THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ese Columns Hand In Hand With Opportu 8 a] ni Economy Marches Through Th The British Whig | | LLL DEATHS. 30 Suddenly, at his home Bonpo. sity Avenue, on Au t 1928, Daniel M. Gordon Emeritus of Queen's Uni Funeral notice later. IN MEMORIAM. _ 1st.there will be a high mass aoe on (standard time), at =. Barpaby's Church, Brewer's Mills, for the deceased members of Naylon 1 elen Twitchell, (nee Naylon), 412 West End Ave, New York A -------------- a SS SAAN CARD OF THANKS, ompson ant the family of the Map ta I Arie Thompson wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for the many Kindnesseg shown, also floral tributes received during their re~ Jeant sad bepfavement. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to take this opportunity of the thanking our many friends and neigh- | and | bo, for kind sympahty shown beatiful floral offerings during our recent sad bereavement, also for kind and faithful service rendered bY nurses and attendants of the Kingston General Hospital Mrs. G. Woolgar and fam!ly, #4 Pat- rick street. ~ JAMES REID Old' Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET y e 147 for Ambulance The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 8577. WM. 49 COLBORNE AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1839. JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 568 H. J. KNIGHT UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER PARLORS--8 And Battersea. Ambulance 'phone 35. - - ROBERT MALLOCK UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Successor to I. Ropan 238-240 Bagot Street. omptly attended LACK OF PROPER FOOD IS AN AID TO DISEASE GERMS ydenham, Yarker, Verona, | KINGITON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Indexed, standardized and popular~ ized according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa . All @re restricted to thelr Al as and to the Tegular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Dally rate per ine or consecutive rtions: Minimum chafge, Dally rates per line * 25 cents. Charge Cas and Memoriam arged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takea the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for icss than basis of four lines Count six average words the line. Charged ads. will be received by telephone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig Office within 6 days from the first day of Insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one da and stopped before expiration wi only charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and 2djust- ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space Is the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request, Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone taker. ip Ann to 2'3; ask for a want ad. | SKIN BLEMISHES - Hair, Moles. Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Plus, ete, removed permanent ly. Satisfactory Glasses furnished after others Goitre cured without operation. years' experience. Dr. Klmer J. Lake, ye, Kar, Nose, Throat, skin, 258 Bagot Street, Phone 30iw. House 1135J mT aE ee 10 Personal Lost and Found -- Containing socket wrenches, on Princess street, on Friday. Finder please return to 8. Q. Belwa, 5681 Frontenac Street. leward CANDLE STICKS---Left at Miss BE. Pet- { ers' Millinery Shop, 82 Brock street. | Owner may have same by calling at |. above address. [CUFF LINK--Gold, with Initials en- graved it; found. Owner may have same at Whig Office by proving property. )0G LICENSE TAG--No. 490, for 1926, found. Owner may have same at 169 Pine street. BY DR. HUGH 8S. CUMMING Surgeon General, United States Public Health Service In very early times it was observed that tuberculosis was more apt to occur i at certain ages and under certain con- ditions of living. Hippoerates, the fa- ther of medicine, noted that it was most frequent between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five, It