~~ THE DAILY BRI ve TISH WHIG A THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1925. Sn M NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS. Ip LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE { Woman's Page Editor Phone 2613. ki Private 'Phone 857w. Seldom has the verandah of the £ Yacht Club seemed more attractive ~ "than on Wednesday afternoon. The " Hght northeasterly breeze gave the Morrison, dressed as a bride, step-| ped out and presented a -nosegay made' of the daintily colored hand-} kerchiefs. - The Baroness Orczy, novelist ana | playwright, in private life, Mrs, veeks the guests of Mrs. John Mur-) Cor. Bagot and Bay streets, and Mrs. John H. Suthe rland | to Toronto on Thursday; Master Arthur Sutherland, | who is r Ning from Camp Ahmek, | Algonquin Park They will spend a| few days in Toronto. Miss Lois Valleau, Johnson street, is spending her holidays in Detroil. Dr. F. At is spending a few days in New York. { * * - Mr motored to meet | time Mrs. VanNatta's father, Mr. William | s Butlin, Colborne street, for a few | weeks. ' { i . Pergy Murray and Miss Fran- | Murray, King street, left for | New York today. Miss Murray is | returning to continue her course as | a nurse-in-training and Mrs. Murray | will spend several weeks with her. | Major J. Nelson Gibson, B.Sc. Halifax," N.8., is spending a short with his mother, Mrs. T. W. | - Mrs ces Gibson, Division street. Breaking a Lance For the Modern Gir! 2 " More power to the Rev. E. L. Mac-} Assey, vicar of East Grinstead--he has broken a lance for the modern girl. Amid the thunderous denunci- ations of men, and the no less vol- uble complainings of women, it. is good to hear one voice raised on be- Here is the great labor- saver in laundry and kitchen. E. W. GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO, CANADA 2 Wah | half of 'the, girl, who, in a good per- Sr | cenitage of cases, is twice the girl her Mr. and Mrs, James A. Laird, of | mother was. Maybe the flapper does Toronto, formerly of Kingston, an-|flap a bit fo0 much. She certainly nounced the engagement of their | stays out too late at night, but at daughter, Elva Elizabeth, to Mr. | that, to our mind, she is no match Herbert: James Long, third son of | for her old grandmother, who sits Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long, of To-|down in a darkefied room at two- ronto. The wedding is 0 take place! thirty of a glorious afternoon, and at St. Anne's church, the 23rd of | plays bridge for money till five September. " o'clock, takes an interval off for a LA J too-rich tea, and a too-heavy dinner, Mr.-and Mrs. J. M. Woodruff have | and then goes at the cards again in a frenzy, not to beat an opponent for the fun of the game, but to win some more money that doesn't belong to her. 3 The vicar referred to, who seems to have been stung into something like exasperation by the diatribes against the girt of to-day, reminds his hearers that the girl who has goue through the horror of an air raid is not likely to consider it the thing to faint at sight of a mouse or to ask for a chaperon when she goes to the telephone. He also says you can't expect her to follow the fash- ions affected by her Victorian ances- tors, 'and for our part, we dre de- voutly thankful she doesn't and we only hope she won't in our day. Some of the frocks of the day may use very little cloth in the making, but to our mind they are infinitely to be preferred to those garments which some of us can well remember, gar- ments that called for wire behind and whalebone before to set them off. : Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Brymner and | Miss Jean and Miss Grace Brymner,' London, Ont., who have been on a| motor trip to Ottawa, are spending a few days in town on their way to} Belleville, where they will visit] Mrs. G. 8. Stewart | Mr. and Mrs. Strathearn Hay, who | motored from Toronto to St. Anne| this week to visit Dr. and Mrs. | Todd, were the guests of Mr. and | Mrs. R. H. Davidson, Clergy street, | | during their stay in town on Tues-| day. "returned to Sydenham after a week's Judge and Mrs. Vance, who have | with Dr..and Mrs. Hofschnei- been "with their daughter, Mrs. R.| Rochester, N.Y. H. Davidson and Mr. Davidson, and Mrs. J. M. Schwerin, Bos- Clergy street, for several weeks, left | ton, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis by motor for Barrie today. | Joyner, Detroit, Mich, were the : Judge Lavell, who was in town on { guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Graham, Miss Ida 'Publow, Clergy street, Wednesday, has returned to Thou-| Albert street, for a few days last entertained at the tea hour on Wed-| 14 sland Park. | wek. nesday afternoon for Miss Mildred . Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Graham and Newman. Mrs. Frank Kinnear pour- Miss Dorothy Newman, their son Alwyn motored to Poronto ed tea, after which a beautiful bou- street, will leave on Friday for|on Monday. Mr. Graham will attend quet of flowers was handed to the Princeton, N.J.. after spending the | the High Court of the 1.O.F. which bride-elect td . which many dainty holidays with her patents. "| meets during the week. They will go presents were tied with baby ribbon. Mrs. W. J. Perry, Watertown, N. on to Niagara Falls, returning to To- es" Y., is the guest of ronto for the exhibition. r. and Mrs. J.! A. Newman, William street. -_ . * s . air that clearness peculiar to Our; Montague Barstow, and her husband, Smorthern land and the brilliant blue! Mr. Montague Barstow, are pas-| of the sky was reflected in the watér| sengers on the Montnairs, gue in| Swith lovely. effect. Girls in bright; Quebec the end of the weck, ana | eolored bathing suits were swim-| will stay at the Chateau Frontena: 'ming or paddling in a gay red canoe. | for a day or two, then proceed across The yacht of the Sea' Cadet Corps: Canada, spending a few days in m Montreal with its smart sailor' Montreal en route. Mrs. Barstow is Jads aboard was beside the whart|a daughter of the late Baron Felix ~ until the dinghy races, the event of | Orczy, of Tarnaors, Hungary. the afternoon, had befun whén it lee "gailed out to see the" sport and to Among the Kingstonians who were | follow the little boats in their race, Present at the marriage of Miss "for a time at least. Tea was a wel-| Marjorie Ellis, formerly of King- 1 come interlude and was served from | ton to Mr. Coral Wesley Topping, 8 table centred with a basket of cos-| Tacoma, Wash., which took place in Imes by Mrs. J. B. McLeod, Mrs. 8.| Pembroke this week, were Miss oughton, Mrs. Géorge Bawden and | Florence Mavety and Mr. Albert * | Miss Phyllis Roughton. Among those | Wright. nt were Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Brvmner and their daughters, Miss ean and Miss Grace Brymner, who are now.of London, Ont., who were ~ warmly welcomed back to Kingston their holiday trip. The members present were Mrs, H. C. *Velch, Mrs. Charles Constantine, Mrs. Norman x al . Mp8. Charles Parker, Mrs. C. 8. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. W. BE. Kidd, 'Mrs. Hansord Hora. Mrs. J. Harry! Miss Grace Wood, University ave- ith (Worcester, N.B.), Mrs. Fra-| hue, entertained at tea and a shower # rmstrong, Mrs. A. G. Mordy, on Wednesday afternoon in honor ( James Miller, Mrs. W. A. Saw- of Miss Evelyne McCartney, a bride +» Mrs. Herbert Steacy, Mrs. W. of next week. Cosmos decorated the pretty white basket which was filled with cups and saucers which had clever verses attached to them. . . . At a celebration of campers, near Jones' Creek, in the Bay of Quinte Mr, and Miss Arbuckle, Kingston, entertained the company with much appreciated violin music. - - affection of my family and piends?" brought her up and are setting her Of course one answer to {hat is that |@ bad example. two wrongs don't make a right and | --G. C. M. White in The Ontario that woman is in a sense that man | Farmer. can never be, the gate of life and | det the guardian of the race, and care- | visit der, Mr lessness in the upkeep of the gate brings disastraus consequences. Too | often the tragedies take the form of | a 'mad and too hasty marriage, but what ofthe Vietorian marfiages of convenience?! Of the two we think the archangels will give these last the greater fondemnation. At the root of most of the girl tragedies to-day lies the sinfulness, or the equally sinful weakness, of the fathers and the mothers. In too many homes there is no firm, but loving, control in childhood; no lov- ing sympathy in youth. There has been really nothing to make the home either a refuge or an" anchor in the storms that beat more flerce- | ly on the girlhood of to-day than | ever they beat on the girlhood of the | past. Indeed, whatever blame taches to the modern girl, seven-fold - to those. AUNT HET ia William | Jane and | summer at Stel- | Mrs. A. Kissack, Misses Betty, spending the la, will return home to St. Louls| Tuesday. | Mis izabeth Lyster is spending her holidays in Toronto. Mrs. Joseph is