we i oe Jey el STA AWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1025. in the newest thin models guaranieed. Estd. 1840 Anahi OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS AS A GIFT 'What could be more useful or appreciated than a FINE WATCH There are many varieties both in the ladies' styles, comprising the fancy or.more conservative types, and Other possibilities include-- FOUNTAIN PEN AND PENCIL SETS ENGLISH LEATHER QOODS ATTRACTIVE PIECES OF STERLING SILVER ELECTRIC BOUDOIR LAMPS FANCY RINGS AND BAR PINS SMITH BROS., Jewelers LIMITED for the gentlemen. All "CHRISTMAS GIFTS | AT LOWEST PRICES Our usual, well agsorted stock of holiday goods is open for your inspection. horrage. Ont., Here you will find the latest in French lvory, in single pleces Murray Supervisor William Thursday. ed and was caused by cerebral hem- Passed Away at Clayton, N.Y. At Clayton, N.Y., Mrs, Catherine Lanpier, wife of former Lanpier, - died Her death was unexpect- She was born in Kingston, in August, 1876, a daughter I AND MRS. HOLMES FIFTY YEARS MARRIED Happy Celebration at Athens | Home of This Estimable { Couple. Athens, Dec. 21.--There are three outstanding events in human history that are of paramount importance, not only 'to the individual most 4i- rectly Imterested, but also to the community at large, viz., one's birth, marriage and death. Another event which is of especial interest, prob- ably because it is so rare an occur- | rence, is a golden wedding anniver- sary, which is always an occasion for felicitations. \ Such an occasion was celebrated to-day at the Wiltse streét residence of Reeve M. B. Holmes, when he and Mrs. Holmes entertained in honor of their fifty years of married life. At noon they gave a family dinner, when only the immediate relatives were present, but, during the after- noon and evening it was an open house, when many friends called to offer congratulations, with best wishes for many added years of hap- piness together." The groom of half a century ago (local reeve for the past twenty-one consecutive years) is a son of the late Eli Holmes and his wife (Rebecca Bresee) of Delta, the bride being a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Yates, Frank- ville, the latter, some years after the death of her husband, becoming the wife of the late Otis Bullis, and re- siding here for many years. \ The marriage was performed at Glen Buell, (where the Bullis family then resided) by the late Rev. A. D. FEREERENERRNERRR AN ANEER, THE DAILY BRITISH WH ' PROBS: +--Somewhat higher temperature, with snow to-night and Thursday, colder Thursday night ' STORE OPEN UNTIL 9.30 O'CLOCK TO-NIGHT st Call for Christmas! To-morrow's the day of days, Christmas Eve. Just one day left before Christmas, but don't let that excite youl We have plenty of practical gift suggestions for every type of person. From it you can readily select charming and appropriate gifts, For Men of the 'late Capt. and Mrs. James Murray. She was married in St. Mary's cathedral in January, 1903, 'and has lived in Clayton for twenty- two years. 'Thomas Murphy, Mrs. John Sowards and Loretta Gilmore, | Kingston, are cousins. i} and sets. The newest in fragrant i} and enticing odors of popular } French Perfumes, Compacts in Sliver and Gold in the newest iff shapes and styles. Shaving and f Smoking sets that are sure to please. The always useful and acceptable gift: a Fountain Pen, Waterman's, Swan or Parker. We would apprediate your in- { i} spection of our stock, as we feel | sure you will see something that will eateh your fancy. + Traveller, Lyn, still remembered by the older generation. Of those pre- sent at the ceremony, three were guests at the dinner on Monday, and recalled some incidents ' connected with that date fifty years ago. The residence was decorated for the anniversary with festoons of golden-colored crepe-de-chine . en- twined with tinsel, united hearts in gold paper being much in evidence, while sprays of holly laden with bright-hued berries added a pleasing variety, and