YY YY TTY "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG AUSPICES OF ROTARY CLUB "BIMBO" MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED; Matinee Monday A Tale of the South Seas Cast of 200 Singing and Dancing Galore. Wonderful Scenery 20 Song and Dance Numbers. Beautiful Girls 200 in Cast Gorgeous Costuming. The Best Show Yet. "Box Office now open. Make Your Reservations 5 Matinee . . 25¢., 50c., 75¢., $1.00 Night Prices 25¢, 50¢c, 75¢, $1.00 and $1.50 mm AMUSEMENTS ---------------------- What the Press Agents Say Abomt Coming Attracticus MOTH AND FLAME DANCE IN "BIMBO" AT GRAND. The little girls' pumber in "Bim. bo" promises to be a very spectacu- lar and beautiful number. Miss Do- lores Van Patten, one of the most talented solo dancers in the city, will do a dificult and beautiful solo dance dressed as the Moth, with large beautiful wings of many col- ors. The "flames" will enter after her dance and in their bright red costumes will dance with Miss Van Patten, There are forty of these tiny tots and they are: Alice Cuth- bertson, Mabel Brown, Evelyn Gibbs, Kathleen O'Brian, Kathleen Warbur- ton, Edna Jarvis, Margaret Evans, Mary McGeth, Rose Christley, Vera Mann, Irene Ling, Loretta Lemmon, Lillian Boyer, Leona Murphy, Marje Barrette, Frances Maloney, Roberta Saunders, Mary Lavau, Vera Brood, Mabel Pecor, Minnie Mahoney, Betty Graham, Dorothy Peters, Mary Don- nelly, Florence Donnelly, Jean Boyes, Ethel Arniel, Muriel Pen- nock, Margaret Fournle, Evelyn Pollitt, Irene Williams, Helen Mur- phy, Effie Dee, Gladys Blakey, Car- mel Pollitt, Rosie Ackley, Mary O'- Reilly, Alleen Mackegney, Mamie Redden, Mona Pollitt. CHAPLIN IN "THE GOLD RUSH." "The Gold Rush," Charlie Chap- lin's new screen feature coming next Wednesday for four days to the Capitol theatre under a United Art- ists Corporation release, is a sym- bolical autobiography by Chaplin himself. ' With that genius which Is peculiarly his own, and against the | OBITUARY || Late Mrs. O. J. Chedick. The death occurred on Thursday of Susan Branigan, wife of Otto J. | Oredick, 229 Brock street, after two weeks' illness. Ths degeased had lived in Kingston all her .life and deeply mourn her passing. Mrs. Chedick is survived by her hus- band and one brother, D. P. Bran: igan. The funeral is to take place Saturday morning to St. Mary's ca- thedral, of which the deceased was a devoted member. The body will be interred in St. Mary's cemetery. Late Mrs. G. B. Somner. The death of Margaret BE. Faw- cett, wife of George B. Somner, oo- curred at the Kingston General Hospital on Wednésday. The deceas- ed was an Anglican in religion, and a devoted member of St, Paul's church. She was fifty-four years of age, and was born in England. 8ha ia survived by her husband, om daughter, Miss Catheripa, tw~ se George and Frank, aj] at home;two sisters, Mrs. L. Collins, Loadon, Eng., and Mrs. Nellie Burnie, Pres: ton, Eng.; and one brother, Edward Fawcett of Liverpool, Eng, The funeral took place Friday afternoon from her. late residence, 109 Step- hen street, to Cataraqui cemetery, Rev. Canon FitsGerald officiating. Late Mrs. Thomas McGuire. * The death of Mrs. Thomas Me. Guire, aged seventy-six years, occur- red at her home, 85 Queen Street, Thursday morning. The deceased was born at Lansdowne, her form- er name being Miss Sarah Deer, She moved to Kingston when she made many warm friends, who will . | Officer. Nominations for Mayor for 1926 and Members of the Public Utilities Commission for 1926-1927 DAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1925, from ten to eleven o'clock in the forenoon, W. W. Sands, Returning Officer. Nominations for Aldermen for 1986 and School Trustees for 1926-1927 