i T= | The Baily British Whig KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER J, 1925. Me", Bourassa Tells His BOARD NAMED [3m enerees ALLIES AGAINST ' DIVERSION +> "* a # Washington, Oct. 5.--Min- # nesota, Ohio and Pennsylvania y #* asked the supreme court to- # day for permission ot join % Wisconsin in its fight against # the diversion of water by the % Chicago sanitary district. * CAPITOL THURS, FRI, SAT. Richard Dix in "The Lcky Devi" } --- LAST EDITION snsnban. ---- (Constituents MEET CHP SPP PtHP Liberal in Lincoln. St. Catharines, Oct. 5.--Hamilton K. Woodruff was appointed here f . YEAR 92; Ng. ' GY 3 Xx 2. : "All Party Spirit Is Dead | A -- p : tier, Tatllon and De Boucherville. #] g BOURASSA IS |r RIM RUNNERS || Te Federal Freie A : ory of these great men Bt haan Sas : "FOR NO PARTY [E5525 upp ATTOWED | ons ae on THE GERMANS BUILDING OF ROADS a Cunivise DECLARES . WILL BE CURTAILED 10 GET AWAY stated at headquarters of the party ON p > organization here to-day, 2 i Hon. G. 8. Henry Announces : : - : -- Plans for Ontario in 1826 ef a tor 5. M. Joss vensaveswotlis -- Bat Would Choose King Belore| ~--®ioe' Plan Canned. | Gage Poj Names, Produced Bail| ze vi ws, * oe, "rise Dr. Merchant, Judge Scott and MR. MASSEY FEsians | Agitation Over German Demand ¢. Meighen as Premier. |, Torso Ov 5-Ront bulding and Disappeared. Yet: oritia, 15¢h. Thess are snn:| LOWS Cote Are the Three. From corporations For Return of Colonies. & FAN next year, according ta Slaten TY meetings so far arranged. S-- Vicois Prosiericy of Misbey i M1 by Hon. G. S. Henry, discuss - 5 GOES BACK TO PEOPLE soiree x oe mene >= AMAZING COURT SCENE BEGIN WORK AT ONCE| "ari Gompany ana sani MEETING AT LOCARNO ; a ------ The present programme of road ---- ------------ rectorates. -- Saturday night as the Liberal nom- The German Colonies, ; Ss ne road building venture executive committee of the Liberal ' 8 Ago--Spoke at Mont Laurier | ii se" and Counted Out Bills ess of English-French | io cevinet of mien mon. w."L.| Delegates Were Welcomed E oe It is understood that the Biggs' = Toronto, Oct. 6.--The Liberals of tion, has resigned from the presi- a period of forty years, has been |rum runners captured as they were | vention this evening. The intention (of a board of three to probe condi- | pany. conference of Allied and German ing back to the people who sent him Pp np elec hat he might bot BI Asin 30 tha . fal Treasurer and it is possible that |cocas Creek, and proclaimed by pro- | Spence, the Conservative representa- | week-end by Premier Ferguson in| resignation from the board of the ed here to-day. The sessions are be servation of the Atlantic coast, "are gone. By the |riding is that Conservatism is an W. Merchant, chief director of edu.| B2RK of Commerce and the Mutual Justice. terda. whom the most ¥10 bg the man of the current revenue surplus of the | names and addresses, and supplying | ism appeals to tlre young. of Perth and Louis Cote, barrister, ; Mayor Rusca of Locarno. After his LAE has not withered the charm ington authorities were anxious to Ottawa, Oct. 5.--As the result of ECONOMIC BARRIERS 4:54:22 The delegates arrived promptly on thirty years made him a dreaded So quickly did they take their de- | Intyre and G. I. Gogo, K.C., were of the province under the Minister S-------- 8 h Parliamentary Conference that they had been arraigned Satur- | Hamilton, Conservative nominee in report upon the English-French y Germans. M. Vanderelde, of Bel- king of opponents, 0 is a decided change { ing Here P anently. Holly, held in from $200° to. $400 | unless there is ge in vincial School Teachers' Association, Cordons of police held back the Mr. Bourassa does not like Mr. il i ! io Ottawa, Oct. 5.--Figures attribut identity the authorities did n 18. 