'NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS T LIFE"S SOCIAL SIDE - | Mrs. O. D. Skeiton, who is with her | | until she leaves for Ottawa. 1 * . - { Mrs. Donald MacPhail { Katharine MacPhail, Kin street, | { spent the week-end on Garden Is- | fand with Mr, and Mrs. Hiram Cal- vin. 's Page Editor Phone 2013. Private Phone 857w. . . . Mrs. James Miller, Albert street, htertained at tea on Monday after- on for Miss Marion McFadyen, a of this week. Mrs. John Mac- llivary made tea at the table which adorned with exquisite roses and tea the guest of honor was im a miscellaneous shower. She ' goveral times, giving the guests opportunity of hearing once pre the sweet voice which she has §sed so unsparingly for the pleasure the citizens of Kingéton during r residence here. * * » A delightful tea was held on the purts of the Kingston Tennis Club urday afternoon, when a large mber of members and their fiends gathered at the tea hour. The pstesses were Mrs. D. M. Jemmett " A jl , ac § and Miss *« s = W. Hogan returned to Ro- chester, N.Y, on Monday, after spending the past week with his sister, Mrs. T, J. Lovett, Earl street - - - Dr. W. J. Gravelle, New York City, was among the out-of-town guests at the QGravelle-Cook wedding. Mr. and Mrs. ¥. W. Grover, Syra- cuse, N.Y., and Mr. Howard Grover, Pittsburgh, Pa., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Belch, 54 Ellerbeck street. 3 Miss Ruth Patterson, Greensboro, North Carolina, is visiting her uncle Mrs. ! | { Mrs. F. A. Newman, assisted by Douglas Chown, Mrs. C. Long, Margaret Black, Miss Pearl bit, Miss Anita Payne, Miss K. ingham, Miss Aileen Rogers, Sylvia White, Mis# Gladys pmas and Miss Esther Mahood. | a - - - i Mrs. B. F. Karl, Victoria street, a teacup shower at the tea! on Monday in honor of Miss Wathen, a bride of this week 'Little Miss Mary Karl, dressed as a "bride, in white and pink tulle, as- sisted her mother during the affar- - . . mt.-Col. and Mrs. 8. D. Tajhblyn pir family have arrived/in the pd are staying at the Fron- Hotel until taking up resi- in the city. Col. Tamblyn has Deen transferred to this district from | .®' 9 { turday afternoon Mrs. | Dupuis, University ave- Sai F. ed a few people to come in and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. David Derby=- shire, York street. Mrs. James Miller, Albert stree:, will leave on Friday for Toronts- fo | visit Dr. and Mrs. Rudelf and will go on to Muskoka thém to spend some time at summer home. with their Mr. and Mrs. .George Archer, To- ronto, who are motoring to New York, spent the week-end with Mr. 0. J. Hickey, and Miss Mary Hickey, College street. Mr. James Bews, and Miss Dorothy Bews and the former's three sons, College street, motored to the Can- adian National Exhikition last week. On their retury they were accompan- ied by Miss ".ing, Toronto, who spent the week end with her sister, Mrs | i Bews Mr. O. J. Hickey and his son, Overton, College street, have re- turned from a motor trip to Rochester, Niagara Falls and 'the Toronto exhibition. Mrs. Varnham Davoud and = her sons, who have been visiting Mr. H. { home of | Home ¢ sion 15 cents THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG =r "~ mnt? | A garden party the s will be held at Mrs W. H._ Rankin, Coll Bay, in aid of the Union church Thursday evening tember ooking, work table, etc ADVT. RATES, WOMAN'S PAGE: Coming events, not intended to faise money, 2c. a word; minimum 80c. If held to raise money, {ec a}! word; minimaom §1. Receptions, engagements, mars || riage announcements, personal no- f tices, 25 words or less. $1.00 per}| insertion, { Entertainments, concerts, meat. || ings, etc, 15c. per I'me for readers; || 10¢. per line for display advts. Mini- | mum charge $1.00. i | | day to visit her son Rev. J. de Pencier Wright and Mrs. Wright, St. | Luke's Rectory. She will be joined | here hy her brother, the Bishop ot | New Westminister, who left Van- | couver, B.C., for the east on Sept. | 7th. t Mr. and