THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG (2 Lat EERIE DICKS IN THE NAVY NOW!-FOR YOUR DELIGHT! As a Fighting Jackie--Adventure Bound on the High Seas of Life and Love ! By the Kingston Author, Hubert Osborne SHOR Attend the Matinees EAVE DOROTHY MACKAILL LAST TIME TO-NIGHT--*Night Life of New York" GRAND 3 DAYS STARTING Thurs. Oct. 22 ANOTHER KNOCKOUT COMBINATION PROGRAMME 4--SELECT VAUDEVILLE ACTS--4 HEADED BY JULES BLACK AND HIS "PERFECT FOOLS" DIRECT FROM THE PANTAGES THEATRE, TORONTO BUDDY HOWARD XYLOPHONE WIZARD AL. DANIELS The Nonsensical Nut MARVELE AND LAWRENCE IN REEL DOINGS ON THE SCREEN with YMOND GRIFFITH PRIVATE SCHOOL BALLET, CLASSIC AND " MODERN DANCING - : Classes now forming for Chil- dren and A I Eo #9 UNION ST. WEST SALE OF VALUABLE - CITY PROPERTY ere will be offered for sale on AY, the 33rd day of October, 1935, 1 t o'clock in the for , by T. uotioneet, at 338 King Streat, 8 following property: 6 oceupied by the Odd Fellows' lation, as head office, at 338 Street East, and ihe | land appur- thereto. The build ding is hedted hot water, has wood floors id on the top flat there 3 large audi- property will be, Sltered for sale. BY a reserve MS: Ten r Bc | of the pur- 3 mney to be paid down at time of th f Br the balance in thirty Sars. ticul ae Yen Ontary Pk recy -------- GRAND L570 5 | : pro Evenfugs sargans Wednesday Matihee , ... SPECIAL TO RUGBY FANS SEE QUEEN'S vs. McGILL ON THE SCREEN AT THE CAPITOL and GRAND THURS., FRL, SAT. , revns addressed to the Tf and rei, nd, received unt o'clock noo A Nevo Yon 1928, for he wy Btruc hes hereto, 'at idand 0 oma of contract can be A New Up-Town Barber Shop 1 ave tus pened 3 pow Shop at 356 PRINCESS ST. Opposite Hoag's Drug Store, and ston for the year 1925. i in office AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions EXCELLENT VAUDEVILLE BILL. "Night Club" Grifith Laugh-Produc- er at the Grand. Pedestrians who constantly dodge automobiles are soon to have an op- portunity to take a few lessons from | Raymond Griffith, who claims he is Griffith gives these les- an expert. sons in "The Night Club," his latest Paramount picture, which opens on Thursday at the Grand Theatre. "The Night Club" was adapted from William de Millie's stage pldy, "After Five." "Those who saw our vaudeville bill last week will vouch that we more than made good our promise that we would bring to Kingston the best vaudeville we could get' This week's bill goes one beffer. We are offering our patrons a vaudeville bill direct from the Pantages Theatre, Toronto. The headline attraction will be Jules Black and Company (seven people) in a screamingly funny school skit entitled "Perfect Fools." Others on the bill include Buddy Howard, the Xylophone Wiz- ard. Buddy Howard has long been a victor record artist, 'Al Daniels, the Nonsensical Nut," Marvele and Lawrence in "Reel Doings" just means twenty minutes of fun. The same popular prices will pre- vail. Evenings, 60c, 35¢c, 25¢; Sat- urday matinee, adults 35c; children 25¢. Tickets are now on sale for all performances. - BARTHELMESS NEXT i ing To-morrow. "Shore Leave," the First National attraction which comes to the Capitol day, is the comedy hit of Richard Barthelmess' career. The picture, which was adapted by John S. Robertson," is an amus- ing comedy of the Navy. Many of the scenes were taken with the co- Operation of the United {Navy The story tells of Bilge Smith, | who, on a visit to shore, meets Con- | nie Martin, the dressmaker in a fishing village. Connie immediate- ly falls in love with the "gob" and lays plans to trap the unwary sail- or, whose intentions are far from being serious, The working out of this unusual romance is played with rare come- dy by Barthelmess and his leading woman, Dorothy Mackaill. MAKING INSPECTION. Mr. C. E. Walker of Toronto, Testing Apparatus, Mr. C. E. Walker of the Fire Un- derwriters' Association of Toronto is continuing the test of the local fire equipment and apparatus and on Tuesday afternoon thirteen lines of hose were tested and several hyd- rants were examined. On Wednesday morning the Ah- rens-Fox pumper was put through a thorough test and more