a CT en rr NEWS 'LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE 's Page Editof Phone 2618. Private Phone 857w. « *Te * 'Chariningly arranged was the tea shower given on Thursday after- by Miss Ruth MacClement, p's University, for Miss Mar- Murray, a much-feted bride-| ot. y summer flowers decked rr roam and the tea table the hostess was assisted by Lois Taylor, Miss Kathleen and Miss Vivien White. A bride's cake, iced as for the pding, was cut by the guest of pr and #Mterwards a box was plac- | Before her from which she took seemed a nosegay of roses bul Bs in reality cleverly arranged jndkerchiefs twisted into roses, with fern and lace paper ribbon streamers ended in a p for each handkerchief, g . = = f Mrs. W. F. Casey, ing sstree:, a birthday picnic on Thursday jernoon for Miss Margaret. Casey hich meant a delightful outing for Br guests. A sail on the yacht Sylvia p Brown's Bay with a pienic tea ind swimming were among the joys jf the afternoon. The guests: were fq Charlotte Abbott, Virginia son, Efleen Rigney, Valerie Hora, mie Constantine, Julie Steacr, jabeth Young, Bunting and Mary , Jean and Kathleen Richard- y Frances Morrison, Helen Gardi- and Audrey Lawson. . | "My. and Mrs. H. R. Grant, Flint, h., accompanied by the latter's a mts, Capt. and Mrs. W. G. Cock- ingston, have returned to fter an extended motor trip Catskill, Bear and Storm Mountains on the Hudson on the way to New York. Leav- New York, en route to Flint, 8 came by way of New Jersey, dphia, through the Allegheny ns, visiting the battlefields tysburg, through Pittsburgh, d, Toledo, Detroit to Flint. . - . irs. Louise Simpson, Hamilton, punces the engagement of her i* daughter, Leah Mirta, to Rob- "Fenton .Carpenter, son of Mrs. ter and the late H. R. Car- Gananoque, Ont), the mar- to take place quietly the mid- of September. * * -. » Manley B. Baker, William was he hostess of a small tea Thursday afternoon her sis- Mrs. J. Harvey am, of » West Va. - - » Herman Macdonald, Earl will entertain at mah jongg > i An Introductory Showing Saturday at McNabb's. An early showing of authentic styles for Fall and Winter is seen in the Fashion Centres. New versions THE this afternoon for her sister, Mrs. C. J. Allen, Ottawa. » » = Mrs. E. A. Danby announces the engagement of her eldest daughter, Florence Ethel, to Charles 8. Gardi- ner, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. (Gardiner, Morewood. The marriage is to take place quietly in Septem- ber. Hn . Mray Houghton and her son, of Madison, Wis., are the guests of ghe former's sister, Mrs. N. Henders®, and Mr. Henderson, 12 Main strect, Portsmouth. Miss L. E. Wellbourne has re- turned to New York City after hav ing spent the last two weeks with her sister, Mrs. M. Henderson, Portsmouth. Miss Irene Gilbank and Mr. P. E. Gilbank, Bowmanville, have been re- cent guests of Mr. Charles O'Connor, Earl street. > Mr, end Mrs. John Stirling and their children arrived from Toronto to-day and are with Mr. C. C. Hod- gins, Clergy street west. Mr. and| Mrs. Fred Otten and their children, Woodstock, will also be withe Mr. Hodgins for the wedding of theixs brother, Mrs. Charles Hodgins and Miss Marjorie Murray. Mrs. Heber family, King street, from Petawawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Coleman, who have been with Prof.-and Mrs. Manley B. Baker, William street, left to motor through New York state and will go on to their homb in Wheeling, West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Craig, Gore! street, will return from their cot- tage of Wolfe Island on Saturday. Miss Helen Jones, Ottawa, is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Holloway Waddell, Lower Union street. Miss Isabel Macdonald, Alexan- dria, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. | Charles Morrison, Bagot street. | - . . Lt-Col. R. #. VanLuven, Mrs. Van Luven and Miss Helen Van Luven have returned to Portsmouth from a motor trip to Montreal and Ottawa. At