of Gene Stratton Porter The Keeper of the Bees . . The White Flag . .. ....... Her Father's Daughter ..... ...... The Girl of the Limberlost . The Harvester . . Mi go. ise wine el O'Halloran Ld Daughter of theland ............. The Great Nature Writer Sven $200 een FACE 75¢. 75¢. 75c¢. 7 5c. 75¢. 75¢c. . "owen gree | R. Uglow & Co. DELOO-LIGHT Electric fight and power for cous try homes, villages apd small towns. W. ©. CANNON | Bibby Bleck Phone 120.w. A ------------------ 'Hard Wood Choice Body Hardwood. Soft Mixed Wood. Kindling and Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son $40 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter Phone 987 .s .s See us for all kinds of Carpentry | Estimates given on mew floors Have your hardwood floars cican. ed with our mew floor cleaning ma-'i chine. Beautiful Brazilian Butterfly Wings Mounted on sterling silver, made up into [| Brooches and Pen- dants. $1.00 to $2.00 a Kinnear & d'Esterre 168 PRINCESS ST. JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY Brick, Stone, Plastering and Tile Setting Douglas & Mcllquham That which Is newest you will find in our collection of Fur ap- . parel. We are featur- liz, inga wide range of Neckpieces in Fox, Squirrel, Martin, Mink, etc. eV and ECG COAL : MeaLL'S, WEAVL VELSH STOVE J $17 ke CIGAR. STORE f | statement would be presented, | [ tion that the ll | Fair spends the sum of $200 for the EXTRA GRANT FOR OLD BOYS' REUNION i i City Council Voted $5,600 to} i company was referred to the Board Cover Shortage--To Pave Victoria Street. At a special meeting of the City Council held on Monday night, an ll | addition grant of $5.600 was voted to the Old Boys' Celebration commit- tee, on the recommendation of the finance committee. City Auditor A. H. Muir present- Hl{ ed a statement in regard to the fin- ances of the Old Boys' Committee, which showed the following: Expenditure to dote, < including paid and unpaid accounts, $12,718.- 15; receipts from the gate and other sources, $5,783.75: received from the ¢ity of Kingston, $1,500; short- il age, $5,434.40. Of the expenditure, $6,900 is left in Kingston for laber and supplies. Of the $5,800, which goes outside the city, $3,600 was for the horse races. In order to clean up, the auditor-guggested that the city coun- cil be asked for an additional grant of $5,600. The finance committee recom- mended that this additional grant be made by the council, and then it was passed without objection. On the recommendation of the finance committee, the council alse voted $400 for the purpose of erect- | | ing and extending the cattle sheds at the fair grounds, on considera- Kingston Industrial | same purpose, the work to be let by il | tender, by the city property commit- il | tee, and to be done under the super: li | vision of the city engineer. | In regard to the additional grant {for the Old Boys' celebration com- | mittee, Ald. Nash wanted to know if the council could have a detailed statement regarding the receipts and expenditures before voting. [| Mayor Angrove stated that the but | that it could not be given just mow, j{ as it would take Sdme time to have ji | it prepared. | In answer to Ald. Price, the mayor | stated that the money now granted the Old Boys' committee would cover everything. The report of the finance commit. { tee, which was adopted, was present. {ed by Ald. Kent, the chairman. Ald. }| Kidd presented the report of the | Board of Works and it was also adopted. The report recommended the following: Victoria Street Paving. i: "That a sheet asphalt pavement be constructed om Victoria «© Street, from Rrock street to Johnson street, on a four-inch concrete base,'on the local improvement plan. "That a concrete walk be con- structed on the east side of Victoria side. The proposition to have TIEN street, from Brock street to John- son street, under the provision of the local improvement act." The necessary by-laws, to cover | the pavisg and new walk, were pass- ed by couneil. Council received a communication from the council at Kitchener, en- closing a copy of a resolution passed by that body, asking.that a vote be taken at the next municipal elec- tion to request the provingjal gov- ernment to dispose of the services of the police magistrate op the board of police commission, and to have that body composed of the judge, mayor, and a capable citizen. The matter was referred to the finance committee for a report. &9 Seeking Damages. The council received two claims | for damages as the result of the flood of cellars in the recent big storm jn Kingston. Cunningham & FSmith wrote