Down the toboggan go prices. Quality remains at its highest peak. Here's the op- portunity of months -- an opportunity that invites a visit to this store. HUNDREDS OF FORSYTHE AND ARROW BRAND SHIRTS Odd lines to clear, at $1.95 Values up to $3.50 and $4.00. . English woven materials--Madras, Per- cales, Broadcloth, etc. All sizes. SEE OUR WINDOW 1 Call and get Football Schedules for 1925. VINGSTON'S . 75-79 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk F resh Pork Cuts 8.0¢ Pork, whole, 1... ® of Fresh Pork Roasts, 1h +... 20. | Hocks, Ib. 15¢ ork Steaks Ib. 25¢c. Pork Chops, Ib. 35c. Smoked Breakfast Bacon, Ib 38¢ YOUNG TENDER BEEF ROA uy - ROA EEE 20c. pound 15¢c. pound ROAST Be Pot SER Sd os CITY AND DISTRICT Won First Prize. Calvin Emmons won first prize on yearling heifers at the Odessa Fair last week. Kingston General Hospital. Women's* Aid Kingston General Hospital are holding their Tag Day, Oet, 3rd. Warden Returning. ! Warden Ponsford, who has been | in Winnipeg and the west for several | 'weeks, fs expected home Toumday ior Friday. To Speak in Hrockville. Prof. R. O. Jolliffe speaks on Thursday evening at the Teachers' Institute Conventipn in Brockville. His subject will be "Democracy and Education." Went to Oshawa, Quite a number of local baseball fans left In cars for Oshawa Wednes- day morning for the Kingston-Osler game there. A bus made the trip with a large crowd of passengers. Lower Temperature, The temperature took a drop Wednesday morning when the ther- mometer at Queen's University ob- servatory registered 34 degrees. This is the lowest point reached this week. Return From Convention. Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Branchard and Mrs. James Hill, who have been in Ottawa for a week attending the annual meeting of the Holiness Move- ment church, returned home on Tues- day, He's a Scotchman, Asked by one of the local regis- trar"s whether he were a British subject by birth or naturalization, an applicant to have his nome put on the. city's voters' lists replied, "I'm a Scbtchman." 2 Furnaces Going. As the result of the cool weather of the last few days, many people have their furnaces going and find that it was not a bit too warm. Some people claim they have already burn- ed a ton of coal. An Old Methodist Church, Plans are on foot at Cape V nt, N.Y., to celebrate the 74th anniver- sary of the founding of 'the first Methodist Episcopal church there. It carried through, the celebration will be held on October 14th. Back at Queen's. Garnet Higgins, Brockville, has returned to Queen's University after spending the summer with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Higgins. | While there he was attached to the medical staff of the Ontario Hospi- tal. Mass for Father Traynor. 'A solemn requiett mass for the Iate Father Traynor is to be sung in St. Mary's Cathedral on Thurs- day at the request of the Knights of Columbus of which he was a valued member, Boy Election Day, Nov. 28th, Gordon A. Lapp, premier of the Fourth Ontario Older Boys' Parlia- ment, has announced: that the elec- tion of the fifth parliament will be held on Saturday, Nov. 28th. Nomin- ations will close on Nov. Tth, and the voters' list on Nov. 17th, The "Aunt Het" Feature, * @ artist who draws the "Aunt Het" pictures, which appear daily in the Whig, is John Striebel, who res ceives $1,000 for every magazine cover he does. Newspaper readers all over. the country like "Aunt Het." Robert Millen is the author of the feature. _ On Eligible Lists. § In the eligible lists of the Civil Service Commission the last Canada Gazette notes: For industrial guard carpenter, Portsmouth penitentiary, Joseph Bollons, Kingston, for junior swine grader for Ontario Department of Agrjculture, John Gordon Lefe- granted and the trial was fixed for October 9th. Safe Blown With Nitro. During Monday night burglars en- tered the office of the Elliott Casket Works, Prescott, and by use of nitro- glycerine blew open the safe, ob- taining $6 in cash and five packages of tobacco, in addition to causing between $200 and $300 damage to the building. Three young men, who arrived' at Prescott from the east, are suspected. Dance Pavilion Closes. @ After a very successful season, the dance pavilion at Collin's Bay closed Tuesday night, when about 200 couples enjoyed dancing to the music rendered by Sid Fox and his Serenad- ers. Mr, H.