16 q DAILY BRITISH WHIG Founded 1047. ! City and District | Turnbull' RESS WELL CEED Stanbeld's Sal RE Cesteo : DRESS mm Sm Unshrinkable Hat ae Pulmist Beto. oh "KINGSTON'S* GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE" ; | Hotel, Room 8. Hours 10 a.m. to 9 Underwear Underwear p.m. Terms, $1.00, nn : Induction of Pastor. » At Brampton, the Rev. W. T. Mc- * 9 Cree, former pastor of Lyn church,| | SN in the Brockville presbytery, was in- ducted into the St. Andrew's charge on Friday afternoon. THURSD A Y MORNIN Improved in Health. Rev. Father Jones, of Calabogle, . who has been at Hotel Dieu Hospi-F tal for the past six weeks under the care of Dr. O'Connor, left for home ie today much improved in health, Admitted] Charge, ON SALE AT 9. 30 SHARP Charles Down, Sidney, was arrest- ed for non-support of his wife and SP ECIAL three children. He appeared before Magistrate Masson, Belleville, and é pleaded guilty to the charge. The 200 Y d 5 4 | h TO MEASURE magistrate imposed sentence of one ar S nc year suspended sentence and made him furnish a bond for $1,000 Y Mrs, Eliza Morrison, a former re- " 7 0 siderit of Tweed, died at her home { & at Fairhaven, Mass., on Oct. 16th, : . * aged sixty-six Vears. The funeral 3 $ took place on Monday from the resi- od dence of her sister, Mrs. William \ Tailored as Livingston Knows How Maguire, Tweed, to Victoria ceme- tery. Ernest Morrison, Madoc, is 5 a son of deceased. The season's new fabrics are unusually attractive-- exclu- Struck a Bull Moose. : This is an extra fine quality, All Wool H. M. Boyd, Ottawa, driving home Navy Blue Serge of soft, smoothitexture, regu- 1 i i in bo es Homes uns, Donagals from Kingston, had a crash near sive, imported fabrics, Herringbones, puns, BAB {emoton me a He larly priced at $1.50 yard. carried it on the hood for more than in ni fancy mixtures, et Bannockburns, in nice Grey and Brown y ures, etc. carried it on the hood for mare than Js 54 nich width cuts to'great adVoatice. considerable damage to his automo- bile, and unknown damage to the Special for Th { y Mo, . at 9.30 | moose, which disappeared in the Z fields at the side of the road. $1 00 YARD . } Were Heavily Fined. : x A fine of $25 and court costs of $6 were imposed on both Mrs. | Henry Hardy, Bowesville, and Jo- RE ADY-TO-WEAR FOR MEN AND BOYS [seph Johnston, Perth; by Magistrate PLEASE NOTE Kirkland, in Carleton Place, when Wonderful assortment, exceptional values. they appeared for sentence after be- : ing found guilty of violating the This stor will remain Highway Traffic Act. Both had the option of twenty-one days in Perth OPEN ECOND FLO nes OVERCOAT DEPARTMENT, S OR | jail, but paid the fines. All Day Thursday-- Statement Hotly Resented. . The friends of Miss Marion Sang- Election Day N ster hotly resent the statement pub- 5 FALL 4 lished in the Standard that Miss X Hats A Sangster left Kingston, for the Unit- 8 ed States, to look for work, There was no ground for the statement, 75-79 BROCK STREET save the political significance that might accrue from the fact that Miss Sangster is in the States, to take a "IF OFF YOUR ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" course in nursing for service in her ative land at a later date. 85c yd. Teacher Had To Retire. Miss Essa Dafoe, Madoc, teacher Fascinating effects can be made with these ---- | OBITUARY ||| sentert Brite" su" hes Sere fine Dress Flannels. They lend themselves ; suffered a nervous breakdown and smartly to the new 2-piece frocks with the ' has been compelled to give up her Hallowe'en Hallowe'en Late Mrs. Janet Foster Makin, | duties. She asked the Board of Edu- front kick pleat skirt effect. 