ENGLISH GABERDINE COATS Be prepared for rain and chilly weather. English Gaberdine Coats that have the . style and give satisfaction. Price $18.00 to $25.00 Special English Gaberdine Coats, lined with Tweed--a real dandy. Special at --$22.50-- George Van Horne 213 Princess Street. 'Phone 362-w. (THE PRIZE WINNERS IN HORSE EXHIBIT At the Kingston Fair--Those Who Won In the Various Classes. The following is the list of the prize winners in the horse exhibit at Kingston exhibition: Heavy Draft Horses. Aged stallion--Peter McCoy. Stallion (three years old)--Sib- bit Bros. Mare with . foal by . side--Colin Rogers, Sibbit Bros. and J. D. Mor- ris. |. Draft team in harness--Herbert Claney. Mare with foal by side--A. Milton. Foal of 1925--A. Milton. bos Agricultural Horses. Team of harness--D. B, Smith, 'Odessa; J. E. Penny & Sons and A. Milton. Your Eyes and Your Nerves Your eyes are directly con- fected with your general ner- | yous system, Strain your eyes and the effect is felt almost 'Ji anywhere in the body. Head- [| aches are a commen result, but [f there are many other attendant ills. When your eyes receive roper attention this nervous rain {8 removed, and usually the troubles vanish at once. Let us help you. Evenings by appointment. W.D. Registered Optometrist, 140 Wellington Street Telephone 699. | Finest Lustre | "Byzanta Ware" li shipment of their newest shapes and decorations. Bowls, Vases. Candle Sticks. Dishes, Lemonade Sets. Tea Sets. These are besutitul goods. "THOMAS COPLEY | Carpenter . i: 'Phone 987 (|i ers Eattact: ro sevevanery | 168 PRINCESS ST. ... JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY "Brick, 8tone, Plastering and Tile Setting Douglas & Mcllquham 'Phones 2267 & "Where style is a factor -and good workmanship a principle." FUR COATS most discriminating clientele. - W.F.GOURDIER fl 78 BROCK STREET Welsh Anthracite Egg & Stove Size $18.00 per ton, delivered. {| Weaver it Genuine Lilly Blacksmith Coal $13.00 per ton SOWARDS SAL co. STORE. 3 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR 'Phone 811. il F. J. O'Neil. We hive just opened a large | Kimear & tere (8 H. Keyes, C. M. Sinkins. by side--J. E. Smith, Mare. with foal Penny, T. Smith and F. || Odessa. Single horse in harness, mare of I gelding--D. B. Smith, A. Milton and J. BE. Par & Son. Filly an gelding foaled in 1923-- Filly and gelding foaled in 1924-- }{F. J. O'Neil, J. E. Penny and F. | Smith. Foal of 1925. Smith and A. Milton, | Pure bred Clydes foal, 1925-1. i! D. Morris and Colin Rogers. "3 Carriage Horses, : Team 15% hands and over I harness--C. M. Sinkins. Team 15% hands in harness&-- Team under 15% hands in har- ness--A. D. Hegadorn, Kingston No. E. Penny, F. in " Carriage mare or gelding 15% hands and over in harness--Rut- ledge Bros., J. H. Keyes and William | | Kenny. Carriage mare or gelding under 16% hands - in 'harness--A. D. || Hegadorn, Benson Coulter and J. Noble, Elginburg. Pacing Horses. Foal of '1925--C. N. Stokes. * Filly or gelding foaled in 1923-- Standard bred horses -- Charles i | Randall, Napanee. ll] Brood mare with foal by side -- lll | Charles Randall, Napanee. Fodl, 1923---Charles Randall, Napanee. Yearling shown in rein--Charles "Randall, Napanee. Roadster Horses. Stallion, any age, hackney or stan- dard--A. McAllister, Roadster, single, 153% hands and over, in harness--C. Ni" Stokes, S. Atkins, N. H. Pickering. Roadster, single, under 15% | hands--R. J. Prettie and EB. Wil- «| liams. ? Mare, with foal by side--A. V. ll| Hagerman and ®. H. Stover. Saddle horse to be shown mount- ed--J. D. Morris. Filly or gelding foaled in 1923-- Patrick Driscoll. Filly or gelding foaled in 1924-- | Berly Gates and Patrick Driscoll. il < Foal of 1925 -- Patrick Driscoll and E. H. Stover. Pony Classes. Best registered stallion three 1| years and over--E. J. Metcalfe, Best registered mare three years |} or over--E. J. Metcalfe, E. J. Met- | calfe. Best registered mare, two years and under three--E. J. Metcalfe. Best foal, 1926---E. J. Metcalfe, E. J. Metcalfe. % Best pony in harness not neces- sarily registered--HE. J. Metcalfe. Best shetland pony under saddle, not necessarily registered--H. Cor- coran.. : Ponies other than'shetland. Best pony in harness, not neces- sarily registered--F. Smith, Odessa; Thomas Burke, Fred Eves. Best pair of ponies--F. Davis. Best pony under saddle--D. Con- stantine, F', Smith. ' Holiday in Canada's Mountain Play- Grounds. The glories