-C. Clarke, proprietor of the dance hall, spoke a few words, thanking all for the patronage, and | complimenting the Sid Fox Serenad-] ers on their splendid music rendered this season. 3 S-------- Prices To Advance. The present cost of a marriage li- cense from City Clérk Dr. W, W. Sands, at the City Hall, is $5 flat rate. A recent provincial enactment necessitated that in order to secure a license for marriage the procurer has to present a birth certificate of the other party, or have the latter swear an affidayit. Up to the pre- sent time the cost of securing a birth certificate from Toronto has been 75 cents. The City Clerk has received copies of an order-in-council signed by the Lieutenant-Governor to have the "price advanced {8 $1.50. Board of Trade Meeting. Several important civic ' matters are coming up at the meeting of the Board of Trade on Thursday night, Oct. 1st. The agenda for the meet- ing will be .a general discussion of a publie wharf for Kingston, the re- construction of the present fair grounds, whether motor camps should be operated by municipalities for its general benefit or be privately owned without municipal control, and other . matters of present in- terest. Death of Mrs, Norton R. Gardiner. Monday morning, Mrs. Frances Louise Gardiney, widow of Norton R. 'Gardiner, who predeceased her twenty years ago, passed away at Brockville. after an illness of three months, aged eighty-eight years. Born near Yonge Mills on Sept. 16th, 1837, a Maughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shipman, the deceased resided for' a number of yeéars at Lyn, where her husband conducted a general store and was postmaster of the yillage. Following the death of her husband, she took up -resi- dence here and had lived In Brock- ville for about twenty years. Mrs, Norris Gardiner, Lyn; Mrs. George A. McMullen, Brockville; Mrs. Rich- ard Steacy, Lyn, are sisters. In re- ligion the deceased was a Methodist. Canadian Pacific. City ticket office, 180 Wellington street, report the following arrivals of their steamships: . Montroyal, from" Liverpool, due Quebee, Oct. 2nd. Montelare, from Montreal, due Liverpool, Oct. 2nd. Melita, from Antwerp, Southamp- ton, Cherbourg and Quenstown, die Quebec, Oct. 2nd. Minnedosa, from Montreal, due Cherbourg and Southampton, Oect.|, 1st 4nd due Antwerp, Oct. 2nd. Metagama, from Glasgow, due Quebec, Oct. 3rd. Marburn, from Montreal, due Bel- fast and Glasgow, Oct. 2nd. Empress of Russia, from Hong- kong, due Vancouver, Oct. 5th. Empress of Asia, from Vancouver, arrived Yokohama, Sept. 28th, and . lue Hongkong, Oct. 5th. Forest New Renfrew Church, Renfrew, Sept. 30.--The ceremony of turning the first sod of the site upon which will immediately be started the building of the Non-Con- curring Presbyterian Church in Ren- frew, was carried out Monday In the presence of a large number of the congregation. Mr. I. B. Pedlow was chairman. reh will cost aboiit $50,000, Mrs. he Barat t who some time | ago donated tion performed "KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING cen TRE" If you are losing your good Figure and desire former charm, think this over. -- The A few years ago during the vogue of the sweater, Women took off Corsets, drew a long breath and let their figures go. Some of the results were good; others were bad. The large waist, with the resulting lowering of the bust and straightening of the hip has a youthful air. BUT the diaphragm bulge, the middle- age spread, the very pronounced increase in weight have proved ugly and stubborn. MANY WOMEN who have tried going without. Corsets are wearing them again, not to make their waists smaller, but. to flatten the abdomen and lowet back. For the figure that needs a firmer hold there is a new Corset and we have it. Lover's Form Corsets Now so much in demand i in all the smart shops of the United States are + here. 7 PRICED FROM $6.95 to $10.00 3 : ee | not periectly satisfied, you are not Anata do A ------------: a A ------------