Prescott they attended the | Weatherhead-Bennington wedding. Mr. J. J. Shortall, New York City, and Mr. and Mrs. M, Oneil and Miss J. Ohearn, South Lake, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Goodfriend, Raglan Road. Mr. and Mrs. James Denny motor- ed from Ottawa on Thursday and are the guests of Mrs. T. A. David son, Pembroke strebt. Major and Mrs. Bhilip Earnshaw | ~n - - Lafferty and her have returned | | | ew FASHIONABLE FURS. NEW AUTUMN COLORS. THE NEW AUTUMN FABRICS. New Coats of all kinds--featuring all the hew style tendencies. i Tu sizes for Misses and Women and priced from $1295 t0 *85.00 rt New Fall OF SATIN AND CLOTH ©" FABRICS Govms WOMEN'S AND MISSES' AND VIEWS T and their little daughter, who hava] spent a few days with Dr. and Mrs. | E. J. Lake, Alfred street, have re- turned to Camp Borden.' . | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Free- | port, N.Y., have returned home from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. William King. Victoria street. p { Mr. Clayton Nordhausen, Roches- | ter, N.Y, is the guest of Dr. and] Mrs. Fergus O'Connor at their cot- | tage at Fort Henry Cove. Mrs. Hanniggton bas from Petawawa. Mrs. Charles A. Wilson, Los An- geles, Calif, arrived to-day to visit | Mrs. Manley B. Baker. William Street. returned - Ld » Mr and Mrs. Colin - Macpherson. | University avenue, have gone on a trip to Montreal. Archdeacon Ogilvie Dobbs, King street, has returned from England. Among the out-of-town guests at the Hodgins-Murray wedding which; will take place on Saturday morning will be Mr. and Mrs. Cecil' Climo, Niagara Falls; Mr. Fred Maxwell, Cleveland, O.; Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Murray, Owen Sound; Miss Phyllis Cowan, Gananoque; Mr. W. Murray, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Otten, Woodstock and their children? Mr. and Mrs: John Stirling, Toronto, and their children. . . - > Mrs. J. F. Knapp with Miss Luella and Miss Stella Knapp who have] been spending the summer with Dr. ! and Mrs. Knapp, Johnson street are | now visiting Dr. D. M. Knapp In| Mendon, Illinois, on their return to Passadena, California. The members of the Britith Press party, who are visiting Canada spent | Wednesday in the Capital. The party consisted of Sir Campbell Stuart, Mr. Harry Smith, Mr. H. Ramsden, Captain Altham Collwell, Mr. F. G. R. Peterson, Mr J. F. Chapter and | Mr. S. N. B. Kenton. They have left for Toronto. Miss Louisa Sinchir, Ottawa, is in Kingston, the guest of Mrs. W. Ricg. Mrs. Edmund J. Tett, Newboro, | is visiting Ner cousin, Mrs. ctor | { B. Rivers, at "The Pines," ville. Miss Nevada Best, Albert sireet, | is the guest of Miss Louise Cays,| West Mohawk street, Oswego, N.Y. WEDDINGS. Hendry-McMullen. The marriage of Miss Helen Doris McMullen, only daughter of Lieut.- Col. W. T. McMullen, of Woodstock, Ont., to Mr. Thomas Hendry, of New York, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hen- dry, of Kingston, has been arrang- of Kingston, Ont., hag been arrang- ANNAN NN Pt St NN, ats | ta ONE OR TWO PIECE Balbriggan Dresses $14.95 $18.95 S present a lage, varied and smart col- lection of new Fall Hoathertone Balbriggan Sport : THE_DAILY BRITISH WHIG = a Hl FOR WOMEN READERS - v NR ¢ chool La Lae a aa ol Vv I Ih " : : . v / GIRLS' AND BOYS' STURDY OXFORD SHOES -- Brown, Black or Patent---Double Stitchéd Soles Sizds Sta 7.iv.iion. ot, Sizes Big l0.¢.2........ Sizes [Ito 2 .. SCHOOL. CASES ............ SUIT CASES ......