Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Oct 1925, p. 15

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hig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a. rue Market Place DEATHS. det L--In Kingston. Ont., on Oct. hh 1926, Mrs: Robert Frizell, wi-| dow of the late Robert Frizell, aged "83 years and 4 months. (private) on Monday after- n, | Chr British Wiig CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ads, are restricted to thelr Proper classification, and to the 'Please omit flowers. | Tesilar Daily Whig style of type. THOMAS. n { CLASSIFIED BATES: 1 on, Ont., on Oct-| " oi oo T35, Sana E. Thomas, aged | Dally rate per line or copsecutive hod C , 36 vents. Puncgas aru his late "residence, 524! charge, 28 Souta Cash Frontenac street, on Monday, Oc- | 3 3 tober 19th, at 10.30 am. to Catara- | ? Bs mid aco inta Are r ngagements a Friends and acquaintances puts, - fully invited to attend. on charged, $1.50; omit flowers. Ottawa papers please copy. IN MEMORIAM. - 3 In loving memory of Mrs. Edmund 14 ery (nee Hazel Laughlan) who | ed October 18th, 1924. One year has passed, Yet we seem to hear Her gentle voice ring in our ears; 7 ® Bas Bone ts a land of evergreen, fr Minimum Daily rates per line days "a 8 days . 1lday .., Deaths, Bi ridges, one casn $1.00. Card v7, Thanks, and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words to the Charged ads. will be received by telepnone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig Office within 6 days from | | Please | insert v tion, | RENT THAT VACANT ROOM! Students are now pouring into the city and are looking for accommoda- Let our Classified Columns help you to fill that vacant room, Ff - "Phone 243 or call at Whig Office and let us fix up an advertisement for you, Lhe lirst day of insertior, cash rate Will be allowed, Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration wiil only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust. meat made at .the rate earned. Mate per ilne for white space is ihe same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertfuing upon request, Publishers reserve the right to edit OF reject all é¢lassitied advertising copy. Telephone 243; ask for a want ad. jkr. oa a and Found 1 8re God and his Angels do always &. "Bho has gone, we are sure to a better _ And some day we hope that God shall ff Join ug all \ By His good and loving hand. ~~Sadly 1 by husband and daughter, mother and sister, JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance Help Wanted Male Help Wanted MEN--Age 18-40, wanting Ry. Station- Office oie $115-3%0 month; tree transportation, experience u y Prive Baker, Supt., 1124 Wain- Mo. sary. wright, St. Louls, il IN WANTED--- Earn while learning, HEN paying trades. Automobile, Engineering, Electrical, * Batteries, Welding, Chauffering, Bricklaying, Plastering, Barbering, Mechanicai Dentistry, catalogue free. Write Hemphil Government C hartered Schools, King West, Toronto ---- Lost BUNCH OF KEYS -- Found dnay have same at Whig Office. 27 FOUNTAIN PEN---Found. have same at Whig Office. GENTLEMAN'S GLOVE FOUND---P tically new on Johnson street. 