i Ladies' Ald of the Presbyterian" . Mr. Baker's ° accompanied by * Mra. Owens of Toronto, spent THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place BIRTHS, Magma Napanes, on Nov." 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry McNeil, a son. DEATHS. DBLDERFIELD--In Kingston, on No- § Yember 12th, 1925, Harry E. Del- eld, age 7 years, beloved son kf Mr. and Mrs. John' Delderfield. Pufieral from the late residence, 207 Montreal Street, Saturday afternoon at 230 p.m. to Ca. araqui Cemetery. ls. and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. HUFFMAN-- At Richmond, Jn Nov. th, Mrs. Levi Huffman, aged 70 years. PBECK~In Kingston, on November 12th, 1925, Mary Jane Bumrms/ widow of the late George Peck, aged 72 years Funeral from her late residenqe, Oush- endall on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock to Cataraqui Cemetery. SUMMERVILLE-- At Napanee on Nov. 7th, Eric Francis Summerville, in- nt son of Mr. and Mrs W, J. Summerville, aged 3 days. TOLAND--At Sunbury, on Nogember 12th, 1925, Mary McMillan, daugh- ter of the late Joseph and Mm Ef- fie Tola: ral will ake place from the Pres- byterfan Church, Subbury, on Sat- ay, November 14.4, at 2 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are kindly Invited to attend. JAMES REID . The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID The Leading Un dertaker Phone 577. 280 M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME: 40 COLBORNE STREET _ AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889. i. Ambulance Phone 660 ro se 35. "H. J. KNI ERTAKER AND EB OR §e-fy Senta, Yai r ahd Battersea. Ambuldnce 'phose DESERON10 Deseronto, Nov. 11.--On Monday afternoon, ' the Catholic Women's League entertained one hundred and forty-eight members of other League, from . Belleville, Stoco, Tweed and other nearby towns, with bridge, five hundred and euchre. At six o'clock a dainty meal wis serv- ed, and in the evening the ladies were addressed by Mrs. Fergus O'- Connor, Kingston. " Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker of Montreal, spent the week-end with mother. They were Mr. § and Mra, Frank Peden who wre with Mrs Scott. While motoring from Toronto to Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Foley spent , Monday night with friends in town. | KEYS---Two, found, Che British Whig KINGATCN, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ads, are restricted thelr proper classification, and to the reg Jlar Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: n Daily rate per line or consecutive ingertions: Minimum shazge, 2 cents. b batty. rates per line harfe Cas 1 day ath , Births, Engagements, Mar- Tees one insertion charged, $1.50; cash $1.00. and Memoriam Card of Thanks, b, $1.00 Notices--Charged, $1.60; each insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words the ot ed ads. will be received by teiepnone snd if paid at The Brit- hig Office within 6 days from the first day of inseriior, cash rate wi allow ads oa for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged' for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the rate earned. late per line Joe Jolie space Is the same as a line Special rate for yearly advertising upon request, Fabliaters reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertisisg Paaphone 243; ask for a want ad. taker. to Lost and Found 1 8 PUR COAT--Found, on street ont. Ro v. 6th. Owner may have sania By a applying at Street Rallway FEMALE SPANIEL--Black and white, o8t on tu Finder please return to 4b4-Barrie street or phone T49W. GOLD BROOCH -- Girl's head design, Jost on Wednesday evening betwéen Albert streét and Chpitol Theatre. Val- ued 