NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS |to her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. LIFE'S; SOCIAL SIDE n's Page Editor Phone 2618, Private Phone 857w. " ® . re. W. J. Logue, Johnson street, ed her home on Tuesday even- for a bridge in aidof the funds 'the C.W.L., which was both pleh- 'and successful. Thirteen tables in play and the wigner of the prize wis Miss Agnes Morton. men's prize was won by Mr. C. vole. During the evening miu- was enjoyed by the guests, Mrs. ge playing delightfully and ae- companying Mrs. J. L. Jerome, who sang with her usual sweetness and expression. The entrance fee Was taken by Mrs. T. 8. O'Connor and the guests wera received by Mrs. Logue and Miss Agnes Doolan. The committee in charge was composed of Mrs. M. Ainslie, Mrs, F. Briceland, Mrs. W. G. Bailey, Mrs. M. Bohah, Mrs" A. Carey, Mrs. C, J. Corrigan¥ Mrs. ¥. A. Pilley and Mrs. W. D. Sughrue. 3 » * . Ome of the social events of the * Blue- 'jay we Quick AND GENTLE WAY TO BEND A CORN She doctored a. $ headache ~but a Corn was to blaine this tao days in bliseil cn Ee mri the in oh RI, a neat, so quick and sure. 's final answer to the i nd nuisance df corns. lor health's sake, end that com tonight. JUST ARRIVED I "TULIPS, NARCISSI. DAFFODILS. CROCUS, HYACINTHS Highest Sualty.eResscnable Prices. "PHONE, $17. | street, entertained on Friday, Satur- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG year In Quebec is set for Thursday aftérnodn at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, when Miss Phyllis Burstall, second daughter of Mr. and Mes. J. F. Burstall, of this city, | becomes the bride of Captain the Hon. F. W. Erskine, former §A.D.C. to His Excellency the Gefbrnor- General, now resident in Montreal, and son 6f the Earl and Countess of Mar and Kéllie, of England, who will be present at the 'eremony. The éeremony is set for 2.30 o'- clock and His Lordship Bishop Wil- liams, of Quebec, who is a great friend of the bride's family, will tie the nuptial knot. One thousand invitations have been sent out for the wedding, and admissigh to the historic old church - will be only by invitation. * » % Sir Arthur and Lady Currie are leaving towards the middle of Qc- tober for Vancouver, B.C., where Sir Arthur Cufrie will open the new science biilding in connection with the University of British Célumbia. They will remain in the west for about a month. Sir Arthur and Lady Currie with their daughter, Miss Marjorie Currie and their y Mr. Garner Curries, returned trom abroad last Baturday and are staying at the Rits-Cagjton, Montreal. £ . * * Sir Campbell Stuart arrived in Montreal this week from Toronto and Ottawa and is again a guest at the Ritz-Carlton hotel. He is sailing for England in about ten days' time. & . - * On Saturday, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Connall celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding day and marked it by a gathering of the members of their family and some of their old friends. Handsome gifts of silver 'and many good wishes were given them by the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kinghorn of Cornwall, announce the engagement of their dsughter, Ella Mae, to Mr. Frederick Hart, only 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart, of Outremont, Que,, the marriage to take place the middle of October. . LJ * Mrs. E. N..Daybell, 201 Colborne day and Sunday last for her guests, Gene Péarson, Allan Murray and Leonard Young of the "Original" company. » * » w The Tuesday mah jongg club met *l at the Cataraqui Golf and Country Club yesterday. = ® » Mrs, Charles Kirkpatrick is en- tertainfng at mah jongg at the Cata- {| raqui Golf dna Country Chub to-day. Miss Lora Henderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Henderson, Brockville, is at Queén's University. Mrs. J. 'Ryan, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Irwin, Johnson street, accompanied by Mrs. Irwin left on Tuesday for Toronto, to be present at the wedding of her grand daughter, Miss Elva Laird, to Mr. Herbert Long, which takes place to-day. Col. and Mrs. Elkins and their ¢hildren have arrived in town from Halifax, and are settled in Mn Elkins old home on King street. Miss Mamie Winnitred Whitty has returned to Hartington-from a visit William Woods, Kingston. The Bishop of Ontario and his sister, Mrs. Jackson, who has been in Ottawa with Miss Eleanor Creigh- ton, returned to Bishop's Court on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. K. Btarr and her son, Majof Graham Starr, former Kingstoniana, have returned from Nelson, B.C. to reside in Toronto. . . » The Bishop of New Westminster, who has been in Ottawa at the éom- mittee meetings of the General\8y- nod, arrived in town on Tuesday to {visit his nephew, Rev. de Pencier Wright and Mrs. Wright, St. Luke's Rectory and his sister, Mrs. W. Wright, who is a guest at the rec- tory. . Mrs. Frederick Alderson, Syden- ham street, left for Ottawa on Tues- day. Capt. Harold BrownfieM arrived from Winnipeg on Tuesday and is at the Tete de Pont Barracks. Mrs. Carmichael, Smith's Falls, is spending a few days in town. Mr. H. H. Horsey was a visitor in town on Tuesday, on his way from Cressy to Ottawa. - » " - Miss Ethel Sunbury, left yéstérday for Ottawa to attend the Normal School where she will train for a'first class certificate. She is a graduate of the Kingston Collegiate Institute, having been successful in passing the entire upper school ex- aminations held in June last. Miss Dixon is to be congratulated upon her success. She is a niece of the Misses Ryder, Patrick street. Mrs. Lionel Houghton, Madison, Wis., after visiting for he past month with her sister, Mrs. N. Hen- derson, Portsmouth, returned to her home on Tuesday. Miss Gwendolyn Holland, Clergy stret, left on Monday to attend the Normal School at Ottawa. Mr. Lloyd Davis, of Winnipeg, Man., who has been visiting, his un- cle, Mr. Jack Lowery, leaves on, Tuesday for Toronto to attend the Dental College. * - . Miss Georgina Morton, Kingston, is the guest of Dr. W. H. and Mrs. Lloyd, Brockville. Mrs. Fred Timleck, Brockville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKane, Kingston, -- WEDDINGS. Salsbury-Parsons, A pretty wedding took place on Tuesday mor at the First Bap- tist church, when Miss Naomi Con-!; stance, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Salsbury, 187 Pine street and Mr. George Parsons, Montreal, were united. in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev. D. Laing. The bride entedgd the church on the arm of her father to the strainc of Lohengrin's "Wedding March," played by 8. A. Salsbury. uncle of the bride, and was unattended. 