hydrants were inspected. The test was to be continyed this afternoon. Chief Amstrong stated today that a com- plete report of the inspection would be given when it is completed. Peaches, Pears, Quinces. Fill up your jars while prices are low. If we get a higher tariff you will pay much more for fruit next season. Carload to-day at Carnov- sky's. The crew of the Italian Steamship Freighter Ignacio Florio was rescued \In mid-Atlantic and the vessel was abandoned in a sinking condition. Leo The Royal Cadet GRAND THEATRE November 2, 3, 4 Municipal Voters' List, 1 1925 ST ELA fn ee of errors or where 1t tion, Persons who are aw a therein, of aay) aa Shen Naving n, EEE return i, the y rtd meant! olla: a réquested to give notice IN NAVY ROMANCE "Shore Leave" At The Capitol Start. Theatre Thursday, Friday and Satur- States SPORT DATE OF GAME CHANGED. Announcement was made on Wed- | nesday morning that the date for the next junior and intermediate rugby | double-header between R.M.C. and! Quéen's teams had been changed | {from October 31st to November 2nd, | {to allow the members of Queen's! | junior and intermediate teams a| {chance to go to Toronto for the Var-| sity-Queen's game there. The ac- | tion of R.M.C. in consenting to the| postponement until Monday is much appreciated by Queen's. | TICKETS GOING EAST. Local rugby fans are alive to the fact that the McGill team will put up a determined fight here in their game against Queen's on Saturday and they are grabbing up the tickets for the game. J. 8. McDonell, sec- retary of the board of control at! Queen's, stated this morning that the sale had become quite brisk. Athletic Director "flughes is in- clined to believe that the {McGill-| Queen's game here on Saturday will | be a far better game than the Var- sity game. He points out that He- Gill suffered from two bad breaks in Montreal and he expects that they will put up a strong fight Saturday. "We will have to be right on the job all the time to stave off the McGill attacks," said the rugby mentor, 'and |T look for Shaughnessy to throw a fighting gang into Saturday's big game." REFEREEING WAS GOOD. 'Much favorable comment has been heard of the officiating of Referee Rolly Graham in last Saturday's R.M.C.-Queens's intermediate rugby game. Not an adverse word of any kind was heard from the crowd dur- ing the whole game, with regard to his officiating. It is unusual and a tribute to Mr. Graham's ability as a rugby official. SUGGEST NEW MANAGER. Following the announcement in the Whig that Mr. Joseph Daley, former manager of the Kingston Cen- tral Ontario League team, has quit baseball, the suggestion has come to the Whig several times, that W. P. Hughes of Queen's be secured to manage the Kingston baseball team next summer. Mr. Hughes has had a wide experience in baseball in ad- dition to his fooball and hockey ca- reer and it is thought that he would make an ideal man for the position. "BUBS"" TO PLAY HERE ? "Bubs" Britton, flying wing of the Queen's senior rugby téam and former Osler and St. George's base- ball player of Toronto, will very likely remain in Kingston this sum- mer and accept a position here, it is learned on fairly good authority. Britton is a good ball player and would play for the Kingston team next summer if he were to remain here. He would be a good man for the local club to have if he decided to accept the position here this sum- mer, BIG CROWD COMING. A large crowd will come to Kings- ton from Montreal on Saturday for the MeGill-Queen's game, it was an- nounced to-day. Applications for tickets have started to come in from Montreal for seats for the game. RELKASE PLAYERS, Montreal Club Gives Cast-offs Chance to Look After Themselves. Montreal, Oct. 21.