| Me and Bil | These are the best grade WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES. If you have any shingling to do, see these before buying. Choice lot. ALLAN LUMBER CO. 'Victoria Street, near Union.. "Phone 1042 Up to that time the score had been moved to Kansas City because the ton; insides, Starke Carruthers: ; ; A A ers; Was Played on Sloppy tied 3-3. Deloro slipped over the club is "slowly starving to death," | middles Ryan, Foran; - outsides, D.|the past. ond at Cricket Field run that broke the tie in their half drew from John A. Heydler, presi-| Anderson, Consiglio. of the eighth inning but Ottawa, in-| dent of the National League, a state-| Referee, Hal DeGruchy; umpire, The dear old football fans will be == turday Afternoon. i a ninth inning rally in stead of being subdued, fought all the harder and, coupled with their good playing, the Delorp team made ment that this was "illogical." Billy Mallett. Mr. Heydler's statement, which EL ------------ did not specifically mention Mr. VARSITY WINS 8-1. delighted to know that the good old band has again startea practices. Me and Bill are not having them prac- tice any new pieces this year as we THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- : GENERAL ' ! tawa took it in the secoddl By push- | i OTEST IS MADE OVER ACTION OF [iiss BIG FOUR GAMES : into the lead when they crashed in | SOME BASEBALL FANS ON SATURDAY = Fé" Si pLAYED SATURDAY one in the fifth and Deloro made it | . 3-2 in the sixth with Ottawa tieing | it in the seventh. | ; Themsel Across Fleld to Break Up Soccer Game | It was a scrappy game all the way {Hamilton Tigers Surprised and Well. bore w. with. oir pocer People and Chouinard, Ottawa catcher was| Beat d Otta » ® are aga -t ! Claim Priority to Use of Grounds Sat~ banned from the game along aboat Argos an wa first game over, and by the way, it by urday---Local Baseball Officials and P layers of the fourth inning as a result of back | Trimmed Montreal. Jas Fond yeptisth Victory a Tow eam talk to the umpire. 'There 'was -- : COBL T Are Blamed as Ringleaders. A en i rig of both | The battling Hamilton Tigers] --We will soon be twenty-one now-- Sporting Editor, grounds /as another who plays for|clubs but the condition of the field | threw a sensation on Saturday in| We had better begin fixing up a do- Dally British Whig. the benefit of an attendant crowd of { made the base-running pretty weak. | foothal) circles DS elesttng | Mike Ings, Yi 6lahtute oyr SOmineUtags, lookers. | ings: { Rodden's Argonauts at Hamilton by - FAs the referee of the soccer | 7,00} iothall players published the Score by inning 010010103--6 | the score of 14-11. It was expected| Just the same me and Bill look match played at the Cricket [yc 'tpat this match was to be play- 000201010--4 | that the Argos, with their experience | Upon the Montreal game merely as a on Saturday afternoon between | eq on the Cricket Field several days| Ottawa--Rothwell, 3b; Rockburn, | and star caste would be able to hand | £00d work-out and will doubtless R.C.A. and Kingston City teams, ago in both the local papers. Every |c-2b; Going, rf; McCloskey, ss; Rio-|the Marriott clan an unmerciful lac- | make some changes before the clash te pelled to protest most em- | member of both teams was a resident | pelle, 1f; Oakley, ef; Chartrand, p. |ing but the engals stood up well and | With Varsity, For instance me and oy against the actions of a of this city, together with the offic- | Deloro--Ada, cf; Sehults, 2b; John-| Breen, Hughes and the rest with all | Bill are afraid that "Bud" Thomas F of persons who believe them- | jals. The soccer season is short, and | ston, ss: Boudreau, rf: Regan, 3b; | their stardom could not turn the fying is much too strenuous for him to be baseball fans, and who | any interference with the schedule | Quinn, ¢; Hughes, 1b: Brown, If. | Tigers back. The win was a big sur- | to be used as fiying wing. The way iherately encroached on the foot-| would certainly result in it not be- | Leal, p; Shea, ef. prise in rugby circles for with Mike | "Bud" flew at them in Montreal fleld during the game, their ac- | ing completed before winter sets in.