will be held on MONDAY, November 30th, 19265, from twelve o'clock noon to one o'clock p.m. as follows: SYDENHAM WARD -- at N. W. corner Gore and Wellington street, P. Daley, Returning Officer. Chamber, W, D, Johnston, Return ing Officer, ST. LAWRENCE WARD at 203 Princess Street, A: B, Haunt, Sr., Re- turning Officer. CATARAQUI WARD at 54 Bay St., William Woods, Returning Officer, FRONTENAC WARD at 75 Pine | Street, Charles Ferguson, Returning RIDEAU WARD at 527 Princess Street, Percy Bould, Returning Offi- cer. VICTORIA WARD at 109 Alfred Street, Herbert Stover, Returning Of. ficer, W. W. SANDS, City Clerk. Kingston, Nov, 6th, 1925. TO HAVE SPORTS ALL UNDER ONE HEADING ment, Formed Athletic As- sociation Thursday Night. i NOMINATIONS] NOTICE will be |M held in ONTARIO HALL on MON- in, "A" Company, Frontenac Regl«| @ © A By-law to grant a fixed assesment Bat, Fest RAI mited. tions. ta shail be Raed wt Om sessments sha x e sand Dollars. 3. ~The fixed assessment shell for a longer shall not apply to or effest school purposes or local improv: To Asgessment of the said propers q athe Monarch Battery Co. Lid. & cluding NOTIOR, { NOTICE is hereby given hat the 0 ome is & true synopsis of a ah of the Corporation of ti ngston which has ONTARIO WARD at the Council] pe the City rds of to vote on Money laws By-law, 1 ee By-law at the e time same places as the A unicipal Counetl, and Med eturnin oers appointed sald elsotion shall take the votes 2.--On the 4th day of Decem at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, Head of the Counci] of the said Co tion or some other erested in and promot) h By-law, and a lay Number on be ong intere n and proposed By.law. *vposi 3-~On the Sth day of 1926, at the hour of e Bulla inen on prt n e Sa Clerk of the sald Municipa: @ 0d and sum up the voi and against the proposed By WwW. Ww, GET YOUR TICKETS background of old Klondike gold rush days of Chaplinesque concep- tion, the greatest screen-comedian has depicted with subtly tender and' delicate masterstrokes the struggle | of man's eternal hunt for happiness. | was married, living here about for- Ta view of the marked success t re. 8 Barr Tr the fast o Dlacn Which hag attended their efforts in i | Saturday morning from her late re. | door hasshal and softball circles, sidence to Mary's cathedray, | © Members of "A" Company of the where a solemn requiem mass will |¥ roBtenac Regiment have decided to _ Kingston, Now, - use. OF WINTER GRAND A THRILLING RACING PHOTO DRAMA TO-DAY, FRI, SAT. | A GREAT NOVEL--- A MAGNIFICENT PICTURE -- ~ SPORT EXTRA | Bpseial. Pictures QUEEN'S-VARSITY Game In Toronto, Oct. 31st The Genius of All Time 4--DAYS--4 % : ' Starting Wednesday TL "THE { \ NL SLATE TY TT By EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Bridget § Deceased. NOTICH is heveby given, pursuant to E13 /--C)) SPORTING and GEORGE FAWCETT Chapter 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Section 56, and amend- ing Acts, that all persons having any claims against the estate of Bridget Sagriff, late of the township of Port. land, in the County of Frontemag, Wi« dow, deceased, are required to deliver or send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 23rd day of November, A. D. 1925, full particulars 'of their claims, duly verified. And further take notice, that after the said 23rd day of November, A. D. Together With VAUDEVILLE ACTS 4 4 4 | TONIGHT [ Sama its heartbreaks and tears and its laughter and joy, Charlie Chaplin of the derby, cans, baggy trousers, funny mustache and waddling walk who has made the whole world laugh more than any other mere comedjan that ever lived, has byjit in "The Gold Rush" a delightful structure of fun 'and laughter. Tickets