8he looked charming in an en- semble suit of navy blue, and taupe, with a fox fur, and pansy velvet hat. She wore the groom's gift, a beauti- ful pearl necklace, and corsage bou- quet of roses, lilies-of-the-valley, and maiden hair fern. During the signing of the register, Mrs. N. Stanton, Jr., aunt of the bride, sang, "O Promise Me." The church was prettily decorated by the girl friends of the bride. 'Immediately' following the cere- mony, a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The house was decorated with a profu- sion of pink and white asters. The bride's table was centred with the three-tiered wedding cake. The bride is very popular in the city and sur- rounding district as the numerous beautiful gifts testified. The groom is well known in Kingston, being a graduate of Queen's Science, "23, and at present holds a position with the Bell Tele- phone Co. at the Montreal office. The groom's gift to the organist was a Duofold pen and pencil; to the solo- ist, he gave a gold bar pin. Among those present were the father and mother of-the groom, Mr, and Mrs. D. W. Parsons, Araprior. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons left on the afternoon train for Toronto, Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, visit Ottawa and Arnprior. They will take up their residence | - in Montreal. = Their friends will wish them many years of happiness and prosperity. : we The Editor Hears That flowers that are to be taken into the house should not be left out until the frost touches them. It is really best to take them in early and set them out on the mild days. This will, In a measure, prevent their leaves dropping off and give them the fresh air as long as possible. That flowers made of jewels are the vogue in London at predent. Lady Louis Mountbatten has an orchid fashioned from Aled of tiny amethysts, beautifully graded fa various "waters." "Wonderful! everybody exclaimed, though God's own flower looks just as nice and not so expensive, That motorists passing along the country roads have many beauties brought before them at this time of year. The deep woods are still green but here and there Jack Frost has lightly touched a maple and the suméch on the hillside holds forth a blood red finger for all the world to see what the cold north wind has done to her, But still at the road- side the Michaelmas daisies are mak- ing a brave showing and the late goldenrod adds gold to their purple in the autumn color scheme. In the fence corner a hawthorn shows sear- let fruit and passing a pleve of low ground r some woods the lover of nature's beauties exclaims at the bright red berries of the Canadian holly. The corn is still in stooks and against the brown of a garnered field the crimson stalks of buckwheat i glow in the small stooks ready to be carried into the barn. The pastures are green from the recent rains and the afternoon shadows fall upon them from the trees by the roadside. The country" is not only lovely In spring and summer, the cycle of the seasons come with gifts of beauty for those who have eyes to see. That the C.P.R. station at Oleén- vale has this summer beén admired by many travellérs. Bright geran- iums are in front and at one side a great granite rock has been made into & garden. 'It souads strange but it is true. From the top cosmos are! still blooming and at the base zin- nias in glowing colors are nbw at thelr best. Vines are in some mys- terious manner Induced to grow over the pink gtanite and the whole effect is delightful." "Buckléys Bronchitis Cure." Gib- son's. .Doubtléss one ant feels important because it has laid up more eximbe than another. i rn wk a Nm St "DIAMOND DYE" ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Just: Dip to Tint or Beil Each 15-cent pack- age contalis diree- tions so simple any | Wo can tint soft delicate shades or dye rich, permanent colors 1a lingerie, silks, ribbons, sxirts waists, dresses coats, stockings, sweaters, Stockings, | "a, coverings, hangings --averythihg! Buy Diamond Dyes---no other kind --and tell your druggist whether-thié material you wish to color is wool or! silk, or whether it is linen, cotton 'or | mixed goods, Every Tuesda : So Septem I from 8 ¢ to 12 (Standard Time 0 v tpt | | ~~ We have an exceptionally large as- sortment of v New Fall "N ; ' hoes to show you. Tans and Black in both heavy and single soles. *5.00 aay ap Call in and see those HARTT Shoes for Men. They re the very best--talk about wear--and what's more they fit. SHOES FOR THE FAMILY LOCKETT'S Cooler Weather Warmer Underwear We carry all the best makes for Men, Women and Children, in Cotton, Lisle, Union, All Wool and Silk and Wool--all wanted styles in every size at attractive prices. W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone d91. The Waldron Store EXTRAORDINARY | BARGAINS SQUARE PIANOS ORGANS AND PHONOGRAPHS New stock is arriving, and we must "make room for it. Sr Now is your opportunity to pur- 5