, NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS / 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG \ LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE | Woman's Page Editor Phone 2618, Private Phone 857w. 4 . . * The Whig will be glad fo have the names of visitors im town and ac- pounts. of various social events for. the social column. Buch communications should be - signed and the address of the sender given. Write or telephone to the Editor of the Woman's Page, Tele- phone No. 2613. . "Roselawn," the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Harty, was brilliantly il- | laminated and the rooms were gay with balloons and bunting, on Wed- nesday evening, when Mrs. Harty gave a fancy dress party for her daughters, Miss Nadine and Miss Betty Harty. The hostess, wearing a frock of white lace, received the guests, and soon a brilliant assemblage was gathered in the large rooms. Quaint gowns that might have been worn by great-grand- mothers were seen beside Spanish la- dies, gypsy girls and court belles and beaux. The excellent music was sup- plied by the Melody Kings Orchestra, and, the dancers had plenty of room, for supper was served on the lowest floor which was bright with flags and bunting. A novelty dance prgvided the guests with whistles and the fun went merrily on, A few of the pretty costumes were those of Miss Nadine Harty, who was a striking "Jean d'Ar&" Miss Betty Harty as a Quaker- ess, Miss Anne Osler, (Bronte) a pier- vette, Miss McGregor, (Montreal), Folly, Miss Nina Elmsley was a charm ing Spanish Lady, as was. also Miss Virginia Fair, Miss Jane Coate, (Chat- ham), was a Columbine, Miss Sue and Miss Mollie Houston (Ottawa), were Children's Colds. Are quickly, pleasantly re- lieved by Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine 'Gives expert attention to all lines of Beauty Culture. old-fashioned ladies, Miss Catharine Dougherty, Ottawa, wore a period frock. Miss Jane Waddell was a charm- ing pierrette, and Miss Mary Hora was Folly, Miss Dorothy Lyster wore an old fashioned gown, and several of/the cadets had brought costumes from Montreal and Toronto to grace this wonderful party. After a while, Mr. and Mrs. Harty slipped away to return, Mrs. Harty as a pretty little girl and Mr. Harty and Mr. Guy Martiner, (Néw York), as a girl and boy Dutch dolls. Their costumes and make up were splendid. A few people not in'cos- tume came in to see the pretty sight. Among them were Major-General and Mrs. J. H. Elmsley, Col. and Mrs. Brook, Col. and Mrs. Schmidlin, Mr. and Mrs, Halloway Waddell, Prof and Mrs. Wilgar, Mr. W. Bermingham, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bermingham, Miss Katie. Bermingham, Major Wallace, Capt. Herron and Mr, Guy Simmons. The matches were being played at the armouries on Wednesday when the Garrison Badminton Club met and several tables of mah jongg were also in play. Everyone gathered in the tea room when tea was served and among those present were Col. and Mrs. Elk- ins, Col. and Mrs.. Brook, Col. and Mrs. A. E. Harris, Dr. and Mrs, P. G. C. Campbell, Col. and Mrs. Schmidlin, Col. Ritchie, Major and Mrs. Sheffield Racony Major and Mrs. Victor Tre- maine, Major and Mrs. Victor Wil liams, Prof. Callander, Mrs. Heber Lafferty, Mrs. W. P. Bridger, Mrs. R. H. Waddell, Mrs. Douglas Jemmett, Mrs. Travers Hora, Mrs. W. K. Mac- nee, Capt. and Mrs. Horace Westmor- land, Capt. and Mrs." Ronald Fortt, Mr. and Mrs. Park Mictoria, B.C, Mrs.y Keith Hickey, Mrs. James Miller, Mrs. James, Miss Hora, Miss Shearer, (Toronto), Miss Emma Pense, Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Aileen Rogers, Migs Jessie Tor. rance, the Miss Rutherford, Miss Helen Strange, Mr. Noel Lee, Mayor Hughes Mrs. Joseph Comipéaw, Ports. mouth, was the hostess of a dance on Monday evening when a number of guests were from Sydenham, Gan- anoque and Wolfe Island. Old time dances were enjoyed and the even- ing passed pleasantly. Refreshments were served. LJ . * The executive of the Frontenac Women's Institutes were the hostesses of a dinner given in the Eastern Dairy School on Wednesday evening in hon- or of the Ddirymen's Association. . * - 5 The staff and nurses of Rockwood Hospital are giving this their annual dance on Friday evening. » Miss