SAILY BRITISH WHIG = -------- N.Y. Mr. Chaumont, » where they were the of LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE | "fies Mr. anc Mrs. Cliff, Carleton ce, are in the city for a few days | Dulmads, Union street P. and Mrs. Chown returned y from a visit at Algonquin | ne G , W av ark. € Helen Anglin and Mr. Ar- nglin, Queen street, are leav- me trophy, given b } ing for Toronto to spend a few days | is be competed for nually {| with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Chamber-|each girl on the wi ng team will re- | | lain® | h she may keep. | The C. N. E. is also giving ten prizes | ranging in value from one dollar to! ten dollars and as no girl can take | more than one prize the rewards will | be well distr d sts The Editor Heors That or W Hou and girls, and this ad. Piece wn and send it ° BOOK OF CUT-OUTS Mr. John Hes of the Federal Po and Mrs. Daniel m"s Page Editor Phone 2613.j Private Phone 8357w, LI Lh Miss Kathleen Elliott, Earl street, 88 the hostess of an exceedingly fight tea om Monday afternoon in the guests of honor were Miss McFadyen and Miss Marjorie y. twa of the ngmerous Sep- imber brides. Mrs. "J. M. Elliott fle tea at the table, effectively de- ted with summer flowers, assist- by her sister, Miss Flora Dapbar "Toronto, who is her guedt. In a mtest, Miss Kathleen Bibby was the swinner. A novel shower was ar- v Mrs. Gray' hands Miss Geraldine Daly and niece, Miss Evelyn I wh¢ have been visiting the latter's parent Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daly, Spring- | field, Mo., and Rev. Hugh Spencer, | o Chicago, Il., will return to King-| ston this week and will be with the Misses Daly, Albert . | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Herrington, who have spent their honey irondacks, the Wh 1d at the seaside, am her to but | | It contains a whe | Also the story pig plant where § | Sait are made. windsor. Ont. REGAIESALT street. | = f | WEDDINGS. That the one more week of dayligh i, saving will be taken advantage of by | ,1 spanked my boy, John. a lot, Finley- Williamson inesd normmng, those who want to enjoy picnics and | aa be kind 0 got the habit o' sta long afternoons on the water or in a | ia' wp ali the time Ye he doss pow." this evening and | 26th, 1 z inged by the young hostess. She d provided each of the brides-elect h a recipe cabinet and each of the ests brought three recipes, signed p that if they proved unsuccessful the young housekeeper would be fable to trace her failure to the right purce. Great fun was got out is original plan for providing the 'guests with a stock of recipes. . » . Miss Kathleen Earl street, tea and shower on Monday i Miss Evelyne McCartney. McCartney, mother of the presided at tne tea and Miss Ruth were joint hos- miscellaneous afternoon for Mrs. A bride table hich was decked with asters Al, Rite parasol filled with dainty ckages containing a variety tty gifte- was placed before guest of honor who was delight fith the thoughtfulness h friends. During the afternoon Miss Helen Guild, one of Kingston's Sweet singers sang, accompanied by Miss Kathleen Lyons. tt + = 3 Brig.-Gen. H, T. Hughes, C.M.G., D.8.0., chief engineer of the Cana- Battlefield Memorials Commis- fon, who has returned to Canada to port on the work in France and : iginm in connection with the erec- tion of battlefield inonuments, ar- yived in Ottawa last week and is the it of Col. Henry C. Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, 1 street, have returned home af- visiting Mr. Bloodough, Watey- * EA garden party was held on Wed- . nesday afternoon and evening at the 4 of Mrs. J. H. Roche, Iroquois, Inn, at the foot of the Eastview i The event was well attended Ff the people of that district and jston. The gathering was a great | and was thoroughly enjoyed ryone. The spacious grounds decorated by Chinese lanterns paper ornaments. The music supplied by Salsbury's orchestra. A - - most enjoyable corn-roast was fen by Dr. Fergus J. O'Connor at summer cottage, Deadman's 5. on Monday evening. The : of the Hotel Dieu were the pred guests. A number of King- In's young musicians including and Mrs. O'Connor's family, for the dance, which was th enjoyed by thé guests. . - » - ineipal R. Bruce Taylor has mt out invitations for the marriage his daughter, Mary McKendrick, Bb Mr. James Horaco Odell, which . take place on' Saturday, Sept. at two o'clock, in Convocation Queen's University, with a re- in afterwards at the Principal's - - * is Elsie Lawless, Portsmouth, the hostess of a linen shower on day 'evening for Miss Evelyn BY, & bride of this week. . .