is common knowledge now among physicians that any cause which weakens the indivi- dual lessens his resistance and predis- poses to tubkrculosis, A powerful phy- i is not necessarily a safeguard. *Pherets conviction that infection in fubereulosis usually oc- puss in childhood. The younger the child and thé more intimate the contact and the more pro. longed the exposure the greater is the danger. It is estimated that about 10 per cent of all deaths among children | under fifteen years of age are due to! tuberculosis in some form. The relation of early infection to tdberculosis' in later life is important. It is believed that most people are in- fected before the age of sixteen. Between the ages of twenty and forty about one-third of all deaths are due to tuberculosis. It is most frequent among the poor | because they cannot avoid fatigue nor nurse minor ailments nor escape other diseases which predispose to infection. Nor can they house and feed themsel- ves in a manner to strengthen their re- sistance to the germ. The poverty stricken worker, the struggling student, the religious re- cluse, the rove and the rounder, the . dissoluate spendthrift, the miser, the ascetic, the chronically tired business man, and the over amused society girl, are predisposed to tuberculosis through bi or unworthy exhaustion of phy. resources k first predisposing cause of tub- ereulosis is lack of proper food. In the average American home too little time is given to the study of children's diet during the first ten vears of child life 'even when food is properly pre- for children it must not be for- n that it often takes time and pat- jee to induce a playful, active child °. tO 8at proper things in sufficient quan- tity @nd at the proper time. Phe gapitalist who hastily consumes a scanty breakfast of toast and cofiee, otks busily all day in his office with oh a hasty lunch at noon, is not weil . even though he consumes a full in the evening. and has a little lungh after the theater and may have taken in the course of the day a great- br Suantity of food than he actually + The child who refuses at table whole articles of food such as bread butter, vegetables and meat, can- maintain a satisfactory degree of k of knowledge of food values ¥_ common, y in cities x n delicatessen shop t over wholesome | PEARL EARRING LOST -- On Barrie | Street, near Union. Finder please re- | ture to 148 Barrie Street. | SUM OF MONBEY---Found. have same by proving at No. toria Terrace, Montreal street. 5, Vie- TWO GOLD RINGS---And brooch. found in store of John Laidlaw & Son. Own- er may have same by calling at store and proving property. Emm z Automobiles "Automobiles For Bale 11 | MAXWELL ~-- Five passenger touring car, also one motor boat. Cheap for oash. Apply Mrs. T. K. Rutherford, Collins Bay, Ont. MeLAUGHLIN TOURING -- Automobile and Ford Light Truck. Apply BE. Lawranson, 337 Princess Street. Tele phone 1777-J. STAR BEDAN---And mobile, for sale, class condilton. McLaughlin auto- Both autos in first 'Phone 637 or 2639.J. FOR § Hudson Touring Car 7 PASSENGER 1923 MODEL The CENTRAL GARAGE, Ltd. 'PHONE 600 { to enforce laws that require that the young child shall-be removed from the house, It is more practicable, perhaps, to remove the consumptive to an institu- tion where he can be trained into care- fulness. Tuberculosis persons should not be allowed to follow the: vocations of dairymen, cooks, waiters, nurse. maids, or teachers. Hyver Try H? London Advertiser: A buyer was heard arguing about a price of $2.19 for a basket-of blueberries on the London market. He was*inclined to think the price high because there had been no outlay on planting the busheb--some person had simply taken a basket and picked and therefore it was clear profit. We ean't help wondering what price that purchaser would put on the basket if he had gone out himself to pick the pesty things, and had kept on picking them and hunting for them until that basket was full. Had hs tried