of Jasper National park cannot be oversung. This mighty playground of 4,400 square miles offers more to do and HOLSTEIN CATTLE JUDGING AT FAR James - Henderson and Sons Took the Largest Number of Prizes, On Thursday afternoon"the judg- ing of the Holstein cattle wa® éém- pleted. Percy N. Gardiner, Nor- wood, the departmental judge did his work to the entire satisfaction of all. James Henderson & Sons were the winners of the largest number of prizes in the : cattle exhibition. Among the winners of cattlé were the following: ; Cow, 4 years and under, 1st, A. H. Fair; 2nd, J. Henderson & Sons; 3rd, A. H, Fair; 4th, Baker Bros. Three-year-old cow 1st and 2nd, James Henderson; 3rd, Baker Bros.; 4th, C. Rogers; 5th, A. H. Fair. Heifer, 2-year-old (milking), 1st, James Henderson; 2nd, F. J. O'Neill; 3rd, J. J. Wilmot; 4th, C. Rogers. Heifer, 2-year-old (dry), 1st A. H. Fair; 2nd, J. J. Wilmot; 3rd, Radage Bros. ; Heifer, one-year (senior), 1st, A. H., Fair; 2nd, J. J. Wilmot; 3rd, Baker Bros.; 4th, James Henderson; 6th, C. Rogers. Helfer, one-year (junior), 1st and 2nd, A. H. Fair; 3rd and 4th, C. Rogers; 5th, F. J. O'Neill. Heifer (under ome year), 1st and 2nd, James Henderson; 3rd, A. H. Fair; 4th, F. J. O'Neill; 5th, J. J. Wilmot. Heifer, born 1925 (junior), 1st and 2nd, James Henderson; 3rd J. J, Wilmot; 4th, A. -H. Fair; 5th, J. J. Wilmot. : Best herd, 1st, James Henderson. .Lhampion female, James Hender- son, Grade Milking. Aged cow, 1st, W. R. Baker; 2nd, James McFarlane; -3rd, A. H. Fair} Cow Tdry), 1st and 2nd A. H. Fair; 3rd, J. H. Keyes; 4th, J. Mc- Farlane, Cow, 8 years (milking), 1st J. Henderson; 2nd, A. H. Fair; 3rd, J. McFarlane. Heifer, 2-year-old (milking), 1st, J. Henderson; 2nd Baker Bros.; 3rd, J. McFarlane. Heifer 2-year-old (dry), 1st, F. J. O'Neill; 2nd, Sibbitt Bros. Heifer, 1-year-old, 1st, J. McFar- lane; 2nd, PF. J. O'Neill; 3rd; J. K. Hull. ' Te Heifer (under one-year), James McFarlane. Calf of 1924, 1st, Baker Bros; 2nd, J. McFarlane. W. F, McBroom Special, for best | herd of dairy cows, James Hender- son, Special prize of $50 for get of bull competition (not over 24 months and not under 12 months), 1st, George B. Jarrell; 2nd, James Henderson; 3rd, F. J. Perkins. Special of $100, given by A. H. Fair, for best yeafling heifer, 1st, J. J. Wilmot; 2na, Baker Bros.; 3rdy C. | the past two weeks, is Rogers; 4th, James Henderson. Fair Special for best heifer born since 1924, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, James Henderson. ; Grade Beefing. Cow, aged, Lemoines Point Farm. Cow, 8-year-old, Lemoines * Point Farm. ¥ i Best male, Lemoines Point Farm. Special, Lemoines Point Farm. Heifer, 1-year J. McFarlane. Helter calf of 1924, 1st, C. Woods; 2nd, Lemoine's Point Farm. os § GANANOQUE ananoque, Sept. 18.---His Wor- ship Maygr Duquette of Montreal ar-| rived by motor to-day to be present at the formal opening of the high- way, and is the guést of Mayor Wil- Mrs. Genevieve C. Doherty, who has spent the past six weeks at Gan- anoque Inn, leaves to-day for a short holiday in Montreal prior to her return to Brooklyn, N.Y. W. T. Sampson left yesterday to spend a few days in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Gallaher leave for their home in . Brooklyn tomorrow, after a two week's holiday at Tre- mont Lodge. He Mr. "Wally" Johes is coming from Toronto shortly and will remain in town for some time. Mrs. W. J. Lloyd of Winchester, who has been with relatives ia town LADY'S LEG BROKEN BY SPEEDING AUTO Miss Violet Tuttle, Bloome field Road, the Victim of Collision. Picton, Sept. 17.--Migs Violet Tuttle, living a short dfstance out of town on the Bloomfield road met with an accident on Tuesday éven- ing when she was walking .home from Picton at about 7.30 o'clock. She was knocked down by a touring car which passed at a very high rate of speed and did not'stop to ascertain what damage they had occasioned. The car passed Dr. Publow, who was Just a short distance ahead, but at such a speed that although the doec- tor endeavored to ght close enough to get the number, he was unable to do so. The doctor then returned to the scene of the accident and ren- dered first aid. Miss Tuttle taken to Prince Edward County Hos- pital with a broken leg. The driver of the car has not yet been appre- hended. Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks and little son have gone to Toronto where Mr, Brooks will attend the School of Pharmaey. William Ringer, of Toronto, was a recent visitor in town. . Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pattérson are spending a fortnight in Rochestér, N.Y., the guests of Miss Margaret i daughter, Emaline, returning to Leggatt, George Ostrander, of Rochester, N.Y., was in town last week renew- ing old @cquaintances. ",. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Gearing, of the Standard Bank are holidaying in Toronto. " Mrs. J. C. Wilson and Miss Kemp were joint hostesses at an afternoon tea at their home, Centre street. Mrs. A. E. Calnan is giving a re- ception at her home on Paul street, on Fridey afternoon in honor of Mrs. Lindley B. Calnan, a midsummer's bride. Mrs. Harvey Solmes, of New York, is visiting relatives and friends in town and county. Mrs. Flora Hud- gin entertained in her honor on Thursday afternoon last. Joseph Redmond has gone to Win- nipeg to reside with his brother, Lou" Mr. and Mrs, B. E. Marsh and daughter, Miss Cassie. Marsh, were recent visitors in Picton after an absence bf many years. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh are formér Pictonians who are now making their home in Oswego, N.Y. ---------------- RAIN IS APPRECIATED. Welcomed at Zealand After a Very Long Dry Spell. Zealand Sept. 18.--The rain is much appreciated by all after such a long spell of dry weather. School re-opened with Miss B. Pyne, Ottawa, as teacher. A number from here attended the school fair Held at Sharbot Lake last week and report it a success. Mrs. H. A. Conboy and little have returned home after spending a few days at Torénto exhibition. are spending some time with their sister, Mrs. Salem Johnston, De- witt's Corners Mr. Reginald McVeigh has been successful in securing his license as scaler, : Miss Edna McVeigh spent a few days with Miss Irene Perkins, Ma- 'berly. Some very severe thunder-storms Lave been witnessed in this vicinity recently, although no damage has been reported. A wee boy has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc- Donell. Miss Isa Wesley, nurse-in-train- ing, Kingston, is spending a while at home, after having her tonsils removed. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moure have returned to théir home in Roches- ter, after spending some time with OUT OUR WAY School Boots WY VY was | Misses Mildred and Jessie Conboy ag " NR ALL AT BARGAIN PRICES THIS WEEK Trunks, Bags, Hat Cases--all cleating : this week at 20% ~ Discount Come and get a bargain. This is Clean-up Week after our big sale. The Abernethy Shoe Store | Householders and Homemakers come early nex week---bargains in Furniture for every room in the House. Greets Kingston Fair Week with redoubled efforts and renewed ¢ ings. If you're refurnishing your apartment or moving into a new this timely Furniture Sale enables you to select new remarkable low prices. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. UR Home Furnishings. a JAMES REID 'PHONE 147 FOR SERV the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott. Mr. F. E. Giddings has returfied to Brockville, after spending a few days at his home here. Mrs. Currie, Mrs. Chalmers and two little daughters, of Englehart, are visiting with their sister, Mrs. D. J. Dodd. Echo Lake Items. Echo Lake, Sept. 17.--~The electric storm which passed over here, Tues: day night, was the worst we have had in some time. No damage has been reported. School has re-opened with Miss Armstrong, Sharbot Take. as teacher. They are improving the school by a coat of paint and a new porch. The people from hers attended - aL A the fair at Parham, the best - t have had. There was good music it. In the evening a dance was in the hall. It was crowded. * music was produced by the Five Orchestra, Perth, the best ever A few from here intend taking Kingston fair. A. Cronk is working at F. dock's. O. Cox is working at Haddock's. Rennie Babé¢ock the week-end at Mrs. Charles Miss M. Buckley is home from Btates. Orvil Cox at Arthur Bue ley's, also Herbert Alport; Williams Hicks at Charles Peters'; Mr. Jan Knox at L. Switzer's; D. Babcock A. Wagars', ; Waste cotton now is being n to make a highgrade paper. rman po By Willi [ 6A BOM! SUP Oowns © TW DRUGr AN GET ME A NICKLES WORTH Any OF TT. OF RADWM, ang TELL HMO PUT Tina BAG, AN DONT SPL HEN YOUNG FELLER DOG STAND AN RWICH AN TELL [O HE THAT NEw WHILE YOURE OUT | OFFKE Boy 1S STOP AT TH MOT . | GOIN OUT, HAVE HIM STOP 18 TH' GET ME Au OCOPUS [ARCADE AN GET 2 DADE