'Own- er apply to Whig Office. GENTLEMAN'S LA UNDRY- Found, on highway; mile west of Cataraqul, Own- er may 'have same by calling at 436 Alfred Street and proving property, MAN'S WRIST WATCH LOST--Sllver, On strap. Owner's name on back of watch. Finder kindly return to 75 Gore stret or phone "2224-J and re-) Ceive reward. ---- Owner may 3 Female Help Wanted rac- | COMPETENT MAID «. GENERAL Wanted. Apply 25 Wellington street. FINE, CAPABLE WOMAN -- Wanted immediately; one who thoroughly un- derstands cooking to prepare evening meal daly, including Sunday, for fam- ily of two. Woman without family ties preferred, who could sit with in- fant two afterncions or evenings week- ly if necessary. Apply 648 Frontenac Street. GOOD WOMAN COOK---For small ho- tel. Apply B R. Ashley, Garbutt House, Brockville. GIRL WANTED---To help with children and housework. Apply as soon as possible to Mrs. W. P. Hughes, 241 Brock street, . LADIES WANTED---TOo do plain and Hght sewing at home; whole or spare time; good pay; work sent any dis- tance; charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Manuracturing Co., Montreal, WOMEN---Whio can sew furs; also ma- chinist. Aply John McKay Ltd, 151 Brock stre nr H. J. KNIGHT AKER AND EMBALMER » ydenbam, Yarker, Verona, Battersea. Ambulance 'phone 38. NOUNTED SPORTS | HELD BY THE RCHA Big Orowd Witnessed Pro- gramme of Keenly Contest ed Events on Friday. -- A very large crowd witnessed the Annual mounted sports of the Royal - Canadian Horse Artillery, at Barrie- fleld, Friday afternoon. The events were all keenly contested and were thoroughly enjoyed by the specta- tors, who were served with refresh- © ments on the grounds. { Each event demanded speed and efficiency, and was performed with great skill by the artillery soldiers. The trotting drive was an event that called for great horsemanship and although "B" battery won the event, « "A" battery performed the ma. _meuvers more to the satisfaction of the crowd. There were six horses drawing a large mounted gun, and thfee drivers controlled each wa- 808. They had to drive through gates with only a few inches of room to spare. "A" battery per- formed the feat with great horse- 'manship, but did not take the right course, "B" battery winning by the «Opposition being disqualified. ' A . The alarm race was one of the best events of the afternoon and the One that required the most efficiency and skill. The men, with their horses, had to be saddled and a dash made for the hurdles in the centre of the field. Just as the horse came 10 the hurdle, a volley was fired by Soldiers beside it, which made the 1 unruly and the hurdiing dif- t. All the entries finished and time was very good. Aftér the évents were over, the t Were presented by Mrs. J. H. msley. The result of the events as follows: Alarm race--Gunner Lesage, Cronin. ng and. peg, 'Cronin, Sergt. McGrath, Smith. PAIR SCISSORS Found on Union Street. Owner apply to 95 Livingston Avenue, ------ Live Stock ie -- ghorns and Anconas. Street. 1a HENS---White Le Apply 357 Bagot HOUNDS hounds Sor. made his way across the American border, and for Some years the Can- "adian prison authorities could get no trace of the missing man. A few months ago, it was Icarned that hs was living in a city in the lower part of the American, republic, and or- ders were issued for his arrest. He was traced as a result of finger prints and the stage was all set for his return to the Portsmouth in- stitution, where he would complete his sentence. While he was being detained in the United States, waiting orders for extradition, the American police, who had been looking for a man, who _was suspected of committting murder, had the ex-convict turned over to their police and he will now face a charge of murder. If he fg found not guilty of the charge, he will be returned to the Portsmotth prison. ------------------ Some choice fox and deer sale. J. M. Theobald, 168 Agents Wanted 4 GREATEST IMAGIN- TTENTION! season for ABLE DEMAND this Tr our celebrated, inexpensive, "Royal Series Christmas Greeting Cards. Highest commission. Tremendous pro- fits. Experience or capital unneces- sary. Big five dollar sample book free to workers. Bradley-Garretson, Brant- ford, Ont. SALES AGENT---Wanted resented district; good We are the larg- A RELIABLE for every umrep Pay; free equipment; est growers of fruit and ornamental trees in Canada; sell for a Nursery, not for a Jobber. You will be Success- ful. Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto, MEN OR WOMEN -- Guaranteed $225, for 90 days' werk, distributing Re- ligious literature. Cash bonuses paid, offering good chance to earn $50 week- ly until Christmas, For particulars write Mr. Conrad, Spadina Building, Toronto, MAKE BIG MONEY Selling Private Greeting Cards. This is a real oppor- tunity, Write to-day, Regal Art Com- pany, 310 Spadina Ave, Toronto. The Family Market Basket | 840 a week taking orders for B. & BE. Silk Hoslery. and Porch Dresses. Your cash daily. No col- lecting or delivering. Write B. & E, Manufacturing Co, Dept. 27. London, Ont. An abundant supply of good things to eat was found on the King- ston market on Saturday morning, From Adolphustown and Prince Ed- ward and from nearer home came big motor trucks laden with apples selling at reasonable prices. Three dollars would buy a barrel of apples good for either cooking or eating, and baskets of eating apples were selling at 30 and 50 cents; $1.60 was asked for a bag of fine hard apples. Poultry, too, was plentiful. Ducks were from 80 cents to $1 apiece, and chickens varied in price from 60 cents apiece to $1.75 and $2 a r. Butter was scarce and sold for 50 cents a pound: eggs also were Scarce and 60 cents a dozen was Individual Jumping--Lece.-Bom. asked for them. Lamb sold at 20 , Lee.-Bom., Tatton, Gunner|and 33 cents & pound and pork ' made {ts appearance sellng at 22 and 24 cents a pound. Vegetables of all kinds were for sale' and were bought by the thrifty housewife who knows that her family is kept in better health by a good supply of vitamines. ---------- Principal R. Bruce Taylor, of Queen's University, wil be the spe- clal preacher in Chalmers church, Sunday evening. : ¥ Nine planes which left Washing. ton for Dayton from air races in New York, have. been forced down, but all are accounted for, ws | Few of the big jobs are held by|" Cobalt is j men who can keep a two-inch on) ing cutting on a cigar. a 3 Positions Wanted 6 FIRST CLASS EXPERIENCED NURSE --<open for position. Apply to Box N-15, Whig Office. Real Estate For Rent. Apartments and | Flats 7 FLAT--Centrally located; 6 rooms, hot Water heating. Apply to J. O. Hutton, $7 Clarence Stree, y Business Places 8 TWO STORES 250 Princess Street; commodious, spacious windows; rear 'entrance; heated, Will alter to suit Apply 1. Cohen & C - tario Street. £ 'with lance--Driver Lee. 0. Houses 9 DWELLING=-To reiit, over Miss MoCul. lough fancy store, Princess street, next Capito) neat re. & Snes ion rh ober, Ply to C. Livingsto Brock Street, 2 Agaton On Rang drive--~"B" battery. ual tent Pegging--Segt. Dr. Dunn, Lee.-Bon. Smi Jump and two rings, wit in brackets -- Lee.-Bom. Sergt. McGrath, Lee.-Bom. Hon jumping--Lece.-Sergt. or and Boy Clay, Sergt. M Lee.-Bom. Pugh . Rooms. Fan ang ection Loar electric; h ivan od Jase RT sll men 8 ; mn Novem ® Apply' 188 Johnson street. : HOUSE TO RENTwwAt 184 Barri Apely 182 Barrie street or "A used as an alloy fn mak. tools. It fa { e | | -- I -- Real Estate For Rent J. D. 'Phone 108 HOUSE--Corne, Coll ham ed ho Houses 0° Articles For Sale Business Services Business Service Miscellaneous FIREPLACE FENDERS uards of all kinds a orks. Plating in Copper. 'Phone 380. King St. WwW, FONTHILL NURSERY STOCK -- Al kinds of fruit trees, ornamental trees, shrubs and plants. Everything in the nursery line. Orders booked mow for spring delivery. A. Neal, Agent, 470 Johnson street. 