a an = 1m Phone 316 ¥ .: "Phones SODKINS LIVERY eXeept Saturday and Monday ot 2 pom. Alse truck for moving. KINGSTON TRANSFER CO. ELLINGTON STREET Moves Steel, Building Equip- ment, Machinery, Safes, Planos, etc. MONEY LOANED AGAINST. MORTGAGES 877. Evenings 2231. - FOR SALE , BMALL BRICK HOUSE, Stephen street. Bath and electric light. For terms and particulars apply at of fice. General Insurance. Agent Great West Life Assurance Company. DENTIST 106 Wellington St. DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon Phone 256. 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. | Evenings by appoinuneut. PIANO TUNING Are You Paying $4.00 for Your Ashes or 82¢ Your ash waste--you hive known for Years by the ashes you take out every day, Our Welsh Coal has only 4% Ash with me or stone, and the ash will only cost S2¢c. per ton. Try one ton of Welsh Cobbles and you will never use any other. W .A. MITCHELL & (0. Telephone 67. 15 Ontario St. ~ MACHINE WORKS Phone 1264. 234-236 Ontario Bt All kinds of Stationary and Marine Gas nes repaired. Prompt a Efficient Service. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. DR.W.A.JONES Wellbroek Offices, 150 Wellington St. Telephone 2714. . X-Ray and Physio Therapy Office open from 9 a.m. to § m. Also Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day evenings by appointment, DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN News From District Places es NEWS FROM DISTRICT Culled From the Whig's Many Bright Exchanges--Brief Items Full of Interest. While fishing, Mrs. Janet Van- Cleat, Wellington, caught an 18-]b. Lunge. Mr. Kirby, Renfrew, has accepted a position as organist and choirmas- ter of St. Andrew's church, Fort William. > The death occurred at the Belle- ville General Hospital, on Wednes- day, of Mrs.-Crosby, a well-known Stirling resident. Pembroke Board of Education ad- vertised for a teacher for junior fourth and there were 150 appli- cants. Salaries Wanted were from $800 up. . Mrs. J. H, Stitt, Halleybury {is renewing acquaintances in Renfrew. She expects to sail from New York in November to spend the winter with her son, J. B. Stitt, and Mrs. Stitt, in Autofogasta. Chill. "Carleton Place willsprobably be the meeting place of a special con- ference of the Holiness Movement 4n January for the purpose of selecting the successor to Bishop Warren, de- ceased superlilendent of all Canada of thE# Holiness Movement. At Villeneuve Castle, Mrs. James Gibson, Picton, was a charming hos- tess at a dinner and dance in honer of her three sons, whom she has not had the pleasure of entertaining at the same time in over twenty-five years. ~~ Mr. and Mré, W: Smith, St..Tho- mas, announce the engagement of their daughter, Eva May, to Rev. John Milton Macgillivray, St. Tho- mas, son of Mrs, Macgillivray and the late John Macgillivray: Picton. The wedding will take place quietly on Oct. 8th, ~ ---------------- Hartington Happenings. Hartington, Sept. 25.--8%o filling is being rushed in this community, On Tuesday evening many from here gathered at T. H. Watson's, the occasion béing a shower for their daughter, Elida (Mrs, J. Kennedy), @ bride this month, who received many beautiful and useful gifts. The evening was spent in games and dancing. Henry Fawcett, wife and sons, Gananoque, and Mrs. Fawcett, Wolfe Island, spent the week-end at Earl Ryan's. : Hazel Huffman and Velma Eller- beck left, Monday last tor Peterboro to attend Normal School, Noble Ellerbeck accompanied them. Stan- ley Woodman, Wolfe Island. is at Benjamin Campeall's shingling his resid Frank Sigsworth is hav- ¥ 182 Wellington Street Jou want the best in Cut Flower Pitas oe deo work Fonll WAT + 1768 Store, 1137 . a rr Bamber of Klorist Tele. > New & Used Lumber of Shirts 1.19 Sizes 14 to 17. Reg. values $1.50 to $2.50. of the best manuf, Mi [ing a well drilled. wri Pulver-Price Wedding. At Selby parsonage, on Wednes- day, Sept. 16th, Annie Alberta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Price, Selby, was united in marriage to Melvin George Pulver, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Pulver, Rednersville. Rev. James Batstone performed the ents of the contracting parties. The bridal party motored to the bride's home, where they received the con- gratdlations and best wishes of their immediate friends, after which they entered the dining-room, which was tastefully decorated with autumn flowers, and partook of the, wedding dinner. The bride wore a.suit of navy poiret twill, with blouse and {hat to match, and fox choker. Mr. and Mrs. Pulver left on the afternoon train for a short honey- moon trip to Ottawa. The bride re- ceived numerous gifts and cheques, ingluding. a cabinet of Silver, the gift of the groom. On their return hey will reside at Rednersville. OUT, OUR WAY, CER LLL LI WELL FER GOSH SAKES Nou'RE TH DuMMmEeSsT CHIEF DETECIFF I EVER SEEN. HERE'S TH DESPAIT i. LEADER OF TH'GANG:, AN NA NEVER EVEN SEARCHED THE DISAGREEABLE WEATHER. Has Caused Cottagers at Chaffey's Locks to Leave. Chaffey's Locks, Sept. 25.