| Umpires--Twigg and Franklin, | Rodden at their head and with the | Makes us fear for the safety of some being absolutely contrary to The goal-posts were in position on | drilling they have had, Argos were | Of the Varsity and McGill huskies so sportsmanship, and being very | saturday long before the baseball | expected in most places, to go |me and Bill have figured out that we rely criticized by many persons | diamond was marked out, all these GOLF PRESIDENT through without much trouble. will have to use "Bud" as cheer ho witnessed {he occurrence. facts being stated as excellent rea- ' At the end of the first quarter [leader or yard-stick. man. Then (The facts of the case are that in |gons why the football game most cer- HAS TH B ED Tigers were in the lead by 11-0. [there is "Bozo" Norrie, and me and prdance with the published sche- | tainly had priority, so far as the Argos grabbed three points in the | Bill feel that we will have to place of the Kingston and District As- | grounds were concerned, over any second period while Tigers were held pi §ome Pubes Dosition oF Seite 0 v 8! a, ) 7 0 y Barr's ess pro 3 Fund Foal! Logue Paton Puisige baseball team, » Won the Annual Match on Sat- Or 3% 401 8 Jute fn fhe get bruised bouncing off '"Bozo's | Cricket Field on Saturday at 3| Further, the action of these | urday - Between President's ! pints while Tigers got two In the | bean protector so we have decided to The goal-posts were placed in Youid-be sports osly Zale ations! and Vice-President's Team. third quarter and one in the last, the | Sve Mr. Norrie as uisigtant water t during the foremoon, and | Worse from every pooint of view. On Argonauts being held scoreless in the | Poy or programme seller. fe was apparently nothing fo in--fSaturday, September 26th, a soccer Te last quarter. The teams: Me and Bill were first pained, then with this important a | Match and baseball match were play- tens) istertupisd DY 2 inove Tigers -- Flying wing, Small; [8 little peeved and finally highly On the same afternoon the |ed concurrently on the same. |... teh was held at the Catara- | halves. Quinn, Gibb, Walker; quar-|amused at the ludicrous stories p and Ottawa baseball teams |grounds, the greatest harmony pre- | hs ara o aa oe - eS ter, McKelvey; snap, Hannon; in-|eminating from Montreal about play- advertised to play at the Fair |Yalling under arrangements made | oo "0 S10 FOUR Club on Satar-| oo Fp Saye: middles, Elford, |ers being brought into Queen's.' Its ds, but owing to the condition | between the umpire of the baseball | Yes on i he es t [ McBride; outsides, Soanes, Veale; |2 Wonder somebody doesn't suggest diamond, suddenly decilled to | ame and the football referee, there | 'cavy Wil for the President. subs., Raynor, Hunter, Tanguay, that Varsity offered Warren Snyder PI&Y at the Cricket Field, and the so- | being little if any interference be- | President's Team. Vice-President's Vatrrss, Partridge, Rankin, Willard, |2 4.4 beer license to play for them, d sports complained of imagined | tWeén the two games. The same! Team. Denman. or that "Bones" Little and "Dink" the local soccer players would | conditions would have prevailed on| 7. J. Rigney 0 Dr. Austin 1| Argos -- Flying wing, Barrett: | Carroll were each given a free course tely give up every right they | Saturday except for tne action of a| Westmoreland 1 F. G. Moxley 0) halves, Breen, ~Hughés, Reeves; |in show card writing to play for Mc- it have to play and '"'get off the | minority of the baseball fans who| Prof. Day 1C. G. Shannon 0 quarter, Boadway; snap, Smith; in-| Gill. Still the young Montreal cor- ** for the benefit of these wholly | thought that no person had any right | Gen. Elmsley 1 Dr. Hopkins 0 sides, Bradley, Wilson: middles, respondent" of the "Toronto Tele- vited outside baseball teams. to the grounds but themselves, and | Dr, Kingsley 0 Dr.Etherington 1| Miles, Douglas; outsides, Thom, | ram" who starts all these rumors X stood in line across the football field | J. B. McLeod 1% Cunningham 1% Fear; subs, Wright, Thomas, Hy-|has a wonderful imagination and it fie main arguments used by these | for the greater part ot the game