_-- Christmas Greeting Cards Have an appeal that's all their own. "Made in Canada' by Canadians. For sale at: ~~------FRIGIDAIRE 4 he | AUTOMATIC 1" ELECTRIC ' REFRIGERATOR Frigidaire makes its own cold from your own house ourrent--- for less Good Is Not a Luxury In these days a Table Ser- vice of good Silverware is by no means an extravagance-- rather it is a necessity, which modern standards of living and good housekeeping de- mand and inexpensive. To fully appreciate this come and see our display of Triumph design Rogers Plate Tea Spoons $1.75 set, etc. Write or 'phone 120-w. W. C. CANNON BIBBY BLOCK, KINGSTON Hard Wood Choice Body Hardwood, Soft Mixed Wood. Kindling and Slabs, Chas. Bedore & Son 840 NELSON STREET "Phone 1746J. ~~ | i / THOMAS OOPLEY Carpenter i2 'Phone 987 || See ms for all kinds of Carpentry] Work. Estimates gives on mew floors ald. Have your hardwood floors clean~ JEWELLERS R. UGLOW & CO. | 168 PRINCESS ST. | Rook--Two Property Transfers. Napanee, Nov. H vening the Young People's lor 'was at home with his subject and made the lecture very interesting. lor, who is such a rénouned sailor. . The anniversary servides of St. Andrew's United Church were held on Sunday. Rev. Dr. Knox College, Toronto, gave elo- quent addresses at both morning and evening services. ll 'Church services were withdrawn in [the morning and Grace United Church in the evening, so that both fiji congregations were able to hear Dr. ll | Gandier. Mrs. Vaulkman and Miss morning and evening serviced. Very sudden was the dedth Mrs. Joan Rook, Water street, which occurred on Sunday. The deceased ing and only went a short distance {| when she was stricken with par- ll | alysis, and became unconseious, and fl died a few hours later without re- ll | gaining consciousness, The late Mra. il | Rook wag in her 72nd year, and || 1~aves~& grown up family. The fun- fi | eral will take place on Tuesday af- ternoon to Camden V. cemetery. | J. M. Rose has German's property on Rast street, | and will occupy it shortly. The home of George Whittington on Centre strest, was purchased last week by W. M. McCullough. Miss Vera Ballance, B.A., who un- derwent a serious operatién in the Kingston General Hospital about thrée weeks ago returned to her home in Selby on Saturday. i Miss Marion Stevens of Toronto is || spending a few days in town with | | her sister, Mrs. Roy Root. Ir Mrs. Carl Styles of Lockport, N.Y., is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. F. W. Knapp, John street. NUSTAVE EVANTUREL DEOLARES HIMSELF od with our mew floor cleaning ma-|) Se -- (Member-Elect for Prescott S-------------- AA AAI ia ™™3| lssuds Manifesto of Mis YOU BUY WHEN! 3 Political Beliefs. The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Is to the most aesthetic taste. FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. AT C, W, LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Pri St - 3 Gustave Evarturel, the member- 4 | elect for Prescott, has addréssed an 3 | open letter "To the Press," in which 4 | he affirms his loyalty and devotion to 3 | the Government of Premier King. 4 | The letter follows: 1 "To the Press: "Where style is a factor and good workmanship 'a principle." FUR COATS that appeal to the most discriminating clientele. | W.F.GOURDIER _ 78 BROCK STREET ce++« § 9.00 per ton Virginia Lump Shes sat aN t Eisen + $13.00 per ton Large Pea Coal «+ ovvoni.. Sree » Welsh Anthracite, Stove and Egg +...... $18.00 per ton Coke, all 8iges «»-:::+srnerreven.... oro» $14.00 per ton Split Pea or Buckwheat «......... «srves.§ 9.00 per ton Cut Hard and Soft Slabs. SOWARDS COAL CO. TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE, 'Phone 811. Fall Footwear | mm ein When you feel like treating yourself to as fine & pair of Shoes as money can buy, we would like to show you the new . We have a wide range of new styles les to lI choose from, in all leathers and "I ran as a straight Liberal can- didate in Prescott, and I have been all my life a straight Liberal, and I have been elected by the Liberals of Prescott, and I am a loyal and most devoted supporter of the King Government. In fact, during my last campaign I was the only candidate who has so enthusiastically defend- ed the King Government in Pres- cott county, and I desfre to have it declared publicly that I have always been a true Liberal all my life and my late father before, me during the twenty-two years of his public life, (Signed) "Gustave Evantarel, M.P., Prescott county, ~Alfred, Nov. 14th, 1928." ~~ 17~~On Monday As- sociation of - Trinity United Church met. Dr. Bruce Taylor, Principal of Queen's University, Kingston, gave a most interesting illustrated lecture {on "Sailing in Scotland." Dr. Tay- It was through M. B, Mills that tho Y.P.A. were able to secure Dr. Tay- Gandeer of Trinity United Mary Daly sang most acceptably at of started for ¢hurch on Sunday morn- purchased Mra. | THE DAILY B RI QUEEN'S PRINCIPAL SPEAKS AT NAPANEE The Sudden Death of Mrs. Joan GANANOQUE Gananoque, Nov. 17.