3 y cation for an indefinite leave of ab- Smith's Falls lost one of its oldest and most respected residents yostor. | %°0ce, and this request has been * A host of shades to choose from: LARGER MARKET day, when Mrs, Janet Foster Makin, granted. Miss Laura Stafford, whose Y widow of the late Thomas Makin | Rome Is in Waterford, was selected ARABIAN COCOA BAND Main Store: Princess and Division Streets. "Phones Retail Order passed away suddenly while on : for the position. CAMEL X NUTMEG Department 2600, 2601, 2602. Business Office 365w. Account- visit with friends in Ottawa. SCARLET NAVY ant's Office 865-J. Wholesale Office 1767. Branch Store: 3388 Alth . MAROON Princess Street. "Phone 2431. ¢ ough in her eighty-fourth A Perth Resident Dead." TERRAPIN, : year, Mrs. Makin had been in the| On Oct. 9th, the death pccurred DOVE NUT BROWN enjoyment of vigorous mental and in the Perth Memorial Hospital of LAVENDER FOG > physical Jenin remarkable In a wo-| william BE. Wright, a native of Lan- COPEN BLUE PANSY a er advanced years. Mrs. | ark and son of the late John Wright c Jt ve em es ad been a resident of Smith's one of the pioneer settlers of that 31 inches wide. Falls for a number of years, but pre- village. Deceased had suffered from viously had resided in Kingston and | peart trouble for the past ten years Lindsay where she was well known | and had been a patient in the hospi- Ever y D dy and had many friends. tal for about six weeks, Mr. Wright 3 In religion the late Mrs. Makin was sixty-nine years of age and had| | was a Presbyterian and a member | pep mplo f the Boyd Cald- Especially Canadian fruit which of Smith's Falls Westminster em oe np oy ite, Boldins the ' excels all others for flavor. church, position of head fuller for forty 1 50 d. When the Kiddies call on HAL- ant. tack Bact on Wena years, with the firm.' After the o y ul cemetery, Rev. DI. | gaath of Mrs. Wright which occurred LOWE'EN be prepared. MAKE Malcolm: Macgillivra y officiating. seven years ago, the home was sold HN bo yn Seven yeirs ago, the Howe was 5 The soft blendings of deep, Oriental shades 'Fx wasoy 'sNows Canadian Pacific Railway. into designs that are entirely different make Fancy pack, per hamper, $1.90 | Per hamper Clty ticket office, 180 Wellington these Uncrushable C ¥ ' street, report the following arrivals In Perth After 40 Years, nc able Crepes the most desirable of thelr steamships: Mr. and Mrs. N, F, Brown, Cin- for Frocks. : MIXED U I --4 K IN Montrose, from Liverpool, due |cinnati, Ohio, were visitors in Perth ! oie RED Nuts 1 DS Québec: Cet. 30th. S Visit of unusual ijiterest from (he There is a large range of 10 exclusive pat- ¢ y alnuts ....29¢. Ib, 3 for 55c. Montclare, from Montreal, due fact that Mr. Brown was born in t to ch Liverpool, Oet. 30th. Perth, left forty-nine years ago and erns ose from. Y NUTS--supply limited--per pound Melita, from Antwerp, Southamp-| this was his first visit to town in all . : mixture flavors, 1b, 88c. 5 Ib. box ne : ton and Cherbourg, due Quebec,|those years. . Mr. Brown's fathers 36 inches wide. Cream Fruits, Chocolates, Jelly mixed, per 1b. 40c., box $1.89 Oct. 30th. the late Nicholas Brown, was em- : | Minnedosa, from Montreal, due | Ployed as a tailor the late B. pak : 2e O14 fashione Mixed Oanay, Cherbourg and Southampton, Cet. | H. Wright. The : family re- Ib LL... pound serena 30th, and due Antwerp, Oct. 31st. |sided in the East ward and in 1876 aD tint" 135 aieq Ib, Se. Metagama, from Glasgow, due| 8 disastrous fire occurred which de- sal Quebee, Oot. 31st. stroyed their and a pumber of other : mixed, 1b. .. Be, Horas. Dolls Byon, | cess 880C rs : gu Sura. trom Montreal due Bal: Somes Shortly atierands in- the fancy [NEW D. Sa s Oct. 30th. year the Agus re 100, a paw: 0 trom Vaneou- Perth to reside fn Albany, 5 ny. evens 28a] 2 poundstor........, ssc | ver, due Yokohama, Oct. 27th and = due Hong Kong, Nov. 3rd. Buchs Hota pies, Seog 8 new aod easlumive, ye Cider gallon . + 50e. Si oe Sondtans | Du - octal mtiphetion. Ane : hi shoving of Kash Fide They are: - COFFEE ary : tin gy Sr Bona, i002 Ses