To each person pux- chasing preserving | supplies to the value of 25 cents or over, we will give FREE one Metal Jar pack. Sptess extra strong). £ (18¢c. pound) L. T. Best PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST "Phone 50, . BRICK BUNGALOW---7 bath, electric light, choice location. * sngan_prame, 4 rooms B. 00. fasonirems, room. 8 3. hh light and furnace. --- - Brick, setui-detagh Sh 8 " rooms, 8 p. bath, electric Y gas, deep lot and garage, $5,000~Brick, 6 rooms, 3 p. . electric light and furnace, $7,500--Brick, all modern, central. MONEY TO LOAN. When September arrives the days begin to shorten and it will soon be dark at "'Get- ting Up Time." A GOOD Alarm Clock is almost a necessity. We have a varied range from $2.00 to $7.50 All of them fully guaran teed for one year. } fim. Foe: the next month, we will install' GAS Pipes inside the wall of your house. Auyone desiring to become a consumer of the best and cheapest fuel on the market, 'phone 1604 for full informa tion. If it can be done with heat you can do it cheaper with GAS. PublicUtilities Commission C. C. Folger, General Manager. BUY ADVERTISED GOODS Their Makers Guarantee Them MEN'S GREY FLANNEL TROUSERS- NEWEST OILED LINEN RAINCOATS- Sizes 361044 .............. $1250 MEN'S BUTTONLESS UNDERWEAR-- NEWEST NECKWEAR MEN'S SILK HOSE-- 95c¢. Newest designs .......... 50¢. to 95¢c. - RONEY'S PRINCESS STREET aE This is tH time to have the broken - bricks or castings repaired in your Stove or Furnace. Next month there will be a rush and possibly a little de- lay in reaching every one. ; Have your Stove or Furnace Pipes ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG HOUSEKEEPING By Laura A. Kirkman. 7 MORE PICKLING RECIPES TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast Bananas Cereal Fried Eggs and Bacon : Coffee Luncheon Vegetable Salad Wholewheat Bread Peanut Butter Cookies Tea . Dinner Beef Rissoles Pickles Baked Potatoes Spinach Steamed Raisin Pudding Hard Sauce Coffee Olive Oil Pickles: Pare five dozen large cucumbers and slice them into a bowl; add one dozen large peeled and sliced onions, one-half cup of salt and boiling water barely to cover. Let stand two hours, then drain off the li- quid. Measure this brine drained off, and set aside the same amount of vine- gar (thén throw away the brine). To the vinegar add one cup of olive oil, one-half cup of mustard seed and one- half teaspoon of black pepper. Heat the vinegar mixture to the boiling point, and pour it over the pickles which have been placed in hot, steril- ized glass jars. Seal airtight at once. (By "sterilized" jars, I mean jars which have been boiled, empty, for 15 minutes in water tg cover.) Cucumber-Celery Relish: Pare and chop 12 large cucumbers, six large on- ions, six large stalks of celery with Beets peppers with seeds discarded. Add two cups of granuated sugar, two tea- spoons of salt, and cold vinegar to cover. Bring to the boil and let con- tinue to boil for ten minutes, then turn all into hot, sterilized glass jars and seal at once: (Be sure the jars are hot, otherwise--if cold--they may crack when the ho} pickles are turned into them.) Chow-Ghow: Put through your food chopper one large head of cabbage, eight large onions, and one-half pack of green tomatoes, then gover these chopped fhixed yegetables with one heaping cup of salt and let stand over- night. In the morning drain off the Yiquor and discard it. Add to the chop- ped vegetables qne ounce of celery seed, one cup of grated horseradish, one tablespoon of black pepper and two ounces of white mustard seed. Put into a saucepan three quarts of cider vinegar and two pounds of brown su- gar, and bring these two ingredients to a boil; let it continue to simmer for five minutes, turn, pour it over the spiced chopped vegetables which you have placed in hot, sterilized glass jars. Seal at once. Cauliflower Pickle: Break the "flow- erets" from"two large heads of cauli- flower and add to them two cups of small onions and three chopped re sweet peppers. Sprinkle the mixture with cold water. Let stand overnight and in the morning drain off. the li- quor, (discarding it). Heat two quarts of vinegar with three teaspoons of mus tard seed, then add the chopped vege- tables and let cook till the canliflower is almost tender (about 20 minutes) before