1hE GAStern DrOvInC wn Dor ous constituting a permanent threat of v x rassa's vote Caption 1 matter of Mr. Bou tary Union Conference which re- A Grants 18_sviddnce _ : : construction has been well caught up ; ' : 3 ; . : ps Who Elected Him Thirty Years during the year just closing and next Man Sat mn the Judge S$ Chair inee for. Lincoln "County by the They Will Survey the: State and waste, a reThe Nop Vis: Is Being Held in Private---The 3 8 assey, who recently entere will be smaller than that of this Association. ] King, and is Liberal candidate for year. 3 : Durh de on Sunday. - Herel: a a Amounting to $14,500. Parkdale Liberals. ools of tario. urham County in the federal elé¢ by the Mayor. plan of capitalizing motor license e : Mont Laurier, Que., Oct. 5.--Com- | revenue for highways purpose, over Burlingion, N.J., Oct. 5.--The 55 | Parkdale riding will meet in con- Toronto, Oct. 5.--Announcement | dency of the Massey-Harrls Com- Locarno, Switzerland, Oct. 5.--The : E In a statement issued Saturday, tat n called to consider the con k them | abandoned. This matter is receiving |'unloading $300,000 worth of liquor |is to nominate a candidate to con tions in the English-French schools ¥, | statesmen ca o consider the cons 33 Jarllament In 1596 10 as the present attention of the Provinc-| from a sea-going barge in Ran-|test the riding against Mr. David of the province was made over the | MT. Massey not only announced his | clusion of the security past was open= 8 Il Canadian ; aid in ia sreutest oh very pre-|his general sinking fund plan will | hibition authorities as the most |tive. It is believed that 8 young man his capacity of Minister of Education. Massey. Harn Company, but also ing held in the Cantenal courtroom mavements, country" itselt, | take special cognizance of the pro-| powerful gang now operating on the | will be chosen as the feeling in the The thembers of the board are Dr. F.| {fom the boards of the Canadian|on the second floor of the Palace of 1 imself yes- | Llem of retiring highway indebted- . Henri Bourassa showed him ness, probably in some mgasure out |simple expedient of giving fictitious | old 'man's system, and that Liberal- cation for the province; Judge Scott | "fe Assurance Company. . The Jutugural testing Ta formats : i I Su SU y opened shortly after am. by | ardent of his friends proclaim him department. the modest cash bail which 'was of Ottawa. Each of these persons is WORLD » ta be. ' . | asked of each, the mén whom Wash- Two Liberals in Stormont. peculiarly fitted, in the opinion of J speech of walcome, he retired a all i . e sessions of the conference are 3 28 bis voles, nor To question have slipped through their | two separate meetings held in Stor- Prema Soreiech; to ast 8 javes : ne Ae of -- pion which = for AR fingers. mont County Saturday, A. W. Mec- position of chief educational officer pa le dsloauta ved prompuy : e hour in automobiles, y Aus- ET parture that not until yesterday did | both nominated as "straight Lib- t nis|Are Discussed by the Inter-|ten Chamberlain, who was followed orm figure to his opponents. If R URN T0 DOMINION " of Education and because o 8 Plat: is _ change that is to be it become generally known here |eral" candidates to oppose Dr. C. J. authorship in 1912 of a Government in turn by the Italians, French and Hated 1t 1a that the Years have made day before Supreme Court Commis- | Stormont. Both meetings were en- In Washington. glum, however spurned the luxury of Bim more kindly in tone when Over 38,000 Have Announced sioner Claude Palmer, of . Mount |thusiastic for their nominee, ang |SCh00Is; the second because of his ) 9 & motor car and arrived on foot. though no} <Phejp Intention of Remain=- intimate - connection with the Pro- Washington, Oot 5--A. world Jesisive i Ha upvresiation of bail each and released when cash [the present political biiation, and the third because of his close | (AF! and economic barriers describ- | crowds about the entrance of the pal- their h hose | there will be a three-cornered fight. ; ; bail was supplied by a man w ere g knowledge of educational conditions ed as obstacles to general prosperity, | ace. Meighen. He made that clear i h . ed to the United States