'Phone 876-m, HOUSEHOLD GOODS--Including power Washing machine. Apply te Sexton's Residence, Sydenham st. Church. Tele- phone 500-J. OLIVER SULKY PLOW--§ h.p. Massey Harris engine, saw frame and saw and 3 h.p. Massey Harris engine. See o Cream Separators, J. C. Spence, Mas- sey Harris Agency. i REFRIGERATORS-- Four Eureka Re- trigerators, 3 fr. ¢" wide by 4 ft. §* deep, § feet high; inside measurement. Slightly used. in sell Nr barately, Abbiy E. E. Wathen, 137 Nelson 'Plone 1381-7. RANGE---~Coal and Wood range; good baker. $15.00. Apply 16 Pine Street. Scree Silver, Nickel, Seven roomed house dab, bar street; water, Ap- For, 332 University Ave, ~m. borne and BSyden- 8. 257 and 259 Ri- 1 rooms each; 61 improventents ed, five room- use. Queen Street. Apply 186 Telephone 988-w, T™0 HOUSES--.Op Cowdy street; elec- tric light, toilet; $16.00; phone 730ww, | HF | $20.00--s50 Princess Street, 1 minute from 800d 'garden; rent Possess| Apply immediate on. 69 Patrick Street. Tele- Norman, cars; 6 rooms and bath, attic. > electric and gas. Apply at Princess Street. 8 EARL STREET Large, roomy house, lately decorated, new heating Install ed; Wi FURN toget Alfre FURN erate ROOM acres, ke Easy gas for cookin red for lamps, tric lights; on ba or suitable for all conveniences, vember 1st, 2 Bot water heat ghts; good location, F a, . 'Phone 457-F.. % Sppeinument de FARM FOR sa Portsmouth, ; electric lighting. 4ns, heaters. Gar- Apply Glloert's Grocery, 194 Bar- rie Stree . ee Rooms 10 -- ISHED BEDROOM--Warm; elec- throom floor; for one Wo wishing to room her. Rent reasonable. Apply 361 d Street, ISHED ROOM--Central kocality; ! Would rent mod- y Phone § 8S TO RENT--At once or by No- or 3 desirable rooms; Ing; gas and electric Real Estate For Sale Ee Farms and Land 12 LE OR TO RENT «160 h» Choice farm, near Kingston, on Shore. possession. terms. Appi M. VanLuven, Ontario. Business Places 18 well tes in Phone CHEESE FACTORY schools, new operation, tunity. Cash ticulars and » Le, Post Oftice dria, Ont. B. Real Estate Johnson and Division Streets ~ 361 Princess, Street. Articles For Sale Miscellaneous AWNINGS--Veranda, Frank W, Couke, noarial In Eastern Ontario near village, churches, botler and all machiner- 1 good 56 dition. Can be seen in 36 patrons. eal oppor Or termg. Wiita for par- reasons for selling to P, Drawer 120, Alexan- located Houses J. EB, CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and 79 Clarence {Lane W. MULLIN and Insurance Broker 14 539w, Bue Advt. Page 2. 45,000--Brick, 7 rooms, odern; central. #3,600--Frame, 7 at at rooms; imp. South; garage. 2 Farms close to city, Houses and flats to let. O'CONNOR, "Phone 1189-J, 15 ns. Apply 'Phone 436. 'p To ASHES «= Ang Tobeclally suited heavy Flinkess. or road wor, drawing. Apply had for Foundry, King ana ALL VARIETIES OF APPLES -- 500. bushel. Green a and Peewalkie's Orchard. ready for pic Apply st Mrs. Beatrice Clarke' ato Prince Edward County, © ea Sicko i condition. reasonable. Apply 1 Park 8 door west of Viotoria treet, one h Street. Shapiro's, 45 DAISY HOT WATER FURN. 'hand, Princess RAINCOATS, OVERCOATPS--From $15; newest patterns; best value in Canada, With easy terms of Payment; guaran- teed fit. 'Phone 2206-w. J. G. Patter son, 129 Johnston Street. SET oy SURVEYOR'S INSTRUMENTS Ss & or sale. Apply to Walkem Walkem, 93 Clarence Street. TWO SMITH MOTOR WHEELS--And one Indian Motor Cycle; cheap. Mul- ler's Bicycle Works, siiars King St. "Phone 1961-w, T--500 sheets for table for Wrapping purposes or household use. Size 16%" x 23" Apply British Whig. WINTER APPLES -- No. 1 'packed Brade; Spies, Sweets, Baldwins, Starks and Snows, Truck in Kingston daily. Apply W. Harris, 342 Fr «» Belle- ville, Ont. $16.00, SPECIAL Mattress, 3-9 and 4-6 sizes, $18.00, Frontenac Mattress Co., 377 King Street. 