4s & keepsake. Reward If return- ed to Whig Office. HAT ORNAMENT---Found, on Princess street. Owner cay have same by call- ing at 319 University avenue. on Queen Street, near Bagot. Owner can have same at Whig Oftice. LADIES' GOLD WATCH---Lost. Fnder kindly ré.urn to Whig Office and re- ceive reward. OPERA GLASSES -- Found, on Alfred Street. Owner may have same by ap- plydng at 882 Alfred Street. YARN MITTS.Pair, found on Stephen Street. Owner may have same by calling at W. H. Talbot's Wood Yard, Concesaton Street. PURSE FOUND--On Tuesday, in Wool- NOrS Store. Apply Woolwortlt's Of- ce. ROSARY-in case, found. Owner may have same by applying at Lee's Groc- ery, corner Earl and Albert Streets, ROSARY DR same at Income Tax OM SPARE TIRE AND RIM-.34"x4", lost Saturday night in the vicinity of Cloyne or Vennacher. Please return to C. H. Wood, care of John Laird's Paper Store, 350 Princess Street. SMALL KEY---Found, on Park avenue. Owner may have same at 73 Alfred St may have Miss. Gertrude Jenkins of King ston spent a few days this week with hér friend, Miss Laura Gowan. Miss Dora Gammon has returned to Gananoque, after a pl nt holl- SILK SCARF--Found on Owner may have same at 103 Bari at. 8st. SUM OF MONEY FOUNDwPicked up in the post office lobby. Apply Post- master James Stewart, day with friends here. Rev. W. Harrison called on Thomas McQuain in Kingston hos- pital on Tuesday. Bert Gamble returned to Oshawa (on Tuesday, accompanied by his bro- ther Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pearse and two children, Stella, and Norma, have returned from a short holiday in Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Allum spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. 8. Dewar in Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Black have returned to Toronto after a few ONE PAIR HOUNDS--One year old, one ONE PEDIGREED COLLIE--Collie Pup- TWO NEW MOTOR LICENSE PLATES ~--Found on the highway near Catara- qui. Owner may have same at George Murrsy'a Catairaqui. 'Phone 1300 r 2 Live Stock 1a wire-haired terrier, eight months old, and several other breeds. Muller's Kennells, 371-373 King Street. Tele- phone 1961-w. ples from $4.00 up. These make a good cow dog. Also Water Spaniel Puppies; 2 Boston Puppies, $15.00 each. Also sevéral other breeds. Muller's Ken- Jails, 371-318 King Street. 'Phone Ww. days with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Black, St. George street, Hdward Burns of Cobourg, and Mr. Hugh Thompson of Oshawa, were home this week. D DOGS FOR SALE--Re Hampshire Ram; Lambs from Impock: od Ram, $25 each; Scotch te Pups, born heelers from best Ww dogs, males $6; sent on approval. John Care ter, R. R. 6, Picton, Ont. Mrs. Sara Naylor spent the week- end in Napanee with her mother, Mts. Coates. TWO COUKER SPANIEL PUPS~One month old, thoroughbreds. Sel] at $5.00 Sach. Apply to Mrs. Norris, Miller's Mrs, Ernest Vanslstine spent Tuesday in Toronto shopping for the bagaar which is being held by the church on Thursday. Miss Mary Metcalfe of Havergal College, Toronto, accompanied by the 'Nollday with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Met- ealfe. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wattam and Mrs. Isa- dore Vandusen, spent the Thanks- giving holiday with Mr. and Mrs, Howard VanDusen, Stanley avenue, # WHE NEWS OF CLOYNE, "The Munters Are Sl Numerous in . the North, Cloyne, Nov. 11--Hunting is the 'main order of the day around this and elsewhere. Many have secured their number and ve returned to their homes, but e is still a great number of hunt- ohn Miller, who was visiting 'brother's here, has again re- to her home at Harlowe. Mrs. Wise was in town on Moh- only waiting for Jack Frost to come Help Wanted Male Help Wanted 2 FIRST CLASS BARBER -- Wanted at merican Hotel Barber Shop, Water- town, N.Y. Married 'man preferred. OUR BOARDING HOUSE BY AHERN all wy 16 17 Nou ge T-THE BIGGEST OUNT OF MAIL EVERN DAY we WERE ARE A DOZEN MORE LETTERG FOR NOU, "THAT CAME IN -THE LAGT DENNER. "THE MAILMAN WANTED "To KNow WW Nou WERE IN "THE MAIL ORDER BUSINESS, OR RUNNING A MATRIMONIAL AGENCY! HM-M «w ONE FROM MN OLD FRIEND, GENKTOR FADDLE, ~+ BLESS Wo WEARTIw ww EGAD MDEAR, wa NOU ASK HN IT GET GO MUCH MAIL 2=+~ NDEED,w AM I NOT A MAN OF [MPORTANCE? Nou GEEM-TO FORGET MADAM,"THAT A WARM FRIEA \P EXC Te e seTWeEl ME AND HUNDREDS OF MEN OF B\G AFFAIRS EGAD I= -' op sls FAVORITE 3 HOBBN 16 FILLING || come vor Hid | ou TB coupons || (esrenmay, OF MAGAZINE ADS "TMAT READ, «| "ros Tt ANN oBUEATION oN MN PART, PLEAGE | MAIL ME Te we REGARDING SUCH AND GucH ! A PARCEL PACKAGE 1 MAGINE v5 ANOTHER ge 1 OF BOOKS ON A 30DAY FReE-TRIAL! 7 pres ---- <=> | oe JL MAR OF LEFTERG --= _Help Wanted Female Help Wanted ANYONE $300 TO CHRISTMAS Can earn this and more selling our Pef« sonal] Christmas Oards. Best time ow. Spare or full time.' Samples free. Sells ing experiénce unnecessary. You Lo direct with the manufacturer, pay weekly. Master Kraft resting Card Co., Toronto. Representatives &l- 80 wanted in small towns. GIRL, OR WOMAN--To act as house- Keeper for family of two. Middle aged woman preférred. References re- quired. Apply td 243 Lower Patrick Street. 3 ____ Real Estate For Rent Business | Faces LARGE STORE--286 Princess street, double front, rear emtrance with six- room dwelling over store. Apply L Cohen & Co., Ontario street. a Houses 90 DWELLING---To rent, over Miss McCul- lough's fancy. store, Princess Bt., next Capitol theatre. Apply to C. Living- ston & Bro, Brock Street. HOUSE--On Montread F. Norman, 69 Patric T80-w, treet. Apply H. Street. 'Phone GENERAL SERVANT--References reé- quired. Apply to Mrs. C. A. Macpher- son, 138 versity Avenue. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN---For house- hold duties, and to take care of ¢hil- dren; immediately, Must be reliable. 'Phone 2105. REGISTERED SCHOOL FOR NURSES. Fiugping Hospital, F' Fusting, N. Xu at fers 2 years and 6 cour: n having 2 years re Bigh sch or the equivalent. Uniforms and So furnished; monthly allowance given. Class entering February 1st, Write now to Director of Nurses. TWO MAIDS--For new Clinic Buliing, Kmmgsion General Hospital Applica must be prepared to supply re ferSiiote ihn to character and other oh « ohd. Preference will Pe ual to ids able to provide their own ac- dato | home. are to be made t the hospital. view, se keeper at qne 2700 for Iinter- Male and Female Help Wanted 8b $5 SELL HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES --greatest imagihable demand; have business of your own; make five dol- lars up Satlyr oipital or expertence Unnecessary. B. Garretson, Brantford, 0 Agents' Wanted 4 A RELIABLE SAVES AGENT----Wanted for every unrep. nted district; godd pay; free equipment; we are the larg~ sat Sowers of fruit ornamental 'in da; sell for a Nursery, Bot. for a Jobber You will be succé tul. Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto. SALESMAN--Wanisd for this territory to take o for new and popu Ay Sone Tite «of Sir Adam Bec fovly Dep. 2, 110 Dundas Street, rH jon. Positions Wanted 6 FAMILY WASHING--Wanted to 4 home, Women arly 255 Ride street or phone 2! for the winter. Bert Scullion, who has been employed at Loon Lake this summer, has returned to his home in Ardoch. . The joy-coasters of Cloyne have their sleighs all in fille trim and are with his cold sheets of snow, ---- - The United States is "beastly vich," and is turning toward the path down which Rome staggered to her doom, declared Bishop Thirk- field during an address in Buffalo. Consumption of beer during MIDDLE-AGEY WOMAN--Would i o per for a man in or For particu & apply at iH == to Box L-10, WANTED « -- Furnaces to washing windows and ho storm "windows, and Joba jalave sol Bias of at Rh Earl hy eT ee Job as Sountry. 