department | trouble to establish. He sat in the conflicts, featured the debates today hs shadow of a doubt It It of labor, in a press despatch to the chair of the presiding judge and eturn Tr ly in the Separate Schools. of the twenty-third Inter-Parliamen- W 5 0 and deciding | effect that only 2,217 Canadians re cripoed SB S1 $1,000, $50 fildne House of Common Qe ns | furncd to Canada trom. the United | 1Top iy amiitions. from a huge : , Working Out in Practice. sumed its sessions here. ha would be Prime Minister, - States in the last fiscal year, are | rolls the funds-were needed. In es a As the English-French schools are| py. Adolf Braun, member of the fury ot ous or more of the colonies y would vo! , is : x I E y King or Mr: Meighen, he sharply challenged by the depart-| all; $14,500 was deposited to fn- | © -- SOVOrned---40 {az as thely feature of | Gormuy .Reichoiag: tre ooeed in Th Ma trang the World a ment of immigration here. sure the appearance in court of a To the Editor of The British "for Mr. King. ade ME plhs.1e Hon, Sn Futeny for par-| During the fiscal year, Ottawa re- ii to the mexntug or the cords show. a Mr. Pate- Movement which wants Mr. | ada after a residence of six months fide to be more definite as to He also wants Mr. Pate- | manently in the country. naude to declare what will be the attitude of himselt lowers should they be called upon in Parliament to choose between Mr. d accused of having preferred a Whig: dian born citizens returned to Can-| made the capturs. I The town was astonished when or over in the United States, de¥lar-| the Yapurture of the Suiugglers was y towards - | Ing their intention of remaining per-| discovered. Investigation was begun attitnde Miittaty. : at once of the names and addresses If to these are added the natural-| given, and general expectations were illed when his fol- | zed Canadians and British subjects | fulf! ane who had acquired Canadian domicile, | cOme back that this man and that the total Canadians returning in the iver wat know at the address he had ai Gi % Dear Sir-<I #in ab-eX-member-of the Newfoundland Regiment, Serial No. 1775. 1 was discharged on ac- count of T.B. from the Queen Alex- andra Sanatorium on Sept. 21st, and as I never had my pensions adjust- ed, I am making my way to 'Ottawa to see the head office ot the D.S.C.R. I was penniless and hungry. I ap- plied to the Conservative candidate for Kingston, where I could get no lation, 17 of the Education Act, the task of Messrs. Merchant, Scott and Cote will be largely an investigation of the working-out of this regula- tion in practice. The principle of the regulation is that the parent tongue shall be the language of in- struction for the child in the first instance, but that changé shall gradually be made to English, with, however, -a place still reserved to French in the school curriculum. "a customs understanding" for all European nations or as many of them as possible to provide for the removal of troublesome tariff ques- tions. The resolution previously had been examined by the Inter Parlia- mentary council, which ruled that income tax questions were matters for the attention of individual states and that the aspect of a customs problem should not be considered by controversy is concerned--by regu-| resolution that the conference create | poen actively discussed In the vari ous chancelleries of Europe. Germany wants 'overses¥" territory which sh cin draw upon for the raw needed by her industries. and he takes' the position that a vital 3 ment iw bringing about real security is to assure the welfare of her econos mic life by this means. ; All the former German colonies are under mandate to the Allies, and if the German hopes chould be realized it would presumably means that Eng. © Meighen and Mr. King as Prime Minister. =~ twelve months of the American fis- i . Heaton: 57 the' Bark gmt Raat 5 cal year is 38,173. ' 'An investigation by the Burling- assistance. 