it he would have found that getting a basket was like trying to fill a silo with a pitchfork. The road to independenck is not paved with blueberries at $2.10 per basket. A hat covers the bald spot and balloon pants hide the bow legs, but A paunch must take life as it comes. If the other driver-is a fool, you may dodge him; but if it's two of a kind, there isn't much hope. them, To Get fied Section for satisfaction, time. There's only one reason and appreciate! A Good Idea That's Bound When you have some need to be filled--when there's something you want to buy, from a rug to a ranabout-- It's a mighty good idea to turn to the A-B-C Classi- If you've tried it, you know what a good idea it is. And if you've made this move a number of times, you know that the idea seemed to get better and better every regular readers of these columns of little ads. cause they give the kind of service that most people need And you'll discover that the variety of opportunities of all sorts makes this the 6ne most consistent way' of saving money that you can find. THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY Better for the growing audience of It's be- Automobiles Automobiles For Sale Rosen & Pollitt Wreck- ing Company Second-hand parts for all makes of] cars, Reo, Dodge, Gray Dort, Chevrolet, | Ford, Briscoe, McLaughlin, Studebaker, | Maxwell, Baby Grand Chevrolet. For! sale K-62 Melaughlin Roadster, Chev- rolet Half ton Truck, & Ford Touring. | 140 Rideau Street. "Phone 2475-w. USED CARS At prices that build a permanent business and a financial plan of lib- eral terms that helps you to buy. 3 McLaughlin Special 5 passenger Touring Cars. 3 Reos At 4 cylinder, 5 passenger; a six ¢y- linder five passenger and a 4 pas- senger Coupe, six cylinder motor and balloon tires. 2 Studebakers Special six cylinder and a small four. Chevrolet Light delivery truck, canopy top. Ford 1 Ton Truck Extended wheel base, cab, platform. Body with sidd racks; pneumatic tires. A Used Car is only as good as the reputation of the house selling it. Inghuire about our guarantee pol- fey in these cars. : » BOYD,S GARAGE, 139" BROCK STREET 11 | 1 Auto 18 FOR MAXOTIRES -- A Aero Cush- fon Inner Tires, see Neal, 470 Johnson street. Also agent for Vank- leek Hill Brick. "Phone $76-m. . KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY CO. ~--Makens of Auto, Buggy, Boat Tops and Cushions. Commercial, Sedan, Coupe bodies, California Tops and Up- holstering. Awnings and Tents, eto, reet. Phone 2945. Business Services a ha Business Services Offered 18 Expert Piano Tuning. Player-Plano Adjusting. , 'Phone 1544. GC W. LINDSAY, LIMITED SIGNS -- Chipped Plate Glass Signs, Name Plates, House Numoers, etc Smal signs painted to oruer. GT. Hussey, 13 York SG 'rhune 1392-8, WELL DRILLING Sanitary Water Weus drilled by modern machinery; scientific methods, expert wurkinen. Water guaranteed. bor full informa- tion and priceg write F. J. Garrison, or E. U. 3Shangraw, Colebrook, Unt. ¥ Ladies' Hair Parlors. 21a FIRST CLASS NAIR WORK Ape 10 VRLER--Ladies' Transfor- mations, bobbed curls, switches, sham- pooling, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Children's hair cutting. ars. Cun- pingnam, 668 Bay Street. Kingston. Telephone 2999 FRENCH MARCEL WAVING Water Waviug, Round and sobbed Curiing. Hair Hobbing and Trimming, Facial and p Treatment. Special attention given lo Hair Dyelug. Miss Switzer, 87 Queen Streel. For ap- pointment 'phone 2018. FRANK ROBBS HAIR DRESSING 'Phone §78-J for appointment. Marcel Waving, Shampoeing, Fi a yeing. Scalp Treatment for rulling Hair P85 WELLINGTON ST. ~ Business Services PICOT EDGING Pleating, work guaranteed. Fleld, 562- Barrie Street, near Princess Street 'Phone 2433-§. Successor to Mrs. Card. Hemstitching, Mrs. Fancy Work 21c. LADIES erg B on color. ed linene; Children's resses and Rompers. Stamped goo for every reed. Open daily and Un Tuesday and Friday evenings. Mrs. Dunlop, 18 Alfred street. . Insurance 23 + -------------------------------------------------------- ALL LINES--Of Fire Insurance, Auto mobile, Sickness and Accident; reil-! able companies. 