ave Money! ke your own hard or soft soap by using waste fats and ~ SILLETTS EYRE LYE FLAKE $1 S0els Jung to make y FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EVERY CAN reckon it's better to marry a rty man. He don't object to buyin' 0, big mirrors a woman likes to want floors ah hard, lasting --it to insist on hard LOOR WAX Sn AA THE KINGSTON NEWS AND VIEWS FOR 'WOMEN READ i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Woman's Page Editor Phone 2613. ! Private Phone 857w. \ Ld » . On Wednesday = evening, Jessie Bruce, Brock street, Miss was | hostess at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Muriel Wood, a bride |» of next week. The guests were all assembled when the bride-to-be was ushered into the room. After the games, the wedding march was played and $ittle Miss Helen Mac- William entered dressed as a bride carrying a bouquet of flowers which she presented to the guest of honor. Fastened to the bouquet were long streamers of ribbon which were at- tached to a prettily decorated basket containing the gifts. Miss Wood then had to bring in the basket and on opening the gifts she read aloud the verses, which caused much laughter. She was greatly surprised and pleas- ed at being the recipient of so many good wishes and beautiful gifts, for which she thanked everyone very charmingly. Refreshments were ser- ved, the hostess being assisted by Mrs. G. N. Williamson. Everyone en- Joyed the evening spent in thus con- veying to the bride-elect their heart- fest wishes for her future happiness. * . » On Thursday afternoon the auxil- fary of the Y.M.C.A. held a tea and sale at the home of the president, Mrs. R. N. Ward, Johnson street. The house was beautifully decorated with autumn flowers and berries. The guests were welcomed at the door by Mrs. R. H. Ward and Mrs, John W. Wright. The tea-table was | tastefully decorated with yellow mums which harmonized with yel- low candles in silver holders, Mrs. | T. Ashmore Kidd and Mrs. Oliver tn pouring tea assisted by Mrs. . Jackson, Mrs, Charles Anglin, Mrs. D. W. Taylor, Mrs. Russell Derry and Mrs. Frank Newman, The home-made table was in charge of Mrs. Edward Spencer and Mrs. J. E. Singleton their assistants being Mrs. T. J. Lockhart, Mrs. T. Moore, Mrs. Frank Samwell, and Mrs. N. E. Ward. Miss Jean Douglas played several violin numbers which de- lighted the crowds of visitors; The admission fee was taken at the dper by Mrs. W. Gill and Mrs. A. Roney. A splendid sum was realized for this very worthy cause. * * * Mrs. R. G. Betts, Alfred street, en- tertained at tea on Thursday after- noon in honor of Miss Mae Millan, when an original arrangement for conveying to her the pretty cups and | saucers, brought by each of the forty guests, was adopted. They were placed behind the fireplace in the simulated mantel piece, and after Mrs. Befts read a verse, the bride- elect w her gifts from their hid- ing place. Tea was served by Mrs. 8. D. Urquhart, Ottawa, Miss Carmet O'Rielly and Miss Helen Lovett. Dur- ing the afternoon Miss Millan and Miss Anna Corrigan sang, Miss Olive Simpson played a violin number and Miss Marie MacDonald a piano num- ber. * * ° Most successful was the tea and fale held in St. Luke's rectory on Thursday afternoon by the Woman's Auxiliary of the parish. Mrs. de nn Services given and how the cost of these ser- vices is met: -- 1.--NON PAY AND PART PAY PATIENTS 5% (approx.) from Patients. 60% (approx.) from ts. 85% (approx.) from ns, hospital aids and general assistance. IL.--PRIVATE AND SEMI ATE PATIENTS-- By amt. patients' by ym hospital aids and citizens in room furnish- ings, dietitians' department, etc. | YOU SHOULD ASSIST THE HOSPITAL: ts, plus assistance given LIFE"S SOCIAL SIDE" ( COMING EVENTS Don't forget the ted and sale in Syd- eénhath Street Church on Thursday, No- vember 26th. ADVY. RATES, WOMAN'S PAGE: Coming events, not intended to raise money, 2¢. a word; minimum §0c. If held to raise money, éc a word; minimum $1. Receptions, engagements, mAr- riage announcements, personal no- tices, 256 words or less, §1.00 per Insertion. Entertainments, concerts, meet- Ings, ete, 15c. per line for readers; 10c. per line for display advts. Mini. mum charge §1.00. AA A A NN i 'Charles Hughes, fleld common. Pencier Wright received, assisted by the president, Mrs. James Laturney, and tea was poured at a table centred with pink roses, by Mrs. Moldy and Miss F. Hentig, their assistants be- ing Miss Hentig, Mrs. J. McCammon, Mrs. W. E. Saunders, Mrs. Bearance, Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. S. Saunders. The table, laden with home cooking, was .in _ charge of Mrs. Rabert Reynolds and Mrs. H. Caldback, and Mrs. G. Compton and Mrs. Saunders sold sweets. Mrs. Allen took the admission fee and Mrs. Knight opened the door to the crowds of visitors. The rooms were lovely with flowers given by Mrs. Watts. who is a member of St. Luke's parigh. The sum of $75 was realized 'for the W.A. . * . The donation party held at St. Mary"s-on-the-Lake on Thursday af. ternoon was an entire success socially and financially. Mrs. W. D, Sugh- rue received the money and dona- tions at the entrance and Mrs. P. Fallon and Mrs. Frank Tucker took the larger donations. Mrs, T. J. Murphy and Mrs. A. McConville re- ceived the visitors and tea was