hgh NN NN YY YY YY YY YY YY Ay THE Very New Year for AlP'-- Wish SMITH BROS., jewelers LIMITED Estd. 1840 Ak hh Ahh daha Happy the Arh of hahahah 850 King St. Ahaha Speely Relief Quickly banishes the troublesome cold or cough. 25¢. and 50c. IL. T. Best PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST 'Phone 50. FOREST FIRE LOSSES. Of Ontario Diminished to the Lowest i Record. Toronto, Dec. 28.--Latest statis- ities, just released by Hon. James | Lyons, Minister of Lands and For- ests in the Ontario Government, in- | dicate that Ontario has at last mas- { tered that spectre of Northern On- | tario timber limits--the forest fire. | In almo jubilant tomes, Mr. | Lyons declared that Ontario's forest fire loss in the past year had totalled It was | believed that the acme of fire-fight- | ing efficiency had been reached the { year previous, when the loss was { totalled at 14,600 acres. Just how significant these figures are may be understood when it is recalled that a year still further back the losses were 2,000,000 acres, and the average loss over five preceding years was more than 1,000,000 acres a year. "Not wholly, of course, but in large measure, explained Mr. Lyons, "the splendid showing is due to the patrol of forest planes and quick de- tection of fire outbreaks. Lat year we had ninety fires more than in 1923, and this year about 100 less, 80 we have about the same Amount of fires, only we are finding them promptly and confining the devas- tation to half an acre or so." ANNOUNCEMENT Owing to the severance connection 'with the Ry General Hospital DR. J. P. QUIGLEY For The Home wishes to announce that he will still continue his work im X-rays and Physiotherapy at the HOTEL DIEU HOSPITAL, and also at his office, 197 Johnson Street. High Class Travelling Goods Hat Cases $2.75, $4.95 and up. Fitted Cases, Wardrobe Trunks, Music Cases and Shopping Bags, Fancy Leather Goods, such as Bill Folds, Bob Comb Cases, Tight Wads, ete. Dog Collars, Harness and Dog Blankets a specialty, It pays to walk out of the rent district. H. SWAFFIELD The Leading Harnessmaker 76 BROCK STREET - - DRAIN PIPE SOLVENT-- A tin will keep the pipes clear and in frozen. pipe, DR. ROBERT S. MINNES PASSES AT OTTAWA | Distinguished Son Son of Kingston Was a Great Odulist and Ophthalmic Surgeon, The death at his home In Ottawa on Sunday morning of Dr. Robert 8. Minnes, internationally known ocu- list and ophthalmic surgeon, was heard with deep regret, by the people of Kingston who knew him as a boy, then as a brilliant Queen's stu- dent and eventually as a great healer of the afflicted. Dr. Minnes was {ll { for the past week of pneumonia, and jon Christmas Day hope of recovery was given up as double pneumonia developed. His brothers, Mr, Wil- Ham T. and Mr. James A. Minnes, of Kingston, were with him when the end came. The late Dr. MThnes was born in Kingston fifty-five years ago, and was the third son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Minnes, his father being one of the founders of the wholesale dry goods house of Macnee & Minnes of this eity., In 1903 he married Anna Fortin, daughter of Venerable Archdeacon Fortin, of Winnipeg, who, along with three sons, Robert, Eduard and James, and one daugh- ter, Margaret, survive him. Two sisters, Mrs. J. K. Robertson and Miss Lorraine Minnes, and two brothers, Mr, W. T. and Mr. James A. Minnes, all of this city, - also mourn his loss. The funeral takes place at Ottawa on Tuesday morn- ing. The following tribute to the late Dr. Minnes was paid by Dr. J. C. Connell, Dean of Queen's Medical Faculty and an ex-president of the Canadian Medical Association: "At Queen's University, Dr. Rob- ert Stanley Minnes was regarded as one of its most distinguished gradu- ates. Entering the university from the Kingston Collegiate Institute, he first took an Arts course from which he graduated as medallist in mathe- matics and with the Master's de- gree. At once he determined upon Medicine for a career, and in 1893 he was awarded the degrees of Doc- tor of Medicine and Master of Sur- gery. After a short time as house surgeon in the Kingston General Hospital and as assistant to the late Dr. K. N. Fenwick, he went to Eng- land where he soon secured the de- grees of M.R.C.S.,, England, and L. R.C.P., London. He then determined to specialize in his work and enter- ed the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Following a period of training there, he became Resident Medical Officer in the Eye Hospi- tal at Bermingham, England. "On his return to. Canada he sel- ected Ottawa &s a field of practice and very soon became recognized by both the medical profession and the public as foremost in his sphere of work. From the first his practice was limited to eye, ear, nose and throat; lately he narrowed his area fo disease of the eye only. "Dr. Minnes had great ability and industry, He had a great mind and good judgment and these were join- ed to wonderful technical skill, His disposition 'was very lovable. Kind- The Royal The Royal bank of Canada, which for a number of years past, has been forging steadily ahead, is qut with an annual statement in which all previous records are eclipsed. With total assets at a new high level of $788,478,778, the increase for the period has amounted te $205,000,- 000, by far the largest reported for any one year in the Bank's history. Of the large gain approximately $105,000,000 may be attributed to the purchase of the Union Bank of Canada and the Bank of Central and South America, while the balance has been dune to the growth in the general business of the Bank. Of special interest to shareholders will be the fact that even at a time whien such great strides have been made it has been possible to main- tain an exceptionally strong posi- tion. If the total assets of $788. 