later. - ? loose, anyway." melted. The men present did not! : Dr. Ww augh A. Smeathers, our Bow Balke? has suffer any ill effects. o Is there a changed line in the new Coats and Suits ? Are moved {nto the Joba Kenny house, Miss Ada Pringle, nurse-in-train- | ere any new models specifically designed for young men 7 © > Telephone 67. 15 Ontario St. recently vacated by Frank MeCor- ing, Toronto Hospital, is spending | The answer to-{hese and many other questions of like sort mac, who. moved to St. Catharines. her vacation with her parents here. | can be quickly snd authoritatively settled by a visit ¢ 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Mrs. Mathews and son, David, and : y Mrs. James McMillan and Miss | . y y 0 our store, ree -- : dqughiter, Lala, who have beth spend. OF SAND HILL CHURCH Agatha McMillan, Prescott, are with | Inimitably tailored in the very newest materials and styled Geo. A Wright & Son Ing the past two. weeks with the friends. Mrs. A. J. Asselstine and | after authentic English models, every garment will inspire eons D J C BR M MACHINE WORKS ' former's parents, Mr. and Mm Mrs. W. Craig, Kingston, at R. P. fidence in the most exacting. : ' R W 00 CHINE WORKS Thomas Graham, have returned to (Had an Enjoyable Gathering-- | sanders. Robert Henderson, Brant- 5 . * aM. Sata 239 Outasio St, their home in Rochester, N.Y. Mrs, Vi Fu Yahi Cot 4 tord, with friends." James Mont- NEW SUITS ig Gas Engines repaired. Percy Baker and family, who have 8 tage, . Kingston, at. W. . Mont. niall th : : Ay Dental Surgeon Pay Aad Eiticisnt, Servige, been camping for a couple of weeks Graham's Island. ra Ne a Hubbill and | 3 a 3 : R gw fabrics and popular Styles for Fail, both i at Parrott's Bay, and visiting rela- : - friend. Kingston, at A. Speer's. Mr. | gle and double-breasted effects for Men and Young Men. 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. | == re | Ww ny tows | tives here have returned to their Sand Hill, Aug. 24.--The Four|and Mrs. S. Neal and daughter, | Evenings by appointment. DR.W A.JONES home in Toronto. Square Club, of Sand Hill Presby- Hamilton, spent Tuesday with Mrs. | » A vr . . . Mrs. iin Jenkins. JILSNON, terian church, met at the home of | Neal's brother, W. Dodd. Mr. and | ] ell: ices, 130 Wellington St. || spent a few da ast week w er | Miss Jennie Mundell on Friday | Mrs. S. Carmichael 'and daughter, | . - : A PIANO TUNING Rn ae Tr HothY; a Geoige Wats. Oakes evening, with a large number pre-| motored from Cleveland, Ohio, on | $18.50, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40 Tn Office open from 9 a.m. to § ne an lee TH: on, © gent. Tuesday last, and have been spend- | «45 , Plano Tuning, 'Repairing ard ||| Also Tuesday, Thursday and Satme- || braska, called on friends here last The meeting was held on the ing a week with' Mrs. Carmichael's Na Player Plano Adjusting. Norman || day evenings by uppointment. Monday. Mrs. John McConnell and|jaun ang after the business was ster. Mrs. Robert = MacCormiek | J 2 : Sie at we Mra ~--~-~----~ | Son, Henry McConnell, and Missy over, the remainder of the evening | South Shore. Allen and Perly Me-| ; 5 H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. 'PHONE 134. . : | DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN | DENTIST 84 Princess Street. 'Phone 1900 Gas for Mainless Ex OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Guiimes left last week for the West. | Hogan, Sydenham and Mrs. Harry Threshing operations are getting | Phippen, Bath, called at B. L. King's last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Conway, New York, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Roy Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Bennington, Cataraqui, accompanied. by his sisters, Mrs. Hogle, Saskatoon, and Miss Bennington, Edmonton, who have réturned from spending a year was spent in games and music. Mrs. Simpson favored the young people with several selections on the plano, | under full swing throughout the | after which lunch was served. | township. Five threshing 'outfits are | The members were delighted with { now on the job, and one more will an invitation from Miss Hilda Ower | he added in a few days, J. A. Me- to visit her at her summer home, Mullen & Sons, well-known thresh- "Oak Cottage," on Graham's Is- | men, have purchased a pew J. J. land. Arrangements were made at | Case gasoline tractor and will start the meeting to motor to Portland | threshing this week. on Tuesday and proceed from there A dance was held in Victoria Hall Reliable Clothes for Men and Young SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY | Men --f (Dr. R. B. Bishop COAL S - } abroad, also his cousins, Mr. and } ~ D NT T : ' by motor boat to the island. { on Thursday evening last. Anderson Fuel Coatroller advises { in now, trike E IS Mra, Erwell Miller, wore recent The young people enthusiastically | Bros. orchestra furnished the music. of special design are made here WHI accept orders move for with expert care as to all de- franten Nut, Stave and tails. visitors at the home of Dr. J. BE. and the Mrs. Mabee. Mrs. Arthur Toomaoy, Hugh Glenn, proprietor of | | Offices at the Corner of Princess Royal Hotel, reports the sale of and Wellington made their plans and Tuesday morest ing found quite a number on their No design is beyond our smith, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Herbert Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sproule After a delightful dinner, under son Bros. orchestra of New Jersey. |W . Evenings by appointment. The farmers in this district are "Phone 105 Entrance: 223 Wellington Street Shicas, spent Tuesday with Mrs. way to the camp. The visitors were | Ferguson's 4.4 beer to be very fight. Skit: Nuns oe spl Iberia Egg ........ por | {\ bee. received by Mrs. Ower and Misses The congregation of the United reiye loos than oo Tect Son] Cony" : | s==oon Mrs. Oscar Babcock, Toronto, 18 | yas ana Louise. Church of Canada held a pie social hive : we en- ea Ca | . - the guest of Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Bab- The 'kind hospitality of the hos-|/on William Cochrane's lawn on ed over city scales. (Dr. Vincent A. Martin || Sh: "ie, Sires, it; cor comet win the sue vex | asta ern. avsve vn %(§ JE. MULLEN Aylsworth Bros. | . i on ae ar ed a ther and beautiful surroundings, | was well attended. A short pro- yo > y. dh | DENTIST apdiant, calle os Herren | enabled everyone to have a good | gramme was furnished by members tO and _Altred Stress, 'Phone U. R. Knight | Monday. Mrs. Lockwood, Harrow- time. of the congregation, also by Ander- Telayl - 373 ria Street. the trees, the aftermoon was spent | and daughter, Medicine Hat, are guests of the former's brother; Sid- in games, swimming agd rowing. The day passed all too quickly for the young people, but immediately rushing the work of harvesting and | threshing, and will be ready to at- tend the Kingston Fair Sept. 15th to $i 19th and Stella, Jast" but not least, on Sept. 29th. ney Sproule. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Rochester, N.Y., are guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Resi Hartman. Mrs. Stanley Bell and sister, Miss Bell, Enterprise, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Schennerhorn. Pro- fessor W. H., Metzler, dean of New York State College of Teachers, Al- ¥, N.Y., recently visited his nephew, Wilbur Metzler. Harry Snider, Detroit, has been renewing acquaintances and visiting frienda. Mr. Snider sold his business here about three years ago, and his many friends were pleased to see him. Miss -Helen "Rich, Watertown, N.Y, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, Hagerman. Miss Olat Kenny, Kingston, is visiting her uncle, John Kenny. Mr_and Mrs. John Gardinier, Watertown, N.Y., have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Thomp- son's also Sperry Shibley, Wilign. Rev. James Shaver, Winnipeg, is the after supper, they were given a pleasant trip among the islands in a motor boat by Mr. Steacy. A hearty vote of thanks was ten- dered to the 'hostesses, who regret- ted that all the members were not present. The members of the club then re- turned home from Portland, de- lighted with their trip to the island. -------------------------------------- DR.R.E.SPARKS) | ENTIST Wishes to in te that he may he consulted at Wellbrock Offices, i159 Wellington street, by any who may require his services: «* 'PHONE 346. $20,000 IN PREMIUMS, ETC KINGSTON ~ INDUSTRIAL | EXHIBITION 'W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK PLAYING BASEBALL. The Inverary and Perth Road Teams - Have Clashes. Perth Road, Aug. 22.--The Com- munity Club held a lawn social on Wednesday evening in R. Harris' grove, and in spite of the storm in the late afternoon a goodly number attended. The proceeds will be used in painting the parsonage. On the previous Saturday the Sabbath school held their annual picnic. The M.L.M. Circle will meet in two weeks, Sept. 3rd, at Mrs. J. Mid- dleton's. On Wednesday evening the Inverary baseball gitls played Perth Road baseball team; the score being 12 to 21 in favor of the visit- ing team. = DR. ERNEST B. 