- » Evelyn McCartney, Univer- lene, is giving a trouseau tea fternoon. of |, of | the | 1 | Mr "| Caroline Schofield, to town cupy their on Centre street. . » . Aileen and Miss May Rogers, IW t, returr Saturday ne, Que. they have | y guests of their aunt, Mrs. Henry. Miss May Rogers left for Toronto on Monday. Miss Elizabeth Prescott little ¢ n motored from Toronto | ic and is the guest of her father, Mr. | G. W. Prescott, at the Hotel Fronte- | : 1 nae. | Miss Amy Horsey, who has spent | € e time in Kingston and at Cressy | with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Horsey, re- 1ed to Ottaw today. G Jarrie street returned from Arnprior on Monday. - - ® pretty bungalow 7. 8 with her h. The' Mec- iott, . 1 g was a pearl ne 1 a gold bar-pin 1d and Miss Ill., who have Europe for some time, are | with Mrs. Frank Strange and Mrs | Schofield's parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Richard Davis. Mrs. R. W and Mrs. Sch { been in | EFFICIENT HOUSEKEEPING By Laura A. Kirkman, Rayson, Wellingt street, returned today from to Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Horsey, at their summer home at Cressy Her | son, Rev. R. 8. Rayson, will arrive in town shortly from New York. to | spend a few days with her on his way to St. Chad's College. Regina. | Sask., where he has been appointed sub-warden. Mr. J. Nelson Trickey, Yarker, is| visiting his daughter, Mrs. T. H. Renton and Dr. Renton, King street Rev. J. Y. McKinnon and M McKinnon, who have been vis ng, the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. | John Wright, Mack street, will re- | B turn to Brantford shortly. | Marmalade . ss = | Mr. Joe Thwaites, Hamilton, is | spending the week in town. | Potatoes Mrs. A. E. Knapp and her daugh- | Sliced Cucumbers ters are leaving today for their | Apple Dumplings home in Pasadena, Calif, after | | spending a pleasant summer with | pEASWERS TO INQUIRIES s | Dr. and Mrs. Knapp, Nelson street, fg a YLrac)e R, anaes OW are men's and other friends. | soft collars w ashed? 1 can't get them Their Excellencies the Governor- | White. S General and the Lady Byng of Vimy | Answer: I are in Winnipeg today and are oxi WRler GVGY one so pected to return to the Capital on | then stir tee A espo $ of Emo, Saturday. | nia into this mixture, C ool it. It will form a j Put the soft collars into one this jelly mixed with one quart of water. Open the collars and street, and their two children, With | place them flat in the soap-solution, Miss Gladys Wylie, Earl street, have | leaving them to soak over night. In left on a motor trip ta Toronto, { the morning the dirt can ly re- Toast Vegetable-Stuffed Peppers ran-Date Bread Cocoa Dinner Rump Roast of Beef Onions Coffee t of boiling one pin haved soap and Mr. and Mrs. A. Nesbitt, Princess | be e + |is to be had in August and September when the extra hour at the end of the | i | . | kerchiefs are being used for t} Hamilton and Niagara Falls. While | mcved. But if this is not the case, boil n Toronto they will attend the exhi- | the collars. When they are clean, rinse bition. { well, then dip them in a thin, raw (un- Mrs. C. J. Allen, Ottawa, will ar- | boiled) starch, made by dissolving Five in town to-day to visit her sis- | tablespoon of-the dry starch-pov teri "Mrs. Herman Macdonald, Earl|abowt one quart of cold wate street. jcollars in a turkish towel anc Mrs. F. H. C. Baugh has returned | two hours before ironing. to Brockville after a visit with Mrs.| Mrs. G. G.: R. C. Ward, William street. | cipe for a delicacy called 'Taglachs?' Mrs. Henry Joseph and Miss Ethel i A Jewish friend of mine once Jerved it Olive Joseph, Montreal, have return- | to me, long ago." ' ed to St. Andrews-by-the-Sea, N.S.,| Answer: Yes, and it is a delicious and will remain there until about | sweet. Taglachs: Beat two eggs and the middle of September. { add to them a pinch of salt and en- - vv = jough flour to ymake a medium-stiff Dr. and Mrs. Horace C. Mabee, ac- | dough (I regret that I have nat the ex- companied by Mrs. A. Adams, Wil-| act amount recorded). Have syrup { lam street, have returned home or. | cooking, made of one pound of sugar | ter spending a few days at the Wey- | and one pint of honey. Cut the dough ! { up in small pieces and roll like bread ~~--~~31 sticks, then cut these sticks again into | | one-inch pieces and drop carefully into | | the simmering syrup. Dg not stir, but j merely let them cook slowly till the syrup is gone, then cool a little and rollin shredded cocoanut. Store in a jar in a cool place till used. Always-Interested Reader: "Have you a recipe for Orange Cream Pie?" Answer: Orange Cream Pie: Sepa- rate yolks from whites of three eggs and beat the yolks with one-half cup of granulated sugar. Into a saucepan put one