Founded 1847. What You Have Been Waiting For | { ivingston's | 0% Discount Sale IN READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS MEN'S AND BOYS' TROUSERS EVERYTHING IN OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPART- MENT IN THIS SALE. COME AT ONCE AND GET BEST CHOICE » LIVINGSTON'S 75.79 BROCK STREET "IF OFF YOUR ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" ® A. McKim Limited Opens Branch at Vancouver, B.C. McKim's, Canada's oldest and largest Advertising Agency, an- nounce the opening of a branch of- fice in the Province Building, Van- couver. This move will be of inter- est to manufacturers and publishers generally because it will place at the disposal of advertigers and oth- ers on the Pacific Coast, to help with their sales and advertising problems, the great resources in knowledge, experience, statistical in- formation and trained men of the McKim organization. A. McKim Limited was establish- ed in the city of Montreal in the year 1889, by Mr, Anson McKim, who, up to the time of his death, was for many years the outstanding fig- ure in Canadian advertising. He built his business on the principle of investing an advertiser's money as though it were his own and to this, {which has been the guiding principle fot the organization, a large part of i the exceptional success of A. McKim | Limited is due. By investing an ad- vertiser's money intelligently, after an analysis of all the facts relating 'to the problem in hand, advertising was made profitable to the adver- tiser. The McKim organization will 'now have offices at Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Vancouver, and London, England, each branch at the service of the others and all working to make advertising increasingly pro- fitableto advertisers, .MeKim's Vancouver ~ Branch will be in 'charge of Mr. Darrell B. Long- Bmore, who was trained in the Head hee of the company. Mr. Leng- {more served in France during the 'He is a graduate of Toronto | city and District | { public schools re-opened on Monday | { days. ! | | on New Year's Day to Mrs. Stover, | wife of Mr. Michael Stover, of Elgin- | composed for the most part of stu- { Mayor Donaldson of Brockville, and | win, Kingston, has just Re-opening of Schools. The Collegiate Institute and the] holi- | | morning, after the Yuletide ' Skating on the Harbor: Quite a large number. of people | enjoyed skating om the harbor om! Sunday. A number of ice boats were also out. New Year's Baby. The records at the city clerk's of- fice show that a baby girl was born burg Home From Holidays. Both C.N.R. and ~C.P.R. lies handled large crowds on Sunday, dents who are returning from their holidays. "Kingston the Good." "The quiefest holiday season we have ever had," declared License Inspector William McCammon, with regard to O.T.A. enforcement, over Christmas and New Year's. "Drunks on the streets are getting to be a thing of the past." Evangelistic Service. At the Gospel Tabernacle on Sun- day evening, Mr. R. J. Brooks, evan- gelist, of Riverview, Ont., conducted the first of. a series of evangelist meetings, there being a very large attendance. The song service was conducted by Mr. A. E. Thomas, Welsh tenor, . Visited Rebekah Lodges. Mrs. Allen Donaldson, wife of ex- who was formerly Miss Frances God- returned from a trip to Winnipeg and New Ontario, in the interests of the Re- bekah Lodges of the Order of Odd- fellows. Mrs. Donaldson was instal- ling officers and visiting lodges in the various centres. Sons of Scotland Event. The Sons of Scotland held a very successful euchre party and dance at the Orange Hall Friday night. Miss E. Reynolds and Mr. K, Murray were the winners of the first prizes; Miss Jackson and Mr. Scredie the second prizes, and Miss Sinclair and Mr. Duncan the cpnsolation prizes. Mrs. V. Morrison and Mr. E. Montgomery won the first prize in. the special waltz and Mr. and Mrs. K. Murray the second prize. Several Scotch dances were given throughout the evening and very much enjoyed. The music was supplied by Salsbury'h orchestra. . Must Have License to Fish. The days of tax-free fishing in New "York state are Tray Over. On January 1st new reguir- ing residents as well as non-resi- dents to have a license to take fish with a hook and line becomes eof- fective. Only "minors under six- teen," women and landlords and their famil'es fishing on their own property are exempt under the statute; everybody else who casts a line in waters of the state must have a license, which, however, will be a combination permit covering hunt- ing and trapping as well. o A Sermon on Cheerfulness. Rev. Dr. W. T. G. Brown preached on "Good Cheer" in Sydenham Street Church on Sunday morning, as a desirable thing to be exercised throughout the coming year. And this spirit of cheerfulness was the outgrowth of Christmas living. The doctrines of the ¢hurch, the Apostles' Creed and the teaching of Jesus all get forth this splendid virtue. The world would be infinitely sweeter if men and women found contentment and happiness in whatever state of life they were placed. Gloom and melancholy never got a person any- where. The congregation left the charch mightially inspired and im- pressed. Automobile Licenses. Harry Bould. the local automobile license issuer, has just received 500 of 3,500 licenses to be sold in Kings- ton. The remainder of the markers are expected to arrive during the latter part of the week. The mark- ers were due to arrive here on De- cember 15th, and automobile owners were to have until January. lst to » KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE JANUARY CLEARANCE SALES Savings! Savings! Savings! That's the story! Come early to-morrow morning and come prepared to take full advantage of these wonderful offerings prepared for a great selling. Sale comm ces sharp at 9.30. the savings: $15.00 Blankets $13.95 Blankets $13.50 Blankets $12.95 Blankets $11.50 Blankets $11.00 Blankets os All Wool Blanket Prices Fall in this Sale! The superior quality of these Blankets empha- size the advantages to be gained in the buying. They will instantly appeal to you because of their wonder- ful fleecy lightness and great warmth. Snow white Blankets with pink or blue striped borders. Note MOTORISTS - ATTENTION! AUTO ROBES" SPECIAL $1.95 EACH Priced regularly at $8.00. 2 only, imported Scotch Plaid Port Wool Ato Robes of the best quality and large, sencrous size. The colorings and plaids are of the richest with stripes of dark blues and reds. You must hurry to par ticipate in this 'special selling. While they last at only $1.95 each. 1 PURE WOOL ++ FILLED ~ COMFORTERS $5.95 EACH forters. $18.50 . .. $15.00 . Eiderdown Comforters | AT GREAT SAVINGS Elegant Eiderdown Filled Comforters with pretty Sateen coverings and panels, in all hades, in floral designs. The prices are seldom found so low. Every homekeeper will want one of these Com- Formerly priced at +. Sale Price $12.50 .Sale Price $11.00 AN EXTRA SPECIAL! Comforter Bargain $2.95 each