seemed quite in har- mony with the close proximity of Christmas. Wonderful 'mums were present in profusion, and added their quota to the brightness of the home. In addition to many other tokens presented, Mr. and Mrs: Holmes re- ceived a purse of fitty gold dollars, and a bouquet of five magnificent 'mums tied with golden ribben, sym- bolic of the: fifty golden years of wedded happiness. ; Their only child, George, who re- sides at home, was present at the | function of the 21st inst.. and help- ed to make the celebration most pleasant and enjoyable. Would you like to see Dad or Brother smile as he opens his Christmas gift, as much as to say: "Well, here's someone who knows what pleases a Man." : Your Christmas will not be com- plete without one of Lackie's cream- alt loaves. Kingston Meat Store 133 BROCK ST. (NEXT TO BOYD'S GARAGE) "Phone 1964 Fresh Chopped Suet, pound ........ 20¢c { Home-made Sausage, pound . . 15¢. HOSIERY--Plain of con- servative type or gaily plaided. Priced from 50c. to $2.25 pair. GLOVES for street or driv- ing as his needs require. Priced from 75c. to $4.50 pair. SWEATERS in Pullover or Coat style. Priced from $2.50 up. Our Fancy ®oxed Stationery } surey combine beauty with use- } fulness. For ihe Smoker the holidhy boxes of Cigars and Tobacco will appeal. at 'your leisure in the Shop evenings 'L.T. Best PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST "Phone 50, FORSYTHE SHIRTS in plain and striped Broad- cloth. Priced from $2.95 to $5.50. HANDKERCHIEF S of pure Linen, Cotton or Silk. Priced from 12}c. up. GIFT TIES in Flat Silks, Silk Crepes and Knits from 50c. to $2.50. SMART ACCESSORIES include Suspenders, Arm Bands, Garters and such like. All boxed for gift giv- ing. Priced from 25¢c, up. "PYJAMAS of English Broadcloth or Flannelette, plain or striped. Priced from $2.25 to $6.50, DRESSING GOWNS in Jaeger and English wool- ens. Priced from $14. 50 to $25.00. Grifin-Perry Wedding. Gananoque, Dec, 22.--A pretty wedding was solemnized on Wed. nesday evening, Dec. 16th, at the home of the 'bride's mother, Mrs, George C. Perry, when her daugh- ter, Florence Amelia, was united in marriage to James Isaiah' Griffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Grifin, of Sand Bay. The bride who en- |p tered the drawing room on the arm of her brother, Arieton Perry, top the strains of Lohemgrin's bridal chorus, played by Miss Blanche Plunkett, wore a charming costume of sky blue brocade silvercioth. The ceremony was performed by |= the Rev. C. L. Cross, of Warbur- ton, under a very prettily decorated arch of evergreens and pink and |S white streamers. Miss Laura Perry, sister of the bride, whe acted as IN bridesmaid, lookéd lovely in a gown (If of navy pallette silk. Mr. William |} Griffin, brother of the groom, acted as best man. At the conclusion of the borviet ; the guests, numbering about fifty, - partook of a very dainty supper. A |B number of voung lady friends of the |} bride served. On Friday. evening ' previous to 'their marriage, a shower was given |g at the home of Miss Almeda Perry, cousin of the bride. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received. The young couple will take up their resi- dence in Gananoque. Belleville Creamery, pound . Lean, Pork Chops: pound: . .. ..., 28c. Fresh Head Chess, pound . Brisket Beef : GIFTS For Women . Herein we mention a few gift suggestions that we feel I pretty certain any woman will appreciate receiving. Many other suggestions abound in the store. SILK LINGERIE is an inti- mate gift. Of Crepe de Chene and Silk knit. Pric- ed from 31:25 to $3.50. - KIMONAS of warm, Bea- con Cloth, in plain and novelty designs and color- ings. Priced from $5.50 up. HANDBAGS, - Loathin Silk or Beaded. Helps her to attain the latest chic. Priced from $1.00 up to ¥. 50. Yu SILK SCARFS in a won- derful variety of weaves and colorings --- are most " HOSIERY has "ding and fashion rightness as well. All the new shades. From 75c¢. to $3.00 pair. Glace Kid, Suede or Mocha in all the new vies and