'Phone or call E, Wil- liams, 3 Couper' street. ? Tailoring ana Pressing W. ROBERTSON --- Tallor, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing; your own clota meade up. Sampl in stock. and up. 273 Bagot street. eT Employment Help Wanted----Female 33 DINING ROOM GIRL---Wantéd. Apply Frigce George hotel, WIDOW--Or elderly woman as house- keeper. One desiring home; no wash- ing. References required. 'Phone 19%6-m. 88 = Help Wanted--NMale MAKE MONEY AT HOME-- §1 to $3 per hour for your spare time writing showcards for us. No canvassing. We iustruet and supply you with work. West-Angus Showeard Service, 17 Col- borne Bullding, Torouto. ANYONE SBLLING or wanting to sell Greeting Cards should see or write us immediately. Four different kinds of samples to pick from. Can be carried with other lines or separately. Will increase your saleg $500 to $1,080. Weekly pay. You deal direct with manufacturer. Write to-day. Master Kraft Greeting Card Co., Toronto. WANTED, MEN AND WOMBN -- To earn $5 to $15 weekly in spare time at home. No canvassing. Regular pay---cheques. Write Auto Knittér Hoslery mpany, Toronto, Dept. 19C. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 85 $20.00 | Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers oe HARDWOOD--$3.6¢0 and $3.75 quarter cord; mixed wood $3.75 and $3.25; Slab wood $3.75 to $3.50, according-te quale ity: rough and dressed lumber, shingles, $3.50 per thousand and up. Sawdust sold cheap, W. H. Talbot, Concession street. Telephone 2753J. SWAIN'S WOOD YARD -- Good, dry, cord $430; @& body hardwood, body mixed wood cord, §4.00. Ge Quality mixed Siabs, $3.00 load. Tele- phone 2518-w. == &9 Household Furnlwre: ACT NOW-----See to your Mattress, whe- ther repairing or new mattress. Also Springs. See us. Ask for price ist. Frontenac Mattress Co., 377 King St. 'Phone 1861-J. " FURNITURE-- Antique and modern furniture sold and bought. M. Cram- er, 507 Princess Street, sJiocessors to Lesses Antique Shop. 6 Machinery and Tools Chi NDMILL--Get our prices on a "ago Aermotor Windmill. Buy a Chi- cago Auto Oiled Head for your old Tower; oil only once a year. J. C Spence, Massey-Harris Agency. Musical Instruments 62 EDISON PHONOGRAPH--And 20 Re- cords, in perfect condition. Special at- tachment for Columbia Records. Easy terms arranged. C. 'W. Lindsay, Ltd, 121 Princess Street. UPRIGHT PIANO-Slightly used. Own- er leaving city. Terma if desired. Ap- Bly FA Colborne Street. 'Phune Sas : SHED COTTAGES -- TR Rs Be m on, 0 Apply Boyd. "Phone 2784-r- Or al FURNISHED HOUSE 15th. wanted by September Box P-31, whie Qftige. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED--- tober 1st, in geod lity, or four 'Phone 1138 Ed FARM---200 acres; $ miles out on Read brick house; three barn: wther necessary outbul drained; wire fenced ings Furnished house, central, to let. Insurance. Mon to loam. 316 Barrie Street. * BE W. MULLIN Rea! Estate and insurance Johnson and Division St Phone 538w. ON WOLFE ISLAN! house, 12 rooms; Foy Adve. A RELIABLE SALES AGENT---Wanted for every unrepresented district; godd pay; free equipment; we are the larg. est growers of fruit and ornamental trees in Canada; sell for a Nursery, not for a Jobber. You will be succe ful. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. Teachers Wanted 35a TEACHER WANTED-- For 8. 8. No. 8, Denbigh, holding second class ocerti- ficate, Duties to commence Sep- tember 1st. Apply, stating salary to J. E. Irish, Vennachar, Ont. Radio Equipment 62a. RADIO BOOKS--26¢. Th about Radio. Canada Ra Rooms For Rent Rooms Without Board 68 ROOMS---Several furnished or unfurn- ished rooms on bathroom tat; single or double. Apply 37 Wellington Street. 'Phone 2613-w. tell you all io Stores. Financial Rooms For Housekeeping 60 $RNIE D. SLITER--Insurance Broker, all branches of Insurance in old line companies of highest financial stand- ing. 281 King street East. 