_ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAWN IN GAME BETWEEN TET ------ TURKEY AND ENGLAND CROSS-WORD PUZZLE It's worth while working This puizle has many interesting words. the puzzle to learn them. 3 4 STF | 18 ot 2 Tapestry Chesterfield Suites 119.00 ) Excellent grade of tapesiry, separate spring cushions, guaranteed frames, moth proof. We have never offered anything-such as this before. Truly a wonderful buy. $25.00 delivers this Suite to your home; balance arrang=- ed for. 12-2) . Scanty. . Native ability. . To scatter hay. 5. Favorable growth. . Metal fastener. . Definite article. . Hypothetical struc- tural unit. . Bone. . Flock. . Like; . To depart by boat. . Bugs. . Old. 5. Net weight of con- EE tainer. . Unit. . Alleged force pro- ducing hypnotism. "Horizontal, . Common viper of Burope. . Written language, . Walker. . To box with the fists. . To dine. . One who renews, To insulate, . Bevefith note scale. . Witticism, . Tanner's vessel. . Digit of the foot. . Combustible fluid. To fill with anima- tion, 49." Variant of "a." 50. To rest on one's feet. Rémal Twice, Rabbit. To push a ball. To walk through water. Beverage. Fence. Within. Centre of an apple. Predetermined event. To exist, To halt. Ciipped. Dower settled upon wife by husband. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. d. to 56. 57. 59. 80. 62. Solid Mahogany Smokers $11.95 " Beautiful Finished Solid Ma Card Tables $2.79 Card Tables, 83. 64, 65. 67. King Feisal of(Irak must sit by and watch Turkey and England dis- pute over his country. Turkey has . Electrified particle. . Philosophy of Pae- do. . Lubricated. . Correlative of either. > . Inert gaseous ele- ment. . Interior. . Upon, . Roadhouse. . Paid publicity. You and me, . Point of compass. Preposition of place, Exists. Porch steps, Distant. '$8. 69. Bra. Before. . Grain. Depot. scious. Place of business. To satiate. Vertical. . To accomplish. .. Object of scorn. Ship's bracket. - Second note of scale. knock . Measure of area. . To upbraid. . Observed. . To remove quickly. . To lose one's bal- ance, . To help. . Musical characters. . Muscle of the calf of the leg. . To forbid. . Rodents, . Humor, . To be diminished. . To yield. . Yellow bird. . Because. . To wager. . Therefor. . Toward. . Sun god, uncon- Hawaiian Pocahontas Coal , .8$18.00 per ton Coke Anas roaney $14.00 per ton 'Order early and get your share, for it cannot be replaced. {the P.H.B. Literary Society, scholars. RE tu. WIE 18 FAAS HALL OINIEIS ATIEINIOINIASIE [RE IOIWINEZL | | ININIEITISZAYILIE RE DIAINZVZGRIOINE IS ISIAIFIERRT! EPIC] | | 3m 8 PIEIT IRD EROS] JISIEISZANIONR! | |AZEA TIECZAATITIEINDS Answer to Saturday's Crossword Receives Coveted Trophy. Pembroke, Dec, 21.--Capt. Heron, Kingston, Cadet Inspector of Mili- tary District No. 3, presented the Laura Becord Shield to the High School Rifle Club at the annual com- mencement exercises of the Pem- broke.High School, held in the Grand Opera House, when a two-act oper- etta was presented by members of with musical accompaniment by the High School Orchestra. Medals and di- plomas were presented to successful Largest topographic map in the world is In California, measuring $00 feet. by 18 feet. | ROBERT'S up argued with Great Britain over the Mosul boundary, and now threatens to invade Mosul and Irak. Somewhere in Florida. To bé somewheré in Florida, where the sun is always shining, where the golden oranges hang-in clusters on the trees, the palms stir gently to the warm breezes, and "where the sweet magnolia blooms™ is the thought in the minds of hun- dreds of Canadians every winter. When Canadians at home are skat- ing and skiing, those in the south will be surf-bathing, sun-bathing on the warm sands, deep-sea fishing, golfing, ete. When making arrangements for the trip south consult any agent of the Canadian National Railways for par. ticulars of service: Winter tourist fares are now in effect valid to re turn up to June 15th, and good for stop-over at all importdif points, as well as for diverse routings. |Direet connections are made at Montreal and space obtainable on the crack Florids train "The Washingtonian." J. P. Hanley CP. and T.X, Can- adian National Rlys., Kingston, Ont,' British Monte Carlo. The island of Malta may become another Monte Carlo which will at- tract thousands of visitors every winter. Dr. the Hon, Ugo Mifsud, prime minister of Malta, who recent ly arrived in London on an. official visit, states that the construction of the new Monte Carlo will be carried out as rapidly as possible. The gov. ernment has decided to give the site of a great new hotel rent free and will help in every possible way to make the island a great pleasure re sort. Christmas 1925, Christmas Day! memories dear Happiest day of all the year! Recollections center so In the past of long ago; Sweet memories cling to thee, ; Thouglits of childhoods merry glee; Merry Christmas, still we say, All that's good for you we pray; Bavious, bless us all to-day! ~~JAMES LAWSON. 62 Seneca street, Ottawa, 'BOBBED HAIR AT 87 - « PE [1 Kindergarten Sets $2.95 Extra Heavy Red Oval Tables and Chairs. Reg- ular $3.80. CHRISTMAS SALE $2.95 Hall Mirror and Console Tables $21.95 complete Beautiful walnut finish Table, to- v2 gether with a walnut frame Mirror. ; Regular $35.00 complete. hogany Smokers, exactly as pictur- gularly priced at $19.50. ed, with ash tray equipment. Reg~ OHRISTMAS SALE { 'alze top, oak or mae | ogany finish frames. | tegular $5.00. ll (Mo phone orders.) Telephone Table and Chair $10.95 A Well Constructed Telephone Table and a walnut finish. CHRISTMAS "4.95 ular priced at $10.00. Gilt and Hand-P aint- ed Framed Mirrors Just 5 of these beautiful hand-painted frames with bev elled plate giass mirrors. Reg- Solid Oak Chair, low backed, in old English finish, nearly ular $18.50. A SPECIAL ITEM ORE Shades, $3.95 Hurray ! Here's your chance s to get a new shade on your i standard and they're beauties too. Regular priced at $12.00 to $15./00. As long as the quantity lasts $5.95 Piano Benches $7.95 'Walnut and Mahogany Finish Pl= Benches. Regular $12.50. SPECIAL PRIOE seeeas $7 en or Fh oom : . $25.00 'Phonographs *69.50 Solid walnut with guaranteed 'motor and tone and will play any kind of record: $10.00 delivers this - machine to you now. Umbrella Stands, $3.95 Hall Trees $5.95 Hall Trees in walnut finish or solid oak. Regular priced $10.00. SEs srs saan s Tapestry Rumners, $249 your Table Runners, $3.98, In all