| ALLAN LUMBER CO. . STANFIELD'S PE -------------------- mm RE * Extras! Extras! These are the best grade WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES. If you have any shingling to do, see these before buying. Choice lot. "Phone 1042 Victoria Street, near Union. a i ------ A Nt Po I a PA - For Matchless Skin the System Regular 0 5 i f 4 . THE NATIONS LAXATIVE smn, DERWEAR PENMAN'S HATCHWAY 72.50 to 7.50 | THE CLUB, Men's Wear 3 DOORS BELOW GRAND THEATRE House Wiring and Repairing All Kinds of Electric Apparatus Batisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Corner Kifig and Princess Streets. . - . Full Course Dinner ......... A La Carte Meals. . . . .. 6 Doors Above Capitol Theatre. Geo. Wheelock, Manager J "A Tradition" SEAFARING men have known the house- fiag of Cunard for -five years, EK: since the days of the Ses Chine cli (i have seen it Passenger traffic -- safety, and courteous, cllers' welfare, When you go to Europe, add to the advantag of Cunard Service the pleasure and educations) jncerst of a trip down the majestic and wrence River choosing Cunard Canadian Route, by the Ask your local steamship agent for Pparticalars and sailing dates, or write Ho-- THE ROBERT REFORD CO., LIMITED Mantreal, Toronto, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax p 8 A 2D. CANADIAN SERVICE the postman to bring you a letter, fill in the blank spaces of this puzzle with the proper letters. Horizontal. 1 2. Governmental ! mail offices. 119 Jo 9. Every. IG po {11. Behold. WW i | | | While your's waiting for | | | 6 | 13.'Td mimic. 5 22 15. Gray with age. {17. Cry of a sheep. +20. Sum. . Emulate. . Green tropical fruit. . Cluster of knots in wool fibre. { . Joined. . Correspondence. . To obstruct. | « Measure of area. | 43 . To exist. Io . Additional iuforma- || tion to a letter. 106 . Sixth note in scale: | . Sea eagle. | | . Female sheep. . Ghastly. . Pink sea animal skeleton. . Cuckéo. . Anger. . Preposition- of place. . Half an em. .-Variant of "a." . Ttalian river. . To pinch. . Sneaky . Within. Bed. O00 NI Done Ww BO -- the post office to those who call for | heart). . Governmental as- sessment. 57. Wing part of a scale. . Changed addresses. . Era, . Sun. . Upon. . To compress. . Myself. . Married. . Official . To butt, | 7. Three-toed sloth. 127. postage either. . To color. . Cards sent through boy. | 30. Official receptacle THURSDAY, OCT. 15th. CNRM, Montreal, (411). 8.30 p.m.--Grand .Opera tette, quar- KDEKA, Pittsburgh, Pa. (309). 6.15 p.m.----Dinner concert. 7.30 p.m.--Children's period. 8.30 p.m.----Orchestrd WBBR, New York, N.Y. (272). 8 p.m.--Instrumental 'trio. 8.15 p.m.~--Vocal solos. 8.26 p.m.~=Sunday School Les son. / 8.560 p.m~--Instrumental trio. WBZ, Springtield, Mass., (333). 6.30 p.m.--Orchestfa. 7 p.m.--Sextette of children. 9 p.m.--Aida Opera. WEAF, New York, N.Y., (491). 6 p.m.--Dinner music. 7.30 p.m.2-Cushman's Serenaders. 10 p.m.--Silvertown Cord Or- chestra. . 1 p.m.--Orchestra. WEEIL, Boston, Mass., (348). 7 p.m.--Melody Maids. 9 p.m.--<Orchestra. 10 p.m.--Organist. WGBS, New York, (815). 6 p.m.--Uncle Geebee. 7 p.m. --Hour of Music. 8.30 P.mm.~--Male quartette. WGY, Schenectady, N.Y. (879). 6.30 p.m.--Musical trio. 7.45 p.m.--Contralto solos. 8 p.m.--Piano sdlos. 11.30 p.m.--Organ solos. Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. | enosuor makers ] LIVE STOCK. i Toronto, Toronto, Oct. 13.--Export 'steers, choice, $7.26 to $8.25; do. heifers, $6.25 to $7; do. bulls, $4.50 to $5.- 25; choice store dehorned, $6.75 to $7.25; butchers, choice, $7.25 to $7.- 50; do. medium, $5.75 to $6.75; do. common, §4 to $5; baby beeves, $8 to $11; cows, fat, choice, $4.25 to $5.25; do. canners and cutters, §2 to $2.75; bulls, butcher, good, $4.50 to $5.50; do. médium, $3 to $4; feeding steers, choice, C $5.50 to $6.