Mrs. Earl Abbott, Am. | herstburg, who are on their wedding | trip are visiting relatives and| friends in Kingston. { Mise Sara Lavell, who has been | €a8rned so much from your column, | sold in stores, do not just match my visiting her sister, Mrs. G. Y. Chown, | | "Sunnyside," returned to Toronto on | Monday. } Mrs. William Carey, Hamilton, ar-| rived to-day to visit Mrs. W Bell- | house at her cottage on Wolfe Is- | land. Mrs. Victor Minnes, Stratford, | spent the week-end with his parents, | Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Minnes, Kensing- ton avenue. | coMING EVENTS ) tine | b uf) y Laura. TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast Left-Over Baked Apples Cereal Scrambled Eggs Toast Coffee Luncheon Baked Beans Lettuce Jelly Catsup Rolls Iced Tea Dinner a Lamb Chops Escalloped Cabbage Fruit Salad 1 Pear Tapioca Potatoes Coffee Answers to Inquiries. "Reader Who Appreciates: I have and I am wondering if you can tell me one thing more: How to clean my alabaster vases?" Answer: Remove any stains from the alabaster by sponging with flan- nel moistened with spirits of turpen- Wash with tepid suds of white soap and then wipe dry. Now polish with a soft-bristled dry- brush which you have dipped in plaster of Paris. {I am glad you find my column help- ! ful. The Editor Heors {the hot wax. { get the parafine from the inside of That the playgrounds at Victoria! Park closed for the season on Satur-| day afternoon with a treat of ice cream for the children who have thoroughly enjoyed the place this summer. Miss Wilton has made a great success of this department of our civic life,"and has done much to popularize the system of supervised "Bride: T have been sealing my jelly glasses with paraffine, and us< ing a valued pot as a containé. for Now I find I cannot the pot. Have I ruined it forever. Answer: No, the wax can be re- moved as follows: Fill the pot with hoiling-hot water and let stand till this water cools--when you will find the parafiine floating ,on the top of | the cooled water in a sheet which can be lifted out with a skimmer, Re- | peat the process #8 many times as flicien jin a useless old coffee pot, rather than in a valued pot! The spout of the coffee pot will make the pouring | easy, and you will not have to bother cleaning out the wax from time to time, "Puzzled: I have followed out your recently published suggestion of using yellow and lavender for a guest room color-scheme. My room is beautiful. It has yellow-and- lavender floral cretonnes for window | overdrapes, gold-net drop-light shade {on the bedside table, yellow China | silk lining pads to go under the lace bureau and dressing table covers, lavender rag rugs, a lavender pottery The original CORN STARCH * since 1860. Don't accepr substitutes. THE CANADA STA. \ ST RCH CO., Limited , + NE XI R XII; bowl for flowers, yellow candlesticks, etcetera. But I am having trouble finding a yellow toilet set for the dressing table. The amber articles | shade of yellow. What else could I use?" Answer: Find a store that sells brushes, combs, mirrors, and other { dressing-table articles covered with | old-rose and old-blue watered silk and trimmed with French silk rose- buds, gold lace, etcetera. Order a | similar set to be made with yellow instead of with the old-rose or old- blue. Or see if you cannot make the covering yourself. Tomorrow--Varying the French . Dressing. All inquiries addressed Housekeeping' department, will bo answered in these columns in their | turn. This requires considerable! time, however, owing to the great] number received. So if a personal or | quicker reply is desired, a stamp-| ed and self-addressed envelope must | be enclosed with the question. Be | to Miss | Kirkman, in care of the "Efficient | if CHASE sSANBORN'S TEA MAINTAINS THE REPUTATION ESTABLISHED BY OUR _-- COFFEE gt a -- re a Pretty Flannel sure to use YOUR full name, street | number, and the name of your city | and state. ~The Editor. play for younger children