"THE DAILY BRITISH Ek 6 . BRITISH WHIG | torv. of Greece," "Perfect freedom | to sneer at the labor leaders sad | But wouldn't it be a good act to |BN vo | was accorded to the comic stage to their opinions," says Hon. Mr. Uor- | practice our loyalty by buying the {laugh at everything in earth and|dom, "and join in the propaganda of | goods made from our own products | | heaven, and splash. with ridicule | those friends of the C.P.R.,-who wish | and manufactured by our own peo-! every 'institution of the city and to Wreck the Canadian National, but | pie. If we all did this, tariffs would every movement of the day, to libel | it might be said with considerable |;o¢ disturb us very much. the statesmen and even jest at the |confldence that the men who have . gods. Such license is never permit. |8iven study to labor conditions| The returning officer for Kingston ted in an age of decadence even un-| Should be very good judges of how |is to be complimented on his selec der the shelter of religious usage.|much more labor, Canadian indus-|tion of registrars for the various THE MEN'S, YOUNG MEN'S AND BOYS' it and Ov at She It can only prevail in a free country | try could absorb." 2 wards. They are young and active Suit an ercoa op where men's belief in their own] The minister has spoken with! men and will see that the voting list : " ; : strength and virtue, in the excel-|much knowledge and sound sense for the federal election will be weil : : 23 lence of their institutions and their|and thinking Canadians will endorse | prepared. ideals, is still true, deep and fervent; | his views. ' : . ? ; then they can afford to laugh at President Coolidge caught the themselves. The old comedy #5.a right idea when he said expenditures most telling witness of the greatness BUTTER AND POLITICS. for education were but public in- of Athens." s vestments. The best public assets of Just now in Canada some people Blue ruin, as preached by Mr. |any country were the trained in. are distressed over the freedom of | Meighen, seems to be affecting a lot | telligence of the people. The wholes speech of her statesmen and politic-| Of his sympathizers. To them moth- | mass is a beneficiary of the trained Daily and Semi-weekly b7| {ans They say it is deadening to the | Ing is right in Canada. For instance, | intelligence of individuals. Natural BRI A sre SLING moralgnd spiritual well being of | the Vancouver Province prints this | ly all cannot get the training but all IRT DAVIES President | the nation. The liberating of man's | Paragraph: 7 can share In the benefits. powers it is true releases evils but it | "Canada imports 1,500 tofls of ee 243 | releases also, wholesome forces tend-| Putter annually. "It is the duty of . - ing to overcome those evils. Let men he Grom a 'the land News d Vi speak their thoughts, let the press We suppose the moral is - that an ews. declarg its opinions, let the pulpit| only Mr. Meighen can teach the gen- warn and uplift, but nowhere let our|tle cow her duty or put any life in Proving a Real Man. people insist on repression. The | the dairy industry, says the Montreal Montreal Herald: A real man, at- curbing of the freedom of expression, | Herald. But the dairy industry ister climbing to the top, doesn't for= year, by mail, cash anywhere, even in the college class {not in such a bad Way as our con- | get" those who held the ladder f Got, 19 Talted Stato xx: rooms, is unwise. Britain has held | temporary infers. On looking up the | him. " F-TOWN BEPRESENTATIVES: her place amid the ravings of fire-|trade returns we find that for the car To abaen, 1 *| brands, despots and communists, | year ending March 31st last, instead Not Like Blue Ruin. mireat 17 ®t: Joka! and she goes on her way in quiet|of importing 1,500 tons of butter,| TOTonto Globe: The value of man- Te Montreal, : at ufactured goods imported by Can- 'ORK ~ Ingraham-Powers, Inc, | contentment knowing that in the end | Canada only imported 198,341 ada from the United States last GO Inarabam. Powers, Inc, 10| Fight will triumph. She believes in| pounds of A value of 374.289.) 4 11100 $53,000,000 Tore than co La Salle Street. the sound sense of her people, and | Against that our exports of butter value of our own manufactured to the Editor sre published | C20ada does the same. "The glory|for the year amounted to 24,501,- goodsiexported to the United States. ® the actual mame of the| that was Greece" died when freedom | 981 pounds, of a value of $8,715,-| Is that manufacturing blue ruin? of speech was quenched. 