can now be purchased for the evening performances by those not wishing to stand in line. AT THE CAPITOL. "The Mine With the Iron Door." Great Thriller. An old Spanish legend of a mys- terious lost mine--'"The Mine With the Iron Door'---said to have been buried by a terrific landslide from a towering mountain cliff, furnishes the keynote of "The Mine with the Hron Door," whi¢h 'opened at the Capitol yesterday. This mine is said to have been operated by Franciscan Friass, the workers being Papago Indians, The picture is full of the swiftest action--action that grips the specta- tor with its story of human hearts struggling toward a great happiness be sung. Funeral arrangements are in charge of M. P. Keyes. | Death of Infant. The death of Michael J., infant | son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flan- {agan, 54 Thomas street, occurred | Friday morning, The funeral was to | take place Friday afternoon to St, Mary's cemetery. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY HELD ANNUAL MEETING Reports Showed It To Be In Sound Condition -- New Members Admitted. { + The eighty-fifth annual meeting of {the St. Andrew's Society of Kingston {was held on Thursday night in the city council chambers. There was the largest attendance at the meeting in years and great enthusiasm was dis- played by all those present. Vice- president Dr. James Miller was in the chair. Reports were received and it was shown that several new members had been admitted to membership, more Joining last night. The report of the extend their athletic activities to take in several branches of amateur sport, including hockey, baseball, soccer, bowling, boxing, etc., and at & meeting held at the headquarters of the Company in the Armouries on Wednesday evening the Frontenae Amateur Athletic Association wag i formed, the following officers being elected: Honorary president, Major-Gen- eral J. H, Bimsley, C.B., C.M.G., D. §8.0,; Colonel C. ¥. Constantine, D.8.0., Lieut.-Colonel ¥. Ww, Part. ridge; His Worship Mayor T. B. An- grove, Mr, W, R. Givens, Mr, W. R. Davies; honorary vice-president, Mr. Samuel McCullough; president, Cap tain A, Murray; 1st vice-president, Lieut. O. A. Warl; 2nd vice-presi- dent, Lieut. W. H. West: secretary treasurer, Lieut. C. 8. VanAlystyne; executive committees: Indoor bage- ball, Cpl. G. Stagg, Pte. H. Watts; APPLES » : A For those who desire to 'or thelr winter a Fis Wi Northern' Spy, , Seek No Farther, Scarlet etc, see us on ! Market at Space No. 92, on 8 days, or write: A.C. Parks & Son NAPANEE. 4 H, bo: softball, Cpl, W. J, Robertson, Pte. ards, Pte. A, Purdy; hockey, Watts, Pte. H. Montgomery; Cpl, C. VanElvery, Lennie, entertainment, C.8.M. Vv. 8 Eacles, C.QM.8. A. B. Dixon. ---- The smallest Incandescent tric light yet made, only a qua of an Inch in length, came practical use when it was used light up a baby's lung while surgeon removed a tack that ¢hild had inhaled, - 4 Card tables, $2.69. Ab: 8k) Richards; baseball, Pte, S, Rich- Cpl. B. soccer, Pte. F. Donnelly, Sgt. F. Mullin, 8gt. J. B®. 3a nba xing, Public Notice Any one having am account with Mr. fred Street, must pay up ia full by No- vember 15th, 1883. G. R. Scrutton Miss Mackaill and Pat O'Malley, Robert Frazer, Charles Murray, Bert Woodruff, Mary Carr, Creigh- ton Hale, Mitchell Lawis, Raymond Hatton, William (Buster) Collier, Clarence Burton and Lilllan Leigh- ton head a wonderful cast, ------------------ SPLENDID ENTHUSIASM, treasurer showed that the total re- ceipts of the Society at the present time, including $200 in Victory Bonds amounted to $354.83. The sum of sixty dollars had been spent in relief work during the year, Dur ing the year two members had