. 7 The Whig's Classifieds Page Is a Public Forum an --_-- PETERS CASE BEING HEARD BEFORE JURY (Continued from Page 1) men who was in thé.car. The girl's body was lying eight feet from the * eorner of the curb on Wellington street, and eigh§ feet south of Place @'Armes. He measured on the night of the accident the exact position the body was in. He was the first per- son to reach the body. - At 10.30 o'clock on the night of the accident he traded the tracks of fhe motor ear. The brakes had been applied at the water fountain about sixty feet past the scene of the accident. Standing on Corner. Ivey Roach, a friend of the late Florence Timms, was standing on the corner of Place 4' Armes and Wellington street, when the acel- dent happened. He was about eight feet from Florence Timms, when the latter was hit. Florence Timms was slowing down to get off the bicycle. The front right wheel, that is the one nearest the curb, passed over Florence Timms' head. The witness had been attracted to the car before the accident, by reason of the fast speed of the car. The horse and buggy were on Place 4' Armes street, when the accident happened. Cross-examined, the witness ad- mitted that Florence Timms had said that she had not ridden a bicycle before the afternoon of the accident. The witness could not say whether or not Florence Timms let go the handle bars and fell off the bicycle. ; Miss Marjorie Sudds was on her way to a store on the west side of Wellington street. Miss Sudds stop- ped and watched Florence Timms be- canse Florence Timms was coming 80 fast and was hollering. She was wobbling all over the road, but she did not fall off the bicycle. Nothing onal attracted the witness' atten- on to the automobile. "When I first saw her she was hollering that she couldn't stop. She was talking to Ivey Roach I think." "I didn't hear her scream, when the car was upon her." Before and after hitting the bicycle the car was going fast, said the witness. Miss Sudds said the horse and buggy was just comimg round the corner, and in order to avoid hitting the horse and buggy, she turned to the left in front of the motor car, which was behind her. The witness said that she belleved that if the horse and buggy had not been there that Florence Timms would not have turned to the 'Ist. 2 ------ : Car H » Mr. Willlam Halliday sald he was 20ing north on Wellington street on the night of the accident. He was attracted to the car by its excessive i The oar was going over en miles an hour. oward Dick, City Engineer, was d to give evidence as to certain measurements made at the scene of the + It 187145 fet from Place @" Armes to the C.N.R. freight sheds and Wellington street is 36 feet sald the witness. Weir, an eye witness of the accident, testified that his attention. Was attracted to Peter's car by the . Bpeed &t which it was travelling. He thought it was going faster than 'twenty-five milés an hour. Weir said he thought that the automobile tried to go between the horse and buggy and the curb. If the automobile had jad way it would buggy. DEATHS. TODD-In Kingston, on December 10th, 1925, James Todd, 124 Lower Bagot | Street, formerly of Brewer's Mills. | Funeral notice later, CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. J. W. Ansley wighes to thank her | many relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and thy shown her during her recent befeavement in death of her husband. mi - Ar AA Ay KINGATON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING A asain Lh a we pro classification, - an 0 Peg aiar ily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Daily rete per line or consecutive Thanks, Notices--Charged, each insertion. and Memoriam 1.60; cash, § 100 Advertising ordered for Irregular Insertivna takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines Guunt Six average words to the Charged ads. apo Je fossived > ephone and a e Brit- ish Ww Within 6 days from Mf Jusertior, cash rate ordered for more than one da; opped before expiratio only charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjuast- ment made at the rate earned. Rate per Une for white space is Lhe same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. or shure reserve the right to edit or reject all classified Advertising 98%. ' Telephone 243; ask for & want ad taker. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 577. 230 Princess Street M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME: 40. COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1839. er and Kmbalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Fhone 699 UNDER. XN BALMER AND KM PARLURS--Syd am, Yarker, Verona, And Rsiterses. Ambulance 'phone 35. Lost and Found 1 Doon ¥-- Found, on Lower Bagot Street. ner can have same &t 108 Lower Bagot Street ets ttt ce ees FEMALE HOUND -- Black and white, tan chead, found In Miller township. Owner may have same by applying to H. Elking:on, Plevna, Ontario. GOLD BROOCH--Found; last Saturday. Owner niay have same at Laura Secord Candy 8hop, Princess Street. GLOYB--Found. near British American e Owner may have same at Whig GOLD WRIST WATCH ~=-Jaady's, lost, with initials S.G.D, on Wednesday morning, on Lansdowne, Stanley, Divi Slou or Pine Streets. Reward if re- turned to Whig Office. Sm t-- {LBATHER GAUNTLET -. Found, on Princess Street, on VFriday morning. Owner may have same at 37 Cherry Street, or phone 2070-3. . - LADIES SILK SCARF-Found, in Capl- tol Theatre, Sacurday night. Apply Box Cfice, Capitol Theatre. ee sete X «= Lost, between Quebec and Ton oats Stress 32, Pirialon, E 0 L100, one . and one 'Phone 2692-J. Reward for Ta MOTOR LIOBNSE--Found, on Batt raea Owner may have same at the ig Office. PURSE «. Containi found, in Jarvie' confectionery store. Princess street. fer may have Same at Jervis' Store, 619 Princess St. ROSARY «. Black, with gold {; With "Helen" engraved inside, Tost. pe tween Princess and Colborne Streets. nder please retuen to 8 Ellis Street. Suk op MonEY u on turday morn! Say have same at 450 From The First Stage From On the 1st of January, 1818, the first stage between Montreal and Kingston wis established by Barna- bas Dickinson. Covered sleighs left Samuel Hedge's, in St. Paul street, Montreal, and Robert = Walker's ning sum of money, |S GEE RiM-\-NgE CKTFIGH! «115 Nour BALL AR' CHAIR E << 0 LONG, + Me For Porte | : WEST, ~~ TIL oPEND WH "TOM KELLY 1 GAY,» ARE N'GURE Now 1 WONT LAND i | on NO SAVLIGHT © ® . -/. -------------------------------------------- TURKEYS---Wanted. Call at 31 Brock Street for prices. J. F. Cramer, Tele- phone 585~J or 1217-F. Help Wanted Male Help Wanted 2 A RELIABLE MAN--Wanted in King- ston to represent well established firm dealing In large line of household ne- cessities. opening. ox C1, 'Whig Office. use two men les work; experience not necessary; we train you; steady job; excellent re- numeration. Apply after seven this evening or 10 to 12 Friday morning. 