which is | any wax remains on thc inside of the such a valuable asset to the life of | pot. But next jelly-making season, the community. I would advise you to melt the wax r sa ocodbye to hour. to my § y { Tandy and Miss Lettice Tandy at | their cottage on 'Wolfe Island, will | leave for New York on Wednesday. | | | | | i Mr. and Mrs. J. Nardelli motored from Petawawa to Ottawa on Bat- urday where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Corkey for the holiday. Mr. Frank- Tothill has come from Virginia to spent a short time in Kingston and to take his mother, Mrs. R. H. Tothill back with him for a visit. They leave for the south some time this week. Miss Elizabeth Sutherland is with her sister, Mrs. T. D. Minnes, Kens- ington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Corbett and | their son, who have spent the sum- mer at "Densmore House," i | | Even the daintiest chiffon hose, in the most delicate of new colours, can be made to last if you use care in wash- | ing them. That means a | bath after every wearing in | the mild, pure Lux suds. Not a single thread can be inj t the most deli- cate colour tone can be faded ~by Lux ' Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, : L502 i i { i will re- turn to Virginia this week. Mrs. W. B. Carey, Miss Shibley, Miss Pat Aylen and Mr. Travers Carey are camping at Cartwright's Point. Miss Edith Van Straubenzee, Bev- erley street, has left for Vancouver, B.C, to attend the meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary. Miss Thelma Chown, St. Law- rence avenue, left on Saturday for Niagara Falls, Ont., where she will {enter the General Hospital as nurse- in-training. _ * » - Mr. Herbert A. Holder, Carbon- dale, Pa., is spending a few days] with his mother, Mrs. H. B. Holder, William street, before leaving on a trip to Portland, Oregon, ahd other western cities. Mr. and Mrs. James McGall, York street, are spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. 8. Redfearn, Colborne; Mrs. W. Kendall, Miss Elma Lake and ili Mr. Jack Kendall, Toronto, motored il to Kingston on Saturday for the ll week-end. | Mum, Odorono, Spiro Delatone, Orlex Com. i i i i At Fort Henry Cove, ! to town, - » » Miss Katharine Carteton Hart and ll Misi" Rleanor Phelan, Kingston, re- gistered at the office of the Montreal Star in London, Eng. ' rs. Ferg¥h'\ O'Connor, Earl stréet, and her family, who haze spent the summer at their cottage have returned. ol, Frank Cartwright, "The Ma ples," who has been in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cartwright, will return to Kingston this week, bring- ing his nephew, Mr. Henry Cart- wright, Jr, w'ch him for a visit at "The Maples." Rev. R. C. and Mrs. McConnell, 'with Miss McConnell, Elgin, spent "The Cedars," Fort -- ' That Kingston market provides an | abundance of fresh vegetables for! | the housekeeper who is now laying | aside her winter store of canned | vegetables and pickles. This year] the articles offered for sale are par- ticularly good, the moisture of the first part of the summer tending to increase the growth and the hot sun of August ripening and perfecting the fruit and vegetables. The ap- petizsing odor of tomato sauce is on the air and everyone is hard at work. That many of the speakers on Music Day at the Toronto Exhibition were women. Amongst whom were Miss Nellye Gill, Miss Mary D. Kemp, Madame Penley, Miss Edwina Ford Palmer, Mrs. Boris Hambourg, Mrs. Norah Drewett de Kresz and Mrs. Harry Hodgets. That Queen Mary has just sent to the Dunedin Exhibition in New Zea- land, an embroidered box and a crochet work sofa cover, each of which she made herself, and the box is to be returned, but the soft cover will be sold and the proceeds go to charity, while in a personal letter, the Queen says the tokens indicate her interest in New Zealand. WEDDINGS. Gravelle-Cook. On Monday morning at 8 o'clock, the Good Thief church, Portsmouth, was the scene of a quiet wedding when. Ada Mary, daughter of the