--Farm- ers are finished with their threshing and report a bumper yield. The po- tatoe yield is not up te the average in this locality. Many from here at- tended the exhibition at Kingston. A. W. Dwyer is in Hotel Dieu Hospi- tal after undergoing a erttical opera- tion. His neighbors and friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bartley, Fre- donia, N.Y., are spending a week here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. O'Dell are spend holidays at Tarry- more Island, Indian Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harper have closed their cot- tage and returned to Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. G. McMillan and childrén to Chautauqua, N.Y, 'teremony in the presence of the par- |- Ivan and Robeft Weeks closed camp after two weeks and left for home this morning. Mrs. C. A, Burns and children have returned to Cleve- land, Ohio. Henry Smith moved into the Dargavel house the first of the week. - Mrs. A. Brown,Chicago, is visiting her father, William Laishley. A po-' tato digging bee at A. W. Dwyérs'is well represented to-day. Masy'tour- ists left here during the past few days on account of the disagreeable weather, --_---- Fall Fair Dates Campbeliford--Oct. 1-3. Galetta--Sept. 28-29. Inverary---Sept. 30. Madoc--Oct. 6-7. Maynooth--Sept. 30. Roblin's Mills--Oect. 2-3. Spencerville--Sept. 29-30. Stella---Sept. 29. > REVISITS GANANOQUE. After Forty-Three Years and Views Many Changes. Gananoque, Sept, 26.--There passed through Gananoque a couple of days ago Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Jones, the latter was at one time a resident of Gananoque, but had not been here for forty-three years. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were motoring, and many of the places Mrs. Jones want- ed particularly to see had either dis- appeared entirely or had changed be- ¥ond recognition. She had worship ped at the old M.E. church which stood where W. V. Bulloch's beauti= ful residence is located, though' the house where she had livéd, the stone one west of the King street school, looked the same, though fe others. Mrs. Jones' maiden 'name' was Blanche Forshay, and will piobabiy be remembered by some of the citle zens, | treasurer -of the Ridge Fuel and Supply Co., Chicago. Mrs. Jones had recollected that there was a big white hotel on a corner and told that it.-was still functioning, she and her husband went to the Brophy House for dinner. Nerve -Worn Women LEFITTE Strength it \ Tite [SIT Using Dr CHASE'S DESERONTO Deserontp, Sept. 26.--What might have been a fatality occurred om Thursday afternoon when a car, driven by Mrs. Mowbray, knocked down and injured Erva Sharpe, four- year-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Sharpe, Upper Mill street. The child, in company with her little brother made at-attempt to cross the read, stopped and started again, thereby confusing the driver, who was exonerated from any hlame. The fair, by the Ladies' Citizens League in their hall, Friday and Sat- urday, was well patronized. The citizens responded most generously with «donations. : The bowlers staged a jolly party in their club house on Thursday evening, most of the members who are in town were present. The marriage took place on Fri- day of Miss Lilian Wilkins and B. Hudgins, formerly of Point Anne; Peo located fn Détroit. The Rev. ©, BH: 8. Radeliffe officiated. Mr. and Her husband is president and}: Mrs. Hudgins 'will live in* Detroit. Miss Agnes ThorTpson spent Wed- nesday. in Picton. Norman Armitage, is-the guest of friends in town. Fred Harvey, of Toronto, is spend- ing a few days . his home here. Mrs. P. O'Conhor has. returned to her home in Lincoln; Nebraska, hav- ing been the guest of Mrs. Tom Maloney. George Moore, of Napanee, was a caller in town on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Sutherland are spending a week in Inverary. Mrs. Claude Sharpe has gone to stay with her mother in Belleville for a few months. Mrs. W. H. Rich- ardson is confined to her bed with tonsilitis. Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Froste, of Port Hope, are spending the week- end with Mrs, M. M. Froste, George street, George| Stuart, of Hornepayne, i& at his home here this week. Miss Helen Shangrove is attending Queen's College, Kingston, this year. -- Rockfield Briefs. Rockfield, Sept. 25.--The shdwery weather of the past two weeks has greatly delayed the fall work, but will simplify matters for the plow= man. A large number from here attended Lansdowne fair, Tuesday and Wednesday. The community was shocked to hear of the death of Ralph. Birteh, eldest son of J. D. Birtch, following an illness of only a 'day or two. The funeral service was conducted at the home an Wed- nesday and interment was made at Mallorytown. Miss Morrison, North Gower, is spending a few days with her sister, Miss V. Morrison here. " Mrs. Leslie Warren and sons, (Keith and Hartley, returned yester- day from visiting friends at Selby, Mountain Grove and Ashton, Mrs. Mary Herbison, who has been con- fined to her bed for the past two weeks. Is not much improved. Messrs. J. D. and Alexander MeCrea, Glen- garry county, visited at L. 0. War- ren's. Robert Melvin, Liverpool, N.Y., made a business trip through here on Friday. a ---------------- Time to ze. Hamilton Herald: A pedestrians' club has been organized in London. But there are times when the pedes- trian feels the need of a gun rather than a club. ; a On Sept. 20th; in Bathurst, at her home, there passed to her eternal reward, Mrs. John Ervin at the age of seventy-four years. For-the past Seven years, Mrs. Ervin had been in failing health from rheumatism, Conscience may tell a man that he is doing wrong, but fortunately LANL pt it doesn't inform his neighbors. LEERY IF HE HAD ANN WEPPING IN "THEM PANTS, THEN WOULON' BE CONCEALED WEPPINSY TH MEGG! STICK YOUR HAND ™ AT STOVE PIPE AGN. \T ANT DIRTY ANUFE. FER FINGER PRINTS, ENES BOW! AWRIGHT MIKE" / Scranton Anthracite Egg, Stove, Chestnut, Pea and Buckwheat. Our Coal is all under cover & 'Woodworking Factory, ~ BAY AND WELLINGTON - By Williame| | Coke Nut and Stove. -H VIRGINIA-----Soft Lump Coal, | on dry, clean comcrete floors. - S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Lumber Yards, Coal Bins STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO 4 Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571 "PHONE 1207 FOR THE RADIO DOCTORS | Keep this near your 'phone and call Radio Head 'vy. when you want anything Radi viowerhauled and repaired; aerials erected. Any make of set installed,' Storage Battteries 0, called for, recharged and delivered. Rental Batteries for" your use. pe When you deal with Radio Headquarters you are sure of intelligent Radio Service; 1009 money back guarantee and prices that fit the job! CANADA RADIO STORES 269% PRINCESS STREET. ELEPHONE 1307. T! THE RADIO HEADQUARTERS OF EASTERN ONTARIO TOOK CHEESE PRIZES. Murray A. Kirkham; Wagarville, "Was Very Successful. Wagarville, Sep 26.--J. N. Smith's threshing ouffit is busily en- gaged threshing" grain in this local- ity. Everyone reports an extra fine crop of grain this year. , Murray A. Kirkham, maker at the Wagarville cheese factory, was successful in at- taining fourth prize in the Province of Ontario, and third prize in the county of Fronténac, on &heese at the Kingston Industrial Exhibition. Mr. Kirkham also received two first prizes at the Parham fall fair. A few from around here attended the Kingston fair on' Saturday. Mrs. James McCrory and daughter, Jose- phine, spent Monday the guest of Mrs. Wagar. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jackson and Baby, Maxwell, have been spending their ho with Mr. and Mrs. 8, Jackson, ha returned to their home at Caled Ont. Miss Edna Wagar, Windsor, making a prolonged visit with parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Wagar. Clifford Jackson lefy on Monday to attend the' Collegiate Institute at Kingston. a Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown, Lean, at Clinton Wagar's; Wagar. at L. B. Cronk's; Ru Cronk, Echo Lake, at 8. Clarks; Hicks, Beho Lake, at C. Peters'; My and Mrs. W. Marsh, Kingston, at | Jackson's. -------- a It gossips would stop 'tq thin) their tongues would get a m needed rest. ! t: Keep that Vacation Loo Eat, Don' 'you need --the 1 x snack." hs - meeal -- your + ready--your 3 ulated 80 t spoil your appetite by humoring a false hunger between S supply the "taste" craving for "just a 2 refreshed and you feel a Fisaaty Site WRIGLEY'S clearises the teeth; acts as a mild antiseptic to mouth = and chroat, gives a lasting good taste. And "AFTER EVERY MEAL", It gready aids digestion.