cup of sweet cold milk and let heat till almost boiling, then thicken with two and one-half tablespoons of cornstarch powder mixed to. a paste with one-half cup of additional cold sweet milk. Now add the egg-yolks | mixed with the sugar and stir wel Flavor with the grated rind of two or- nges and the juice of one and cool rn the mixture into a baked under crust and on top of the pie spread a meringue made of the three egg-whites beaten stiff with two tablespoons of extra sugar. Slip the pie into a modern I oven for about eight minutes, or till deliberately browned on top. Tomorrow--More Pickling Recipes. All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman, in care of the "Efficient NOTE! If you take YEAST for your HEALTH, use Royal Yeast Cakes. Write for FREE BOOKLET, "ROYAL YEAST FOR BETTER HEALTH". | one | "Do you know of a re- |e So if a personal desired, a stamp- | envelops must | With the question. Be! YOUR full name, street the name of your city ~The Editor. sure to car. It is felt by many people that the | greatest advantage of the summer time | lay is most enjoyable and we have got | used to the change of time. That onge more a gleam of scarlet in the distance will tell us that the gentle. | meu cadets have come back to the Royal Military College. We give them a hearty welcome back to Kingston | and the large class of recruits is in-{ cluded in our greetings. ue to be worn with | costume. One reas is that these accessories give the ir dual uch of personality v costume needs. The large i 1s pur- | ent effect since they intless ways. s that send accounts to the press f gains them ma d such accounts to| | i i Sen "ditor of she Woman's Page, sh Whig, Kingston, Ont." { In ancient times, a pedagogue was | not a schodl-teacher as now, but a ser- | vant, usually a trusted slave, who con- ducted the children of a household to] and from school. | rst London bus has arrived in It is introduced as an experi- nt and should it prove satisfactory, | 200 of them will be put in operation, | Among the things that are hard | on a young widow's reputation are pmill neighbors. MOTHER:- Fletcher's Cas- toria is a pleasant, harmless Sub- stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, | { | sho { results | on Sports Day. A solo, | fic little | prepared by Mrs. W. J. Ball, WOMAN'S INSTITUTE. | ATHENS The August meeting of the Wor Institute was he n Saturday i the secretary-treasurer's ng a neat sum derived from sale of bouquets to the sum: ony at Charleston Lake, and gr from the cafeteria How I Miss You To-night song about mo rendered by Miss Ma ith Miss Georgia Ro panist. These talented girls always so generous with their mus various occasions. A helpful "What is the best age of won Ke: was read by Mrs. B. H, Brown sot Tin-roil wrapped in the little blue box-an hy- gienic package of Kraft Cheese you will use on r many occasions. proved that the best age is the present age. Mrs. Sankey, Was brought greetings from ti Province" and told of th maintaining a Rest"Room, prov tonsil clinic, and beautifying the tery. The Dominion pres men's Institutes lives at I near her home town. Forty-two regular stear I are now operating out of the r Vancouver, the gross tonnage ior | year being 14,473,518, which is o Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of TI The Hudson's Bay Company, hav- | ing kept records since 1843, finds that |J{ there is an increase in the number of ||} rabbits, foxes, and lynx every eleven | years. Eskimos do not drink oil. They act ually consume less "food for power" than the average Scotsman or Nor- wegian, according to Vilhjaimur Stai- ansson. an " - \ Lal 4 Every {Oc Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. BATHING Water Wings, fine Toilet Soaps, Spong- es, Perfumes and Talcums. PRINCESS PHRNACY GALLAGHER'S T. "PHONE AXI SERVICE 960 25¢ Ton" DAY OR NIGHT ALL 7 PASSENGER Spans ion tons in excess of the 1023 fig- A A A A A A AA A AA A AAA AAA Ati, ee ene mime I Knit®-Fit Dresses hd Suits Silk andibol and very fine Wool. These gflents are well tailored and fit perfectly. Suits ra $27.50. Dresses From p ments are gq in price from $13.00 to h $12.50 to $19.75. it indications knitted gar- to be very fashionable for Fall. They@ the most serviceable gar- ments to buy wear. Can be cleaned so as to look lik@w. Come in vill pretty colors and are trim- med with but to match, W.N.I Phone 191. ton & Co. The Waldron Store | TTT TTI (LAU er - ADALLE. CF ss Street, ON AA | pony gn CRY. = 121 P KI Weber, Heintz & Co., Lindsay PIBOS Sonora affiColumbia PHON@RAPHS Marconiphonepd Thermiodyne RADH SETS MUSIC ROLL$nd RECORDS \ Easy terms, efficient and satisfactign guar- anteed. fe / | int --