died, T. M. Asselstine and Rev. Dr, Tor- rance. It was decided to hold the annnal church service in St. Andrew's church on November 29th. The Song of Scotland will join in service with the St. Andrew's Society and the sermon will be preached by the chaplain, Rev. G. A. Brown. It was decided to make donations of $10 each to the Hotel Dieu Hos- pital, the General Hospital and the Orphans' Home. The matter of hold- 1936, the Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the sald estate, and shall not be Mable to any person of whose clainis he shall not have received notice at the time of the distribution thereof. HERRINGTON, WARNER & GRANGE, 0, the said Pstate. YELLOW STRIPE TAXI SERVICE Phone 966 25¢. SERVICE See Tweddell's overcoats, $30, $22, $25, $28, $30, $33 and $36. Some men can't make & good ff pression even with a rubber sf DR. H. A. STEWAR DENTIST Has resumed his practice at 84 BR Telephone 2092, : Manifested by the Men of the King- ston United Churches, There was a splendid manifesta. tion of enthusiasm at the meeting of the men of the seven United Churches of Kingston held on Mon- day evening in Sydenham street church. The addresses of Mr, J. F. Mackay and Rev. Dr. Arnup, setting Le Warns Hui: ur wn 'Phone 347 - 283 Princess St. Congoleum rugs all reduced. Ab- ramsky's. The only thing sbout Male stock- ings that is particularly offensive to | a WAR In order to give the' people of Kingston afid of the Attend the Big Price-Smashing Sale, we have decided to The Service That Keeps The Price Down. ALL CLOSED CARS USED us is the spelling. See Tweddell's have not already bonefited by this sale, Here are prices that will stagger, ' WOOL + ++/ 80¢. per skein et-Go Sale still Continues! surrounding country an opportunity to continue it for two weeks longer. you it will be worth your<while to do so. bewllder and amaze the people of Kingston and vicinity: Heavy Wool--just the thing for winter ..51.00 £5 LADIES' COAT Clearing line «$8.00 of $2.00 or Gver, one for 1c. > » 'a great chance to save money on Men's MEN'S FLANNEL WORK SHIRTS, 8c. Flannel Work Shirts--grey or khaki--double * soame--all sizes oi. .iiunasns ++ 80c each 0 © B.Ibs. for Be. t For Saturday only we will sell 5 Ibs. of granu. lated Sugar for $5c, with every purchase of $3 MEN'S SOCKS... .,. cee vi. 10 per pair ovofconts, $20, $22, $35, $38, $30, $32 and $35. ] ME forth the programme of the United Church and the needs of its budget, were eloquent deliverances and were received with Interest and applause. The spirit of the gathering found ex- pression In the following resolution which received the unanimous sup: port of those present: " "We hail with gratitude to: God the consummation of years of prayer and effort, in the union of three great churches. We rejoice in the | pew sense of brotherhood that knits our hearts together in one great 'common purpose to bring in the Kingdom of God not merely in our own land but to the uttermost parts of the earth. We realize the re- ing a ball or dinner was taken up and it was decided to leave the mat- ter in the hands of the executive and they will present a report. The St. Andrew's ball last year WAS & great Success and many are looking for« ward to it being held again. The election of officers resulted as follows: : President--Dr, James Miller. First vice-president--John Mac- donald. Second vice-president -- James Harris. . art. Chaplain--Rev. G, A. Brown. Physician--Dr, A. E. Ross, Bard--Col, Alexander MacPhail. Piper--James y Secretary-treasurer--James Stew. ! vy rw TTY YY Full Course Dinn er A La Carte Meals « © Doors Above Capitol Theatre. Ahh adh Ahh Ahh Vy ay v To s Most Popular Eating Pa" SE ree sesns As VT wy New York 81. "ARCTIC PE 5¢ Fad