0. BE. Curtis, Room 20, Randolph Hote! WANTED tional ability Man of exce, to learn our business and later manage this viein- * umber of Men 1% a jn Shia vie Ye Pply after T o'clock, E. W. Joy; Randolph Hotel. 2 Female Help Wanted 8 a wim etme et COOK GENERA L--No washing or {ron ing. Apply 61 West Street. Agents Wanted. MAN OR WOMAN-Per' for next year. Man or woman to travel and appoint local representatives. $1092 yearly guaranteed. (321 weekly average), and expenses. Experience unnecessary. May earn $75 to $100 be- fore Christmas working spare or full time. For particulars write Winston Co., Torofito. SALESMEN-We offer steady employ- pay weekly to Sol] our Ron ? te 8nd exclu lines of guaran teed quality, t, fresh.dug- to ts. Attractive, ee as full open - i money- opportunity. Luke Brothers Nu es, Montreal. "Teachers Wanted 5 YDENHAM--Teacher wanted for 8 No. 3, Lou 1 a&nent position Xk! 8. boro, experienced; second professional. Interme- Duties. to begin Januar, Applications received until RE ihatte, Sus Barra Y 10 Ross G. Guess, Becretary, Syd- Senha Ot. Wa == Teacher, female, holding And vertificate "for School Section 8 Township of Olden. Apply, staing experience to JF h Treas. 8. Bec. No. =r do washing at y work out. Apply WASHING---Woman will home or will do' da; 18 Stephen Street, OUR BOARDING HOUSE = " f I: » GH-H- HH CHIMMN EY THAT 16 WARM J ET ee GREKXT CAEGAR, HARVEY, «+ BE QUIET, AND RORRY | we MW REST OF 00 Nias d FIND A "10 PRESS BY AND DONT STR UNTIL 1 cou 7 == EGAD!~ WHAT IN -THuNDERATOY | \S THAT WPERMAL A ll RACKET AT-MiG jj ime ox Wawt = | ly" «+ \WN0'G "THERE 2+ { SPEAK UPle OW ww 16 "THAT Nou MPEARZ MY WORD, = DISTURBING ME OUT OF A FAGT GLEER «JUST A MINUTE UNTIL I FIND MN SLIPPERSY r J - - -- SE -- VAI wa "ME vovo's 1s RECEPTION, A DIGHPAN OF, WATER, «a Real Estate For Rent Business Flaces teats es LARGE STORE---18¢ Princess » street, double front, rear entrance with six- room dwelling over store. Co., Ontario street. Cohen & Houses ee eer ee ees DWELLING On Princess Street, over Miss MoCullough's store; nex: to Capi- Possession at once. & tol Theatre. Ply to C. Livingston rock Street. i rot, i Nb ---- HOUSE... § rooms, electric light, rent Jr.00, on Cowdy street; small " rooms, water and todlet; rent $10.00, on Stanley street; Also house on Mont- 'Phone 730-w. HOUSE--Corner Colborne and Syden- coms, 269 Rideau St. et, 6 rooms; all real street. Apply Patrick Street. ham streets, 7 rooms; 61 Queen strb provements each. Apply 185 Queen 'Phone 988-w. HOUSE pooms, 3 piece bath, 1 lights, good Raglan Road. $30.00--560 Princess Stree, from oars; 6 and cellar, electric 562 Princess Street. iin dian NEW HOUSE--Birch Avenues, Pijted; 7 rooms; and one Herbeck Avenue, just eon rooms. Apply to E. Nelson street. eed. i ee HOUSE--Seven roomed brick house, Queen street, all modern conveniences. Apply The Weber Piano Co, Ltd. 207b. DIVISION STREET--Frame, six rooms, 3-plege bath, Kae. 4 30.00. a AR w floors, furnace, 1336-m: Rooms te teem ROOMS-Two Or. three, furnished for no ehildren; conveniences; use of phone: Rent rea~ Coll Ap~ Hght housekeeping; 0d siables and garages at "Tear, for sale or to rent. Apply 171 rooms and bath, tric and ges. Apply at sonable, near Busihess ply 19 Ellis Street. ONE -FRONT DOUBLE ROOM w= Al single poom; central for either students or bus Apply 'phone 1128 or Box H-8, re Real Estate For Sale small Houses J. B. CUNNI Insifhnge an 79 Clarence Street Trumpour, 2:0 pans, 2: Apply L Ap- Bro., 75-79 house, Norman, 63 ships. Write or call ectrio 1 minute attic ~ just com Ww house, leted; 7 aden, 1237 Miscellaneous Prices are very low. 138] Princess Street. £ CHRISTMAS P ht, hard- 'Phone | Paid. FIREPLACE Quards of orks. Plaiing in Copper. 