BE Livingston's Annual January Discount Sale In our Ready-to-Wear Department is now in full swing. Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats and everything in our Ready- to-wear Department in this great sale. No reserve. COME AT ONCE and get best selection. Everything marked in plain figures. LIVINGSTON'S 75.79 BROCK STREET "IF OFF YOUR ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" Founded 1847. 20% -- i Usual Hours! Kingston Rotary Club Shoe And Stocking Fund The Shoe and Stocking Fund Com- mittee of the Rotary €lub wish to ac- knowledge the following subscriptions and donations received 'up to the pre- sent and wish to extend .our sincere thanks for the hearty response. This work is worthy of your sup- port. Your help keeps many children at school who otherwise would have to stay at home. Have you sent your subscription? If not, do so today. This work is carried on throughout the cold weather. The hollowing is a list of the subscribers so ir) $100--~Rotary Club. $20.00--C. Bermingham. $10.00--Alfred Hs Fair, Mrs, H. C. Welch. $5.00]. F. Leslie, A Friend, Miss Hope Carnegie, T. F. Ritchie, G. Ca- vin, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd., Thomas Bis- hop, Estate of J. S. Randolph. $3.00---~Miss Comer. $2.00--Principal R. B. Taylor, C. C. Nash, K, T. Best, A. J. Evans, W. F. Musselman, H. Breathwaite, M. Bo- han, W. A. Kaittings, Dr. P. H. Huyck, A. N. Lyster, Howard Kelley, Dr. L. J. Austin; - Jame Swift "ahd Company, W. Hobart Dyde, Jae Harris, Wil- Jam T. Guild, J.-B. Bunt, George A. teman, A Friend, J ohn Donnelly, O. Se Dob C. J. Harper, 'W tam Blanche. H. Silvers, AE. Day, Lowry, Pls E. E. Horsey, A Brn. a Fowler McKelvey & X ne 3 LI - City and Digtrict Vi Ml In New York. Mrs. Malette, who has been visit- ing her daughter, in New York, for the past ten days, is seriously ill there. Her sister, Miss Katie Dick- son, is with her, Arrive. A number of delegates have arriv- \gd at the local hotels for the con- vention of the Eastern Dairymen"s Association, to be held Wednesday and Thursday. To Give Concert at Rockwood. The Salvation Army Band will put on a 'concert at the Rockwood Hospital. on Tuesday evening. Tha band will render sacred selectl under the leadership of Bandm Horace Otten. Im---- » Walks Slippery. The walks about the city were very slippery on Tuesday and men were engaged in spreading sand to prevent slipping. Those driving horses also experienced considerable trouble in keeping the animals from falling. Children Given Treat. Mr. W. O'Donnell treated the children of St. Mary's-of-the-Lake Orphanage to a sleighing party on New Year's afternoon. About eighty- five children were accommodated on three sleighs, and they thoroughly enjoyed their jolly ride through the city streets, Death of An Infant. The death of John Murray, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, 89 Queen street, occurred on Tuesday morning. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternon from the residence of his parents to Cataraqui cemetery. M. P. Keyes was in charge of the}: funeral arrangements. Boy Taken Home. Lee Thompson, the five-year old son of Mr. Claude Thompson, of Bath, who broke his arm while slid- ing down hill, was brought to King- ston by Dr. Maybee, of Odessa, on Sunday, and 'underwent treatment in the Hotel Dieu. The break was slightly above the elbow. His par- ents took hirh home on Monday af- ternoon and he is reported to be very much improved. New Sailor's Home. The new Sailors' Home ana Friendly Mission, which was open- ed recently to the transients of the city, is in need of furnishings and citizens who have any old furnish- ings might eall at the home, which is situated in the old Provincial Hotel on Brock street. The tag day | which was held recently, did not provide enough to carry out the ex- tensive work anticipated by the ladies in charge, and the citizens are asked to help in any way pass ----n Held A Eichre. A very enjoyable and largely at- tended euchre was held Monday evening under the auspices of the Orphans' Guild, in 'the recreation hall, of the House of Providence. The convenors of the event, were Mrs. W. G. Bailey, and Mrs. W. D. Sughrue. There were seventeen tables, with fourteen in play. The first prize for the ladies was won by Miss Gertrude Darragh. Six gent- lemen tied for the gentlemen's first prize. Refreshments were served by the ladies at the conclusion of the games, Crossed Over The Ice. Despite the fact that the ice bridge between Wolfe Island and Kingston is in a very precarious con- dition, due to the mild weather of Monday and Tuesday, Oliver Haw- kins of Wolfe Island crossed to Kingston with a horse and sleigh on Tuesday morning. He was forced to pick his way carefully and proceed |. slowly, and he stated that the ice was very thin in places and that air holes were numerous, The trip was made without breaking through the ice at any place, but it Is not con- sidered gafe enough for heavy traf- fle, and islanders are hoping for a cold spell to strengthen it. The Salavage Prince broke the {ce in the harbor again on Monday p afternoon and in places the _ee!| showed to be nearly a foot thick. man DAILY MEMORANDUM. LT.B. Euchre and Dance tofnight KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE } . JANUARY .| CLEARANCE SALE. of Misses ' and Ladies' ¢ Dresses 1/3 . Don't delay attending this sale. Join the throng of thrifty shoppers, who will save dol- lars. It's clearing time in our ready-to-wear department and our entire stock of high grade Dresses will be offered to-mor- row morning at this 1-3 off price This sale includes v SILK DRESSES FLANNEL DRESSES BALBRIGGAN DRESSES SPORT DRESSES WOOL CREPE DRESSES AFTERNOON DRESSES All priced to save you money. Come as early as you can. First choice is always best. Sale starts promptly at 9.30, TE $45.00 Dresses less 1-3 $3000 $35.00 Dresses less 1-3 : 33 $16.67 $14.00 $1000 $6.17 $4.64 $39.50 Dresses léss 1-3 $25.00 Dresses less 1.3 $21.00 Dresses less 1-3 $15.00 Dresses less 1.3: $ 9.25 Dresses less 1.3 hen ip $ 6.95 Dresses less 1-3 | SPECIAL BARGAIN VALUES BEING | OFFERED DURING THIS SALE IN 3 a a