THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 'NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS i LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Woman's Page Editor Phone 2018, ¢ Private Phone 857w. . ss The Whig will be glad to have the pames of visitors in town and\ac- nts of varfous social events for social column. Write or tele- one fo the Hditor of the Wo- "s Page, No, 2613. gy . - - Mrs. J. H. Elmsley gave a dinner party on Christmas evening and rwards those dining were joined some people who brought their dren and their guests to this de- ightful old-fashioned party. The nse was gay with Cliristmas decor- "#tions, holly and evergreens were uch in evidence and old and young ke joined in the fun. Some of who were. present were Col. gnd Mrs. Harris and their children; , and Mrs. R. O. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Holloway Waddell and r children, Col. and Mrs. Regi- hald Brooks and their young people, , and Mrs, W. Harty and their use party, Col. and Mrs. W, P. flgar and thelr son, Capt. Heron, Cadet Peter Fair and Miss Virginia r. . - * © Mr. Wilbur Gillespie, of Rattle- ake Flate, Alberta, formerly of jogalusa, La., spent Christmas with friends, Mr. W. Eggleston of the hbridge Herald and Mr, Art Rob- orts, of Nome, Alaska, at 492 John- Bon street. * - . A merry party of young people ar- ged a surprise party on Christ- night to which Mr. and Mrs. fam Bermingham, "Otterburn," med their hospitable doors. Danc- went on gaily in the large rooms, orated for Christmas, 5 > > - - £ Miss A. E. Willard will reopen her vate kindergarten at the Y.W.C.A. rly in the New Year. She will be some more pupils. ) can be made at the W.C.A. in the mornings. . * - Mr. and Mrs. John Kingsley an- home from Toronto for the Christe mas holidays. Mr. and Mrs Frank J. Hodg and Miss Hoag spent Christmas in Toron- to, as the guests of Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Upton. Mrs. Harold J. Kendall will leave for her home in Toronto, after spend- ing the past month with her par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Lake/ 3538 Alfred Street. Dr. Hugh Branigan, New York, is home for the Christmas holidays and is with his father, Mr, D. P. Branigan, Brock street. Mr. James Grimwood, Toronto, is spending a few days with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grimwood, Rideau street. Mrs. Charles Smith, Alwington Avenue, is in Ottawa to spend the Christmas holidays with her daugh- ter, Mrs. F. W. Danby, First Avenue. " . * Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bleakey and | their son, Kay, spent Christmas with Mr. Bleakey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bleakley, 538 Albert street. Mr. L. J. Mathewson returned to Rochester, N.Y., after spending Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M., Mathewson, 8 Johnson street. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoppes, Mon- treal, are visiting Mr. Hoppes' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Hoppes, 198 University avenue, for the Christmas holidays. Miss Jean Chown, Rochester, N. Y., is spending the Christmas holi- days with her parents, Dr. apd Mrs. A, P.' Chown, 305 King street. . * . Miss Muriel Graham of the Ottawa City school staff, is spending her holidays with her father at 19 Al- wington avenue. Miss Margarite Graham, of the Normal High school staff, is also with Mr, Graham, Miss Mary Nesbit, Toronto, {is spending the Christmas recess with her sister, Mrs. F. R. Farley, John- son street. Miss Florence Baxter, Frontenac street," left to-day for spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. T. ing Queen's University, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D, Adlan, Ottawa. A Mrs. W. C. Warren and her wwe) 1 young sons, Ottawa, are spending the holidays with Mrs. Warren's father, Mr. Craig. MF, Warren, who has been at the Pacific Coast, will join them later. . . » Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen and Mrs. Meighen and Miss Lillian have re- turned to Ottawa from Portage la Prairie, where they were the guests of Mrs. 'Meighen's mother, Mrs. W. H. Wood. Miss L. M. Komph, Brock street, Spent Christmas Day in Toronto. Miss Muriel MacLeod is spending the week with her parents in Kempt- le, and young daughter, Mary, of King- ston, spent the Christmas holidays with Mr, and Mrs. George C. Wells, | « { Barnscliffe avenue, Notre Dame de Miss Dellerene Craig, Iroquois Falls, is spending the Christmas fea- son with her father, Mr. John Craig. The Editor Hears : That the people who woke up early on Christmas * had an op portunity of beginning the day by giving breakfast to the birds that had awakened to a breakfastless morning. Now that the snow has Some, the Junior Audubon Society will find plenty of work to do feed- ing the birds who stay with us dur- ing the winter. - That under the auspices of the Orphans' Guild a number of stock- ings of a substantial size were filled in the Roman Catholic homes of Kingston and distributed to the or- phans of St. Mary's-of-the-Lake who had a jolly fime enjoying the num- erous gifts filling the big stockings. "I never talked much to w.y girls about kissin' the boys. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbelt| 'i it wasn't nice and made 'em eat onions." Boiled Macaroni Apple Betty Cheese Sandwiches I just told EFFICIENT HOUSEKEEPING By Laura.A. Kirkman. TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast ¥ Left-Over Thanksgiving Fruit ' Cereal Maple Sirup Coffee Watfles Pop-Overs Dinner Rump Roast of Beef Brown Gravy Onions Lettuce Salad Hard Sauce Coffes + Supper Soup Made from Thanksgiving Turkey (or Chicken) Wholewheat Croutons Preserves Cake Cocoa Duties Post-Christmas That often difficult task--writing That neither zero weather ner notes of thanks for Christmas pre- Snow seems to discourage of the coming spring. Now that Mr, sho: Stockbridge bushes are showing leaves, the lilac | genigs---iy generally performed by the bushes in the C.P.R. gardens from home a a fit 2 putting forth leaves in anticipation For, with New Year's Day but a rt distance ahead----another big announced that his|ginner to plan and prepare, other other | guests to. entertain--the alert house- on December 26th. : « SBT, GEORGE'S MISSION. An Interesting Entertainment Held in the Sunday School. The St. George's Mission Sfinday school held a very interesting en- tertainment on Wednesday. The programme consisted of Christmas choruses, motion songs, drills and a play entitled "The Sleeping Beauty," in which the principals were Charles Payne and Elsie Cattermole as the king and queen; Ethel Blake and James Bocking as the princess and Wince; Bertram Wright as the old man and Irene Wright as the old woman, with Nancy Jarrett as the wicked fairy, and Mabe! Greenless with a band of small fairies who de- lighted the audience with fairy songs. As a conclusion of the pro- gramme, Dr. Austin amused every- one with shadow pictures of the de- lightful children's story of Peter Rabbit, Reddy Fox, Farmer Brown's Dog and the Black Cat. Mrs, Cal- vin Bearance and Miss Vera Lowing acted as accompanists. Rewards for perfect attendance at Sunday school were given to Isabel Fraser, Mabel Greenlees, Jack Har- per, Nancy Jarrett, Violet Marsh, Norag Harrison, Leona Tutak, Mary Thompson, Lily Thompson, Arthur Thompson, and Jack Thompson, and sixty-two other scholars were re- warded for having attended over thirty Sundays out of a possible at- tendance of forty-four. The presen- tations were made by Mr. Charles Dalton, who takes an active interest in the work of the Mission, assisted by the teachers. "Rev. W. HB. Kidd acted as chairman, & -------- 7' Keep the vinegar from sweet pickles and put it fn a bottle or glass, leaving the spices in it. When mak- {ng salad dressings, strain out the spices and use the vinegar, It gives a delicious flavor. Thousands of - E. Feer, Director of the Univer dren's Clinic, Zurich, in his "Text rics" says: "A favorite food of high : content and always in favor with is delicious and nutritious is cocoa or chocolate." sity and Chil Book on Pediat- carbohydrate children, For To-night Women's Flannelette Night Dresses -- mee the engagement of their eld- | yw. 1 Young. citizens have. been examining trees wife wi " « H, . y shes to "wind up the loose daughter, Madelin Mary, to Mr. Hon. W. F. Nickle and Mrs. [2nd report a decided sign of 1ité. ends" of Christmas as speedily as runo George Spoor, of Wolfe Is-| Nickle, Toronto, spent Christmas | This they say points to an early possible. d, Ont. The marriage to take|with Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Nickle, |spring. necks, good strong quality material; well te the second week in January. eap : Earl street. for prompt results. It tak ev = sw That Santa Clans called on every 3h. following tasks quite as impor-| of a cough and gives ; made, for $1.00 each. rs. H. W. Richardson, "Alwing-| Nps, Mortimer Odell, Ottawa, Is|one in Kingston. In all the institu. . 3 BE ra Heavy Bloomers for Women, in White, - ** gave « family dinner party on| with her sister, Mrs. H. D, Bibby, | tions 'splendid Christmas dinners Gift Registry: Use a blank com- |. - Grey and colors, at 85c. and $1.00 a pair. mas night. Barrie strest. Miss Florence Bibby |Were served, the wards of the: hos position book for this purpose. Head ' Men's Heavy Wool and Cashmere Sox >. is home from school in Toronto and | pitals were gaily decorated and nots bl "Gifts The Christmas party at the Prins | is with her parents. ing was left undone to make the Boat Cab ply pee side ~black and colors -- all sizes -- English kes--f i makes---for 50c. a pair. . 