3 BUCR WAI Pupil CcKw co ie OR Abies twelve months in England showed Bhat every British citizen averaged | He ho HOUSE--7 rooms, first class condition; gas; electric; furnace; 3 piece bath. Rent $30.00. "Phone 2038-F. HOUSE AND LAND ON ISLAND-.Con- venient; suitable for fox or rabbit rais- ing. Would rent on shares. Apply Box M-11, Whig Office. HOUSE -~ Nihe rooms, Rotisbile homie; all conveniences GEreEe it 4 Apply: 63 Wiliam sired. Rent low. Street or phone 1029, HOUSE ~~ One single, five roomed house with toilet. Possession at once. Apply 2 Miller's Lane, between Mont- real and Bagot Streets. HOUSE~1 rooms, nicely décorated; all improvements, gag for cooking, corner Barrie and John Streets. Possession at once. Apply W. Jenkins, corner Bar- fie oe Quebec Streets, or 'phone -w, HOUSB--Cornér Colborne and Syden- ham streets, 8 rooms, 359 Rideau St 7 rooms; 61 Queen streel, 6 rooms; all improvements east. w PRY 185 Queen Street. 'Phoné w. HOUSE--At once, seven r. house with south verandah, barn and large lot on North Alfred street; water. Ap- J. Bora, 432 University Ave. Rlons os 60 Princess Street, 1 rom cars; § rooms and bath, attic ana cellar, Slectric and gas. Apply at 563 P Stréet. ~roomed brick house Alfred street, south of Princess; excellant Jo cation; bath and toHet separate; good Jara; tenant may buy floor coverings eéssion Deo. 1st. Ap- ply after 7 p.m. at $32 Alfred street. Rooms 10 ___Real Estate For Sale 12 Farms and "Land $8.f00--Farm, 186 acres, 4 miles from ¢liy on York Road, 10 roomed house, 2 barns, silo, drive house, running whiter, ploughing done. Good sugar bush. Terms. Houses for sale and to let. Money to lvan. Insurance. T. O'CONNOR, 381 Princess Street. , 'Phone 1189-J. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT --160 &gres, choice farm, near Kingston, on Lake Bhore. Immediate possession. Etsy terms. Apply R. M. VanLuven, Portsmouth, Ontario. 98 ACRE FARM.-For sale; nearly all plow land; 2% miles from Adams, N. Y. 3% mile from, State Road. County road being built by farm now. 30 aores plowed. 25 tons of hay .goes with farm. Price $2,000. Terms; part|* shen, 'Write Ira Bedor, Adams, R. R. 2, Houses J. EB. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street HOTEL--At Oollin's Bay, furnished or unfurnished. Price reasonable. Ap- ply to M, B. .Trumpour, 270 Princess Stréet. 'Phone 704 or 1295-J. 14 EF. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker ohnson and Division Streets Phone 538w. Bee Advi. Page 2 Articles For Sale. Miscellaneous 15 AWNINGS-Verandah Curtains. Apply k W. Cooke. 'Phone 436. Articles For Sale aR Building Materials 16 BR Ae and soft. ang quantity, pply EB. BE. Wathen, 127 Nelson street. Ehime' 1381-J or 618. h AAuene for Baker Bric ROLL ROOFING $1.00 PER ROLL Slate Surgaced ; $2.00 per CG. A. RANSOM, 527 Comcord Avenue, Cam Mass. Dept. M. Radio and Musical 17 PIANO ~~ Karn Upright, walnut oase, full 7 1-8 octave, ivory keys. In ex- cellent condition. Price ¥235. Terms $20 cash and $8.00 per month. C. ¥. L Limited, 121 Princess Street, Fuel and na Feed 18 HARDWOOD-<Best ary hardwood, cut stove length. Sald by measure. Also ary kindling wood. Davis Dry Dock HARDWOOD---$3.50 ind ads 3 uaxter cord; mixed wood $3.75 32 Sia w $2.75 to $3.50, his ans to 'quel ity; rough and dressed saingles, 33.50 par thousand and up. Sawdust told cheap. Talbot, Conceseion street. Telephone 27534. SWAIN'S WOOD YARD--Dry A-1 hard- waod; No. 1 mixed wood slabs, $3.00. Big load. 