on behalf of W. J. Me- Cormick and Anderson Bros, who claimed damages as a result of the cellars being flooded and goods dam- aged. Both claims were sent on to the Board of Works, A communication . received from Peter Devlin, asking permission for the erection of a portico on his resi- dence, 44 Willlam street, which will éxtend about five feet on the city line, was also referred to the Board of Works. A letter was received from the 'street railway company mfarming the coungll, that the company would be in favor of having their cars stop on the "near side" of the crossings. just as hr as the trafic from the intersec s is regulated according- iy. autos stop at the intersections was discussed at sofne length in the coun- cil and voted down. The letter from the street railway of Works. Mayor Angrove presided at the meetizgg and also present were Alds. Driscoll, Dunphy, Holder, J. F. John- ston, Joyce, J. E¥ Jobnston, Kidd, Kent, Laturney; Milne, Nash, GTon- nor, Price, Reid and Shea. PRICES OF PRODUCE ON NAPANEE MARKET Death of Robert MoMillan, Aged 72 Years--Fair Opened on Tuesday. ------ Napanee, Aug. 25.--The cost of filling the market basket averages about the same as a month ago. To- matoes are selling at 4 Ibs. for 25¢ and by the peck, 35¢c. Corn is down to two dozen for a quarter. New potatoes are 25¢ a peck. Dairy but- ter sells at 35 to 40c a poynd; creamery butter at £3 to 4bc pound. good value at 35 to 38c a dozen. Oats both local and western are still 76¢c a bushel. Hay is 75c a owt, baled, or $10 a ton loose. Live hogs find a ready market at $13.25 per cwt. Chickens, dressed, are 25 to 40c a pound. Broilers, 40 to 45c. The passing of another of Napa- nee's old and highly esteemed and respected citizens 'occurred yester- day, Aug. 24, when the call came for Robert MecMillah, who died at the age of seventy-two years, at his residence on John street.. The fun- eral takes place on Wednesday af- ternoon at 2 o'clock. Services at the house. Interment at Riverside cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Smith and family returned to town yester- day from their summer cottage at Bogart's-on-the-Bay. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Dafoe were the gue: of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. te at Bartlett's for the week- end. Mrs. Henry Briscoe and Mrs. Ed- ward Costigan, who have been visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. McClew, returned to Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Mec- Cléew accompanied them to spend a few weeks. Mrs. A. P. Deroche and children are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haycock, Adolphustown. The Napanee Fair opens this af- ternoon and will continue for four | days. -- THE NICHOL FAMILY ~ AT TOLEDO Hiram Nichol, Aged Ninety- two, Posed - for Picture Whetting a Scythe. ------ Tolédo, Aug. 24.--A family re- union took place at the home of Mrs. M. Nichol and Miss Jennie Nichol last Tuesday when fourteen of the immediate relati es held an old time picnic. in a beaver meadow where hay making was in progress~. The guest of honor was Hiram Nichol, who in his ninety-second year is still almost as hale and hearty as ever, and posed for a picture whetting a sé¢ythe with as much vigor as a man half his years could display. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bellamy, who spent the past winter in the south, accompanied by their daughter, are visiting relatives and friends here and renewing old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Sargeant and family, Brockville," were recent visitors at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles Baker. Miss Anna Moore, Elgin, is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maloney and daugh- ters, Catharine and Loretta Maloney, spent Sunday at Jones' Falls, where they with dther friends enjoyed a short dinner. : Toledo brass band is eagaged to furnish music at Delta fair. Miss Rhoda Stratton, Ottawa, returned home on Thursday after visiting re- latives and friends heres Brockville fair attracted large crowds from Toledo and. vicinity. Miss Effie- Stratton and little niece, Ottawa, are visiting relatives in this Fresh eggs are considered | ] iid y i { * BATE THOMAS J. POLLEY. hoy Former Kingston Resident Dies in Spokane, Following Accident. has been received of the pokane, following an hut = 1 Rg J. Polley, Tr § | Home Sweet Home, Again { "Home Sweet Home!" While | were gone { The grass-hoppers ate up the lawn! | The dust is thick, the mice are too, | Still, "Home Sweet Home," we wel- | come You! . Up-To-Date. Byron: "Sweetheart mine, I prom- ise to be govd to you" { Dorothy: "Save your breath, dear. The courts will be if you aren't." ----Gertrude. rience as a Teacher. ous, there here who are not worth a dollar." "Is that so? Run over « few in your motor car and yod'll find out 4Aow much they are worth." Girls used to be afraid men would see their legs. d¥ess they are afraid they won't. Cheese It! Two sisters, each with a small son by the hand, made a long Grandma's ranch. cottage cheese served in rich cream. that 'potch-cheese.." THen a sleepy but brave answer: "INdon't care! My mother had the potch." ~--Mrs. E. L. V, ------ Can't Blame Her. She had a sailor. lover. But she let him go, For, as it was rumored, He was really. slow. When it came to doings, She had quite a rep, So she let her lover go, Because her salt lacked pep. --Edgar Daniel Kramer. This Motion Was ing Laura how much he loved her, and he took a long time doing it. | Laura was hard to comvince. The hours sped past midnight, and he was still unsuccessful. No sweet words could make Laura his. In desperation, .them,-he cried, "Darling, if you refuse to marry me, I'll--T'11 kill myself!" And suddenly a voice spoke from the head of the stairway: "Daughter, my revolver is in the top bureau drawer, and there's carbolic acid in the medicine chest!'™ e --Meta 'Cunningham. TOUGH DAYS! Since Women have stopped wear- | ing corsets, Willie says it's mighty { hard to find a good strong string around the house when a fellow wants one. -------- (Copyright, 1925. Reproduction Forbidden.) Read 'the Newspaper Fun each evening in the Whig. See it each Wed- nesday and Thursday at the Capital. GANANOQUE Now, judging from 'the way they make potch-cheese, too, if)she only Seconded. Lee was having a hard time tell- we "Although the country is prosper. are millions of people IDR. HAMM MOTORS | FROM DENVER, © He Cc 1,800 NOW IN FULL SWING ALL SHOES AND ALL BAGGAGE - fff BARGAINS Journey to MARKED DOWN LOW FOR ALL At supper, the boys ate heartily of They heard it called "pot" cheese and later, when tucked in for the night, the mothers heard one sleepy voice say: "It was MY mother made could Kingston's Biggest ) outfit for a magnificent home or for AUGUST FURNITURE SALE. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. Ottawa, spent the week-end in town. | Arthur Lawrie and Bob Gray, To- ronto Canoe Club, were at "Blink- bonnie" over the week-end. Harold Harper, Kingston, who kms been visiting friends here for a few days has returned home. Mrs. A. Rogers and daughter Miss Blanche, Montreal, who have .been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glover, have returned home. Mrs. Harold Nicholson, Kingston, is the guest of Mrs. William Hawke. A. McKee, G. Rogers, W. Well wood, Miss May Wellwood, Joe Mec- Kee, Kingston, and Arthur McKeo, Mr. and Mrs. Walker and Miss B. McKee, Toronto, were guests of Miss Eva Glover at Camp Carpathia over the week-end. Kenneth Johnston, Chicago, is Gananoque, Aug. 25.--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Funnell and two chil- Ldren, Belleville, are the guests of the former's father, George H. Funnell. "Kip" Kidd who has been holiday- ing" here with his parents for the past couple of weeks returned to To- ronto at the week-end. Wilfrid Morgan, Rochester, N.Y., is spending his vacation here with his moter, Mrs. Frank Amo. Rev. Fathers Hanley and Ryan left yesterday to attend the annual retreat of priests at the cathedral, Kingsto d will bé absent all visiting his parents here. Miss Nellle Hanley friends in Belleville. ------------ Mrs. Mpry Wheeler, pionee fragist and associate of Su Anthony, died at Rochester, N.Y. Crook with cane hooked a hand- bag out of car window us a train was leaving New York station. is visiting suf- B. It tortured with rheumatism 'or sciatica get a bottle of Rheuma to-} day. It must convince you that youecan be rid of all rheumatic suffering or money refunded. Jas. B. McLeod and druggists everywhere sell Rheuma on the no-cure-no-pay plan. Whether it be only a single piece to complete = JAMES Home Furnish NOW or -NEVER:: Opportunity knocks but ONCE vo We cannot repeat' prices you secure TO-DAY There is no home furnishing need that cannot be best sup. plied at this BIG STORE. « ~ room or an entire' cottago--during our BIG REID TELEPHONE 147. Fish and Chi and 4.4 Boor Get them at J. Hi JARVIS he Princess and Albert. "Phone 2878.m, Ladies why cook?! During the hot' eather EAT FISH AND CHIPS. LD ENGLISH FISH AND CHIP SHOP Phone 2565-w. Cor. Bay asd Bagot. Your Order will be ready. Open § am. to 12 pam. a modest Lg