in- H. W. Davis® 1J. A. Grey 0 slop, Claxton, Paul, Canboy, Burns, |be doesn't reach such dizzy heights fiddled children in trying to get |terfering with the outflelders taking E. W. Waldron 3% C. BE. Willis 3 |Shaw, Miller, Smythe, Burt, Munro, | ¥ collaboration with Conan Doyle football game cancelled was the | part in the baseball match and the C. E. Taylor 3% W. Jackson 1% | Hambly, White. or Saklatvala we miss our guess. that the two baseball teams had | footballers alike. G. Robertson 18. C. Calvin 0| Referee, Silver Quilty, Ottawa: ed a long distance in order to| The ringleaders in this most un-| A" N. Lee 1 R.F.Armstrong 0 umpire, Tim Murray, Montreal. some dear old football fans what we in Kingston, and that a fairly | sportsmanlike action were a few G. J. Mackay 1F. A. Smyth 0 are doing to provide entertainment crowd was on hand to see the | oficials and players of the'local C.0.| A J. Minnes % G. W. Mahood % Ottawa's Big Win. during half-time periods up at the B.L. team, well-known men in local | 'F 'K. Mahood 1R. E. Burns. 0] Over 4,000 rugby fans greeted the | Stadium. To tell the truth we have RASWer to the first argument it | baseball circles who might possibly | R. I. Brook' 1H. F. Richardson ¢| Senators and the Winged Wheelers | not yet made any definite plans in be stated that the mere fact | have previously been given credit for | w. fi. Bearance 1 D. B. Murray 0] when they appeared on the field on | this direction although several sug- these teams admittedly were | possessing some spirit of sportsman- S. M. Graham 0 Dr. Graham 1 |Saturday afternoon in their opening |&estions have been made. However outside points should give the | ship but who evidently can see no *Dr. McKee 0 Prof. Brown 1| Big Four tilt, the Senators starting | me and Bill would like to point out, football league teams the first further than baseball and believe | py. Thompson 1J. M. Hickey 0 [off the season well by running over |to people who have made suggestions to the Cricket Field, more that all other lines of sport should os ----/a 17-1 victory over Coach Nichol- | that there is only a ten-minute inter- ly as the City authorities not be permitted. Their action was| otal 13 Total 6 | son's squad which was greatly weak- | val and most of their schemes would ® baseball teams permission to|condemned by the majority of base- ened by the absence of "Chicks" |take much longer to work out. For | the Fair Grounds, no mention [ball fans who witnessed the occur-| *This match was played in handi- Mundell, around whom the Montreal made of them being allowed | rence, and may well be classed as a Cap. plays centred and who came to|hkave the K.F.D. give a demonstra- free run of any recreation | blot on the fair name of Kingston as After the match the teams sat | g,e0n's last week. Ottawa's heavy | tion of an alarm and turn out--an-' i in the city; while so far asia sporting centre. down to dinner and the presentation | in. pod a telling. effect and gained | other is that we stage a debate be- i second argument is concerned Yours very truly, of prizes. The Christmas orchestra 'valuable ground 'repeatedly. The |tween Ald. Joe Nash and Mayor An-' any person who plays for his - ~--EYTON WARBURTON, and Mr. Jack Elder entertained at teams™ : grove--still another that we arrange sil recreation and benefit has as Vice-Pres. K. and D.A.F.L. | the party, which was a great success. Ottawa--Plying wing, Emmerson; |& race once around the track be- HB right to the use of playing | Kingston, Oct. 5th, 1925. halves, Tubman, Miller, Connell; {tween the C.N.R. local and a K.P. & NOT LIKELY TO MOVE THE quarter, James; snap, Bruce; in-|C.E. car. As I have pointed out we CARDINALS TO KANSAS CITY. | sides, Ketchum, Cote; middles, Tim-| have only a ten-minute interval and AT the other. Sent mis, Kirby; outside wings, Young, [these schemes are therefore out of However, Ottawa scored more! New York, Oct. 3.--The sugges- W. Anderson. "fhe question. It really looks as' J ; runs and that's what counts. It| jon by Ban Johnson, president of| Montreal--Flying wing, Russell; | though me and Bill will still con- ¢ DELORO BY 6-4 looked in the last of the eighth asthe American League, that the St.