WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1025 RE # er DAILY B ' : RITISH WHIG Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY # bus sad taxi, buggies snd saddle Nr, 'Bus for Cataraqui Cemetery Wednesdays and Sundays at 3 truck for moving. KINGSTON TRANSFER CO. 153 WELLINGTON STREET Moves Freight, Steel, Building Equip- ment, Machinery, Safes, Planos, etc. | MONEY LOANED AGAINST MORTGAGES Evenings Phones 377. Desirable Brick Nine Room House. Very central location. Immediate possession, $40.00 per month. GENERAL INSURANCE ¥ire, Auto, Plate Glass, Burglary, Liability, Baggage. / Guarantee Bonds. Agent Great West Life Assurance Company. R. H. Waddell 86 BROCK STREET Telephones 326 and Sve. mm . Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing ard Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. 'PHONE 134. 2281. Phone 256. Virginia Stove and Nut ...$16.00 Virginia Pea Pocahontas, good quality, $12.00 0 earioad Kentucky Coal just are A aa be sold at . $12.00 tom Aylsworth Bros. Or 'Phone U. R. Knight, 1795.w. SOLD BY V. R. McRae & Co. At Your Finger Tips alty, Full First Quality, Suantiy, CALL when in need of Coal and let us demonstrate the ex- cellent quality of our coal our full weights and quick ser- vice. BOOTH & CO. Phone: 183. Grove Inn Yard WATTS, Florist 182 Wellington Street When you want the best fn Cut Flowers, Plants or design work call WATTS', 1768 Store, 1197 residence. Member of Florist Tefdgra Delivery for Kingston Disteice. Your out-of-town orders soe COAL | Asthma, if you are d yond h nd f And She Felt Tired and Depressed Mrs. M. Siefert, Grosswerder, Sask writes: -- 'I was greatly disturbed and ressed most of the time. One day I read about Milburn's PiLLS: and the Bext time I went to town 1 | bought four vials of them. I have used them regularly, and | after two months' use I feel like am | entirely different woman. Now, I always recommend them to any of my friends who are troubled ts I was."' There's only one "LaxaLiver | Pill", and that's the one put up, for the past 32 years, by The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ---------------- oS WITH CUTICURA | DR. J. C.W. BROOM wo weaaneol Surggon Evenings by appointment. DR W.A JONES Wellbrock Offices, 150 Wellington St. Telephone 1714. X-Ray and Physio Therapy Office open from § am. to § ha. Also ¥, Thursday and Satur. day evenings by appointment. DR. RUPERT P. MILIAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street. 'Phose 1530 'Her Liver Was Bad | Cit. | News From District Places with Paina in my liver, and felt tired * THE | [EVERYBODY HAPPY | O0T AT NORTEBROOK 4 (8leighing, Skiing and Tobog- LAXA-LIVER | ganing----Foxes and Race coons Reported Plentiful. Northbrook, Nov. 30.--Roads are in fine condition for sleighs, motors or wheels. 8. G. Both motored to Renfrew for the week-end, return- ing to-day to the Ore Chimney mines. Mrs. Sanford Thompson visited Mrs. E. Godfrey last week. Trappers are reporting good success. Foxes and raccoons seem plentiful. Toboggans and skis are in demand again and Joyous evenings are spent by young and old. J. L. Lloyd is home after a week in the Bannockburn district on busi- ness. John Both, of Kingston, is spending the winter with his brother William. An eye specialists has been making local calls and causing the blind to see. The people are -pleased to have teleph connections with Harlowe and trust the men will complete put- ting the line in comdition. John Flake, of Plevna, purchased the heavy draft team from the Cobalt Frontenac Mining Company. Mr. Aubrey Bern lost his valuable cattle dog while driving a herd near Tweed. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Thomp- son spent Sunday at William Thomp- son's, Harlowe. Many attended the dance in Flinton hall, Friday night. A. E. Fletcher is in Hamilton attend- ing an Ore Chimney mine directors' meeting. Born, Nov. 22nd, to Mr. and ¥rs. Austin Boomhour, a son. The dance at Mr. Guess Ellis' was well attended. Christopher Woodcock is in very poor health and his many friends fear for his recovery since he is now over one hundred and thirteen years Sy a Een AP INTHRNST | For Asthma During Winter | That ffer with those tarrible Asthma when it is cold | and p; if you choke as if each asp for brea the very last, onl fail to Seng at once to the Frontier Asthma Co, for a free trial f their remarkable meéthod. No ou live or whether i in any remedy un, send for this free ou have sufféred for a life- tri what you thought es best skill known to most. terrible a i attacks of 0 the o Send free trial of your method to: of age. Mrs. Boren, of Kingston, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Charles Ruttan. A few friends of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Fox, including Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Thompson, Mrs. J. L. Lloyd, Mrs. Mayfield and Mrs. C. Cassada spent Thursday evening énjoying the radio. A number of car radiators have been destroyed by leaving water in these cold nights. Water has been causing considerable trouble at the four hundred and fifty foot level at the Ore Chimney mine shaft, since they opened the rich ore bearing vein on that drift. -------- Entertained Ladies' Aid. Maple Grove, Nov. 30.