'The Conservative can- © last study of the English-| the conference. In twelve months, 43,000 Cana- lon Sousty Stand jw) Wis Sorecust didate could do nothing for me. The |F Fouch shoots ot ie province was i aad > ¥ a the. alist 8 wo "Party Spirit Dead in Me." | States collecting refund of thelr heed | complete escape of the. rum-run. | 04s00 1 applied to him ut 1 think time has now come," Premios wer.| WEVGHEN SHOWS HAND | icrricory they now govern "w % a y - ; The ir was an open one; Mr. ry Phere - in addition to those | Bers. Former Sheriff Andrew J. Jor- ns any Super of the pine guson therefore declared in on- ON HUDSON BAY PLAN : Bourasss 'speaking from the steps|who returned after a six months'| dan Is foreman of the spring grand now. nouncing the appointment of the T : Boat Sinks: 'of the seminary to a crowd esti! absence. Jur, aud Sie ihamber 1 i rior: | 1 'would like to remind my com. |board, "for systematic investigation |VWIII Support Completion or| 10 y E muted at. about. 3,500, OF this sum. Baptist Church Both thes aon {rades that under the Comservaivellw order tuat the Government peey| Rallway If Cost Less Than i ber. a special train broug » - a regime the pension commissioners' |de © wha progress these 1 wned | © some 250 of whom were from Mont- SIR ANDREW RAE DUNCAN protested yesterday to, County decision was final. Now, under the schools have made in the interval $3,000,000. £ real and the others picked up at , : * [Prosscutor Hillman against the low S08 Ol regime, the returned men|and what measures, if any, are S-- : ---------- : ous points along the line. The V bonds which were accented, and right to gosto a Fedsral Ap- (necessary to improve them. The aim| Saskatoon, Oct. 5.--The policy of Helsingfors, Oct. -5.--Three yarious po To Preside at the Nova Scotia Coal | gach said that further action on his | have & rig g officers, nn Tree weather, which had promised well * Enquiry. a. Id 'be tak before the | Peal Board. More cases by far haye|of all concerned is to make it cer-| the Conservative party in the. mat- 4 an ¥ men were in the morning, turned somewhat Halifax, N.8., Oct. 5.--The govern- past You e en Te e been put back on pension since the|tain that every child shall have an| ter of completion of the Hudson Bay i owaed when the Finnish 100 cold for comfort, the wind |... or Nova Scotia announced Sat.| 57404 Jury. Liberals came into power, than un- adequate working knowledge of the| R®!IWay was revealed fully by the orpada boat, 8-2, went down in fs Sweeping up from the River La LI}, 4,y tnat pursuant to a request, der the Tory regime. English language without interfer-| RiSht Hon. Arthur Meighen here.| a violent storm during naval vers, which formed the pochiround the British government has designat- | LIGHTING BOLT RAN Another thing the Liberal govern-|ing with efficiency in their mother Y Sols Teturied lo power Be x hn en posocher Senela [Of the crowd, while beyond and on | 4" gi Andrew Rae Duncan, K.B., ment has done for the returned men ftongue, ° e ppor- sides lofty mountain tops Teased M.A, LL.B. formerly coal control- ALona FARMER'S ARM is that a man discharged from a : TT. oy ot leat out ork Eis na Biquish oo Sonia. heads in all the beauty of au- | 00 spo Boch government, and -- sanatorium with T.B. goes on full y £4 Sia Sos mas One 1, EE 5 A Ou af Hi Shoot 7 St tr] | Te EET" | or cup in striking manner Mr. . ; t the end of that| ,, eo . ' . ' os n . implied plea that the | Mitte Of the British mines depart Is Making Good Pro- Hot be Jeduced af She und a ontinued, "has given French | 1t would take only three millions to |ed birth control, suggests that & Pp ment, to be chairman of the commis- term more than lace in the cirricul y try is deserving of all sacrifice | G0 2 0 FUR TEE Of HAS Indust gress. We returned men want to stick | Place In the cirriculum for mearly| finish the road. If I can be reason- | state education should be given only fts sons and daughters so hi Bguiry Two fate uy ry T-- *%| together and support candidates of | [OT years. The board will enquire| ably assured that the cost would ba | to first thiee children in every fam- that it may be preserved und placed o Nova | go a S Macelat n in Sarnia, Oct. 5.