Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Dec 1925, p. 7

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_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG celebration of the centenary. He re- a ------ LUNCHEON IN HONOR 4 ferred to the pride in the history of Shi St. George's going back 136 years. irts OF THE CONSECRATION He also referred to the starting of the work by the late Dean Buxton sn Smith and paid great tribute to his Touching References Made to worth. He thanked heartily the « women's organizations which had the Coming Departure of worked so hard, and said that a debt Bishop Bidwell. of gratitude was owed them. He also Pl . ' « -------- thanked the bishops for their attend- tow am and fancy Striped Shirts -- a Ser The luncheon held in St. George's | ance, the clergy, the lay people, the . . . Hall on Thursday afternoon in honor | press and all who had helped. : viceable gift. Price $2.50 to $5.00. of the consecration of St. George's Professor P. G. C. Campbell de- : SANTA CLAUS will visit Cathedral was a very successfyl and | clared that nothing that had been Se u . 1 S are this block, known as the TIES--Cut Silk--price .... 31.0010 $3.00 enjoyable affair, many learned and [said of the work of the congregation Christmas Shopping = Block, : prominent speakers, including the {had been over-rated and in his posi- Monday evening mext at ¥ : : . bishops of the various dioceses, de-|tions as general secretary he had oc- : * o" promises Genuine Crepe Ties livering addresses. It was an after- | casion to note some of the sacrifices Most App reciated gna, every Riddle ? 50c 3 00 Roo of exultation and joy to those | that had been made to make the Santa is i ie een ae . to $ . connected with St. George's upon | celebration of the centenary a suc- going to - having attained success in the drive | cess. He spoke highly of what Rev. L Sh . The. Randolph Hotel. : which started in February last to|Mr. Kidd had done, and although et us suggest Shoes, Slippers, Baggage It's the merchants' first at- wipe the debt from the cathedral, {there had been many discourage- Ov : J tempt to entertain the kid- and it was an occasion of congratula- | ments at times, things had been or ershoes. Our stock 18 large anu can dies, and ask you to bring tion to all those who had assisted in | brought to a happy conclusion. 3 1 the youngsters. George Van H ore any way towards this end. Bishop 4 a give you a wonderful choice. : . : X . Bidwell presided, and various toasts . 21 3 Princess Street. Phone 362-w. were drunk during the afternoon. Toast to 'The Diocese." y Touching references were made to. The toast to the Diocese of On- the coming departure of Bishop |lario was proposed by Bishop Roper | Bidwell from the midst of the con-| Of Ottawa, who stated that much was Hockey Boots . y a os regation of St. Geor dt owed for the present success to the ey [GRUEN suas WAICH 1S KPNSS Pr Eres orges and to the | ndid work of Dr. John Stuart. Slippers for Skating Shoes Tuding the ad genuine "VE passing of the late Dean G. Lothrop DE Oe attations ahawered | His Lordship, the Archbishop of Al: for Boys Mother and Dad for Girls upon His Lordship Bishop Bidwell | §0ma. was included in the toast, and oy YY and the acting rector, Rev. W. E.|he also praised highly the work of wl Kidd for the splendid way in which | Bishop Bidwell during his adminl- i 2 the centenary programme had been | Stration as Bishop of Ontario, 2) cartied' out. Bishop Bidwell, in responding to Mocassins for Slippers for Overshoes for > "At the head table with the chair-| the Youst, refortat wo ih Bregectas "i man were the bishops of the various | 507: Bishop s, an e grea. : «3.3 |! FOR LADY ¢ a on. Dr. AB. Ross. mem. | Work that he had accomplished, and Boys and Girls the Kiddies Young Ladies : 'Leather Bag ; ber for Kingston, His Worship Mayor | b¢ 8180 paid a fitting tribute to the Umbrella a Angrove, Mr. W. R. Davies of the Inte 1amented Dean Starr, Speaking Writing Set : } Daily British Whig, Mr. W. R.