962. elreniation of The British Whig ul ted by the Audit Bureau of TRADE IN THE EMPIRE, \ New Hate BIBBY'S TELEPHONES Oftice s SUBSCRIPTION RA (Daily Edition) Have Time To Get About. Buffalo, N.Y., Express: How is it, CHANGES; ALWAYS CHANGING. | we'd like to know, that.the only ones ; who have time to attend fairs and A poster ed by the Conserva- Premier Ferguson announces that outings are thy jolly old servants of i S------ tive party. in Great Britain to illus-| 4.4 beer may be sold at fall fairs| the people? glectors of Canada are faced |, ... t1o value of trade within the | without 'the use of tables. Many very serious business of Empire as compared with foreign | persons secured permits to sell the Sovernment to CAXTY. OD {44 contains some illuminating | stronger beer on the understanding gia : - WE'RE NOT A BANK, BUT-.YOU CAN SAVE MONEY TRADING HERE VERSUS GENERALITIES. «Special reduced prices for Exhibition Week British Convince Others, Brooklyn Bagle: If a British in- ventor has devised an airplane light irs of the country during the or five years. figures, The per capita consumption of British products in foreign coun- will make their decision on tries is lower than that in British that regulations calling for the use of tables would be enforced. They went to considerable expense to com- costing about $1,000 to build, he has enough for a man to lift, capable of going sevénty miles an hour and "ue BIBBY'S Mo Kingston's One Price Clothing Store Be Denaral statements, the Dominions, but among the Domin-| ply withsthe regulations and assum- got ahead of Henry Ford. But Ford : "| lons Canada is at the foot of the|ed that everybody else would have to may catch up yet. He only needs ent that thousands of factories list. Bach Canadian buys £3 2s.2d.|do likewise. Now they find that the |to convince himself of the soundness a have closed thelr doorg| worn of British goods annually, | premier is living up to his reputa.| of any proposition. The Briton has the King government t00k|.,cn south African, £4 38.6% d. | tion, #to convince 'others, which is a lot 4 nobody. If those who worth, and each New Zealander more difficult, 'this statement expect people £15 18s. 214d. worth. it, they should give the These statistics are an aid to the New York Correspondent: Where = campaigners for Imperial preference . facts worth noting are that: in Great Britain, but they would| A green apple every day helps to 3 there 2. miote prifliant sight B the. iSsident Beatty of ihe C.P.R.[ ot be so enthusiastic if they knew | give the doctor pay! its jewels of the night? The mil- a mane sre improving. that their political namesakes in lions of electric lamps are like statistical bureaii--say that | _°nda were working to put fur-| The Manitoba Free Press says the | sparkling diamonds, glowing rubies efit is on the Gecresse ther restrictions on British trade. In Opposition leader has produced a 314 Soft- tinted smerglds. From 2 the ' » his opening speech ih Wingham, Mr, | flat-tire policy. - Picked up a pin|distance there is something regal, t general manager of the Meighen again attacked the exten-|somewhere, eh! And the winekent | staid and majestic about the street. Harris Company states that! sion of the system of Empire prefer-| out, _ | Closer inspection is often disillusion- busier than they have been | ences effected hy the agreement with aise ling, for it reveals much artificial years. Australia. In his speeches in the| The Canadian National Exhibition | S1Itter, & great deal of tinsel and & Toronto shoes manufac-| House of Commons he has constant-| has proclaimed a champion mouth. | 20F ® little false front. that they 'are so rusjed |ly warned British industry that the organ player for Canada; a real ws Orders that they have had to [barriers would be raised agaimst it a will take place from now CONMEY Dues Not 2° As Troma. ir travelers off the road. in the Canadian market if he had. i Oct. 29th. been saying that the Canadian peo- the national debt has been his way, , There was a time when] . ple. want a change of government L t "| the Conservative party in this coun-| gotober 29th vill be here befors|and would make a change as soon taxation has been reduced. [try promised commercial favors to| we know it. The election will be de-| as given an opportunity will in the "the deficits on the Canadian | Great Britain in return for similar cidedly snappy. Kingston will do its | next few weeks discover how much Railways are being reduced. | treatment. It tried to identify it-| full share for the Libreal Govern-| OF how little they know of the-facts of the case. In the ¢ity of Toronto, the balance of trade with the self with the Chamberlain move- ment and for real good governme: States shows a big improvement twenty years ago--and Te-| at that. E00C BOTOTAMEN!