THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Extras! Extras! These are the best grade WHITE CEDAR | SHINGLES. If you have any shingling to do, see these before buying. Choice lot. | ALLAN LUMBER CO. Victoria Street, near Union. "Phone 1042 FOR SAL Houses, lots--best locations in the city. New Dominion of Canada Bonds. Insurance of any kind. , 0. HUTTON, MANAGER. 07. CLARENCE STREET, KINGSTON. J KINGSTON AGENCIES Ltd i i 2 : "formula of R: J. Forhan, with your dentist To wait until you have a toothache before comsuls- ing your dentist is like locking the door after the horse is stolen. Your den- fist is interested in pro- venting trouble in your mouth. Visit him ot least twice a year and protect your teeth and health! are his Statistics Pyorrhea Liquid which has been used by dentists for the last 15 years in the treatment of pyorrhea. If used in time Forhan's will prevent pyorrhea or, in 'co-operation with your dentist, will check its Foun own destin will tell you that four people out of five past the age of forty are doomed, through care- lessness, to contract pyor- thea, the dread disease of the gums causes rheu- matism, loss of teeth and general ill-health. If you have pyorrhea see. i dentist at once and Forhan's for the Gums is a scientific dentifrice, the progress. Brush your. teeth - with Forhan's night and morning. All drugs ts, 35¢ boc n tubes. . Formals of R. J. Forban, D. D.8. | Forhan's, Ltd., Montreal E D.D.S.ItcontainsForhan's FOR THE GUMS More than a tooth paste--it checks Pyorrhea Ypecla I This Week 9-Piece Dining Room Suite--worth $175.00, for Ceceeennn. $135.00 18 Dressers, White Enamel or Golden finish--worth $19.00, for . ..... $18! a | | | { | know this four-letter word? | Horizontal. l i 1. Forgives. iH | 17. Disgraces. ! . Maple tree. . Made of a common hard wood. . Minute opening in skin. . Tusk. . Baking pan. . Steeple. . Sour, . Lubricates. . Cleaned with a broom. . Wagered. . Flower leaf. . Organs of hearing. . To change 'a dia- mond setting. . Withered. . Almost a donkey. . To allow. A . To be sick. . To scold constantly. . You and IL. . Twitching. . Upon. . Bird of the night. . Years of life. . In what manner. . Bone of the chest. . Waste pieces in| 9. Fruits. wool staple. {10. To wet. . To command. 11. To sin. . To relate. "12. . To spy. [15. . Call for help at|18. sea. 120. . Name. . Name of something. {23. . To bellow. 24. . Boats. 125. . Possessed. 26. . To drag behind. 28. . Very soft mud. 70. 5280 ft. (pl). . Measure of ground. . Sewing instruments. | 32. . 'Woolen material. scale. 5. [3% . Gives. . Sags. . May. . Lair. Squirrel ion. Salts. Existed. scale. Vertical. . To stroke lightly. HEARTS ADRIFT By Mildred Barbour. "Oh, come on, be a sport!" Enid Atkins laughed, tossing aside her hat and gloves. "There is no kick to Jim- my's wine unless you drink a gallon, but he can mix a cocktail that will make your hair curl. Give her one of your specials, Jimmy, two or them and she will forget her name." Atkins was already busy -at thie im- provised bar on.the piano: He poured the contents of various bottles reck- lessly into a silver shaker and agitated it violently, becoming red in the face with the force of his activity. "Had a good time, Ethel?" Enid in- quired carelessly of her friend." "Did Jimmy try to make love to you?" The other girl puffed lauguidly at her cigarette. "He never even kissed me, stopid old thing! He could not think of a thing except the missing 'Limehouse Blues." 1 was just about to leave from sheer ennui when you came in." "Jimmy, Jimmy, how could you be so negligent? Enid admonished her husband laughingly. His reply was the presentation, with a flourish of a tray full of filled glas- ses. Lila accepted hers hesitantly but her host saw to it that she drank it. "Look me in the eyes and say 'How,' he ordered. "Then take it at one gulp. That's the girl!" Thestaste was bitter and unpleasant, but after a few minutes, she felt a plea- sant sense of warmth and well being and a little reckless and happy. , "Let's «all Bill," Enid suggested, "and ask him to come over. Bill is Jimmy's brother," she explained to \ Lila. "He is the best sport in the world and absolutely wild. He will adore you. He is married 'but his wifé is away. That's the time to Know a man if you want fun." That night for the first in her life, Lila slipped quietly, but a bit unstead- ily, into her own home and went to bed without kissing her grandmother goodnight. 