--William Beatty, a the government that nas done the |lBto the nature and character of the | no greater than that, T would un- ily. yn. the pathway of prosperity, mo- [farmer on the London road, was most oF us. instruction that has been given in| dertake that it would be done be- Former Premier Herriot is ser and material. . struck by Hghtuing during Trier EDWARD VINCENT O'DONNELL, the elosis. | Pe, chief denire is to| fore another election." | ously {il at Lyons, France, suffering "All party spirit is dead in me," Son of R. H. Grant Dead. storm, the electricity entering No. 1715 Pension No. 903. , nce as- RA i y : the Nationalist leader, and | Ottawa, Oct. 5.--Brian Humphreys | arm at the elbow and emerging from October 5th, 1925. certained, I believe that there should CR ---, hout he talked Nationalism | Grant, third son of R, H. Grant, |a small hole in his foot. His arm \ be no difficulty in adopting measures ym the broad aspect of all Can-| former minister of education for On. | from elbow to finger-tips was badly satisfactory to the whole province, ourteen a a y 8, (He warned against the dan-|tario, died Friday at the residence | burned, and two toes adjacent to the 10 FIGHT FOR CHILD and in restoring harmony of admin- : : if rousing the east against the |of his father at Hazeldean, aged 29. tiny hole made in the foot a. the tration sud Sontrol. The board will To Feed a Jail Prisoner Last Year Y pandering to sectional feel- current passed out, were burned|' ven © encouragement ne- ing for the purpose of getting votes. C. R. Hosmer, Montreal, who sut!| black. Beatty was on the verandah ; cessary to carry out the object in -- : : watching the view, and every facility required in 3 The cost of feeding the prisoners | of maintenance was $5,862.52, and Addressing himself to the Conser- | fered a paralytic stroke, is reported | of his niece's farm, Mr. Bourassa said that |somewhat better. storm, and was leaning against a 4 Groen Sa That the its work. It is believed 'that the f had rendered great service to| Teaching of any dialect in the| water prbe, down which the current | Presi ys board will organize to begin the| in the county jail for the past year | only $3,000 was derived from prise and had had statesmen of | State schools of France is being dis-| presumably came. He was thrown American Federation Will [work at once, and will be asked to| was 14 1-2 cents per prisonér per on Jajor. sod the.. 23 Everywhere, make a comprehensive survey. , 0 prisoners esca uring Mobilize Ey ' ---- up day. This 1s a reduction of one |, although there were 20. con Atlantic City, N.Y. Oct. 5.-- h order, such as Macdonald, Car- | couraged. with such force against the house cent from, last year's figure of fined at one time, against a high G stirred the WINTER ON PRAIRIES. 16 1-2 cents per prisoner per day. {point of 14 in 1921. : President Xuliam Green r - - During the year just closed, 121| The number of ' days' confine delegates of the ean Seta Freezing General; 12] persons were committed, 108 of ment for government has tion of Labor to great enthusiasm Degrees Above whom were men and 13 women. Of 'almost tripled, being 777 in 19 19265. door that the door was broken. His] d that it was miraculous at Vi ' Winnipeg, Oct. 3.--Indications| this number 86 gave their nation- las against 2,178 in that winter is just around the corner| ality as Canadian. » number of days municipal were given by the Dominion The total cost for salaries, food, fuel, clothing, etc, was $5,803.84, and the sum of $3,250 was derived from prison labor. Last year the cost | ------ B.C. Oct. S.--The 000,000 Inst year, being $12,000,000 trade of exports and $2.000,000 of tm-| | I Cet caasille. of Hamilton, Ont., now set- | San d Australia will soon be on the Sphound, and, instead of $14,000- year, it will amount to many * more." : aa