--A large number from here attended the tea meeting at Sand Hill. Alexander McLean has returned home after spending a few days in Ottawa in connection with the poultry exhibi- tion there. On Thursday the Ladies' Ald motored to Lansdowne and spent the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Myron A. Kyes. The members were delightfully entertained after the regular business meeting. It was decided to hold_a social evening in the form of a masquerade at the home of Mrs. James Bell this week. The hostess then served lurch and a pleasant halt hour was spent over the tea. cups. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dempster spent Sunday at James Thompson's; Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Abrams at Osburn Abrams'. Our Annual Sale! Men's and Boys' OVERCOATS 20% 18 now in full swing. All sales for cash. || Prevost's Used Lumber and Iron now in stock 1 pe ave arte Summ trons Est'd 1871. B58 Brock Street Death of a Resident. Hartington, Nov. '30.--Mr. Loyst, Br., passed away this morning at the home of George Brown. His daugh- ter was in attendance for several days. She was sent for as soon as he was taken fll. He was in his eighty-third year. Gordon Babcock has gone to Niagara Falls, N.Y. Mrs. Daniel Freeman is visiting in Kemptville for a couple of weeks. Keitha Moore is visiting at Wilton. The children are all back at school after the measles; no new cases. The Sunday school is practicing for OBristmas. The monthly meeting of the Women's Iostitute was held at Mrs. Earl Leonard's. The Women's Missionary Society met at Miss Min- nie Campsall's. GENUINE ASPIRIN PROVED SAFE Take without Fear as Told i v MUCH REGRETTED DEATH. Simon McHolland, Newburgh, Found On the Roadside, Newburgh, Nov. 30. --The people of this place were shocked to hear of the sudden death of Simon Me- Holland. He was returiiag with a load of hay from his farm, two miles north of the village, when he was found lying by the roadside in an unconscious condition. He was brought to Dr. Mounce's office, where he soon passed away. It is thought that he fell from the load in a faint- ing spell. ~ The funeral took place on Saturday at the Anglican church, Rev. Mr. Spencer conducting the service. Two brothers remain, Wil- liam, of this place, and James, Pet- erboro. Sleighing is quite good and" some are enjoying the early sleigh drives. The cheese factory closed today af- ter a very successful year. Many of the farmers wanted to have thelr milk run on for a while, but the cold weather caused the pipes to freeze. Ad A Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wartman are entertaining Mr. Wartman's Sunday school class tonight. Te Young People's League in the United church on Monday night. Frank Wales shipped two car loads of cat- tle, on Friday, to Toronto. IS SHOWING IMPROVEMENT. Vern Windover, Selby, Is in King- ston Hospital. Selby, Nov. 30.--The League in- tends giving a debate on Friday night. V¥rn Windover, who is cri- tically ill in the General Hospital, Kingston, we are glad to report is better at time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. D. McCutcheon and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Amey spent last Tuegday in Kingston. Mrs. D. Mec- Kim spent a few days last week in Napanee. The cheese factory closed here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Edgar spent Sunday at R. Dougan's, Newburgh. The remains of the late Mrs. McFarline were laid to rest in the cemetery here on Thursday last. Miss F. Ballance spent some time at Madoc, with her sister, Mrs, Aylsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson at I. Anderson's; J. Richmond at G. Richmond's; Miss Hudgin at D. Denison's; Mr. and Mrs. Booth and son at J. B. Hudgins. ------------------------------ At Oso Station. Oso Station, Dec. 1.----The récent snow storm has made the roads very good for sleighs. The dance held in the hall on Thursday night was a great success. The young people here 'have organized a young peo- ple's club, and -are -holding meéet- ings every Friday night in the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Bourk and daughter, Doris, spent Sunday afternoon at Joseph Warren. Mr. and Mrs. George Dart and daughter, Frances, are visiting at William Conboy's. The young people are practicing for a concert to be held on Dec. 22nd. Mr, Sam Swain, of Glenvale, spent a few days with friends here. Mr. Alex McVeigh spent a few days last week in Kingston. Mr. Joseph A. Bourk has 'Purchased a Ford car. Mr. Hil- yard Bourk has returned to Roches- ter, after spending a few weeks with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bourk spent Sunday afternbon at Joseph Warren's, Miss Laura Con- boy and Miss Margaret Sheridan spent Sunday at William Conboy's. WILL SERVE TEA IN JUNGLE VARKER FACTORY RUNNING FULL TINE Good Supply of Water Report ed. in the Napanee River. Yarker, Dec. 2.