3 CHANGES. Patricia stood on the terrace of the Marquise de Marzel's villa with a lets ter from Lila in her hapd. It was hardly a letter--only a brief CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | . One In cards. . Was seated. '8. Half an em. To observe. Child's air toys. To drink dog -fash- Improves. Instructs. Constellation. . Plain (as writing). . Second note in the Seventh note in the Meadow. To murmur as a Or piles are quickly relieved | } bus Hemorrhoids! |= buted Number 51 honizontal means waste piéces fn wool staples. Do you cow. . Opposite of lost. . To treat as a cele- brity. . To depart. . Correlative of either. . To withdraw a com- fession. . To be sick. . Circled (as an air- plane). .- Pertaining to dowry. . Coronets. ." Yellow matter. . Small child. . Male child. . Garden tool. . Masculine pronoun. . Moisture found on grass in the morn- ing. . Anger. . Guided. . Myself. . Therefore. food. the SAFE RINOIPBEIWAISITIE] [CILLYINDY ICRRE BMAISITIE | AlL [LIIMUIRIAIGIEISISATRIA IDIAILIF 1 PIS SIEINTISERRK £ RIGA SHESIAL J E) RINSE RINVETINA DIEITIAlL INS] IEIRLIERICIAVIE MERC IU RITIEISHYERPII IN] SPIE AIPSEHER TIAL IE NIT) CIEISITYIOIYIE] HARES Answer : to Monday's ; Crossword - Pussies and bitter note telling of the breaking of her engagement with Willoughby Creighton, . "His family found out about Madge,' Lila had written without further de- tails or comment. Patricia, knowing Lila, could read between the lines. She knew in what anguish the girl had penned the words that told of the ending of her romance, of the humiliation which had been in- flicted upon her. The contrast of that letter with the last one she .had re- ceived from Lila--that bubbling, hap- py one, telling of the rosy future in stose' for her--made Patricia's heart ache. g It was all so unfaiff "ss 'unnecessary and so futile--this aftermath of Madges folly! ~~ On the white, sandy beach below her, silhouetted against the blue of the Me- diterranean, Patricia could see Madge with Tony Patterson. Her slim, lovely figure was clad in white and a crimson sunshade was tilted impudently over one shoulder. The contrasting colors represented Madge. She was like them, snow and flame. She was laughing up into Patter- son's face, gay, lovely. Patritia's eyes travelled unvoluntar- ily upward to the veranda of the villa where Cartwright sat, his foot propped on a chair, The malady which he re- fused to admit was gout, had attacked |' him again. He was forced to inactivi- ty and he presented a rather pitiable figure. He was no longer the assured, confident man of the world, debonnaire very blase', calmly sure that Fortune would always toss her favors in his lap. He had become irritable and crab- he ised his old associates. He resented the confinement that was for Po him, not only by his illness, / the ; tion into 'Madge had plung- 4 ques which his affair wil by Dr. Chase's Ointment. | | C5, i i il TE re ed Hii | MCCA eR eee i | : 5 ( in it Ici 2 lil ic li me | = 0 A | il | 15 | dcka 0 _ £ aret1es = 257° 35 an i | i tify Us uli i TUESDAY, OCTOBER 37, 1036. 1 v Let Westinghouse Tubes From Your Radio Set - U will be agreeably surprised to note the differ- - ence in your receiving set when you use Westing-. =~ house Tubes. You get new distance, better volume and clearer tone reproduction. Westinghouse Tikes operate with either wet or dry batteries. En The Westinghouse-Brandes Loud Speaker, Brandes: - Head Sets and Phonograph Attachment are designed ; by experts in radio accoustics. They bring out, clear : and real, the high tones and low tones ordinarily lost : - in radio reception. : a Westinghouse Authorized Dealers will be glad to show you any of these products and to give you every assistance in getting the most from your radio set. | Westinghouse WD-25 Tube for wet batteries CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE COMPANY Limited . BE Hamilton, Ontario Sales Offices in: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg. Ottawa, London, Fort William, Halifax, Moncton, Calgary, 3 v Q # A Help You Get the Most spr. on 4 RE iged Poi or wu rw £4 Rd bona \.