'Phone 2516-w. PEAT FUEL-~For open fire grates, fur- naces, cook stoves, heaters, kindling and mixing with coal. Half ton makes cart load, $8.00. Quarter ton $3.25. Split Pea hard Coke, $8.00 ton; quarter ton $2.25. Hard Ooke for Quebec heaters and furnaces, $11.00 ton; quarter tom, $3.00. Dry mixed cordwood or slabs, $3.00 load or $3.50 quarter cord. Dry hardwood, $4.00 load or $4.50 quarter cord; 25¢c. extra for splitting. 'Phone Be- >. W. C. Bruton, 290 Wellington ree Business Services Tailoring and Pressing 20 W. ROBERTSON ... Tailor, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing; your own elotn made up. Samples in stock. $20.00 273 Bagot street a Rt SS STC oot Professional 21 DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER « W. A Marcells, corner, of Barrie and Prin- cess streets. dniropractic Adjust- ments, electric treatment and and X-ray service. hi io . Hours: 5-12 am. 1-6 ievenings by a intment. Office tole. phone 822 gsidence 'phone 957-J. LUCY~-Geo. F. and Jennie A, Chiro- ractors, Registered Nurea, 203 Bagot treet. 'Phone 951-w. ours 9-12, 1-5, 6-7.30. Consultation free. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH ---. Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston . B. Cunningham, K.C,; Cyril M. Smith DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and Solicitors; ¢9 Clarence Street, Kin ton. A. Day, Adrian IL. Revelle. ortgages arranged. 'Phone 206. HODGINS, W. C.--Barrister, Solicitor, and Notary Public. Office: 38 Clarence Street. Over C.P.K. Telegraphs. Tele- phone 1980: Money to loam REYNOLDS, J, C--Barrister and Sollci- tor, 3 Brock Street. ortsages ar- on a Tm propert, TE Prepar, SHEA-~Ambrose, B.A, Barrister And Solicitor. Law Office, corner of and Br over Royal Bank. Money to loan. hone 199 Instruction Sia DAISY JOHNSON--A.T.C.M., teacher of Violin and Plane. Special method for Jouns children. Pupils prepared for oronto Conservatory examinations. Studio: 307 Collingwood Street, near Johnson. n. Telephone 3329-w. massage. Personal 22 SKIN BLEMISHES - Moles. Xaits, Birthmarks, Ski Cancers, Soars, Pits, etc, removed Dt fi Satisfactory Glasses fitted and urnishoed after others have failed QGoitre cured without operation. 33 ohrs' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, ye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin 2568 _Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J Sal, Fancy Work 23 BABY CARRIAGE. «= Cream wicker. 'Phone 1939-w or call at 164 Bagot Street, near Glover's Store. TREPLACE FENDERS -- Screens, "ares of all kinds at Partridge Wire rks. Plating in silver, t arkel, Copper. 'Phone 380. 'King St. W. FURNITURE Antique and modern sr doi Bein sold and bought. M. Cram- GING | = Hematitonihg, work guaranteed. Barrie Sheet near Princess Pl [LT 'T"hone 2 Ladies' Hair Tarior 24 CLASS HAIR WORK AoE To ORDER -- ies' Transfor- mations, bobbed ourls, itches, sham- ing. singeing, curling, Ladies' and 'hildren's Bair Sung 5 Cun- COMFORTABLE ROOMS --And board for women and girls at the Y.W.C.A., 198 Johnson street. Terms moderate. FURNIS ROOMS--With lars Glotbe room Ang Kitonen: "fof haus Dousekesping. Ap i Apply 312 King » 'anted To Rent tor street, Are oF 508. pet medium wo, with DPrivtiegen.. Jor couple. Give | ha rental, ete, Box K-1 Re to Box K-10, Princess Xl #4eteusory to HEATER. - aiinss it Favorite, i for ngston. Reitphone 2909. . Antique Sh coal; nd fon. able. | Apts" to 241 Neon Street, or mw