|}ighly of his work as Dean of On- Givens of the Kingston Daily Stand. |tario, Bishop Bidwell stated that he ca. 8 . Hat Cases Waterman and Parker ard and Rev. W. BE. Kidd, acting |Dad been here seventeen years, Club Bags for all Kiddies White for Pen and Pencil Sets rector. twelve and a half of which were in Toilet Sets in Sterling, charge of this Diocese. He spoke Rubbers Young Ladies Ivory, T ise Shell Toast to "The Church." of the loyalty and affection of his : Following the toast to the King, people and exhorted them to forget Vanity Cascts eau ful the toast to "The Church' was pro- | the past Mistakes and that when he w n posed by Mr. R. Easton Burns, who (W238 gone to carry on under the new . rdro ® . Filled, Sterling, and Dolnted out the vast area over which | bishop as they had with him. He Suit Cases for Men ardrobe Evening Slippers Plated the Church extended and declared | declared that the congregation and Trunks f 0 $1.25 to $7.50 that the history of any organization | himself had been friends and it had or Young Ladies could be traced by its progress. been his joy to have the wonderful The Archbishop of Algoma replied | co-operation of his clergy. "I have : CIGARETTE CASES--ALL ATTRACTIVELY BOXED p to this toast and pointed out that it | tried to be just," His Lordship de- Sn . | was always a notable fact to con-|clared. He said that the church was Overshoes for owshoes for : {ft Ki 5 & da' E ! secrate a cathedral, and he offered sl poor Susncially, hut Sich In Men Bos and . Is Overshoes for 1 _ | ideals and principles, an ere ha Gir! . 8 mnear sterre Songratilations Ly Hueuy WHS Uday been no strife as there had been in ys Girls and Children wv ) La SF \ _-- JEL 3 2 ORF re nA, oy i EOE i! J! He praised highly JEWELLERS 788 the late Rev. Dean Buxton Smith | Other centres, 168 PRINCESS STREET whose early work had laid the foun- Bishop Bidwell declared that it 1 dation for the present success and | Was not his desire to carry on unless celebration. He paid a glowing tri- it was the unanimous consent of all, : bute to Bishop Bidwell, whose part and as this had not been given, he in the centenary had been a large Soul pot and did net want to 50 as one. He also paid fitting tribute to is Diocese, was only a part of the the worth of Bishop Bidwell He |Church, and though Bishops may GANANOQUE | NY wn stated that should Bishép Bidwell | come and go, Jesus Christ would be depart, his loss would be a great one | the same yesterday and tomorrow. YOU BUY HEN ! 4 | and would not soon be forgotten. "After I am gone," said Bishop Bid- Sanunoque, | --y gd Th 3 nal ualit 3 1 His Lordship made reference to |Well, "this, our beloved Diocese will e Root, wa, is spen e exceptio tone q y. n the Weber the magnif > cathedrals of righ always be thé same. Uphold the |few days in town, the guest of Mrs. : Piano appeals to the most aesthetic taste. Land and declared that such struc-|ideals. May God Bless you." Harry Hawke. -- | -- HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. tures were those of love and sacri- The remains of the late Mr. Mac-| ig | of F . "si A . 9 fice, He praised the magnificence of Kensie, father of C. 8, MacKensle, B urniture will AY C, Ww. LINDSAY S Warerooms, St. George's, declaring that it repre-| po yo Other 'Toasts. 9 ie whose death occurred at Portage la ; a | ? f "i Street sented the character of its people, | mn pb arson proposed the toast t0 | prairie 8 few days ago, will be = : Ft 1 remembered It' The Anglican Church stood for tra- The Preacher' Bishép Farthing of | brought to his native home at Wark- | o : ditions, and everywhere there were Montreal, in which he lauded the | worth, Ont., for interment next Mon 1 | : churches going up in its. service. It great. work In the Church of Eng. day. EHP | going tobeaF stood for three things, tradition, land of His Lordship, stressing his Mrs, W. T. Sampson is with her AS helpfulness of the present and the | Yalusble work in Kingston as Dean | ister, Mrs. Hanford McKee, in ; . hope of the future. The Church, he and Bishop and telling of the rapid | Montreal, for a few days, and will . wy | pan ture Christmas. sald, was built on truth, not on] Mivance in the Church of Bishop | meet Mr. Sampson thers at the ap | claims, and it was not merely bigness Farthing. week-end on his réturn' from the and prestige that it stood for. "We Bishop Farthing in his reply spoke | south. i > are building up and we are looking of the joy is gave him to be back| Mrs. W. K. Crouter returned from vod 3 there is nothing that will be more Se N for the day when it will win out," | 288in in old Bt. George's to take part | the General Hospital yesterday, con- ml esa preciaced by