--The Ladies Aid of St. Andrew's church are go- ing to repeat the play they put on! here recently, in the town hall, Lansdowne. Mr. and Mrs. W. PF. Stevens are moving into the DePenicier residence for the winter. . Miss Rebecca Calow entertained a number of her friends last even- ing. Mrs. W. BE. Rees, Mrs. Hoekstra and W. J. Wing motored to Mon- treal yesterday amd will spend the remainder of the week in that city. Mrs. Burton Churchill and little daughter are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. N. A. Webster. Garfield Hood is in Montreal for a few,days on business. The Canadian Girl Guides are planning an afternoon tea in the McKenzie block for next Friday. Troop No. 1 Boy Scouts have been able to secure the West Ward schoo! as a club house at a very low rental. This will enable the Scouts to devel- op their organization. Capt. Rack- ham and James Sampson are still in command, whose leadership is the Society's most valuable asset. Mr. and Mrs. John Driscoll, Howe Island, announce the engagement of their daughter, Laura, to Arthur, son of Mrs. and the late Daniel Bishop of Gananoque, The wedding will take place at St. John's church, Gananoque, Thursday morning, the 19th instant. DESERON10 Deseronto, Nov. 16.---On Sunday evening a car driven by a party {rom Belleville came to grief on the post office corner in making too sharp a turn. The right front wheel came off, breaking the hub, so that the car was rendered uséless. No one was hurt. Mrs. A. Tarkington is the guast of Mrs. Mitt Carscallen for a few days. Harry Young is home from Mon- treal, where business has kept him for the past two or three weeks. Good Campbell, Indian agent, and party, are home from a hunting trip in the north country. They were fortunate ih securing five deer. James Fairbairn, T. 8. McCullough and Ralph Abbott have been appoint 6d new elders in the c¢hurch of the Redeemer. Their ordination will take place next Suniday at the morn- ing service. Miss Annie Goodearl of Kingston was the guest of her cousin, Miss Elisabeth Smyth, on Friday. Miss Pearl Cassels is spénding a week or two with Miss Valerie Hen- derson, Thomas street. Cecil Wales of Bwitserville, called on friends ia town on Saturday. Mrs, Mollie Gault spent Saturday with 'her aunt, Mrs, Annie Haggerty. Dr. Jack Maryan of Harrowamith, spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Albert Huck. ---------- Few Chéese Sold. The only cheese sold on Saturday was at Belleville, where 300 boxes brought 20c and 1,874 sold at 20 1-16¢c. Cornwall had a heavy boarding but the sélléers took a chance for a higher market this week. Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. W. L. 8liter, Willow- bank, in the death of their son, Jackson, an unusually bright boy of fourteen, which occurred Friday. ~~ Tre Most 'dash' of ENO-each morning « glass desired of health drinks Springfield. TISH WHIG Her Nerves Were "All Broken Up" She Could Not Sleep Mrs. David Gallougher, 37 L | hurst Ave., Hamilton, Ont. wi --+ 'My nerves were all broken u; and I could not sleep at night, and would have to get up out of bed and walk the floor for hours at a time. After Using a Box of = l 1 I Began To Feel Much Better, | and after using a few more boxes | I could enjoy my rest as well as ever | I could." { H. & N. Pills hava been on the i market for the past 32 years; your | nearest druggist sells them; put only by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. RADIO WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18th. ~~ UKAQC, Montreal, (410). 1.45 p.m.--Luncheon concert from maia dining-room of the Wind- sor Hotel. 4 pm.--Weather and New York and Montreal stock reports. CHYC, Montreal, (411). 8.830 p.m.--Bpecial programmo Federated Charities Drive. ONRO, Ottaway (4885). 8 p.m.--Chatea aurier Hotel Concert Orchestre /in popular and classical selection 9 p.m.--S8tudio programme. 