'Phone 280. HEAVEN AND HELL FE; 10 all oge. J Only 26¢. postpaid. A nd ONE DROP CENTRE Suitable (New). 'Apply ness peo p= Nelson 'street. oLD 31.00. a8 ristmas. * Street. Postpaid, ride Euclid Ave., Toronto, Ontasi MARINE ARTICLES Highest cash prices paid for old fashjoned Figureheads, ship models and any other curious articles from old square rigged N. GROSSMAN Raadolph Hotel, -~ ___ Articles For Sale 15 A RBAL SNAP IN MEN'S OVERCOATS ~--Army Blankets, Boots, Pants, Bweat- ers, Mitts, Flannel Shirts, Breeches. A. Bhapiro, 45 HPTOS -- The ever-re- , membered gift at Christmas-dAme, § 10 enlargements, $1.00. 'Mounted $1.50. H. F. Thomson, 76 Arch Street. ost- NDERS --- Screens, all kinds at Partridge Wire Sliver, Nickel, King St. ------------ Swedenborg's great work on the life after death and & real world beyond. Over 400 pages. W. W. Law, timers A' 0 TS--From $18; Hi hy vireo in nine, yment; SUR, 12) Johnston Street. 1 ta y 96 Wellington st uart Range, Fumpou oh haw ut water front | corner a Bargain sale. Ap) Welling ply 42 ilington nal b 'mahogan , china cabinet, dress- bles ry other pieces. retains slightly used for Bt, x FRENOH AROCEL ater fA BREAD WAGO: HE. BE. Wathen, 137 'Phone; 1§81-J, PHOTOGRAPHS COPIED -- Price How about an ol friends for| Switze: Thomeon, 75 Arch b | that Ais ' Articles For Sale. Furniture 15a FURNITURE--- Antigue &nd = modern furniture #0id and bought. M. Cres or, 507 Princess Street, successors to Lesses Antique Shop. eee dir-------------- WARDROBE -- Dresser, plang bench, single iron bed and springs, coal aif hea er, piano stool, pug siuvy Apply ie University Ave., betwegn 5.00 and 00 pm. # Fuel ana ere ttt sensei FOR SALE] car Virginia Nut Coal $13.00 ton. 1 car Ken.ucky Egg $13.00, These are semi-hard and burn well in nd furnaces. 1 car Split Pea Coke, $8.00. 1 ton Virginia or Ken- tucky and 1 ton Pea $20.00. Quantities. Cartage extra. 1 car Peat $6.00 half ton. Dry mixed soft Cord- wood or slabs, $3.00 load. Dry hard Wood $4.00 load. 'Phone 2440-w. W. C. Beuton, 290 Wellington Street. HARDWOOD-<Cholce, dary. Wood, $14 cord. Mixed dry wood, 312 cord---cut im stove lengths. Also Cord~ wood $8 cord. Delivered Apply H. Webber, 261 Regent street 'Phone 1698-m. ee tists eng ---- HARDWOOD--3$3.50 and $3.75 quarter Gord; mixed wood $2.75 and $3.25; Slab wood 33.76 to $4.50, wcourding to quai- ity, rougn dressed lumber, saingles, 33.50 per thousand and up. Sawdust sold cheap. W. H. Talbot, Concestion street. Telephone 27530. STOVE WOOD--Of «ll kinds; cut stove lengths; kept under cover. Cedar kin- dling, split, $2.75 load. Phone 589. Peters & Son, corner Brock and Vies toria etreets: SWAIN'S WOOD YARD--Dry A-1 hard wood; No. 1 mixed wood slabs, $2.00. & load. 'Phone 2516-w. Sees Cleaning, your owa eciota Samples in stock. $20.00 278 bagot street. Professional 21 ------------------------------ DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER W. A Marceiis, corner of bmrrie and Prine Céss stresls. Chiropractic Adjusts ents. electric trealment and hand nu 6. X-ray service. Cogsulia« tion tree. Hours: $-13 a.m. 1-6 p.m. GV £8 by appointment. Office tule- pRune sEd-J. Kemdenoce 'phone 95i-4. LUCY Geo. I. and Jennie A. Chiro- practors, Registered Nurse, us bagoy Street. ' 'Phone 861-w. ours $-i3, 1-5, 6-71.30, Consultation tree. pra. rE CUNNINGHAM & SMITH «. Baristers ha Solsitors, ate Clarence Breet. ngston ana ham, i Cyril M. Smith, Ang ot DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and Solicitors, ¢¥ Cisrvace Siren - ston. A, BE. Day, Adrian i ar Mortgages arranged. 