RADIO. THURSDAY, JAN. Tih. ine iq To-Morrow Morning Promptly at9 A. M. os. Fa IF FOUR DAYS ONLY | Begins Our Annual | 1 FOUR DAYS 7 to 8 p.m.~SBoprano and tenor solos and Radio Play, "Oh, Jarvis," KPEA, Piusburgh, (809). 8.30 pm.~--~KDKA Symphony Or- chestra and Carlo Beneti, tenor. hn 11 p.m.--Concert from the Pitts- | burgh Post Stadlo. | WHAL Cincinnati, (826). 7 pm.--~Programme from WSAI Studios. 7.80 p.m.--Hire's Voyageurs. | : 8 p.m~--"Cliquot ; Club" pro- ] 'gramme. $ p.m~8ilvertown Cord Orches- * eR WEAF, New York, (492). 6 pm. to 12 p.m.--Dinner music 1 from Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; Mid- f Week Hymn Sing; Hire's Voyag- O ours; Chliguot Club Eskimos; Good- . rich Zippers; Casa Lopez Orchestra. ETO | | 800 Women's and Misses' BY nn i c=. | DRESSES and EVENING GOWNS | WRC, Washington, (469). 8 p.m.--Pan-American concert, 9 p.m.---Royal Salon Orchestra. | % 10 p.m.~To be announced. Sale Starts Ee tors? Stans Deca. nile Every Garment Styled and Finished to Our High Standard of Quality and | Sgle Starts gn to| fl acsan | OUR WORD FOR IT-EVERY ITEM AT EXACTLY HALFPRICE| 'Wun 8 p.m.--The Sesquicentenial, a 8.15 p.m.--Choral Society of Y, m=z | 4 DAYS ONLY Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday Trio, Albany. ' 5 p.m.-=Musical programme rr - WFBL, Syracuse. / Pp.m.--~--Royal Hour of Music. p.m. ~--WGY Orchestra and So- Albert, soprano. | --c { | Every Garment at HALF PRICE - Note These ae 31 in the Lot p.m.--~Hotel Kimball Dance Or- Ta. 74 in the Lot 46 p.m.--Frances Zirkin, pian- re | 5-00 DRESSES #75 | $3050DRESSES $10 .80 p.m.--~Musical programme. 90 in the Lot 95 in the Lot mms. [| $)(J00DRESSES. 5900 | 4 450DRESSES, $90) .30 p.m.--BEmily Bbert, soprano. 26 in the Lot 75 in the Lot Mark-in-the-Bowery = iene wow. $ ? 500 DRESSES. Lod _$ | 9-5 $ 49 50 DRESSES a 2 4 pn mata shelton En. - | $750 DRESSES 1 3% - | $r.c.00 DRESSES $927 Xi 108 in the Lot 2) 48 in the Lot -- | .50 DR | no we xem ano | fl | 9] ]-20 DRESSES SR.75 $3.50 DRESSES, a -- 4 it cof the the Municip Elec- tion in Tweed, d, Jan. 4.8, B. Rollins was GE | -- ThesStyles-- "Every Dress Bears --The Materials y Garrett, on || : ; Our "To coms tin-Faced Cant Hh '{ ~--are handsome Black or Colored Dinner --consist of Satin-Faced on Crepe, Dresses-- smart Afternoon Dresses--Even- * Satin-Back Canton Crepe, French Flat Crepe, "" 3 i | G b | 1 a K€ Chiffon Velvet, Cut Velvet, Velvet and at - Dresses for | business womens sual ua ntee : Georgette combinations. Georgelles, Taf- Di ; . this ; 4 G and 'Ch . ora th qu" ik pres i, | MU ASRS OEEY SREY | on ns ot nn there's every style of dress a woman could THE SEASON MUST BE SOLD, thereby lewving our and wanted material. wish for in this sale at exactly HALF PRICE, 'stock clean and EE Fal mainaining the -will i : ; of our customers. : ¥ During. this sale we earnesfly solicit your co-operation in diving us as _ long as possible for oterations, owing to congestion in our work. i