spending | | August with Mrs Paul, Clergy | treet west. WEDDINGS. Cannon-Newman. | At one o'clock on Thursday the marriage was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents on Wil- liam street west, of Mildred Eleanor, eldest daughter of Mr... and Mrs. root srtained at tas i r oar. | Joseph A. Newman and Mr. Wililam street, entertained at tea in her gar Sonat Cannon, only son of Mr. and den on Monday in honor of Miss | W. Y. Cannon, Alfred street, by rs. W. Y. Ce " s 3 Dot Baiden of Welland, Ont. | tubes Major and Mrs. Horace Lawson | Rev: ™ J. S. Ferguson, minister of [ard Miss Audrey Lawson, Johnson | Cooke's church. The bride, who en- I | | (New York), Mrs, Travers Hora, C. H. Hutchinson (Worcester, .), Miss Beatrice, Lambert, Miss Blleen Folger, Miss Sibbald Hamil- jon and Miss Mollie Saunders. - » - ~ Miss Agnes Hanlon, Division ' Street, was hostess of a pleasant tea and handkerchief shower on Tues- afternoon in honor of Miss Mil- dred Newman, Thursday's bride. Af- IF the tea hour the guests entered drawing room on the floor of "I'd like to see hell just for a at- | minute. I've always been right cur- attaches | ious about what become o' Cousin who have | Willie." i Sissons Ww. J. Modesty doesn't consist in shudder- ing when someone calls a spade a spade, and carefully simulated ignor- ance of various unpleasant things || has nothing whatever in common with innocence, one of the loveliest things in all the world, and one of || the strongest' weapoms against evil We are apt to confuse the two. Quite possibly, too, one of the reasons why a great many girls are being #0 || roundly condemned to-day, is be- cause they refuse to pretend ignor- || ance of the shadowed side of life and are coming out into the open and protesting against the conditions || which, are causing it. In going on with his defence of |i the modern girl the vicar of East Grinstead remarks that 'goodness need not be synonymous with duall-| ness," and adds that it has never || been the Church's teaching that a sense of humor is incompatible with a devout life. "The modern girl," he says, "as a rule, shuns the middle age sins, and responds remarkably to || the appeal of religioh." Now the vicar doesn't mean by all this that the modern girl does not too often get herself tangled up in terrible tragedies, and we dom't mean to say so either. Sometimes, though in rare cases, the tragedy means that the girl has looked at her brother and asked, "Why haven't I as much right to go the pace as he, | and still retain the respect and the Miss Verna Saunders, Brock The Misses Kay and Ruth Lyons will be among the hostesses who will entertain for Miss Evelyne McCart- ney, one of next week's brides. - - - Col. and Mrs. Arthur Van Strau- benzee, who have been visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Van Straun- FOR THE COOL EVENINGS Sweater Coats All pure wool in the new colors and styles. For Women from .... $1.89 to $12.00 For Men from ..... $2.50 to $10.00 Sport Sweaters in Pullover styles. y [ rawi rocm on the arm street, returned on Tuesday from | tered the drawing bh tarrie wher ey Sper i of her father to the strains of the Sapte Wj hey spent the wedding march played by her sister, } Mrs William Watt Miss Dorothy Newman, wore a : charming frock of "white pin-tuft benzee, Beverley street, left for| the guest of the Misses crepe lh lace isoiglind panels Montgeal on Wednesday and wij | Johnson street. i #13 ._ | fastened' at the side dy a taffeta spend several days with Mr. and | Miss L. Laverty, Belleville, is), "or veil was chught to her Mrs. A. C. Bedford-Jomes before | SPeNCINE a Low weeks ia Kingston. hair with orange blossoms and shd sailing for England, Miss M. Me( allum has Teturned | carried a shower bouquet of ophelia Mrs. Rex Calvin, of Hanover, io Guelph from Kingston, where she | roses and lilies-of-the-valley. The Ont., is visiting her parents, Mr. and 128 been staying for the past few cerzmony was performed under an Mrs. John L. Carland, Ottawa. weeks. arch of flowers and ferns, asters be- 08 ing used in abundance and ferns and Lady Patricia Ramsay, who is ar: palms making an effective back- riving this week-end from England, ground. During the signing of the will he the guest of Mr. and Mrs. register, Miss Darothy Newman sang J. K. L. Ross, Montreal. She will at- "All Joy Be Thine" Little Seldon tend the opening of the Blue Bon- Newman, a cousin of the bride open- nats meet on September Hth as. a ed the door to the guests who were