'Fnone 206. ---------------- MODGINS, W. Cs~Barrister, Solicitor, and AE hile ice: 38 Clarence ® ver CP. elegrapns She phone 1850. Money to oan : ---------------------- REYNOLDS, J. C--Barrister wr, $1 Brock Street. ranged om 'Phone 2609. SLA las, Barrister and Solicl- TER~Doug' tor, 79 Clarence Street. Money to loan. 'Phone 422. g W. ROBERTSON Tailor, Pressing, Repairing; meade up and Solici- 8 are City and farm uperty. feare Saperience. x. ; Nose, Bagot Street. Phone iw: sete FIRST CLASS Ha RK Atos TO ORDER -- Ladies Trane: Q mations, bobbed curl 10g, singeing, curlin, hadrons tr Sutun, Telephone 2999. a» Round Wi Bobbing and T: Hair and Scal Cur! Facial -------------- WA : The only wave you Jou san sham and EERE ving, ing, A ies CT B. Ki ; 209 Princess Street. "Phong 2015.3. Much. Every piece 1s pure carbon, best American An 18! in units and 1 heat ie 0 per Ald, Lin §--Of Fire Insurance, Al mobile, Sickness and Accident; able companies. 'Phone or call lina, 3 Couper street. + set ec ec eee ERNIE D. SLITER--Insurance Broker, All branches of insurance in ane companies of highest financial ing. 381 King Street East. 'Phones 2578-w. Res 1131. FiIRB---Automoblie and Casuslt; ave. KM. Crumley, 420 Earl 'Phone 1783-M. J. B. COOKE-Life, Fire, Accident Sickness, In reltable com trict manager Imperial Life, Offiop 508-w. Res. 1731-m. Deoor ators ---------------------------------------------------- ANDERSON, A. --Painter and or, Estimates given on large or bs. Choice stock of Wali Paper ples carried. 'Phone 1966 le ---------- w------ FAPER HANGING ~- Special choice Paper. A nicely papered room w tickle mother for a Christmas Rowley, Decorator, dependable, able. "Phone 1362-F, SIGN PAINTING--J. 415 Bagot Street and dle- 8 Robinson, rear FRONTENAC LOAN AND 1X MENT SOUIETY Incorpo i861. President, A. LD. Cartw Vice-president J. M. Farrell Mo loan on city and farm properti Yestmpn.. - Bonds bought and so posits received and interest minkmum monthly balance. t, manager, 87 C ASHES--Cleaned out of cel ards, ciean job done. x 4 Huasell Street. "Phuae 3356. STORAGE-Dead storage for cars, ox $38 Frontenac = Street. -~W. STORAGE For furniture, clean, Airy 100mg and spaces; your log. and key. Frost's Cit) YS age 20 305 Queen St. 'Phone 526. § STORAGE--Now is the time to your wheel cleaned and"tored for Winter months. Your wheel cal 'Phone Muller's Works, 371-37 Street. Ww. A 31% King 2 rt ---- Expert Pino Tuning, ' Playci-Fiano Adjusting. a 'Phone 1544. W. LINUSAY, LIMITED ern ------------. UPHOLSTERINGeeAnd &Keneral . wt. WYER NF, °F drop & gan hae ¥ id. 194 Clergy 00d. WELL DRILLING we Sani Wells drilled by modern scleatific meth A tion and prion ais w, _B Db. She Cole ---- KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND a akare of Auto 5 Lon Coupe bodies, Callfornis Top bolstering. Awnings and ta 347 King street. "Ehone 29 Writs Fire. "Automobile; cident Bick : Other lines of Insd BROC PHO & GOOD . _ REAL, GOOD } AT VERY Also a full line of FU RE. at 8 FURNITURE, Turk's Stor 'PHONE me en es rim tele ash than the We handle HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE fn Stove, snd ¥ ¢ ie ia sizes, and Buarantes every load. 3 2