sealing in hot, sterilized jars. All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman, in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping" department, will bé answered in these columns in their turn. This requires considerable time, however, owing to the great number received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamp- ed and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be sure to use YOUR full name, street number, and the name of your city and state. ~The Editor. Thdbe Summer Romances! laugh in it too, When the partings of summer ro- things by November! : Prove It! Avithet "Yes, sir. is the last word in aeroplanes. leaves removed, and four red sweet) IF tho moon as « sieeve abe must My machine R It is no wonder when they're wed | Her face is pale and his is red; Ir y've just found out, If truth be | said, They don't know where they're | heading! | Explaining It. Dana: "What's Lewis so cheerful about?" Barton: "He's the father of ab that became a law." Dana: "I didn't know that Lewis was a Congressman." Barton: "He isn't. {liam has joined force." His son Wil- just the police wn The person who devised the. com- ! parison, "As easy as taking. candy | from a baby, pever Bad a baby. No Dictionary Needéd: "How do you spell candy, Dad-| { dy?" asked Leslie Jones, a little | four-year-old friend of mine. "Well, it starts with a 'K,' doesn't {t?" 'answered his father, with an} amused smile. "No it don't!" interrupted Lesite, | "it starts with a nickel." : =-Leone Gitchell. Somewhat Peevish. A guest at a summer hotel was weighing himself. "At what do you tip the scales?" asked the manager, trying to be pleasant. "Dp I have to tip the scales?" de- manded the guest aggressively. William 8S. Adkins. Robinson Crusoe had to do his own work six days a week, as he only had his man Friday. Fairy Story. "We are not/interested as to whe- ther or not our goods will sell" said the great business man at the firm conference, "it's entirely a question of giving the public the best the market affords." A For Pity's Sake. Mildred--* "What makes Billy so red in the face?" Janet--""Oh, he's trying to swale low his pride." '---- Answers. 1925. Reproduction (Copyright, Forbidden). Read the Newspaper ty Fun each evening In the Whig. See it each Wed- nesday and Thursday at the Capitol. Plum Growing In Ontario. Speaking of plum culture in On- tario the Dominion Horticulturist in Bulletin No. 45, which is devoted to the subject generally, says that the climate of the western section of the province is suited to the culture of both European and Japanese plums. Along Lake Huron the European plums do well. Sometimes low tem- peratures in winter and spring lessen the crop. In eastern Ontario only the hardiest European plums need be tried. It is only in an occasional year that thére is a full crop of these even in protected places, the winter being too severe. The native and American varieties do well in eastern and north central Ontario and early varieties bring good prices. In northern Ontario the earliest native varieties should be tried. Spraying is a general necessity. Tak- ing one year with another, the Hort culturist adds, there is a fair profit in plums in Ontario. 'The Grinham | Bookshop 160-162 PRINCESS STREET | | | { | Ih i il if ' iH 1 PROBS :-- Thursday, mostly fair and warm, scat- y tered thunder showers. 4 4 a < EAE EN NEN E INN EN EEN School Days Ahead! Have you some healthy, ¥ull-of life children to outfit for schoolchildren that 'go through" most clothes in a short time ? They are the kind ofyoungsters we like to help mothers outfit. > od On OP PO O ox AIANNANKAN 2) DAA NAA DADS ISA A Flare in Fall Coats Is the Newest Note O different from last year | That's what makes these new Fall Coats so interesting. Last year's Coats were slim and straight. This year's Coats are slim but flaring, and much of their charm de- pends upon the sublety with which slim lines are retained even though flares are featured. Patches of Fur often accent Circular side sections, while shirred fronts bordered with fur are another smart version. B 8 5 1000 Coats and Wraps await your choice And early choosing is always the most satisfactory -- - now 8 ® Lo suitable for every figure--no matter how small or how iv Priced trom $10.00 up ry : y & > 3 » 3 -