- 25; stockers, good, $4.25 to $5.25; | calves, choice, $12.50 to $13: do. 'medium, $9 to $10; do. grassers, $4 to $5; : choice, Vertical. for ."Hurgah. . To braid. Toward. . Surfeited. . Snake-like fish. . Persistent user of . Delivery of mail at "the mall . Pertain to the pope. it. . Becond note in the . Wooden to hit a ball. peed. 8. Social insect. 24. Correlative with . Postman. Loaning. - Third note in scale. | 28. Immediate mail de- livery by messenger 10-14 letters and packages to be mail- ed. . Water saturated with galt. . Vowed. . Bon. . Before. . Cornet. . Flourishing. . Chubby. . Standard type meas- ure. . At the present time. "3. Night. . Color of a 2-cent stamp. . Paid publicity. . Similar to frogs. . Like. » The way street is written in an ad- dress. . To weep. . Possesses. . Salwation when writing to a man. . Writing instrument. . Neuter pronoun. . Mother. (sweet- club used Amswer to Tuesday Crossword Puzzle: $11; medium, $950 w $10: com- mon, '$6 to $8.50; grass, $4.50 to $5.50. Ewes, $4.50 to $6.25; lambs, good, $11.76 to $11.95; common, $11 to' $11.65. Hogs, of good weight-and quality sold in mixed lots brought $13, and selects $13.50. Sows brought §11 to $11.50. Buffalo. Buffalo, N.Y., Oct, 13.--Cattle-- Shipping steers, $9 to $12; butchers, $6 to $9; yearlings, $9 to $14; hei- fers, $4.50 tc $8.50; fair to choice cows, $3 to $6.50; canners and cut- ters, $2.25 to $3.25; bulls, $3.25 to $6. Stockers and feeders, $4 to $7.- 50; fresh cows and springers, $40 to $120. Calves, choice, $14.50 to $15; fair to good, $13 to $14; culls; $8 to $12.50, a few at $13; heavy, §6 to $9; grassers, $5 to $6. Hogs, heavies, $12 to $12.25; mixed york- ers, light yorkers and 'pigs, $12.50; roughs, $10.26 to $10.50; stags, $7 to $9. Sheep and lambs, $9 to $15.- 75. Chicago. . Chicago, Oct. 13.--Hogs, good and choice, 225 to 325 pound butchers, $11.60 to $11.90; top, $12; bulk better, 140 to 210 pounds weight, $11.50 to $11.85; packing sows largely, $9.75 to $10.10; "majority strong weight killing pigs, $11.30 te $11.90; heavy weight hogs, $11.60 to $12. «Cattle, best heavy, steers, $15.76; she stock, mostly 15e. to 25c. lower; canners and cutters, 10¢ to 16c lower; bulls weak to 15¢ lower; vealers mostly B50e lower best range steers held around $11; stockers and feeders fully steady. Sheep, fat native lambs, $15 to $15.- 25; eity butchers bidding up to $15.- 60 on selected fat natives; no early sales feeding lambs; fat native ewes, $6.50 to $7.50, steady. GENERAL TRADE. Montreal.» ~~ Montreal, Oct. 13. ~-- Creamery, solids, 4 . 47c per 1b.; cooking, 36¢ per 1b. ~ Lard--20-ib. pail, 20¢; prints, 2c. A : 2 his : Eggs--Fresh specials, B50c; ex- tras, 48c; firsts, 46¢; itorage extras, 4 45c; firsts, 40c; seconds, 3c. CHET 0 A New Sensation Here is a new sensation--Cowan's Superb Bar-- made with richest cream--velvety smooth and full of flavour. 3 Packed with each bar is a reproduction in full colour of a noted cat. Get a Superb Bar today and start collecting the famous Superb family of 24 cats. Big folks and little folks will love both the delicious chocolate and the beautiful pussy cats. "We sell the "catch' --by telephone!" "The telephone has been the most important factor in building up the fresh Jish business." Fishing is Canada's second basic industry. = telephone, wireless, and express refri- gerator service have made the fresh fish business possible"--says the President of our leading Canadian fisheries. "Long Distance brings all the buyers of the continent right into our offices and we speak familiarly and personally with them. Within an hour or so most of the 'catch' is sold." Long Distance has reduced the cost of distribut- ing practically ; all food products. ~