'Phone 1961-7, + -- Duilding Mann -- BRICK~Hard and Apply E. E. Wathe Phones 1891.7 ors Brick). Bed, Springs and soft, ang quantity, 0, 127 Nelson street. 18. (Agent for Baker ROLL ROOFING $1.00 PER ROLL Slate Surfaced ... . $2.00 per roll C. A. RANSOM, 827 Comecora Avenue, Cambridge, Mana. Dept. M, Radio and Musical MAIL ORDERS-Se the benefit of real and goods. Canad PIANO -- Karn © full 7 1-3 octave cellent condition. $20 cash and $5.00 per month. s 4 Lindsay, Limited, 12) Princess Street, RADIO--3 tube, with or without ae- cessories. 'Phone 2561-7, mC. 20 Fuel and Feed 18 HARDWOOD---Best dry hardwood, cut stove jength, Sold by measure. Also ar kindling wood. Davis Dry Dock Jo, 17 nd us yours and get radio service, prices a Radio Stores, HARDWOOD--33.50 and $3.75 quarter oord; mixed wood $3.75 and $3.25; Slab wood $2.75 to $3.50, acoording to qual- hagier i5R asad a ont per i: an Sawdust sold cheap. W, Taibal, C TM &treet. Telephone 37834. PEAT FUBL~For Open fire grates, fur naces, cook stoves, heaters, kindling and mixing with coal. Half ton makes cart load, $6.00. Quarter ton $3.26. Split Pea hard Coke, Nn; quarter ton $2.95. Dry mixed cordwood of slabs, load or $4.50 Quarter cord; 26c. extra SWAIN'S Woon YARD Sood, dry, b ¥ mixed Sia $3.00 Joad. Tele- Talloring and Pressing 20 mn les in -stoc and up. 273 ve DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER w. Sess streets. Ch ments, electric treatment and sery p.m. LUCY--Geo. F. and Jennte A, Chiro- free. $2.26. Hard Coke for Quebed heaters and furnaces, $10.00 ton; quarter ton, 3.00 load or $3.50 quarter cord. Dry ardwood or heavy mixed slabs, $4.00 for splitting. 'Phone 2440-w, Ww. ¢C Bruton, 290 Wellington Street. . body hardwood, cord $4.59; dr body mixed woo % cord, $4.00. Good qui Phone 2516-w, Business Service W. ROBERTSON Tailor, Cleaning, Pressing, Re airing; your own clota ade up. k. $20.00 Bagot street. Professional Marcells, corner of Barrie 8 iropractic tion free. ooh 9-13 1 v ours: 9-12 a.m. i- Even b, ntment. Office tele- phone S337 A iianen 'phone 957.7. 's, Registered Nurse 202 ot eet. Phone 9§1-w, Hours 30. Conseitation . ah MITH -- Barristers 8. Cunningham, "EY No. 4. .« oF "phona H ns, | t Partridge Wire \ Instruction 21a ¥ JOHNSON---A.T.C.M., teacher of ALS Violin and Plano. young children, Toronto Conservatory Studio: 307 Collingwood Johnson. Telephone 2339-w. rns Rem Personal FOR LU Clow nd for eh WELL entire life. "Prof. CUT THIS ouT birth .date and 1c. horoscope of your Raphael, New Yor SKIN BLEMISHES Warts, Birthmarks, Scars, Pits, ete., Sa experience. e, Ear, Nose, Bagot street. Phone Fancy Work Special method for Puplls prepared for examinations. Street. near 24 3 Grand Central Station, Moles. Canceis, Throat, Skin, 25% 301w. House 1135J Figoy EDGING Pleating, wor 'Phone 2. Street, Ladies' Hair Parior MARCEL aving, Queen PERMANENT The oniy wave you can Hemstitching, Kk guaranteed. Field, ¥63 Barrie arn near Princess) HH WAVING nd and Hobbed and Trimm pointment 'phone 2018, WAVING shampoo and that dampness {nproves. Just like natural curly hair. A Waving, Massaging, ies in Hair Cutting. Marcel Manicuring, and all the latest sty Shampoolng, Bair Dyeing, A. B. KINGSBURY, 209 Princess Street. ALL' FIRST CLASS 'hone 3016-J MADE TO ORDER --Ladies' Tr mations, bobbed curls, switches, pooing, singeing, curl Children's aafr cutts 66 Bay Street. Kingston. ningham, Telephone 2999. Insurance ng. ing, Ladies and Mrs. Cun- ALL LINES--Of Fire Insurance, Auto- mobile, able compantes. liams, 2 Couper ERNIE D. all branches of Insur highest financial stand- Street Kast. 