THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG - - . " ~=+4 | and unescorted. He wondered what ' i s CROSS-WORD PUZZLE [RE hou Women Everywhere Are Talking About the Values at Jackson-Metivier's "That was the worst party 1 ever 5 Hori { got Into," she remarked with a jerk . IIT i of her head toward the house she 4 Dad. { | had just quitted. "I had to get 4. Human upper)! l ! away. If I had stayed any longer - limbs. n {I would have gone too far. Funny b 8. Is sick. ! . | thing, I really wanted to, but I could- PS : 11. Hotel landlords. { {n't, at the last minute. Queer crea- 14. Bither's little pal. { tures, women, aren't we?" . 18. To unite. | "It's fortunate that you came Special Coat Values for h 4 : 17. To devour, | away," he told her gravely. "You'd : ; ess pecCl 1 ze Sccomplisn. | have been sorry tomorrow. We al- S ATURD AY / A Ww of seats in a | ways regret our mistakes too late." THA N VI church, "The question is," she said slow- FOR KSGI NG « Commander. . , "what am I going to do now; I Meadow. | can't go home. Nobody there must ® f \ . : Male cat. {see me like this and I haven't a ; 4 Winter carriages. | triend in the world I can go to, ex- ur rimme A! resses lv Opening. cept some of the people that are in | , Disease to which in- ¢ that party. If I go to their apart- 2 \ In the very | fins ap #0. Navy, Gold } S Pi 3 atest ects, » v fants' are suscepti- ment uptown, it's the first place they en Pheasant ble, will look for me." : FRY Black and Brown. : P reposition Patterson frowned thoughtfully. A f } ip 1 of possession. B= "You are in rather a bad situa- J Pe . | Wissues containing : ie tion," he agreed. 'Of course it's y Pero useless fo think of Jeking gon L a An extraordinary value-giving event at a : @ . . ces. . To assassinate. gteL 8: Hour and without lug most opportune time, enabli to purchase 5. One who saves. . Tennis fen Ror gage. The best that I can suggest, your at th ng you : A special offering of distinctive Frocks that ds vines. season - coat e beginning of the at a comes right at the height of the season, featur. 38. Nay. : © Maeiosl character. | he added after a few minutes delib- Vertical, Musica chs r © | eration, "Is that if you trust me, you price affording a most exceptional saving. i ing the new, full, Circular Skirts. A most stun- dad ning array of the latest models. @, Dying from immer-| 1. Suppont, to : RR { might allow me to ride with you "ston. .'Jumbled type. . . 0 1. First note in scale. . Social insect. , In a short time. AHOTHd tows tor 38 Joyr or ge. - $ p snes . Smallest surface on| 4. African trees. + To fare. soon be dawn, we 'can have coffee gar Women's-Mi ' ® te SSES8 & diamond. .8econd note inf37. Third note in vi in a quiet lunchroom somewheras and 44. Force producing scale. - Inhabitant of ay..." take you home without your 5 os Ry vuotin. 5 ' - A of family being any the wiser. That These Coats reflect the smartest of styles dis- Cloth Dresses 45. Four and three. . . . : * 47. Title of respect. | ~8/ Work of genius. . Granted fact. Me hing ln, being done these Maret this season. They are fashioned in good Silk Dresses 48. Agent. < Exists. + Sleeps. She accepted without hesitation. quality Duvetyn, full Luxe lined and owe AA T: : interlined. Select from these Furs: Moufflon, Dy wo Piece Velvet 50, To err. . Portico. ' Juiury. but they hadn't ridden half an hour . . Nothing. + Sol. in the tax! before she complained Real Coon, Mink, Opossum; Red Rat, Fox. ; Balbriggan Suits . Organ of hearing. « Brazilian coin. that she was cold and feeling. Il. --ehind the nose. - Snake like fish Patterson was at a loss what to MISSES' AND WOMEN'S . \ ; SATURDAY . Those no: self-sus- (pl). do. It wasn't a happy situation for taining. - Unit, a knight errant ° 2 ) . To court . 