'Phones 2678-w. Res, 1121, FIRE--Automoblle and Casualt ante." E. M. Crumley, 42¢ Zar 'Phone 1783-M. Insur- street, INSURANCE--Only the companies represented. Strange & | Strange, established in 1860. Office: 85 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 ABHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. 'Phoae 2365. STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 305 Queen St. 'Phone 326. Res. 989-w. most reliable | SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Rdbinson, rear 276 Bagot Street. fainting, Papering, Decorating 260 HOUSES PAINTED-<Paint and work- méanship guaranteed. Estimates given. Also paperhanging and kalsomining. H. Rowley. "Phone 1352-P. Professional Services 28 DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- Ww. A. Marcelis, corner of Barrie and Prine Cess streets Chiropractic Adjust- ments, electric treatment and and Tua e. X-ray service. Consuita- tion free. Hours: $-13 a.m. 1-§ p.m. Bvenings by Appointment, Office tele- phone §22-J esidence 'phone 957 Chiropractic 8c, LUCY Qeo. F. and Jennle A, Chiro. prnators, Registered Nurse, 202 Bagot i bP hone 951-w. Hours 8-13, 1- -7.30. Consultation free. Dental KNAPP--Dr. A. BE, Dentist. Princess Street. 'Phone $5 evenings by appointment. Legal 28e. ---------------------------------------- CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, 78 Clarence Street, Kingston . B. Cunningham, K.C.} Cyril M. Smith. 284d. Office 253 2w. Open DAY AND REVELLE Barristers and Sollcitorg, ¢8 Clarence Street, ston. A' BE. 'Day, Adrlan I. Re Mortgages arranged. 'Phone 205. HODGINS, W. C. Barrister, and Nowary Public. Office: 3 Street. Over C.P.K. Telegraphs. phone 1980. Money to loan. REYNOLDS, J. C.--Barfister and Sollcl- tor, 3 Brosh oe ' ortgages ar- ran on arm operty. Phone 2509. iuparty. SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, Satner of King and Brock, over im nk, Money to joan. 'Phone 199 Repairing 2 FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all Call and see w Driscoll, HS Rint Street. 'Phone 206F. y . UPHOLSTERING--New used nie ture; work guaranteed. 1 os card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot street. Heitor, er 00 Tele- UPHOLSTERING--And general repair. ing. Leave orders at op drop a card Yo F. W. Harold, 1 "Phone 1600-J, . 1 =r Only four States now remain with- out a tax on gasoline for motor cars. They are New York, New Jersey, Mas- sachusetts and Illinois. Children * their person ality" in the old days, but it was called impedence. J Money To Loan 40 FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- MENT SOCIETY -~ Incorporated in 1881. President, . D. Cartwright, vice-president, J. M. Farrell. Money to loan on city and farm properties; in- Vestment. Bouds bought and sold; de- posits received and interest paid un minimum monthly balance, R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St., Kingston Live Stock _ Dogs, Cats, Pos « POLICE DOG PUPPIES--Cocker Span. els, red, § weeks old; Collie Puppy. Several other breeds for sale. Also dogs boarded. Kingston Kennells, George Muller, 371-373 King Street. Phone 1961-w. _ Merchandise Articles For Sale 51 AWNINGS--Verandah Curtains. Apply Frank W. Covke. 'Phone 436. Pp BEST IRON---And wire gowmds in Can- sda made by rartridge Wire Works, King Street West, and remember we can plate anything. 'Phone 380. NEW FALL SUITS -- And Overcoats made to your order, $30. Guaranteed nt. Easy termg of payment. 'Phone 2306-w. J. G. Patterson, 120 Johnston Street. REFRIGERATORS -- Four Eureka Re- frigerators, 3 ft. 6" wide by 4 ft, ¢" deep, § feet high; inside measurement. Sligntly used. Will sell separately. Apply E. EK. Wathen, 127 Neilson St. 