'Phones = ng Res. i1 FIRE--Automobil ance. KE. M. 'Phone 1782-M, 21. INSURANCE--Only the represented. established in 1860. Office: 95 Street, opposite Post companies Strange, Clarence J. B. COOKE~Life, Sickness, in reliable trict manager Imperial 03-w. Res, 1731-m. = ee Tm ---- Office § Finan AN OCIETY President, vice-president, J. loan on city and Vestment. Bonds posits received and minimum Cartwright, A. Fire, Sickness and Accident; reili- 'Phone or call K, Wil. street. SLITER--Insurance Broker, ance in old line ¢ and Casualty Insur- Crumley, 420 iarl street. most reliable Strange & Office. Accident and companies, dis- Late. 'Phones: 206 AND INVEST. -- Incorporated D. ASHES--Cleaned out Jords, clean 4 Russell Street. y. F 306 Queen St. Expert Piano Job done. A. (Mac 'Phone 2255. STORAGE For furnit airy rooms and spaces '8 Cit, 'Phone of cellars and Gregor, ure, clean, ary, i your own loe 8 299. 26. Res. 089-w. Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting. ' "Phone 1544. C., W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERINGeA ng orders at id, 104 Clergy Street. ing. Leave to F. Ww. 'Phone 1690-J, PAINTING AND t G. Richardson, PAPER right. We dall and del rental if desired. and rental, this winter and care. Ignitio Genera height of 1 FS 2 7,000 general repair. or drop a card PAP] Quick ana efficient service. lon guaranteed, Rates reaso 'Phone 2236-m. HANGING--High rices Painting al Bonny 'Phone 1353-F, King Street Garage ELEPHONE 2583. nable, G, class work; 80 done. H. iver batter Vv Ba 8, in tteries repaired, re-built. Batteries Let uw. store your nsure its oper lighting s sclaiticr A spider was found living at 'the feet on Mt, Everest. Miscellaneous SIGN PAINTING. S. Robinson, rear 275 Bagot Street UPHOLSTERING--New or used ture; work guaranteed. Call or fard. 0] LING «- Sanitary Water dora | neh expe For full Intoruin. "J & TS son, op W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot teed, Ppriceg write Shangraw, Cole KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY aaasksre of Auto, Buggy, Boat aud Cushions. Coupe bodies, California and holstering. Awni; and nts, _ 347 King street. "Phone 3946. T ye ; CHANDLER? passenger, 1921 model, touring car in first class runn i Seni as0.00 Sash Jakes it. App a ngsbury, 2 rincess Kingston, - \ STAR SPORT --Twenty-four--Arst condition; quick sale, Owner lea gy. No reasonable offer refused. : Rideau Street. FOR SALE udson Touri 7 PASSENGER 1923 MODEL The CENTRAL GARAGE, Ltd "PHONE 600 "TWO GOOD CARS One 1925 model Tudor Ford edan. One 1925 Model Fordor Ford Sedan with Balloon Tires. These are exceptional good cars at prices that are right, BOYD'S GARAGE 129 BROCK STREET 7 days' trial and | year to pay. Ford Touring, 1917 , Ford Touring, 1918 3 Ford Tourings With starters, 1923 models, 2 Ford Coupes 1923 models. Ford Tudor model, at have us for sale. We make no 1} iH we "Tor yourself. ¥ Wr i Lite, Auto bile, ng_Fire, Utomo! 3 knees, Plat nt ie] of Ii Insurance. Gites di $3 BROCK ST. 'PHONE 588.w. CRATING 900 lbs. Stove Our many "the straight Stove $9.50, or 700 Ibs. Coal Yaad degra vens bai itsanes FOR THE THRIFTY or Nut size Coke and 500 Ibs. either size or HOUSEHOLDER Pea Coal Ibs. Pea Coke and 700 $9.00 BAER ERIE Nes Besa customers advise us they prefer this combination Chestnut sizes," » James Swift & Co, Foot of Johnson Street. ' Limited + 'Phone 185.

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