and Semi-weekly by Ww WIG PUBLISHING CO., LIMITED, KINGSTON, ONT, wv. RUPERT DAVIES 'many. _@THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG justice in that. The sins of the Dual Monarchy in its days of power were Its guilt for the war was great. Its subject peoples clamored for freedom. Now, thriving states have risen from the empire's ruins, chief among them Czecho-Slovakia. Tyranny is dead, except for one Hungarian class lording it over an- other. It may perish unless it is bound up more closely with some territory feeding its business life and giving it an outlet for its energies. Austria 'is mostly German. A union with Germany would be more natural, racially and culturally, than with any part of the old Dual Mon- archy. Germany naturally would like it. Austria would compensate for Alsace. For that reason France and Italy may object. But Austria asserts her own right of choice, There may be an interesting battle fought over it in the League of Na- tions. MORE HONORS FOR CANADA. In recent years Canada has car- '| ried off so many honors at the great exhibitions in the United States for $3.00 | grain and live stock, that the prizes (Bemi-Weekly year, by mail, cash year, to United States SUT.OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: ~ YORONTO-F. W, Thompson, 100 King HEE Street West, Toronto. MONTREAL--F, Calder, 21 St. John FEW YORK -- Ingraham-Powers, Inc. 880 Madison Avenue. 10 UHICA GO. 'owers, Inc. South La Street. : plotters to the Editor are published he! over actonl same of the The circulation of The British Whig : ES niaiiticated hy the Audie Bureau of APPROPRIATIONS FOR HEALTH. { Toronto 1s a healthier city than Montreal because it spends more gmoney to make it so, Toronto's j th record is shown by official figures to be much superior to that of Montreal, which justifies the con- ~ glusion that public health can be 'bought, that it is possible by wise 'methods and sometimes at consid- 'erable expense to bring about better wonditions and a healthier commun- | Toronto spends $6.42 per capita for health and sanitation, and $2.83 per capita for parks, athletic grounds, civic rinks, toboggan slides, ete. In face of its low death mate, {ts small percentage of juvenile de- g lnquency and its good record in re- 8 are to crime, it would be difficult 10 say that Toronto is on the wrong path in the expenditure of over $9 per capita each year to protect the health of its citizens and supply them With ample opportunities for exer- cise and recreation. PO WE LACK CIVIC SPIRIT ? ° About the hardest task, confronts ing men concerned in public service, is to get the general mass enthusias- tic over propositions that will do good to the community and bring glory also for progressiveness. To about successful work the help of all the dwellers is essential. Op- portunities arise and if the people not alert they pass on--Ilikely some other place, for you know Aggressive persons are quick and Sager to entice good things to thefr x And this lack of spirit is some- charged against Kingston. It men Of earnestness, men of de- to elvie orésts, but it has reat body of men who are looking at 'the advantages they can 'and the city and its wider in- r ¢an go hang. The need fs a spirit of enterprise progressiveness, a loyalty to the development, an appreciation the worth of Kingston and an effort to make it a eity of of industry, of healthful- and of high moral life. Lack . The city has organizations the furtherance of its best in- Are you a member, are you id? The Board of Trade, 200 | tion have almost ceased to attract atten- Year after year, with only a rare interruption, the Dominion car- ried off the prise for the beit wheat, and hds done well in other grains and various classes of live stock. This year at the National Dairy Ex. hibition, recently held at Indianapo- lis, a Canadian cow carried off fhe honor of being named the senior and grand champion Holstein. The win- ner of this prize Is known a8 "Belle Calamity Wayne," owned by Messrs. Haley and Lee, well-known breeders of prize cattle. More than 100 breeding establishments from thirty: one States of the Union and five Canadian provinces sent their chole- est stock to compete for the honors so that it can be seen at a glance thay the prize was a valuable one. The importance of the dairying industry to Canada is so great, says the Brant- ford Expositor, that every year more emphasis is being placed upon high class products. If the industry is fo take the place to which it is justly entitled in the markets of the world, it will have to be built up on high class dairy stock. ------------ NOMAD CHILDREN. Another pitiful story comes from Russia. There aré 100,000 homeless children roaming the Ukraine. Twenty thousand of them have no food or means of any kind except what they can pick up or collect from charitable folk. All over Rus- sla the child vagrant problem grows serious. Homeless boys and girls are said to "haunt the streets of every large city like little wolves." The government finds the problem almost beyond its resources. It sseks & partial remedy by imposing a new tax on vodks, to pay for food and shelter for the little vagrants. Any economic disaster falls heave fest on the children, but this is worse than usual. It Bolshevism is fairly chargeable with it, here is a new indictment of Bolshevism --now mils querading as Commutiism. Er ---------- STEAM POWER IS GOING OUT. -------- The steam engine Is passing out, after over ome hundred ahd fifty years of domination In industrial clroled. It has wonderfully greased the productive capacity of hations, but now it is making its last stand. Near the places where On land trans- portation is being rapidly handled by hydro power. The steam lbcomo- tive is giving place to the electric machine, It will cost the rallways big money to. make the change, but it is bound to come, in fact is already at our doors. On the seas the motor ship is driven by cheap, 'heavy ofls. in place of the thing to the real book lover, remarks the Oswego, N.Y., Palladium-Times, who. sometimes reads a book first by borrowing it from a circulating library or from a. friend's library table and then buys it for himself to re-read as often as he wishes. There are more new books com- ing out all the time nowadays than a single reader can keep up with. And, as Winston Churchill says, many of them cost too much. The fact that an August success is un- known in December certainly seems to indicate that it was of ephemeral interest. And if the reviewers who first sang its praises can not recall it at all, was it worth the reading, or the publishing, or the writing? EDITORIAL NOTES. Old London has issued a slogan tor autolsts: "Life is short; don't make it shorter!" Poor old Jiggs. He is anxious about Christmas, Watch the devel- opments in The Whig's comic strip! The King has added a garter to the immaculate dress of Sir Austen Ohamberlain. And he wears it on his chest, A former hostler is to be the shah of Persia. He is a good driver and very competent to hold the reins of office. ---- Teaching mathematics has no lure for Bamonn de Valera now that he has the boundary settlement to agi- tate against. The shortest day of the yéar comes on December 21st. In a finan- clal way, however, it is the day af- ter Christmas. They perhaps call it Christmas tide because so many poor fish are left stranded on the rocks and yet without "rotks." The UF.0. are to remain in poli- tics, but for what purpose it is not told. They are not making many members for parliament. The Peterboro Examiner 1» bold eflough to say that "The only experts Ontario cities and towns elect are experts in getting elected." "It is more blessed to give than to recelve"'--and especially blessed to give those from whom nothing can possibly be received but gratitude. An aged Oxford professor says that one of the secrets of living long is to look at pretty girls. This is why Kingston men have such long and happy lives. A-- Sault Ste. Marie meén have been fined for getting too many liquor prescriptions. Under the O. T. A. it is not always safé to drink even on doctor's orders. | ---------- The Bt. Thomas Times-Journal (thinks if the winter is as cold as predicted then some women will have to seek shelter for at least their southern extremities. Goloshes and woollens will be serviceable. A Montreal man recently got a stiff sentence for dog.. There is sometimes justifica- tion for the French cynic's observa- tion: "The more I see of men the better I like doge. " ; "The greatést outrage ever com- mitted on tha Irish people," said Valera after reading the terms made with the north and south Irish gov ernments. Valera is about the big. got nuisance Ireland ever had. Compulsory Toting 1 with a atift fine has been suggested as the remedy for indiffersnce In voting. But it won't alp much fof a man dr woman who doesn't want to vote can tead- ily 'spoil the ballot given them. he ---- An aged Pennsylvania banker, for- merly a multi-millionaire, was con- victed recently of the theft of $600, 1000 trom the trust company of which} he was president, and he may hot be out of jail before Christmas. <I 3. A. Grisable, deputy Mintster of agriculture at Ottawa, and in of-| ill-trenting his Be : uy News od Views. Smashing the Ring. Detroit Free Press: The biggest liquor ring has been smashed again in New York. It will either be weld- ed together again or a bigger 'one formed. Are Sitting Tight. Toronto Globe:If a general cone clusion can be drawn from the re- sults of the voting pn by-laws in the municipal electio throughout the Province this week, it is that "the people are scrutinizing public ex- penditures pretty closely. Out of twenty by-laws submitted in thirteen municipalities only nine involving public expense were approved. Stung. Los Angeles Times: A man writes & bee-keeper and asks why people get stung. The bee-keeper