thelr friends than F OR CHRISTM AS : ' y lH ne sata * | in the consecration of the Cathedral. | siderably improved in health. I 3 thing that will add to the | . He made reference to the architect A little daughter was born in To-} ness of thelr A gife. ot . : i i The Cathedral who had planned the edifice, the late | ronto, Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. |W. ' ture #8 home. y ~ COATS in Squirrel, Musk- {734 ING | re toners pthedrl ical of St, | Joseph Powers, and praised highly | Floyd Bernle (Lenora Jackson). | fem : ; a beautiful, permanent 3 : George" was proposed by Bishop his work. There is very little improvement \ a token of esteein to be rat, Hudson Seal, Persian Sweeney of Toronto, who stated that Mr. Fradels King, K.C., in an ex-|in the condition of Mrs. Stirling every day in the year, : he esteemed it a great honor to offer cellent speech, proposed the toast to Pennock, who has been seriously ill Lamb, F rench Seal. . the visiting bishops speaking of the | for the past couple of weeks. Era ulations » ihe Congregation co-operative work between the laity| Mrs. James McMillan and little D0 i : and the clergy and of the splendid | son have returned to Ottawa after CHOKERS 2 and STOLES & : oa, Suting the He | service they were doing together and spending the past couple of weeks 3 pon 03 : . ¢ | inted out the importance of the] here. ' ¥ : James R Ee i in all the popular Furs. 2 fn that service, the speaker stated. rm of the Church. Mr. Avery, Jr., mason with Avery| "=k . " oR The response to the toast was and Ship contractors for the new He stated that there were seven Stea a dates _ Sang I somnse made by the Bishop of Quebec, who Central School, had the misfortune Y THE STORE WITH CHE Hon Gog the Father | Drovsht hearty congratulations end | to gst his hand badly plached by one, SPIRIT : ee Church Dr. John Stuart. who| Srestings from the Quebec Diocess | Of the Tle Eder yesterday. A large . = = BH! began the Church's Work In this cityz{ to St. George's upon this occassion. piece of flesh was taken out of the | Sen the Sullding of the church oa, Caton Loucks also replied ou be- | centre of bs Aer Bich WY ir. A. MacDandld Passed Away at] DESERON10. the present site of the British Whig: | Ialt of the visiting clergy, declaring | him up for sometime. rs. iachonsld Pasted way 1825, the bullding of the plans for | that the clergy of the Dloctss Ell \y gxCELLENT PROGRAMME. | On Wednesdsy, Oct. 35th, after a| the rectangle church; 1863, St. |Srestly at home 1% oid BE CETTE hi phmny eget omy lie Bogs Slr codigo gr». Seth Gaatroved the building, | come there on the occasions which ot 0 re Harold Coram oad tua -- which came as a challenge to the brought them there. clety of Svdenham Street Church, | Hospital, Though not in the best{ Mrs. Harold Covert and two chil Vir . Lum s ! le, who in less than two rs| Pishop Bidwell referred to the| The excellent programme prepar- of health for years, she was not ex-| dren, Billie and Gordon, ret ® Srginia LAMP «ccrarareneraiviararasss $ 9.00 per ton people, i 1 Jeu. debt that was due the ladies for their ed by Miss Blva McQueen, convener pected to be in danger, was cheerful | their home in Torrance on rada Large Pea COAL «+: «rvxrsrieririsnivers $48.00 per fon [fii had the new Fu ing completed, and | debt that was CE0 C08 CLL "eon. | Of the missionary work of the Young [and happy, when death claimed her| after a visit with Mrs. Covert's m Welsh, Anthracite, Stove and Egg .-..:..$48.00 per ton People's Society of Sydenham Street: with only a moxient's warning. De-| ther, Mrs. Nick Gault, Dundas st Coke, all Sizes = <senevrioacin vine. $14.00 per t : 'on | t that they|United Church was much appreciet- cessed was in her sixty-ninth year| Mrs. Keller and children le Split Pea or Buckwheat -.«:-... $9.00 her ton : : ed by all present last Monday even- gad was 8 daughter of the iste Vii Wednesday to join or Buckwhe tears S 0. : x Pr ab . : xl | Cut Hard and Soft Slabs.. The pledge chosen by this com-|name being Sarah Jane Armstrong. 'a ~ : ha 3 4 | mittee' and signed by each member She was first married to George A COAL C : : t a Ross, M.P., | is as follows: Conboy, Who predeceased her in| week on business. Ee rR ® K 03 ORET : 8 2 19 There were three children| A son was born to Mr. and

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