2000 pounds. : Ted , West Indian shrub| 61. Paid publicity. (To be Continued) ur rimme n \ having scarlet flow- . Sixth note in scale. . § ) ers. .Preposition Flare Coats ® » . Protected. of place. { | J iv whore fL -RADIO Straight Line Coats Values to $19.50, i» : These are the desirable sort of Dresses in the BS ZE * SATURDAY ONLY EE wanted, straight-line effects so popular for the present mode. Carefully made. Long or short DERE HEARTS ADRIFT SATURDAY, NOV. 7TH. i sleeves, Dresses Of CNRO, Ottawa (485). $ PT have smart trimmings. El ~ g 8 p.m.--Charles E. Bodley and his ~ hl . : y By Mildred Barbour. dance orchestra; Elsie White, so : C t S als AA | y prano; Bob Harvey, tenor; James ® orse PpecCi Brown, tenor. A group of Coats offered at an exceptional 4 Regular $3 50 Saturday $1 95 . . v The Girl Who Changed Her Mind. k price. Well made, fully lined and interlined. A KPRA, Pitishurgh, Pa. (300.1). limited number. So be early Saturday. This selection of Corsets include one of our Patterson met Lila Demerest sev- d eral nights after he had learned Sa fa Pute! somen WW ous Smartest miodels--beantifully finished Silk Bro- about her at the club. yr y cade with elastic tops. Specially priced for Gustor, urday, Sizes 24 to 28. y uti The fact that the encounter was 7.30 p.m.--Children's period. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' $1.95 pure chance, coupled with the fact 8.30 p.m.--Westinghouse band that ha was a believer in Fate, com- forted him no little in the course of | ©°R¢ert: T. J. Vastine, conductor. SILK AND WOOL action he had set out for himself. . " x He pelieved then truly that he was Wako Richmond Hl. XY. {15 9 Combinations : not just a meddler, but ome whose °° pm, pr $1 00 S 1 destiny was undoubtedly linked with | & . Alf pion. Gentitis Soielias ran | . pecia mH Playgr the actors in the tragic Bannister- wR? y ul garmen These are fe in od or o Bar I a of on ool Cartwright drama. 3 Be Suuinglera, Mass: nd 29 Sill Sigipe, Sizes. 36 to 44. , Specially priced HOSIERY SPECIALS ! White Coutelle, back fastening, elastic mmserts for Sap : See Window Display ! suitable for all figures. In sizes from 28 to 30, w He was walking home from the ts and open air pleasures dur club in the hours after midnight, Princeton football match. " he winter monthe. rele no having finished a game of poker in- WEAF, New York, N.Y, (401.5) . { i Tropical verdure, the wonder- | *tiSated by Coningsby. by the| 1:45 Pm. -- Harvard-Princeton 1 0 --- $ sunshine of the south, blue skies, nthe way, he had to pass by the |, .., 1 came. ® ; - £21 5 Dbreeses, sparkling lakes and big Cartwright house on the square. 4-5 p.m.--Elmer Grosso and his SMMITED rful ocean beaches, they are| it Was dark and silent and forbid-{ .., _.,.. Florida and are for the enjoy-| 4108. Its frowning Sxigsior and the 6-7 p.m.--Dinner music, Waldorf- of those who seek them. austere red brick walls surrounding Astoria, lan Pacific trains leave To- 116 Surden sussosed that it was al "7 110m -- Musical programme. 8 am, 3.20 pm. and 11.30 » 11-12 p.m.--Vincent Lopez and| 4 5 , ble: ' - ' p.m.--Bernhard Levitow's Hotel; semble; Blackstone string quartette.| Shelton. Peter MacArt connecting in Detroit at same | gq crossed through the square, de- | bis Hotel Pennsylvania orchestra. Commodore dinner orchestra. 2 p.m.---~Chicago at IHlinois. 7.16-7.830 p.m.--Sports talk, Bill cArthur, baritone. (Michigan Central) Wwith|gorteq and 'wintry. The arclights - 8.10 p.m.--The Texans, Sanchez| 6.30 p.m.--Drake concert ensem-| Ninthey. Complete radio programmes sold | through sleeper service. | twinkled coldly above empty bench-| WGBS, New York, N.Y. (315.6). and Milstead, popular songs. ble; Blackstone string quintette. 