says that bees are more inclined to sting on cloudy days and are more amiable on good days. There is more nectar in sunshiny weather. Evidently a hee is happier after breakfast also. There is considerable humén nature in & dee. But you never can tell-- some times men get stung because things are too bright and rosy. { Farmers Are Just Folks, Bowmanville News: Funny chaps some of those agriculturists, To- day some of them are chasing up all sorts of back alleys because they didn't hang on for a few weeks in- stead of giving their potatoes away. Dreadful when you come to think of it! Just the same, we are not find- ing fault. Buy where you cam buy the cheapest and sell when and where yoh can get the best going. They all do it, so why not the farm- er? Loss to Rural Areas. Orillia Packet: While there is much to be said against the motor car as a source of rural decay, in our opinion it does not for a moment compare with the disastrous effects of the concentration of business in the great department stores in the cities, which has robbed the villages and small towns of the enterprising men who in the past were the main- stay of these communities in their generous support of local interests. Daily Editions. Woodstock Sentinel-Review: Four clergymen of different oreeds co- operated recently in getting out an edition of a Minneapolis paper just to show what a newspaper ought to be. The result was, no doubt, an in- teresting object lesson. Regular newspaper people, however are com- pelled to get out editions every day, and to get out editions that will earn money to pay salaries and other run- ning expenses. They have to think of not only what a newspaper ought to be but of what a newspaper can be, not: only for aay hut from day to day and under all circumstances. On Maritime Rights. St. John Telegraph-Journal: ly have done of late, generous and many Canadian newspapers of the reasonable character of Maritime claims and the necessity for their consideration by parliament. Our fellow-Canadians, as they learn more about us, will soon realize that, in placing our case before the country ructive action here at home, In may be supplemented by united apd lines, oy : Wit and Hamor ---- | ing a man you didn't know?" "Knowing a man you didn't kiss!" -----Renver Parrakeet. ho A Choice, Fond Mother: Harold's been hurt at. football. Oh, dear, dear! What does the telegram say? I have it set, Greek or Roman?-- Passing Show. . t. Teacher: What is & synonym? Bright Boy: It's.a word you can use in place of another word when | you don't know how to spell the other one.~--Answers. As Englishan Yok 4b Amarin to see "Hamlet." Honest. "Yesterday, Max and 1 found a containing ore ponte hope you were Sbant "ON yés. We have half 'sachi"-- 1t is | a pleastire to record, as we frequent- i growing recognition on the part of i at large, we have by no means for fl gotten the need for resolute and con- |! der that more just and generous || federal policies affecting our welfare || progressive local effort along: many || "What, could be worse than kiss- || Alfred: NOB broken. How shall [4 STORE OPEN EVENINGS FRIDAY AND UNTIL . CHRISTMAS TRY BIBBY'S For His Christmas Gift and we will promise you that he will be more than delighted with your gift. Everything here. STORE. OPEN ' EVENINGS FRIDAY AND UNTIL CHRISTMAS BLUE SUITS new models, See Bibby's Special $25.00 Blue Suits Tuxedo Suits $35 and $45. With fancy initial buckle $1.00 to $3.50 Genuine Salts Majes- tic Blue Suits in the $30, $35, $40 etait betes HICKOK BELTS Genuine Leather Club Bags Wardrobe and Steamer Trunks Church's English Oxfords and Brogues Borsalino and Moore's Hats Genuine Tobralco Gnuine English Broadcloth Shirts Stanfield's Silk and * Stevenson Irish and Silk and Wool Shirts Stanfield's Pure Wool Underwear Wool Underwear Pure Wool Hose J Hose Our Suit and Overcoat Sale is in full swing, FOR THE BEST Overcoat Values IN KINGSTON TRY BIBBY'S FOUR BIG SPECIALS $14.75, $19.75, $25.00, $30.00 Christmas Cards Christmas Concert Bills The British Window Cards Dance Programmes Tickets Announcements Printing for Rural School and Church Con- certs promptly attendedto. - - . =. . 'PHONE 2614. Printing Department CHRISTMAS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS Whig Job i The Yorkshire Yorkabies sip Shoo] ning. "rss 1a oo alee dish served to y us, om or eet mi a ebok, susan 1. Not place your order ? WHERE You can get prompt service and | best quality at lowest prices, and HOW -- Can you do better than com municate with Crawford | PHONE o. THE HOME OF GOOD COAL ful. Drop In and hare o look, Jas. REDDEN & CO. | PHONES 20 and $90, Bats b saw 'Hamlet' in New York tour years | : 450." --Tit-Bits. i t Frerch. Ivory Toilet Waters, Bath Salts IVORY our stock is ve ices are most at! IN PRENOH n-piece sels from the best French, in all the new odors. , Perfumes, | Jarge and beautiful ive. To be had in or in separate pieces. American and English | 2