10.15 p.m. ---Chateau Laurier Dance Orchestra. WGBS, New York (816). 7.10 p.m.--Jersey Collegians. KDKA, Pittsburgh," (309). 6.15 p.m.--Dinner concert. 9 p.m.--Dry Slitx Hour of Music. WCAP, Washington, (469). 7.80 p.m.--United States Army Band. 8 p.m.--Huyler"s Bon Bon Bud- dies from New York. ; 10 p.m --Ipana Troubadours. ® WGR, Buffalo, (819). 9 p.m.--Concert programme. » 10 p.m.--Joint broadcasting with Station WEAF. 11 p.m.--Hotel Statler Dance Or- chestra. WSAL Cincinnati, (826). 10 p.m.--The Congress Playing Card String Quartette. 11 p.m.--Popular programme. WEAF, New York, (402). 6 to 12 p.m.--~Dinneét music from Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; Synagogue services; U. 8. Army Band from Washington; "Huyler's Bon Bon Buddies," Pooley Period; Ipana Troubadours; Hotel Roosevelt dance orchestra. WKROQ, Cincinnati, (826). 8.16 p.m.--~Marion Kay and Or- chestra. 8.45 p.m.--Fopular Songs. 9.15 p.m.--Marion Kay orchestra. WIP, Philadelphia (508.2). 6.06 p.m---Dinner Music; Ban. jamin Franklin Concert Orchestra. WGY, Schenectady, (379.5). 6.45 p.m.--Albany Strand Theatre Orchestra. WBE, New England, (888.1). 8 p.m.---Folk song programme from the Hotel Kimball Studio, 9 p.m.--Soprano, piano and other violin numbers from the Hotel Brunswick Studio, Boston. WGBS, New York, (816.8). 7.10 p.m.~-Jersey Collegians. WOO, Philadelphia, (508.2). 7.80 pm.---Hotel Sylvania Or- chestra. 8 p.m.~United States Army Band. 8.30 p.m.--Pooley Period. 9 p.m.--"Roxy and hig Gang." 10 p.m.--Fox Theatre Studio pro- gramme, 10.30 p.m.--Hotel Sylvania Or- chestra. WOR, Newark, (405). 8.15 and 9.30 p.m.---Madeline Hulsizer, soprano. 8.30 and 9 p.m.~Violin and plans 10.30 p.m.~~Dora Damon, cornet- ist. ' 11 p.m.--Hotel Pennsylvania Or- chestra. WNAC, Boston, (280.8). 6.30 p.m.--Chet Frost and ~ His Bostonians. | | | GR SA SR 25¢ Ladies' High -- Laced Boots High French Heels, Narrow Toes. Sizes 24 to'4 Only These are the highest quality--they are out of style we will admit -- they must be cleared out to-morrow--don't wait and miss a bargain like this. These goods originally cost us from $7.00 to $10.00. If you can wear small sizes, it will pay you to buy several pairs. The Abernethy Shoe Store: Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers HOME SWEET HOME Reid's Help to Make ; It So. 3 You can make it pretty, so corffortable fort, so little ex Just plan purchases wisely, not hastily. Sometimes a bit more money spent in the beginning means the biggest saving in the long run. Never let price alone determine your selection. Be sure of value, insist on quality, satisfy your taste--then satisfaos tion is lasting. Reid's liberal credit enables you to fulfil your heart's dor. Siro---~to make your home HOME SWEET HOME. We offer you excellent store sérvice. JAMES REID 'Phone 147 for Service. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, ' "Happy Days" Here is the way to happy days, to It's a wonderful experience. fitness and good cheer. At 7 o'clock one may be cross Jd It is saving millions of dull days, | dull, may hate to face the day. At Pp of lost days. o'clock one is cheerful and fit, starts The way is this: On rising drink [ing the day with joy. a glass of water, hot or cold. That| The way is easy, pleasant, a washes the stomach and fits it for [It is harmless, and it aids } food. stomach, the kidneys and bowels. gi Add to the water a little Jad Salts. You will always use it when youl That makes an effervescent drink. Ary once. © ie Jad Salts are made from the aeids | Ask your druggist for Jad Salts foe of grape and lemon, plus lithia ete. |day. Right after bréakfast comes com- J AD S AITS plete relief. The poisons and wastes are eliminated. That which depresses, charities absolutely need considers ably more money this year than 5 that which makes you unfit is gone. ever did before in all their born to carry on their essential works mercy. 4 A TRAGIC DEATH. Daughter of Former Ramsay Farmer is Killed. The sad news has been received of the tragic death of MTes Grace Drum- mond at Winnipeg, fourth daughter of the late Mr, Matthew and Nts. Drummond, formerly of Ramsdy. The young lady, a trained nurse, was on her way to take charge of a sick woman and it was while travelling with the husband that the accident | occurred. The motor car in which they were took fire and stalled on a and Miss Drufimond, who was very badly burted about the face and shoulders died in the