| halves, Booth, McCaig, Bennett; | tinue the burlesque cricket, baseball, , though Deloro had won the game. Louis Cardinals ultimately might be | quarter, W. Wright; spap, Hamil-| tennis, polo, and other games which | TWEDDE 'S Reliable Clothes FOR MEN and YOUNG MEN they scored three runs to get | costly mistakes, with the result that Johnson's assertion, follows: rans in the lead, Ottawa ' St. [Ottawa were two up when the last| St Louis has been represented| The Varsity 1925 team, without | feel that all the new selections they ony's defeated Deloro here by [half of the ninth inning started. De- | in the National League for the past; Warren Snyder and one or two other | offered last season were so well. re- | score of 6-4 on Saturday after- [loro was held sooreless, the three | ss consecutive years, and during the | regulars, defeated Varsity Old Boys | ceived that the fans will really wel-, jon in the playoff between these |outs being easy ones and the game last 24 years has supported two|on Saturday at Toronto putting a|come a repetition of them during' } teams to decide which wonld go | was over. major league clubs. The Cardinals' |3-1 victory over the '*'old timers." | this season. We are planning a nifty The teams: { new uniform for the band and do not $0 the intermediate 0.B.A.A. finals. | The teams were fairly evenly | present season has been one of the X o was played on a wet and | matched and despite the mighty poor | best in the history of that club. With| Collegiates--Flying wing, King; intend to be overshadowed in this fddy fleld, due to the heavy rain [baseball weather, the condition of | the promise of building up a cham- | halves, Trimble Munro, Creighton; [respect by the McGill musical aggre-: p the day and there is some doubt [the fleld, ete. a fairly large crowd plonship contender under the popu-|suarter, Coleman; snap, Masters; in-| gation. Whilst we have not yet de- #8 to which is the better team, |of fans turned our. Delors, with | lar leadership of Hornsby and with sides, Stringer, Long: middies,| finitely decided on the new uniform ) of the local fans believing that | four Kingston players, were favored | the recent growth of St.(Louls there | Bales, Stollery: outsides, Duncan, {me and Bill both favor the follow- 7 ' --~ " Ing: Wellington boots, xouave trous- | terested in looking these statisties|rain, something the players can played on such a field, was [to win but Ottawa had a few friends | has never ben a tinie/in all these! Irwin; subs. Rykert, MacGibbon. Ir test, although others point [in the crowd also. years a 'ot the club's re-| Old Boys--Flying wing, Fergu-|ers--one leg red and one blue, vest|over, we fisd that approximately | hardly do. Bill thinks this could be that It was as fair for one as for' It was see-saw for the lead. Ot-! moval would be m re illogical." son; halves, Holmes, Pearson, Sulll-| of yellow, small Icose coat of Queen's | five thousand people want to get into easily carried out if & freshman bee : Er Somnins van; quarter, Hobbs; snap, Evans; | colors, brass helmets. With Alfle| the covered stand each year to see | Were arranged some afternoon. { 7 fa ate insides, Westman, Carew; middles, [ Pierce as major-domo they should be the Varsity game, over two thousand ---------- y By-W illiame Hyde, Wallace; outsides, Pender- | Quite smart. want to get into the first row and Es a grast, Fisher; subs., Haynes, Chaffe,| One dear old fan called up me and | another two thousand would like to Catto, Sheehy, Harris, Snyder, Box. | Bill to know if we ever run out of Officials--*Laddie" Cassells, Dr, | chalk in the middle of a chalk talk. Wright. It has been known to happen and that time we borrowed "Unc" : and puff as a substitute. ready That me and Bill are sympathetic tions to help others out, me ME? THINK, CUD | NO SIR BOY! WHIT BASEBALY souls cannot be denfed and fust now | put our hesds together MAKE MY MA our sympathies are all for the hard National ttsburgh 4, € burgh 1, Cincinnati 4. Philadelphia-New York: rain. Boston-E rooklyn; rain. cinetanats 0 25. ilse 4s ses] t Lous oi +. vu +3130. pH i | Bemre ae 28 Chicago .. .. .. ....68 85