late Willard Cook, and of Mrs. Cook, Saskatoon, became the bride of Mr. Leon J. Gravelle, Rome, N.Y. The Rev. Dr. Kingsley officiated at the Cerémony. The altar was bean- tifully decorated with palms, gladi- olas and asters. The bride entered the church to) ithe strains of the wedding march from "Lohengrin's," and looked charming in a tailored ensemble costume of navy charmuse and grey crepe with a grey fox fur, the gift of the groom and wore a corsage bouquet of orchids and Ophelia roses. The bride and groom were unattended. During the service, Mr. E. Madrand presided at the organ and played wedding music. Imme- diately after the wedding breakfast, Mr. and which the bride is held. The bride's cake calls for special mention, being a work of art from the well-known store of Mr. J. Lackie, King street. 'Mr. and Mrs. Connell left for Massachusetts where Mr. Connell has been appointed on the college staff of teachers. i WOMAN'S INSTITUTE. | Elgin. The Women's Institute of Elgin met in the town hall on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 3rd, with an at- tendance of thirty-four. The sec- retary, Miss E. A. Halladay, read a letter from the Sick Children's Hos- pital thanking the branch for a do- nations of five dollars. A letter was also received from Mrs. Harper, who is in camp at the Isthmus, ex- pressing her regret at our inability to hold a meeting there in August. A donation of ten dollars was made to the Navy League of Canada, The subscription to the "Ontario Farm- er" was renewed for another year. Miss Mary McGuiggan gave a report of the "Girls' Judging Competition" which was held" in Elgin, Aug. Sth. Miss Anna Moore, Elgin, is one of the girls who will go to Toronto fair and will take part in a fudging competition there. Mrs. V. DeWolfe gave her report from the hot dog booth held on Field Day. This booth realized sixty-one ddllars from their sale. The convener of the Institut: booth, Mrs. T. Rosborough, was no present. No report could be given. The secretary gave a list of our ex- penses connected with the booth. A booth will be held school fair day, Sept. 14th. A committee was formed to take charge of it. Lunches will be served, also cakes and ice cream. The business part was con- eluded and the Institute Ode was sung. The roll was called and ans- wered | by "Ways of Preserving Newboro, Crosby. somathing in call. Miss BE. A. Halladay gave a paper on "Correct Habits of Speech" the presents of silver and | cheques showed the high esteem in| Kggs." We had several visitors, | Mrs. T. Charland and Mrs E. Mus- | tard, New York City; Mrs. Wright, ' "I'd kind o' like to have a oper- ation, but there ain't no surgeon 1 know well enough to have him look- in' inside o' me." The marriage took place at Sacred | Heart church, Lanark, on Aug. 24th; of Cora May, daughter of the late John Buchanan, Maberly, tq Mr. Joseph Killeen Corley, son of Patrick Corley, "Perth, formérly of Maberly. | Millinery Opening Wednesday, | Sept. 9th, Mrs. Dowdall's, 215 Wil-| liam street. Rev. W. Smart, Salmon Point, had the misfortune to break his arm at the wrist while cranking his car, is still carrying his arm in a sling, Collin's Bay Dancing Pavilion EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY 8 to 12 (Standard Time) rehestra tendance, Dancing from Sid Fox O in at hy H. R. CLARK, Maaager | emer Dresses Just the right thing for early Fall wear, in new colors and styles, at $5.50 and $7.75 each. New Chappie Coats -- warm, comfort- able and good looking, at $4.50, $5.00 and $5.75 each. Men's Sweaters--a big variety at $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 and $5.00 each. The new colors in Flannels for Middies, Dresses and Coats. Plain, striped and fancy. I ------------ W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone 191, The Waldron Store LTT TS 3 x re A PLAYER PIANO FOR $485 7 Including $10.00 worth of Music Rolls and a Bench. ectly mew and the biggest bargain in Canada: Easy toi es . ad $10.90 monthly.