Se PAY YOU--TG com stock before 4 Pie St. GERATORS. Rous Bureka Re- ait, aon. wall a7 Neison se Bal RAINCOATS, OVERCOATS From $15: wi Fi : best value in Canian; terms 'ment 5 Bho He. 765% ter- ° atid patios r N SMALL CASH REGISTERS--Severa ABply 161 Princess street. h FRENCH MARCEL WAVING aving, apd, 4 Curl r B Bobbin ne. Jl 4 Segal ial and eo P Hair Dyel witzer, 267 Queen Street. gq FE, ise pointment 'phone 2016. Business Service Tadies' Hair Parlor PERMANENT WAVING The oniy wave Rd aan shampuvo and that dampness Just like Ratarat curly balr. Also Marcel Manicuting, M i Hale Srone and all the fateat oty) styles ps A. B. KINGSBURY, 209 Princess Street. 'Phone 2015-3 A Insurance 2 f Fire Insurance, Autos ckness and Accidents oi Tells! hams, 3 Couper i FIRE---Automoblle and Casualty Insure BE. M. Crumley, 420 Zarl street. | INSURANCE--Only the . most relia nies epresented. Surah fe. Strange, tab] shed In 1860 3 ERNIE D. SLITER~-Ingurance Brokes: ranches fe iy ce in old companies of nancial an b:8-w, Res. mm 20 FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- . President, A. 3 wright, vice-president, J. M. Farrell. Money to loan an ts aA ARG Da oly I 08 receive an nteres Pinu monthiy balance Te companies. 'Phone or call 'Phone 1783-M. : 5 Clarence Street, opposite Post © ine, 281 King! ree East. "Phones SOCIETY ~-- Incorporated in vestment, fons i Pr) peeps] Bi Ja Cartwright, manager. 87 87 Sarence 8 Miscellaneous 27 ANDERSON, A. ~Painter and Decorats or. Estimates given bn large or sma Jobs. Choice stock of Wall Paper an saniples carried. "Phone 1966. ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars yards, clean job done. A, MacG 24 Russell Street. 'Phoae 23565. PAPER HANGING--High clasg york prices right Painting lao done. Rowley. 'Phone 1352-F PLASTERING--Repair work, ete. Drop card to Vivian A. Simmons, 71 Living» ston Avenue. STORAGE For furniture, glean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own loc And key. Frost's City Storage, 209- 306 Queen St. "Phone 526. Res. 983-w. Expert Piano Tuning. Player-Plano Adjusting. 'Phone 1644. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERING-=And general Tepaie. ius, Leave orders at or dro F. W. Harold, 104 Cler Stree 'Phone 1690-J. = ht and regor, SIGN PAINTING--J. B. Robinson, rear 4756 Bagot Street UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteéd. Call or drop card. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot streo Kingston. WELL DRILLING --- Sanitary Water Wells drilled by modern machinery; Sclentific methods, expert workmen. Water guranteed. For.full Informas tion ana prices write F. J. Garrison, op D. Shangraw, Colebrook, Ont. KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY CO, ~Makers of Auto, eaLeeY, Hoat Sud Fy shions. California I oh Aa) wnin, . ang $47 King street. a robil ONE FORD TOURING CAR--In first class condition. Owner leaving town, Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Teles phone 2747-J, or call at 307 Earl Street. Fon FOR SALE i Hudson Touring Car 7 PASSENGER 1923 MODEL The CENTRAL GARAGE, Ltd. 'PHONE 600 Classified Display W. KENT MACNEE| rise re, Life Sm asc hy mo oon Eiok hs Plat Bae: and other lines of *Thsuran 33 BROCK ST. THOS 585-w. re---- HERE IS A BARGAIN A SBTEINWAY. UPRIGHT PIANO, $125.00. Also two extra large mirrors, $35 and $40 each J. ' 'S 'PHONE 708. te ¥ou ean reduce 'your coal bill BUCKWHEAT OR SPLIT PEA COAL mixed with the larger sizes. If you have no separate bin wa will be pleased to make delivery in bags, This is an ideal fuel for banking furnaces, ranges or heaters. James Swift & Cos, Limited Foot of Jobason Street. Phane 185, considerably by using this coal