7.30-8.30 p.m.--Van's Collegians. | at Canada Radio Stores. Palm" for Tampa and | os ang dark leafless shrubbery. The | 6-6.30 p.m.-- Uncle Geebee. r 8.30 p.m.--Sherry's dance orches-| 8 p.m.--WCM string trio. 10.30-11 p.m.--Hddie Elkins Alro| : burg and the "Ponce de wind moaned through bare branch- 6.30-7 p.m.--Vincent Sorey's or- tra. 10 p.m.----Jack Chapman's Black-| orchestra. Tn . | Miami and West Palm| eq of the trees and their shadows on | Chestra. 9 p.m.--Gertrude Hopkins. ' [stone hotel dance orchestra. Big Insurance Surpluses. "Suwanee River Special" | po paths made grotestue swaying| 7-7.15 p.m.--Dance lessons, Ar-| g 7 P.0i-oAunophesd. Toronto, Nov. 6.--The report 8f.- rg, the "Flamingo ttorns. He shivered and drew |thur Murray. ith his WOC, Chicago, Nl. (217.8). R. Leighton Foster, superintendent r pa . He 11 p.m--Jacques Green and WOR, Newark, N.J. (405.8) 5.45-6 C geeties to. Jackson-| sloeer the fur collar of his top coat.! 8.40-9.10 p.m.--Magyar ensemble, Club Deauville orchestra; Clark's! 9 oq ih Nd. 8). 45-6 p.m.--Chimes concert. of Insurance for Ontario, Intimates fami. : The houses on the opposite side of | Gaspar Sante, tenor. He watlang, -15-4 p.m.--Zit's Central Park 6.30-6.50 p.m.--Sandman's bed-| that if the prevailmg underwriting . Tourist tickets | iy Square were dark and silent, too, 9.30-10.30 p.m. -- Programme, Casing Srehentra, = time stories. methods continue the cash surpluses to points in Florida |.) except one--obviously a small| Warner's theatre, WGY. Schenectady, N.Y. (879.5). _ -6. p.m.-- Words Often 9.10 p.m.--Musical . programnie; | of the various companies will soon . gs and stop- 1 10.30-11.30 p.m.--Arrowhedd Inn * > pronounced. Fannie Schnitger-Martin, contralto. | be large enough to war LE apartment house of the private and 8 p.m.--Harvard-Princeton foot 8.17-7 p.m.--Dinner music, Hotel 11 Leclal rant a reduc in final} soloct variety, from whose third | Orchestra. tall game: . .m.; y p.m, aire hotel orchestra,'tion in rates. . story windows a blaze of ruddy light ' 9.30 p.m.--Hotel Ten Eyck dance shone into the night. Sounds of WJZ, New York, N.Y. (455). orchestra, laughter isued from it. 2.15 p.m, -- Harvard-Princeton "A late party and a wild one!" | football game. Patterson thought to himself. 5 p.m.--Hotel Lorraine dance or- WCN, Chicago, Ill, (870.2). t > " He saw a woman's figure, hatless | chestra, 12.40 p.m.--Drake concert en- oh and muffled in furs, u y de- : : scending the front steps, one hand i clinging to the rail for support. hy { ; She took a swaying step or two, a. -- looking uncertainly to right and left. There was no one in sight, no ma- SEE n chine at the curb, so Patterson SS o - paused involuntarily. | Le 3 ' "You don't see a taxi snywhers, - . do you?" she called to him in a thick \ ' voice. : i 4 } ; He turned and walked Star to her. : | ty w 5 3 * . t 'close range, he could see that d ) using " Leaf' i and ys -- she was very drunk. She swayed ; | By : Maple «3 an Freese tet In De avoid 8 , her e wi az | "id " portions can ater ant armen] ff prevent a radiator on your car from freesing, and : . worrying about your cer while parked at theatre or club. Ne. Sef saams to be no han about. ¥ 4 \ Iq r \ 1 iy - " answer a Eouriaoy y, "but ! y ER \ | TIN ! * Mixtures of "Maple Leaf A ti-Freeze and be fsa Lok {| JY | PR | | els ened Tr fccuing rein wih the "Rl Ser ps eel | pa) i thereby removing all uncertainty and ? 2 Only "Maple Leaf" Anti-Freese Stations can give "Alco-Meter" service. r ---- ey I want to wait here." cast a quick glance up toward the lighted windows. "I'll walk