'SPARKS, DENTIST 159 Wellington St. "Phone 346. | FLOUR This Flour is manufactured from select, white, winter wheat and is undoubtedly the WEDDING AT LEE VALLEY. Said the ow! unto the saver, _ Do not wait until the winter . Befo=s you buy---your Coal. It Was An Interesting Event -- Farmers Are Busy. Lee Valley, Aug. 21.--The wed- ding of Miss Lucy Waram and Riley Coleman, Bruce Mines, took place on Wednesday, Aug. 19th, at eleven o'- clock, Rev. Mr. Littlewood officiat- ing. Miss Gladys Bell played the Wedding = Mdfrch, with F. Waram For it never will be cheaper And the may go' steeper or buy---your coal. Pa Bh In Om accompanied by Dr. Nixon and their Phone 133. Grove Inn Yard best 'pastry flour on the market. guest of Michael Asselstine, giving the bride away, The bride's| Mrs. A. Freeman spent a few days For sale by all the leading groc- Kenneth Laughlin, who has béen| 0105S Was of white radium lace gver | of this week with friends at Syden- | ara, 'spending 'the past month with his) PAlIStte silk: her fravelling gown | nam. Miss R. Buck, who hag been --- g Fig WwW, F.M grandfather, Alexander Laughlin, ie lagen Due sith. The | visiting Mrs. J. 8. Ropers here, a : o X. cBroom ner were | Miss A. Jamieson, at tersea, has . WATTS, Florist 25 Brock St. 'Phone 1688 ae J eS osham, Bev. Mr. and Mrs, Littlewood, Mr. returned to Sydenham. Mr. and KINGSTON, ONT. oy CANADA : > : who has been spending a few days oughley, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell and | Mrs. Walter Shales, London," and . oo A * 182 Wellington Street with her aunt, Mrs. Marcus Fraser, 2mily. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman took | Mr, and Mrs. William Shales, Lon- returfied to her home in Richmond, | ("® rain to Sudbury for a short|gon, were visitors at William . ; «| trip and will motor from Mr. Wa-| Shales'. no a $ : ® FF 4 call WATTS", 1708 Store, 1187. FOR SALE sons, Lorne and Eldon, last Sunday. | n™*® to his home at Bruce Mines.| Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Harford and residence. . = $5,000--7 room brick V., 4 bed-| Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Fraser and| ' 387. Mr. Coleman's mother is{ son, Jim, went to Westport on Sole member of Florist Tele- rooms, & p. B,, mew hot alr fur-! their guests, Mrs. Nixon and sons, | 5IYINE a reception for the bride and | wednesday. Mrs. Middleton, Lynd- : : bi Delfvery for Kingston Dace, elec. and 'gas fireplace; all | spent Wednesday with Mrs, Fraser's| S700 at her home, Saturday even- hurst, is visiting their son, James An Oid Boys' Week For The Boys That Stayed E of 00d flpors, verandah, garage | yy iner, Joseph Lucas, Moscow. Mr. | 2%: Middleton. Mrs. A. Darling has and Made Kingston What It Is To-day z Your out-of-town orders so." and garden. South. and Mrs. D; L. Snider, Mr. and Mrs, Miss Beulah McLean is visiting been confined to the house with a . ticited. ng $5,800--8 room Brick V. 4 hed. | Stanley Snider, Mr. and 'Mrs. Archy| ¥ith Miss Cecilia McMillan. A num-| grained knee. Absolutely the biggest and best ever held in ber of the young people met for a| Mrs. S. Slack is convalescent. Our section. Requiring months of labor, entailing a lafge i vestment, necessitating mutual co-operation © Farmer; Mapufacturer and Merchant. ira Simmons and son, Russel and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson, spent Sunday, at Stella. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wright, ac- Perth Road baseball girls" team went to Inverary on Saturday and came off greatly victorious, the score dance in the hall after the ball prac tise on Tu vening. The farmers are very busy binding | $4,700---New 6 room 'modern home thelr grain. William Wilkinson ts Sb team for | - We Sell Sompanied by Dr. J. Bi Mates nnd| Lol STUN: Wikies Wilkinson ta Mei held 419 Yo by our Seam ror _ A COMPLETE EXHIBITION-- Every d : G. Lang's. .C. Root has been haul- [4s 12 in favor of Perth Road. This + is under capable direction and a strong '| ing his lumber from McKnight's premiums insures the best entries ever shown. mill, ever been played by the young be- : Houses to rent from $8 up to $45. ' te gin DO--NOT--MISS--ANY--OF--THEM | TEAvIE mon | | William Guthrie, scmpanied by THE LIVE STOCK DISPLAY will surpass 8 I | MARTIN BUFFALO, |. Bruce. bis. son, gud Mrs. B. Todd, thing heretofore shown and will prove ie 257 BAGOT STREET Mies : Mis asics, 4 muptisls ot S34 terest to everybody. Fry a Olga Arthur, Inverary, To!|enham of his son, Donald, RACES--- Iner : 8 have hii prominent owners to enter g are sure fo witness cher heir. " et 5 tied ! Take Up : Office 229. Res. 1438M or 11010. Yaverary, Aug. HoMes. H. Gh Ls