guest of honor of the Montreal members of the families of the bride Jockey Club. and groom. Refreshments were ser- Colonel and Mrs. Douglas Street, ved from a table centred with a with their two sons, Mr. Harold and wedding cake and decked with flow- | ers and immediately. afterwards Mr. Mr, Arthur Street, have returned to Ottawa from England, where they and Mrs. Cannon left on their wed- ding trip by motor, the latter wear- have been for several weeks. ing a flowered silk frock with a coat of brick suedine trimmed with fur and a hat to match. The young couple will make their home in King- ston. have Brantford, is Mowat, | cs at Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Assel- stine, Saskatoon, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Deroche, Napanee. «Mr. A. R. Boyes, Los Angeles, is visiting his brother, Mr. J. L. Boyes, Napanee. . Mrs. Marie Fotheringham, a nat- ive of Belleville, best known as Ma- rie Joussage, is a candidate for Yukon council. Miss Tillie Hodgson, Kingston, is Pvisiting at Erinsville. New Knit Dresses. Knitted Suits in Silk and Wool. Pretty styles at $12.50, $15.00 and $19.75. Miss Muriel Howell, Montreal, is visiting her cousins, the Misses Ruth and Kay Lyons, Earl street. Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. VanNatta, Lakewood, Ohio, are the guests of -- for occasions : n half a pound is "Just : ht Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Somerville ave returned to their home in Bur- A{lington after a visit with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Somerville, Smith street! Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Somerville, who were also with their parents, have returned to Oakland, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Somerville, Smith street, have with them tha former's sister, Mrs. Pritchard, Tim- mins, Ont., and Miss Somerville. - » - Miss Tillie Waller is in Napanee 3 from Kingston for her holidays. NM rs INU Mrs. C. H. Boyes, Alfred street, is ™ a WERT ia een, Bt Joye spending the week with Mrs. BE. J. Apple Sauce C. around for 15 more rows. Thirty. Pollard, Napanee. Cereal third Row: B.S. ©. for 15 mors The Misses Rose and Elizabeth Codfish Cakes rows, making gradually aller 1 Healey, ad york Chay. have fob Coffee giving a pouch effect Forty.niath urne ome after spending a oy Row: Single crochet for four rows. Fifty-fourth Row: Thirteen single crochet, and one B. 8. C.--around, Pifty-fifth Row: , Eleven single crochet, and three B. 8. C.--around. Fifty-sixth Row: Nine single crochet, jue five B. 8. C.--around. Fifty- seventh Row: Eleven single croche | and three B. 8. O.-- around. Fifty eighth Row: Thirteen single crochet and one single e¢rochet--around. Fifty-ninth Row: Six single erochet, one B. 8. C., 18 single crochet, one B. 8. C.--around. Continue for five rows (same as rows 55 to 59 inclus- ive) and then repeat till you have eight rows of motifs. : Edging at Top for Drawstring: Row One: Chain two and crochet---around. Row Two: Chain three, two double crochet in chain of two (previous row); chain two, two double erochet If you have lunches to put up CGH for husband, daughter or son, make the wiches of W.N. Linton, & Co. 'Phone 191. i TAXI wow SERVICE 960 3 ANYWHERE IN TY DAY OR NIGHT ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS Pop-Overs THE MUSIC LOVERS RENDEZVOUS 5 Luncheon Baked Beans Rolls Fruit Salad Tea -- Picalili Jam Dinner ® Potato Soup Fried Pan Fish Corn-on-the-Cob Stuffed Tomato Salad Peach Shortcake Coffee The Gedye- Millinery = HALA =lNALTE. ¥ EES _ SLOG SER SY A Crocheted Bead Bag. ger TT HTH VI Some time ago one of my Column Readers asked for directions for ero- &heting a perfectly plain silk haad- bag with a draw-string top. The fol- lowing directions could be used with- out inserting the beads, although the bead decorations are most Tef- fective. r gs Crocheted Bead Bag: In these di- rections "B.S.C." means bead with le crochet. The materials need- ed, are two spools of blue purse twist, 15 bunches of blue beads, and a steel crochet hook (sizes nine to eleven may be used). One side of the stitch should be taken up when beads are being added, but to make the work tight the hook should bé in- 121 Princess Street, KINGSTON pt Weber, Heintzman & Co., Lindsay , PIANOS announce their Autumn Showing | Nef Sonora and Columbia PHONOGRAPHS wo Bw nl Marconiphone and Thermiodyrie RADIO SETS theyare floor-coverings today. ee ---------- MUSIC ROLLS and RE._QDS nis Rasy satisfaction § ...-