| where. the Conservative party is or proached the Liberal party for not hishiy hi vim Janusice d that the Canadian dollar is|demanding that the British people Mr. Vincent Massey's appointment 3 ways of thst party to persuade him- 8 premium in New. York. , |!ax their food so as to grant prefer-| as a Minister without Portfolio in| seis that his own opinion and that ® are the sort of facts that|ences on imports from Canada. To-{ the King Government seems to have | of those with whom he askociates |B store are interested in and on | day Mr. Meighen and his followers | met with general approbation. His is the prevalent opinion of the ||| they will base their decisions. offer the Mother Country nothing, | business ability will bring added | country as a whole. Yet this may be |} and would even deprive her of a|strength to the King business ad- Tory far from peing the ease. In ihe } large share of her present exp ministration. 3 elections of four years ago Toronto ||| 5 Jrasent. export voted stfongly Conservative, but |} THE PLEDGE 1S. : trade with Canada, which is small Hl indeed compared with the volume of| It is unfortunate for his owy ext day it was found; that the Con il Mr. Meighen is seeking to 3 servative party had elected only 50 [ji SBpital "over what he te her purchases from the Dominion. | Sake, that Mr. Meighen has seen fit members: in a. federal: parliament: of fringing of senators avian They are searching for an excuse fir | to sttack the Canadian National| gg 'members and that in six of the || ent and Yledgin Ee flag-waving, but the kind of Imper-| Railways. Every Canadian takes | nine provinces but one Conservative || t anything the goverament | "Im Which objects to a Canadien | DFide in them, and in glad that Sir| had been slected. If, in face of such | a "The ey gr ot emblem in association with the | Henry Thornton is keeping them out| facts as these; lotal Conservatives as Hon. Mr King En ¢ | Union Jack' and at the same time Of politics. : expect that their party will carry the | red in & : + Out | seeks to cripple British purchasing country, with the 'same leader and || 64 1p & pocent. speech, that power in the Canadian market is| The Labor Leader, Toronto, ad-|the same policy as four years ago, [= Sazafully pointed out thatiyo \™ tent If Gress | Vises the Whig that the ExKawer fs} It merely goes 10 show bow true it VARA 2 who goes into the Senate ¢ not speed hi is that hope springs eternal in the 2 Rorcise Britain decides to go further along pon lis Wood cutting |, o_ preast. And ft indicates, too, YOU BUY WHEN! 1 ise his judgment in re- the road on which she has already | {0 Make ready for the coal strike but how much local prophets are influ- 1 questions of the day. "I he is' working to exercise bec ¢ The ex ional tone quality in the Weber r sald," he went on to re.| "ct DT feet by re-enacting the Mc- pL i --, EN fg enced by their Joes} environment. . Soptio the hetic tast : HEAR YOR YOURSELY AND BE CONVINCED. y y i store--CHEDDAR, PIMENTO, The people are recognizing that AY C. W. LiNDSA INDSAY'S Warerooms, | KRAFPT--in tins, packages and Kenna duties and adopting a limited . any senator should not scheme of preferences on Dominion left him $50,000,000. ; . " . . he : Wit and Hamor country would give hef nothing in| 'N¢ Liberal highway is the safest at = : 4 by the pound. Come in and. exchagge if it chanced to be in. of-| {N° Present juncture, and they will he AAA ih tod rns INI hb lb IW bbb - try it. EDITORIAL NOTES. And This 1s. New York. ON EVERYBODY'S TONGUE Masoud's Ice Cream "IT'S PURE, THAT'S SURE. Pasteurized and Homogenized DRUG STORE "Phone 980 it 185 PRINCESS STREET g i 'PHONE 343. 'House Wiring and Repairing All Kinds of Electric Apparatus . Satistaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTR C STOREY HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Corner King and Princess Streets. - it Supporters, Anklets, Hard Rubber, Leather, Blas- tie, Canvas, Woollen. Private office for display and DR. CHOWN'S 238 Princess Street. Flower Orders Tele- || graphed Anywhere For the best in Funeral De- | signs, Wedding Bouquets, Out | Flowers, telephone 770, Nights | and Sundays 1391-J, 'A. M. WATHEN, Uiagrtens Letding Flower | Member F.T.D, | -- pti. ~ KRAFT CHEESE is being demonstrated at our that the Conservative party in this and tolonial products she will find foe. : keep pressing forward in the path of | prot {to his old cook) --"You |; ; I... THE MINISTER HITS BACK. The Hon. G. N. Gordon, Minister, of Immigration, tells the Financial Pest, Toronto, that it knows very lit- tle about immigration, when 'it says 'Canada can absorb and Canadian- ize 500,000 to 1,000,000 able-bodied workers every year." - Pg : out that this would mean, with the children and ndents these men and women, would bring with the