478,778, liquid, or immediately avail- able, assets stand at $398,103,935,| from equal to 56:30% of liabilities to the public. while cash and balances lare - $108,3314,647, equivalent to 28.04% of public liabilities. Remarkable Gains Made by : DAILY BRITIS SPRAY ness radiated from him to all who came near him. His consideration, tact and thoughtfulness made him greatly loved and respected by his patients and brought about very in- timate relatfops with all his fellow practitioners. Never very robust in health, he maintained throughout his life close attention to the detalls of a very large and exacting prac- tice. He gave skilful, considerate service that meant good health, hap- piness, longer life, Increased useful- ness and prosperity to a great mul. titude of people. We have lost a great man and a good friemd." DR. ALBAN PHELAN'S VERY SUDDEN DEATH Son of Dr. Daniel Phelan Passes Away at Staten Island of Pneumonia. Sad newe was received in the ¢ity on Sunday from Staten Island, New York, of the sudden death from pneumonia of Dr. Alban Phelan, only son of Dr. and Mrs, D. Phel- an, Johnson street, this city. Dr. Alban Phelan was born in Kingston and educated at St. Mary's school, Regiopolis College, and at Queen's University, where he receiv ed his degree of D.C.M. in 1823. He was among-the first to wolun- teer his services in 1914 when war was declared and served in the Can- adian Engineers and later in the Army Service Corps during the war period. He then studied medicine at Queen's and later went to New York to take up the study of the eye, ear, nose and throat and had just com- pleted his course at the time of his death and was about to return home. He was an interne at Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, for a year. The body will arrive in Kinston for burial. INSTALLATION HELD AT NOON ON MONDAY Of The Ancient St. John's Lodge No. 3, AFF. & AM. The installation ceremony of the Ancient St. John's Lodge, No. 3, A. F. & AM, was carried out in the Masonic Temple at noon on Mon- day. RW. Bro. J. B. Pinkerton, D. D.G.M. of Frontenac Masonic dis- trict, installed the officers. The cer- emony was followed by a luncheon served in the Temple. The following officers were installed: W.M., W. Bro. H. W. Davis; I. P.M., W. Bro. W. J. C. Allen; S.W., "W. Bro. C. C. Folger] Tréasurer, W. Bro. O. W. Daly; Chaplain, W. Bro. T. A. Smith; Secretary, Bro. A. W. Cathcart; S.D., Bro. T. A. Kidd; J. D., Bro. E. M. Davidson; 14i., Bro. W. BE. Kidd; D, of C., Wor. Bro. P. G. C. Campbell; 8.8, Bro, A. J. Minnes; J.8., Bro. C. W. Taylor; Organist, Bro. C, P. Dalton; Tyler, 'V.W. Bro. P. H. Rider. Former Premier Ramsay MacDon- ald haggleft for an extended tour of | India; f 3 hr Bank of Canada With Record Increase of Over $200,000,000 for Year Total Assets Reach High L evel of $788,478,778. $336,780,201, up from $257,225,356 a year ago. As a result of the extensive organ- {zation built up, deposits have shown the surprising gain of $180,000,000, and of this amount the increase ia Canada has accounted for over $150, 000,000. Total depesits' now stand at $641,677,635, 828,700 last year. O fthis amount savings deposits are $443,380,136, compared with $338,291,427, and deposits not bearing interest amount to $198,297,398, as against $123, 537,341. Growth ih: Earnings. Thé Profit and Loss Account shows that earnings were well above the previous year. After making full provision for bad and doubtful debts and the usual appropriations for bank premises and officers': sion fund, the sum of $1,249,435 was carried forward. Profits for the Joa amounted to $4,081,628, up $3,878,976 and added to the amount brought' forward from the previous year, made the total avall- able for distribution Among | This hs hguia, asagts accounts uf special] Regular ude rament securities to $82,245,403, compared | fo amounting with $53,039,825 a year ago; and Canadian Municipal Dominion and} 0 as against $461.8 PROBS :--Mostly fair and moderately cold : Tuesday; snow flurries. 5.228.428. 17s" Tuesday at Steacy's Year End Sale! Offers many exceptional saving opportunities for econo- mical shoppers. This big sale event continues all this week with added attractions daily. FROM 9 TO 1 O'CLOCK Treble Discount Stamps You Save 15% Here is a feature event that will appeal to all -- 85¢c. has the purchasing power'of $1.00 on all your regular cash purchases here to-morrow morning. Wool Blankets, Bed Comforters, Flannelette Blankets AT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES { .. Our entire stock to choose from at greatly reduced prices for. cash. Bed Comforters, Less 25% 150 imported and domestic made Bed Comforters. Cotton and Down Filled with hand- some coverings of Art Chintz, Sateen and Satin. Plain and with paneled borders. lar $3.00 to $25.00 values. Wool Blankets, Less 20% The finest, pure Wool Blank- ets in Scotch, Jaeger and Cana- dian makes. All weights and sizes in colors White, Grey, fo Somat Natural, Camel Hair Blue. Regular $9.50 $17.50 0 pair to i