--The factory 1s receiving ofders and is running full time. The public school scholars are practicing for a concert to be given in the near future. Quite a number of farmers are bolding their potatoes until spring. 8. Winter is building a new ice house. The Ladies' Aid well deserve the thanks of Yarker people in thelr meeting all expenses of the new hall here. The hall was extended twenty- four feet. Mrs. Charles has gone to Kingston for the winter. Coke is coming into general use here. The Napanee river has now a plentiful supply of water, and is running well over the dams. Mrs. F. C. Benjamin, of Good- water, Sask., will winter here. J. C. Connolly will leave on an extended visit to Florida. J. Tweed- Sooner or later you will burn Coke. Why not start now ? Our large nut Solvay Coke is the cleanest fuel we ever handled Price now $14.00 ton FURNACE COKE, the large pieces require to be broken. Price $12.00 ton MORE HEAT, AT LESS COST S. ANGLIN CO, LIMITED working Factory, Lumber Y. Coal Bins BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571 A Bank of Toronto Savings Account confers a banking connec: tion in which courteous i dell of Kingston will go with him. William Dunn of Oronto, spent a few days in Yarker. The remains of the late Mrs. Wil- liam Simpkins were laid to rest "in Yarker cemetery Saturday last. Clitford Redden and wife met with an accident while driving to does its part in setting the feet of the recipient upon the road which leads to success. ! To members of your , sisters, brothers, nephews, nieces, i gee of ! Yarker, which might have resulted seriously to both of them, They were in a cutter and in a narrow part of the road. The wheel of the buggy caught the side of the cutter, and overturned it. The horse bolted to run, but Mr. Redden held the reins and ran the animal into the fence. Mr. and Mrs. Redden escaped being injured, but the cutter was dam- aged. . One birth, one wedding and one time. The wife of Mr. Fred Snider, a son. Ruby Lakens and Ernest Love- lock were united in marriage. Mrs. William Simpkins died .at the resi- dence of her son here. F. R. Winter returned to neapolis. John Winter returned to turned to Toronto. Mr. M. Foster is still confined to his home owing to illness. The League Hall is now completed and is open for entertainments. The first will be held on Friday, Dec. 4th. Married at Moscow. Moscow, Nov. 30.--At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Darling, on Wednesday, Nov. 25th, a quiet wed- ding took place when their youngest daughter, Carmaletta Maude, be- came the bride of Mr. Trevor C. | BRANCHES: death occurred hére in a few day's | Min- |} Carroll, Man. Mrs. R. J. Skinner re- |i "BANK<TORONTO KINGSTON--C. P. Borland, manager. LANSDOWNE---F. W. B. Fitsgerald. LYNDHURST--F. A. Maples. USIC STUDIOS 258 King Street Piano and Theory H. 8. Packer, A. T.OM. Violin, Ukelele, Piano ++. .Mignon Teligmann, Res. Phone 1206-w. Vocal Sight Singing "oa Ye iennee KINGSTON M Kirkpatrick's PICTURES That make suitable gifts and our framing is exclusive, Aes mpt delivery. TELEPHONES 452 and 1318-J. and Exte a ro relieved o= THOMAS ECLE CTRIC Armstrong, son éf Mr. and Mrs. C. Armstrong, Vars, Ont. Rev. G. T. McKentle conducted the ceremony. The bride wore her travelling dress of brown charmeen relieved with touches of sand flat crepe, and car- ried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and baby's breath. Only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present. After a dainty lunch- eon, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong left for a short trip by motor to Tbronto ahd Oshawa before going to their home at Vars, Ont. Friends from a distance included Miss Innes Arm- ~< EER WIRE FRAMES We have just received a shipment of Wire Frames in all the latest designs. Made strong, Vars, and Mr. P. Armstrong, Carleton Place. SA A Ais of the best steel wire. Make your own new I. W. NEWNAN ELECTRIC C0. EECHAM'S > PILLS « Or Sick Headaches IRS ION EN ToT." VL - Premier. Mussolini, of Italy, has| Wireless Inquiry in Great Britain protested alleged attack on Fasclsti|in January will recommend national- by Serb Cabinet members. ization of wireless A A mother and daughter were Major O. Stewart, British ace, in burned to death when fire destroyed | his new book, predicts that sero- their home at Altoona, Pa. | planes will carry neavy artillery. SN ---- ER -- That Find a Place in Every Home BEAUTIFUL CHINA, ARE WARE, | CROCKERY