pour- ed by Mrs. D. J. Fitzgibbon, assisted by Mrs. A. Smith, Miss B. Bedore, Miss A. Braddon and Miss Maiden. . . » Mrs. F. J. O'Connor, Mrs. W. GQ. Bailey, Mrs. Mangan, Mrs. W. J. Logue, Miss S. Swan, Mrs. Beaupre and Mrs. M. Burke, have returned from Trenton where they attended the meeting of the C.L.W. of the Roman Catholie archdiocese of King- ston. Miss Doolan, who was also at the meeting as delegate, remain- ed in Trenton for a visit. - . . Mrs. Fred Mahood, Stuart street, o/tertained at bridge on Wednesday evening for Mrs. Charles Douglas, Ottawa, and Miss © Bertha White, when the prizes were won by Mrs. Philip Earnshaw and Mrs. W. A. Jones. ' * 0s ® The marriage took place in Lon- don, Eng., on Oct. 14th, of Ernest of Calcutta, to Francesca Foulkes, daughter of Col. J. Fortesque Foulkes, .of Montreal, formerly of Kingston. . . . . Mrs, J. W. Jones, Albert street, entertained at tea on Thursday in connection with the chain of enter- tainments being held in St. George's Cathedral. . . . - The sports of the R.C.H.A. are be- ing held this afternoon on Bafrie- Mrs. J. 8. LaFlair, Aylmer, is a visitor in town. Ld » . Mrs. George Reed, Mrs. W. 8. Me- Tavish and Mrs. H. J. Sharpe, Belle- ville, with Mrs. Bain, G oque, were In town on Thursday attend- ing the meeting of Kingston Pres- byterial. Miss Grace Mooers, Barrie street, left today' for Montreal and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon ll] Anderson for the week-end. * . * Mrs. Charles Douglas and her children, who have been with Mr, and Mrs, W. J. White, University avenue, returned to Ottawa today. Miss Matie McDonald, Earl street, left for Montreal today for the Queen's-Varsity game. Miss Bertha White, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. B. White, University . avenue, will leave on. Saturday for Winnipeg where her .| tion, gave an intensely eon VN NNN VY NN NNN yy yy verestsentining yyy Vy VAY Rey | At Prices Which RwvorYou vr Beautiful Shoes in new designs, in Satin, Suede, Kid and Patent Leather. Military and Span- ish Heels. Our best Shoes. $5.00 to $8.00 Pais shudaiedrdhdhiiedh h A A A A A 4 4 4 4 4 Ahad A a ihre dh dh dh A Af A Ad asd duh a a a Aukuhdod a a Ad Ahh Avira AA a Pe harrahs Poi A Ru patrick have returned from Tam- worth where they were the speakers at the meeting of Hastings deanery Woman's Auxiliary. Miss Willis and Miss Sara Willis, who h&¥e spent the summer in Halifax, will return to town this week and will be with their bro- ther, Mr. C. E. Willis, Wellington street. LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN Arrange for Meeting of National Executive in Kingston. The Horseshoe' of the Council Chamber was well filled with the members of the Local Council of Women on Thursday afternoon, when for the first time since the spring, the members of the executive and the representatives of the afil- fated societies met to consider the work of the coming season. Mrs. Frederick Etherington was in the chair, and the treasurer, Miss Dav- idson, reported a total balance on hand of $150.70. Letters were read, one drawing attention to the Local Council of the need of increasing in- terest in the League of Nations, one from Miss Charlotte Whitton, secre- tary of the Child Welfare Associa- tion, inviting a delegate from the Kingston Council to Ottawa to the first convention in five years held in this part of Canada, and one from Mrs. Parsons asking that the execu- tive of the National Council should meet in Kingston from .Nov. 18 to 21, This matter had been consider- ed by the executive, and it was de- cided to extend an invitation to these ladies to meet in Kingston.. Mrs. John Macgillivray and Miss Mar- garet Hall were a committee to ar- range with the authorities of Queen's University regarding a p of meeting. . - Conveners of other committees were chosen as follows: Reception, Miss Muckleston; transportation with motors, drives, ete., Mrs. Peter Devlin and' Miss Going; entertain- ment, Mrs. J. 8. Skinner; billeting, | Mrs. A. B. Ross, Mrs. John McKay, Mrs. L. A. Guild and Miss M. Ross. Luncheons will be arranged on two days and it fs hoped the ladies, dmongst whom are some of the no- table women of Canada, will have an opportunity of seeing the beau- ties and interests' of Kingston. One meeting will be an open one, and will probably be arranged in Convo- Mrs. Arthur Clarke, who was sent 'to Ottawa as the council's = | represen- tative to the Child Welfare conven- interesting account of the convention held in ---- ~-- a Special - For Saturday Fur Trimmed Coats--newest styles and colors, from $17,50 up, New Flannel Dresses at . $6.50 and $7.75. : ~ New Balbriggan and Jersey Dresses at $9.50 and $10.50 each. ' White Wool Blankets -- special at $4.50 each. Underwear for all the family---all the best makes and wanted styles at at- tractive prices. W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone 191, Many Hospitals, Hotels and Railroads specify WABASSO Cottons*for their Sheets and Pillow Slips. In these large in- stitutions, such articles are stand up better to such stren- uous demands of wash and wear, and retain their beauty longer than any others. Wakasso Cottons are Canadas best . . $5.50, The style * Miniature $570 This little instrument i msi. Upright Grand. represents the finast in |