Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Sep 1925, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC™ \ [ NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS }iand Mrs. Charles Burgy, Chicago. {spending six weeks with her daugh- interest and it should be our duty and {The groom's father is a former (ter, Mrs. W. J. Winter, Selby. privilege to see thaf an interest be pro- | IFE'S SOCIAL. SIDE | Kingstonian. | Rev. Mr.eand Mrs. McQuaig and }rided to develop 'the boys and girls \ | , 2. {their family have rpturned to their |into the kind of men and women Can-! One of the happiest events on the home, "The Manse," at an al- | ada needs. These and kindred organi- women's prograpfme at the Toronto [ter a month's holidays at their sum-| zations teach unselfishness and team} Page Editor Phone 2013. times, accompanied by Mrs. J. R. C.| pxpibition this year was the delight- | mer cottage. | work and play. They give the girls and pS Private Phone 857w. { Dobbs, ful luncheon given by Mrs. Hepry| Mrs. Anna Compton, 163 Alfred | boys a love for the great out-of-dobrs a . e i Le." Aitken, of Beeton, one the charming street, who has been the guest of and they do more to close the objec-| Mrs. John Matheson, Alice streel,| Ap interesting meeting of the], of garden of the Women's Build- 'her brother, Hon. W. A. Charltog, | tionable places of amusement than sil the Nostess of a large tea OB cw |, was held in the Roman Ca-|ine on Monday to the Women's In- "1adison avenue, Toronto, returned | the strictures laid upon them. A nega- | J afternoon when her guests hole Assembly Hall on Tuesday | stitutes' representatives from all to Kingston on Tuesday. tive policy is seldom a successful one. | the opportunity of saying g00d- svening. The president, Miss Agnes | over Canada. - * = Give the young people work to do in a | i» to Mrs. Oscar D. Skelton, Who |poolan, was in the chair, , on «ss Miss Kathleen Kennedy, Ports-|800d cause, provide them with an in. | been associated with Kingston [penalf of the society, welco the Mrs. A. Alkenbrack, B.A., spent|mouth, has returned from a vacation | té€rest outside themselves and half the | she came here as a freshette of members who had returned from athe week-end with Mr. and Mrs. | of two weeks spent in Gouverneur, | T¢8Tcttable stories than come to our 'S University. Mrs. Skelton [yigi: to Rome. They were Mrs. Ross | Perley Wright, Grove avenue, Otta- Carthage and Lowville, N.Y. ears would cease to be true. 8 always been an outstanding 0g-|Hagpelle, Mr T. A. Keenén, Mrs.|wa - On Monday she went to Vars| -Dr. and Mrs. Butler, who spent Jn hp university and literary p J. Millan and Miss Mae Millan, [to accept the principalship of thethree weeks with: their cousins, Mr. > a " 3 and an energetic worker Innis Frances Sullivan and Miss K.|school there. and Mrs. W. J. Gibson, Queen street AUNT HET jalmers Chpreh, and it was with [and Miss A. O'Connor. These ladies| | >. 8 Apartments, have returned to New * | . \ Bp regret that the news was heard [wore invited! to take seats on the| The Tuesday Mah Jongg Club met | York. : a mg O€s . | months @go that she would platform, which' they did amidstist the Cataraqui Golf and Country| Dr. and Mrs. L. Dunbar Steven- itgally leave Kingston. She re-imych applause, After the business!Club this week. fon and their little son Peter, who { i with the hostess in the Sram of the meeting was completed re- . 9 have been, with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. / . 0 which was lovely with the 'treghments were served from a table Miss Leeder, V.O.N., has returned | Campbell, "Glen Lyon," will return \ EC WE AR A t flowers pf late summer. In| decked with summer flowers and from holiday at her home in Wain-| to New York this week. FOR FALL og where marigolds presided over by Mrs. T. J. Lovett fieat, Ont. * * 1 \ : * were used for decoration, and Mrs. F. A. Pilley, assisted®by; Mrs. W. H. Bell, Toronto, is the Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Cook, of Bos- Qu 3 ¥. Dupuis and Mrs. J. F.'the members of the executive. The guest of her son, Prof. W. V. Bell, ton, are the guests of Mr. J. M. | Sh * howing gt Fall Straps and Oxford poured tea and coffee. as-i meeting divided into little groups and Mrs. Bell, College street. Theg King street. Two weeks | O€s for the Sc i La by Miss Isabel Ross, Miss{and heard with deepest interest the Miss Muriel and Miss Gretaja Mr. Theobald took a tripe to 7 Ind ool Girl or for the dy A Bassam, Miss Mary Taylor story of their visit to Rome told by Graham, Alwington aveenue, left | Boston by rail, and returned' with | that wants that plain, neat effect that well- Miss Marton McFadyen. Miss the members of their socioty whol!this week for their schools, the |Mr. and Mrs. Cook by motor, coming ' KR : Sh . y assisted the hostess in the had made the pilgimage during the former at Ottawa and the latter at|through the Berkshire : and the tting Shoes always give to the wearer -- : During the afternoon holy year. oF * | Norwood. Adirondack Mountains. Mr. Theo- heh Marion McFadyen sang several Ly rw. Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Johnston, | bald sdys it was one of the most de- \ Tk Should See the range of good Shoes we have % Miss Evelyn McCartney, Univer-iand their son, Toronto, are the |lightful trips he has ever taken. or 11 Ww Liese oes : 9 sity avenue, whose wedding takes | guests of Mw, and Mrs. W. Bailie, | They came along leisurely and were "The women that talks meanest Aa = . cary the Sh from 8 Ba . {place on Thursday, gave a charm-|Barrie street. a week in making the journey from | about their husbands is the ones double A to D and can fit perfectly almost: AIC Pavilion ingly arranged trousseau' tea on | * * =» Boston to Kingston. that ain't got spunk emosgh to talk Ls " Tuesday afternoon, when a large{ Miss E. Stevenson, district supe Master Lawrence Boyle, who was up 4 home." any foot. 5 Y TUESDAY number of her friends had the pleas. [intendent of the V.O.N. for Eastern | visiting Mr, and Mrs. Charles Lit- 4 y $ F) FRIDA Y ure of viewing her handsome gifts Canada, whose headquarters are in|ton. East View Park, has returned > . » A and her dainty trousseau. ' At the Ottawa, is in town ig connection |to his home<in BeReville. Prices range from $3.50 for wide widths Ha BIE re Rad effectively-arranged tea table tea was with the V.O.N. work in Kingston, -.w WEDDINGS. to $1 0.00 for narrow. -~ . Manager, | poured by Mrs. E. Steen and Mrs. C. and is at the Y.W.C.A. Mrs. W. S. Ellis with her daugh- : : mis Nicholls of Hartford, Conn, assisted | * Mr. Justice and Mrs, H, M. Mowat, | ter, Mrs. Lindsay Malcolm and her « - x Ta - {by Mrs. M. O'Brien, Mrs. A. C. Giv-| Toronto, are spending a few days in | son, Stuart, Albert street, have te-| ¥ escourt ens, Mrs. Herbert Nicholson and town with their sisters, the Misses [turned from Kennebunk Port, Me., Robinson-Leverman. LOCKETT'S : Miss Elsie Lawless. Little Miss Mowat, Johnson street. where they spent several weeks. The marriage took place quietly School Bunny Menary, Toronto, opened tte! Mrs. J. Kennedy and her son, Ar- Miss Helen Lovett has returned recently in Halifax of Gladys Treby Re-open ny --r i - 9 Sept. Sth, 1835 door to the guests. { thar, who have spent the summer in | from a trip to Toronto, and Detroit, Leverman, of Halifax, and Croft P. received in all grades. in- 'Cee. Kingston, left to-day for Worcestér. | Mich. Robinson, of Toronto, son of L. P, nary Bad. "Oylingiate The marriage will take place on Mass., taking Mrs. Khanedy's moth- Prof. and Mus. T.. B. Callander. Robinson, now of Toronto, formerly cluss, if desired : }{Sept. 5th, in Chicago, of Mr. Weir|®™ Mrs. George Thompson, Brock |who have spent the summer io Eng-|p gingston. The bride has been third places tn pri || Woodburn Mitchell, son of Dr. H. F. |[Stfeet, with them for a visit. nd puotand, will return 10 prominent in 1.0.D.E. circles and has » schools. Mitchell and Mrs. Mitehell, Souty| Rev. John Lyons, Mrs. Lyons and | Kingston this month. ohnll a done wonderful work for the Cana- || Bumber OF boarders taken. | inend, Indiana, and grandson of the their daughter, who niotored to sev.| Miss Rayson, Queen's University, qian National Institute for the place in i peal pooh late Mr. G. M. Woodbfirn and Mrs, | Tal of Mr. Lyons' former parishes|who has been in England since Rlind, both in Halifax and Toronto. x * ) ide April, has sailed for Canada and ' x ; Woodburn, Ottawa, to Miss Dorothy |O® the. Rideau, passed = through The groom, whe is a highly valued JA 5. BATES, 347 Brock Street jxattarine Buzgy, daughter or Mr. Roms to Bieton waore mr prone | re ET Robohand ang Miss] member of the staf of the Canada €Cla > home to Picton, where Mr. Lyons is rs. B. J. McLelland an 58 | Life Assurance Company, served for a [rector of St. Mary Magdalene's| Margery McLelland, who have spent |iyree