$1.25, $1.48, 'SPECIAL! Hurlbut Boots in Brown or Black--size 8 to | 04%. $3.00 and $4.00 LOCKETT'S © SHOES FOR THE FAMILY Arie hha Maa aa a aa a og Shoes Lockett's Y Ml a --" Ma hh A For School Shoes and Repairable. .. $1.98 ... $198 .. $2.48 iy 39 $1.98 atid hah hod aa ag ge aR . Ahuhhhubhdih dh dh haa \ dit a Andhra Arar from the ~ The speaker stressed the impor- ceive a warmer 'sapoprt | tance of keeping before the public, {the ushers, will by advertising, the work of the or- der. She referred to a large patent medicine firm who thought their pills were so well-known that they were assured of sale and had tried to do without publicity in the press and other means of keeping their products before the world, but hgd found they were being forgotten and other better advertised medicine was being bought. KINGSTON VICTORIAN NURSING WELL DONE | The District Superintendent Reports--Mrs. F. R. Robin= son Granted Sick Leave. The Victorisn Order committee met on Thursday evlaing in the bright little room at the Welfare Station. Mrs. F. C. Reid, the presi- { dent, was in the. chair, and report§ were read from the various officers. Miss Leeder, V.O.N., reported cases during August, with a total of 175 visits paid: There were 140 children brought to the well baby clinic at the Welfare Station. A Jgtter was read from Mrs. F. Reid binson, whose name is a household one in many Kihgston homes, asking that she be granted sick leave withopt salary for the present, hoping that should her health permit her to continue her work, she would be reinstated in her position. This petition was passed, 'many regrets being heard, for Mrs. Robinson's ill health and sincere hope expressed for her recovery. "' Mrs. Reid introduced Mrs. E. Stev- enson, district superintendent for V.O.N. work in Eastern Canada, who said she had come to Kingsion to look into conditions here and had found no legitimate cause for com- plaint In any of the work of the V. O. N. nurses. Things might per. haps be more conveniently ar ranged but the work was excellently done. oy he district nursing called for much time add the well Baby clinic held at fhe station was doing good | work. Sick children who should ba in the hospital, are never treated 2 Only advice as to how keep well babies well is given by doctor or nurse. Progress is by weighing and recorded a card the f 3: ml 65 357 Detroit. Mr. William Mullen, New York, will act as best man, and be Mr. Desmond "White, of New York: Mr. Robert { McMullen, of New York, brother of {the bride, and Mr. A. G. Hendry, of | Chicago, the groom's brother. & | reception following the ceremony {will be held at the residence of the |bride's uncle,» Mr. Robert McMullen. |! { Miss McMullen fs at present the | guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. J. Carri- || Comte street.--Montreal Ga- || que, zette. Play Safe. Gran'pau--"Weel, Angus, lin's for your. holiday, whit would ye do wi' it?" For old ymahogany furniture, that which the trade calls "dul polished." don't use any furniture polish at all. Wipe it occasionally with a cloth wrung out of vinegar and water, then polish with a soft duster, and it will have just the right amount of polish. Collin's Bay 1g Pavilion EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Dancing from 8 to 12 (Standard Time) sia Shes, 1) Kingston and she hoped it would re- of Woodstock, Miss Ruth Smith, of Collingwood, ang Miss Verna Lee, of | of {| "I like to have three pillows on || our bed so I' cam prop ome under || Pa's chin when he gets to snorfn'." ma wee! mannie, if I were to gie ye five shil- | Wee Angus--"Count it "Tit. Bits. | i li J Saturday Women's House Dresses ---- extra large sizes. Also some with high neck and long sleeves--<Martha Washington make--for $2.95 each. y Women's Silk Stockings -- all the new shades--Luxite quality--at $1.00 a pair. ' Men's Sweaters in Cardigan Pull- over and with collars at $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 and $5.00 each. | -Chappie Coats in a large variety of * colors and styles at $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 each. *Phone 191. The Waldron Store Something torYou . Somewhere on this continent there is beihg broadcast Music for you. A song or selection fitted to your mood. Are you able™1o hear it's message ? THERMIODYNE 'RADIO RECEIVING SET a ridge i aintdnen between you and sat atati'te America and Cagada. Let us demonstrate one fo you El : é& +