'Phone 1391-J. SPRING GOODS Gag Ranges, Window Screens, Lil Stoves and Hetrigerators at reasonable prices. Taylor 5 Ham- ; liton's, 33 Princess Street. "Phone 418. WHITE NEWSPRINT--500 sheets for 40c. Suitable for wrapping purposes or household use. Size WH" x 23". Apply British Whig. FOR SALE Choice Hardwood, cut stove lengths. Also kindling wood sold by measure. Used Sash with glass. Doors, panel, plain and bat- ton. % Matched Pine. 3% in. clear panel lumber, 6 to 10 ins. .wide. DAVIS DRY DOCK (0. East End Wellington Street. Buildings and Bldg. ROLL ROOFING $1.00 PER ROLL a -- 54 BRICK----i1ard ana soft. any quantity. purl E. E. Wathen, 127 Ne street. Fholes 1301-7 or 818. (Agent for Baker An occasional puncture really im- proves an outing. It gives you time to look at the scenery. A casual study of the situation ROOMS--Two furnished rooms for Mght housekeeping, on bathroom flat. Three- plece bath, electric light, gas for cook- ing. Telephone. Apply 93 Raglan Rd. 'Pnone 2039-w. (deeded); large ice house; barn; house; motor boat; 250 chick: cheap te quick buyer; h son for selling. 'Phone 12 r 2, 1sland, SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE--241 Br Street, § pooms, hardwood ime LI furnace, 3 : spien condition. Apply Ross Rae, co. Edwin Chong. & Son, 106 BARRIE STREET---For sale rent, opposite City Park; 13 improvements; hot water fu 0.x 13%, Apply McFaul, 38% Johnson Street. phone 3738-w. " J. E QU. GHAM Resi Earn Insurance £3 Loane 79 Clarence Era Lots for Sale i THREE FURNISHED ROOMS -- For light housekeeping, on bathroom fiat; §4s for cooking and electric light. Ap- ply 380 Alfred Street. Real Estate For Rent, Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENT--Corner Barrie and Prin- cess Streets, also one at 290 Princess Street, furnished or unfurnished, mod. ern, with all conveniences. Apply L Cohen & Co. Ontario street. FLAT---Three large ro. , Kitch gas for cooking, water and lghts, §00d repair. Apply 286 Queen St. PARKVIEW APARTMENTS133 King Street, near City Park. Upto-date housekeeping apartments. Possession ist September. Apply 'phone 2880. 146 WELLINGTON STREET roomed bath fat, Water heating. Business Places for Rent © 75 TWO STORES--AL 200 Princess Street, cemmodious, spacious windows; rear entrance; heated. Will alter to suit Jinent. Apply I. Cohen & Co., Ontario reel. te, in Six newly decorated, Houses Tor Reat, n BRICK HOUSE---~4 rooms; modern im- provements; north side of Princess Street. Possession September 1st. Rent $30.00, Apply J. B. Cooke. Tele ph : Office 503. Res, 1731-m. FRAME HOUSE --- Six large rooms; toilet; electric lights; gas; good yard Apply 12 Main Street. HOUSE-- Corner Colborne and Syden.' ham streets, 8 rofms, all improve- ments. 257 and 259 Rideau Street, § and 7 rooms each, all improvements. Apply 185 Queen Street. "Phone 958-w, MODERN SOLID BRICK HOUSE---Cen- trally located Apply Trotter's Hard- ware, 345 Princess Street. TWO HOUSES--On Cowdy street, elec. tric light, tollet; good garden: rent $16.00; immediate p . Apply H.'F. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. Tale: roomed phone 730-w. #0 QUEBEC STREET brick house; all improvements; trie lights; gas. Possession Septem- ber 1st Apply W. Jenkins, 15 Quebec eet. 98 EARL STREET --Large, roomy, house, lately decorated, with Sunshine furnace, ing; wired for heater, for cooking, stone newly heated electric light. fans, ete.; gas garage. Will rent to a g ily at'a moderate rental. Ap- ply to Glibert's Grocery. LOT NUMBER FIVE--In the Coneession, Welle Island. . San be Siven ist October. 0 articulars apply to Mrs. A; nald, Wolfe Island, or Walkem, Kingston. PROPERTY FOR SALE--That sirable property, forming ne: corner King and Pembroke brick dwelling, land, Price, terms, etc., see pany, 79 Clarence Street. ENCE --_-- BOSTON . Offers an 18 months' coy tendant training to a ber of young women Ba ane year's High Bch e ¥ CRATING TR Fuser SEI Jos. Abrams). Sons, SEALERS Pints, 65¢.; quarts, 2 quarts, $1.10, while last. 4 Je TURK'S 'PHONE 708, made in any quantity. tion guaranteed. CANNEL COAL This is great Coal for grate fires, Quality and | BY GOLLY: THERE ARE TIMES Te . Sa : vis