's Residence, Queen's Univer- Miss A. E. Willard is spending the | Birthday of the Christ Child a happy "Gifts Received." Be sure to des-| » » ', Wool Stockings in the new shades -- with short and long sleeves, high and 'V that they can money usuall Writing notes, however, { tions, by ming : is not the only post-Christmas duty. Jor shaki Methodical housekeepers consider § Hp ch is ome of to-night's gaieties. holidays on Amherst Island. time for the poor and the sick, those be t clearly, giving the : 3 un Mr. Travers Carey, Toronto, spent | of Whom He said, "Inasmuch as ye sive ei yy i whom | & y & 'Miss Doris McClelland, of the| christmas with Mrs. W. B. Carey, | have done it unto the least of these received. Next Christmas you will t's truly of the Cobourg Collegiate In-| Athert street. My Brethren, ye have done it unto pe glad you kept so perfect a re-| Cis. penetrating through is visiting her parents, Mr. Sig passage of the throat and Mrs. iy - eit Hr. and 3s. 1ammon, Yoronts, (Me cord, to help you with your selec-| ens and raises the phlegm gy street, for the Christmas holi- McClelland, 481 ang their little son, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Lemmon, Fronte- | That in most of the churches the A Yuletide Decorations Box is an- tion of Christmas gifts for that year. | heals the membranes; and gradually surely the annoying throat tickle warm and comfortable, at 75¢. and $1.00 disapBear entirely, nac street, Christmas music will be repeated on fl cough other thing which you will find bg oR ps Bi . a. | Miss Patricia Aylen, Albert street, | Sunday and the dear old carols subg. yw. For thi iss Katherine Burke was the de-|jep¢ to-day for Montreal to visit Mr.|A request came to the churchward- Boive year Hom Dn or aw a saxaeiites of box ul hostess at a much enjoyed and Mrs, Henry Aylen. ens of St. George's cathedral to have capacious cardboard box. Into jt| trated compound of as social evening at her home, . es 0» . jthe music of Christmas Day and Sun put any Christmas decorations extract, 7 outh, on mas night In} Migs Mary Jones, Montreal, is with |day broadcasted so that the "shut-| which are still good, after having healing / of several friends who are| canon and Mrs. J, W. Jones, Albert | Ins" could enjoy it. Unfortunately been used--red 'tissud paper bells. Io : re ---- - % ~ " x W. N. Linton & Co. vo street. the request came too late to have the the bow of ribbon from your door-| full Yorkshire Mr. R. H. Partridge, Toronto, is | required wiring done, and the appli-{ way wreath, small figures of Santa glee : 'Fish Chi with Mr. and Mrs. R. Baston Burns, | cations fude to phe telephone com-| slays perhaps used on the Chriat- The Pt and hip Sho Tronteénac street, for the holidays. pany, oped to have arrange- , efcetera. . } : ohop Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibson, | ments made later whereby the has Time tenis, stes and pe: P hone 191. The Waldron Store served to your Beverly street, will spend New [Music can be enjoyed and the Ser-| ale Js worth wrapping up fn cot- 5 > St,| Year's in Montreal with Mr. and Mrs. | mons heard by those unable to at-| gon or other wadding, to avold its Geoffrey Burland. ~ | tend the seryice, being crushed. Tie the box, label it Miss Geraldine Daly, Montreal, |® freee "Christmas Things," and stors it in Nill be with her sisters, the Misses That on Christmas Bve Santa |your attle out of the reach of the | Daly, Albert street, for New Year's. | Claus had a busy time distributing children's hands. Any decorations Mr. Irving Martin, Hamilton, isthe toys brought to the churches bY | which you may wish to leave np till with 'his sisters, the Misses Martin, | the Sunday school children. They New Year's, can be put in the box Earl street. were taken around in cars, and some | 5 week later. But at least there ; Mrs, Andrew Fleming, Quebec, |of the surplus will be sent to chile will be some things to go into it at | and her sons; are 2ith Rev. Dr. and geen in ite Juckward country places | once, «sn || Mrs. Macgillivray, University avenue. re. t ps do not hold such i k: One clever "|| Miss Florence vray, Plough-| wonderful things for fifteen or on has set Skospale, N.Y.; Is also at home for | twenty-five cents. aside a small trunk in her attiz for Christmas. gL -- ergen: ifts. Into thie chest : "aia hii he usu looked ke al Ch ry 5 5 & typical Can recel n ke Mrs. Graham Bertram, Dundas, is | Christmas on the eve of the festival, a Seived snd Sa he with Mrs. J. W. Richardson, "Al-|The evergreens were powdered With | jeast a few of that variety, don't Yington." and Mr. Jack Richardson, | snow, the fields were softly covered | 'we?) They will remain fn the trunk | Winnipeg, 1s also one of the Aland the ponds were frozen. Blue tl be used as birthda | wington" house party. uA ining ; ¥ 1 smoke arose from the farm house | gies, wedding gifts, as articles for chimneys and one fancied the mother | 4 chureh fair, or for some unforseen baking the ngs OY8 | need when it will be a blessing have a pretty article on hand to to some person or donate to cause. : . a i a pair. i TAXI wows SERVICE 960 25¢ 'Wan DAY OR NIGHT nk Ohi sele tid includes most of the | The choice is at it's best to-day. oR : :