years with Queen's Military ee] | Church. While In town they were [several years in England and SWit-|pocnital in France. Mr. and Mrs. B N MUSIC STUDIOS il the guests of their cousins, the |zerland, will return to Kingston In| Robinson will reside in Toronto. |! . ; ll Misses. Lyons, Barrie street. October. A \ - 258 King Street i i LIE Miss 'Eva Mundell, Washburn, i ) I who has gone to take a post gradu- New Colors in Britain. S a yY ; { H. 8. Packer, AT.CM. || elgmann. Res. Phone 1206-w. ll! Pie Aan Bhoge: and his daugh-|,.p course in & New York hospital,| London, Aug. Sept. 1--As a step to- |! item. Miss owe he ortt, Ottawa, |; o4 present visiting relatives in | wards the achievement of British con- || will return from England next week | piiionold, Mass. trol of British fashions, the leading dy- -- == after spending the summer there. .- ss ® ers, manufacturers, makers.u * . co y 3 -up and | { Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sutherland.| wu gH. Birkett and hey little | merchants of the United Kingdom are |! A sale of 200 Women's Silk and if | Gore street, have retufned home er, who were with 'Mrs. J. H. |actively co-operating on eight new : . tgner i} from Toronto with their son, Ar- a Barrie street, have returned abrde rye rr ™ Wool Sweaters--all knit to he, finest guarantee fil thur, who has been attending a sum- to Toronto. The new colors range from deep as . . ° tOre (Established 1874) if | mer camp at Algonquin Park. Mr. and Mrs. R. Easton Burns, [gold to cream and from niauve to qualities--every size in the lot. Your FLOWERS i Miss Marion Sullivan has return- Frontentac street, have left for a|green. Every one has been given a dis- . | ed to town after spending a few days trip to the Pacific coast. ' tinctive name. . | choice for 4 : = in Watertown, N.Y,, the guest of Capt. and Mrs. ¥. M. Harvey,| Cedarwood is a light brown, tinged PEP jh D. B. Guess. A Royal Military College, have re-| With pink. : , % sd *. 9. 8 turned from Buck Lake, where they| Burnt oak, a darked aufumnal tint. YOU BUY WHEN! Dr. H. 8. McDonald, Dresden, 18)g5ent a week with Col. and Mrs. W.| Veronese, a rich red. - visiting his sister, Mrs. BE. F. Mont |p wear. Orifiame, a full gold ea ® . * . : . ; exceptional tone quality m the Weber gomery, and Mr. B. F. Montgomery,| mre Ww. J. Gibson, Quden Street| Nilesque, a green somewhere be- ] appeals to the most aesthetic taste. J [Earl street. % Apartments, will go te Toronto on Tween sau do Ni and jade. i FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. a os Miu, Jack ek. Alla Friday to visit Mrs. B. H. Birkett. | faeurette, a depivation of corn-flow- i : i pe » es s A ' 5 : Al C. Ww. i LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Mr. and Mrs. Charjes Litton, East- 3d ii Ea ru] Miliary Pavlova, a' mauve named after the See window to-night. Re ei x 3 view Park, have left for their home. . ! predominating color in the Russian i Mrs. J. N. Hudgin, Phoenix, N.Y., dancer's recent ballets. returned home this morning, after The new colors arg ow being used , 'artificial silk and i ---- « » in silk, cotton, wool ------ The Editor Heors linen; and for scarfs, artificial flowers, - belts and bags, as well as garments. WwW N Lint > belts and bags, as well 2s garments, | o INe on : That the growth of the women's end of Toronto's big fair is phenonomals 'Phone 191. The Waldron Store Thirty-three years ago the Women's Art Association wa¥ asked to assist in making arrangements for the women's and children's exhibits and not long afterwards Mrs. Willoughty Ca min ofthe staff of the Mai nd Ping and largely interested in womens mévements, represented the Council of Women of the small com- mittee formed, and Mrs Stevens re- presented the W.T.C.U. on the same committee. This year, many of the speakers are women, and Mrs. J. E. Elliott, a Canadian woman artist who possesses a charming personality, told the story of the beginning of the exhi- bition of woman's activities that is one of the most interesting features of the C. N. E. The Women's Institutes have a whole wing to themselves and are largely responsible for the success of x \ T the undertaking and for the general GALL AGHER'S feeling hat en a aiger building is J neces or display of those ex- : hibits of special interest to woman. (} TAXI , _PHovm [ln omer wants hey havemade wood |f gp RVICE 960 Weber, Heintzman & Ca. Lindsay

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