-----The Montreal Hockey Club has released Ganton Scott and Alfie Skinner of Toronto, Lon Berlanquette of Montreal and Ernie Parks, ex-Toronto, Kitchener and Vancouver player. The Maroons are after another forward and an- other defence man. The club offer- ed Dr. Bill Carson, 6f Stratford the largest sum ever offered an amateur player, but he declined. The Montreal management feels that the players released still have lots of good hockey ability, but have to eut down on last year's squad. They carried thirteen players all through last season, and every man received his full 'salary. This is something unusual for professional hockey. The club could neglect to send these men contracts by Novem- ber 5th, which automatically release them, but in fairness to the players, A Vote for J. M. Campbell is a Vote for Good Times (CANADA IS Entering Upon an Era of prosperity and good times. f All the signs point lo it, all the big business authorities say so. f The Canadian dollar since 1921 has risen in value from 83 cents in the money markets of the world to par,the $1.00--and a fraction over the dollar. Why ?° Because under Liberal government and good .Liberal business administration the trade of the country has steadily revived and increased ever since the King Government took office. { The figures for Canada's trade are astonishing. They show a wonder- ful advance. Canada has more than 'come back." Here Are The Actual Facts Before the war, Canada's foreign - irade--imports and exports com- bined--topped the billion dollar mark for the first time. What is"it now ? For the twelve months ending July 1, 1925, Can- ada's foreign trade climbed to more than $1,923,000,000. Nearly dou- bled in twelve years ! DOES THAT LOOK LIKE GOOD TIMES ? And remember, these figures. for 1925 are not war orders. These are peace and prosperity figures, normal Canadian trade, growing by leaps and bounds. And it is a healthy trade, a pro- fitable trade--to the farmers, the railways, - the manufacturers, the merchants and to the nation. Because the balance of' exports against imports is in our faver. We are selling more than we are buy- ing. In 1921, under the Meighen ad- ministration, the balance of trade was $29,000,000 against us. In 1925, after four years of good government, the balance of trade was in our favor by the enormous amount of $284,000,000. DOESN'T THAT LOOK LIKE. GOOD TIMES ? . And it is going ahead. This fiscal year closing March 31st, next, the balance in our favor will be bigger still. With a crop of 400,000,000 bush els of wheat, and a world price ranging away above the dollar, Canada's exports will be away up. The increase will add wealth to the whole Dominion. Because it comes back to the farm. Every business, from the farm. And it will go every factory, every man, woman and child will ultimately share the benefit. DOESN'T THAT LOOK LIKE GOOD TIMES ? Canada used to have a huge unfa- vorable balance in her trade with the United States. In 1921, when Mr, Meighen was in power, it stood $313,800,000 against us. It is not that way to-day. At the end of the fiscal year, March 81st last, it had been reduced to $92,546. DOESN'T THAT LOOK LIKE GOOD TIMES ? With a greater volume of exports in proportion to her population than the United States or any other country on the Globe except New Zealand, Canada to-day is the most commercially healthy, and prosper- ous country in the world, Look at the stock quotations. Since the Liberal Government came into pow- er industrial stocks and bank stocks have gone up. The stock market is the most sensitive barometer of trade. Look at these figures: Bank of Montreal Royal Bank . Bank of Commerce Canada Cement ... Dominion Textile .. Penman's Limited Dominion Glass Steel of Canada . Spanish River Pulp and Paper Sherwin Williams Paint Otm- PORY via oine enesen . DOESN'T THAT LOOK LIKE GOOD TIMES ? The drift of our people over the border is checked. The Canadians are coming back. Immigration is beginning to increase again. The tourist traffic this season was the greatest ever known, leaving. by conservative estimate more than $100,000,000 in the country. VOTE FOR CAMPBELL Sa the club is giving them three extra weeks to look after themselves The club has notified all other players to réport here by November 3rd, at the latest to be guests of the club at championship~fights at the -Forum on November 4th. Most of ad ue have been doing road pigs g ars all {ooking for- ward to a big IBERAL WARD] MEETINGS Wednesday Ladies' Winter Conts $12.50 Coats from $5.50 15 310.08 AY Pk LACKS § Phone 400- a Place in the City