Ethel Dixon has returned to Ottawa to resume her studies at the Normal School after spending the holidays with' her parents, Mr. and Mre. James Dixon, Sunbury. Miss Vera Shaw, who was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Shaw, Bagot street, has returned to Toron- to. $ + J Mrs. Russell Derry, Sydenham street ll L1eft for Ottawa today to visit Mrs. Wil- liam Smith. Miss Louise Hill, Gore street, left for Ottawa today to be the guest of Senator and Mrs. Hewitt Bostock and will attend the drawing at Government House. Miss Lois Taylor, the Principal's Re- silences, Queen's University, will spend the week-end in Toronto. Miss Taylor will go to 'Boston later in the month to visit her sister, Mrs. James Odell, and Mr, Odell. Mrs. E. S. Mathers and Miss Ethel Mathers, Edmonton, Alta, are the guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. M. W. Harlow, Victoria street. » Cadet James Thornton, who spent the: holidays in Montreal with his fa- ther, Sir Henry Thoruton, has return- ed to the Royal Military College. Mr. Edgar Ogilvie, Sudbury, is in Toronto to attend this week's dance at Government House, and will be the guest of his -parents, Col. and Mrs. unter Ogilvie, in Queen's Park. Mrs. W. Nicol, Villa St. Clare Apart ments, will entertain at bridge on Fri- day and Saturday evenings. Mrs. J. &. Murchie, is at present with London for the holiday in town this week Montreal. seasoft, was ¢ nt the her mother, Mrs. A. M. Kirkpatrick, in London. Capt. Muréhie, why was in| .on his way to | COMINGEVENTS ) The Editor Hears | The annual meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held in the Y.W.CA. Johnson street, on Monday, January 11th, at 3 o'clock. Rev, T. W. Savary will be in the chair and an address 4 will be given by Dean Connell The public Is invited to attend. ADVT. RATES, WOMAN'S FAGE: Coming events, not intedded to ise money, 2c. a word; minimum 0c. If held fo raise money, dc. & word; minimum §1. Receptions, engagements, mar riage announcements, personal noe tices, 235 words or less, $1.00 per Insertion. ntertainments, concerts, meet. ings, ete, 15c. per line for readers; 10¢. pet line for display advts. Mini- mum charge $1.00. street, for thé holidays, has returned to Toronto. Cadet Oster has returned to the Royal Military College from Toronto. Prof. and Mrs. Manley B. Baker, William street, have returned from Toronto. . . . Miss Violet Brown has returned to Toronto. Miss Annie Melliroy, University, has returned Sarnig and is at the YW.C.A. Mrs. J. B. Tyrrell, who has been in Halifax with her sister, Mrs. Whitman, returned to Toronto this week. Miss Charlotte Whitton, Ottawa, who will spend the week-end in town with Mrs. Douglas Chown, King street, west, is at present in Toronto. Mr. Thomas King, Detroit, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce King have returned home after spending the holidaye with friends and relatives in the city. Queen's from OC. W.L. Bridge. Catholic Women's League 'will | hold a bridge in Catholic Assembly Hall, on Friday evening, Jan. 8th. Tickets or tables may be reserved gy telephoning 1641, 907w or 1918w. "I réckon it sounds queer to strangers, but I got used to callin' Pa 'Honey' before he looked like he does now." Mary Louise Croake has the pret- tiest boyish bob in Cincinnati, ac- cording to a contest recently held ---batley, whest and oats--which, there. v The good are the poor; the are pedestrians ithe good die young. 'darkening gray, 'Junior Audubon | the 'century; but she is a well-pre~ 4 'Black Watch' plaid dress. Her hair d faded | 45 That wise women are taking ad- vantage of the sales in the Kingston shopé to lay in a stock of ready-to- wear garments and material for their own dresses and their child- ren's frocks and coats. Household | materials are also on sale and many | pretty ends of cretonneé for cover- lets and furnishing can bé found on the remnant tables. That a writer in the Winnipeg, Free Press describes the dancing at the Old-Timers Annual Ball in this wige: "The orchestra was playing 'Garry Owen,' and then the fiddles shrilled and pleaded as they swung into Turkey in the Straw and a hundred couples of white-haired men and women . who could re- member when Winnipeg washed its face in a tin pan out of the Red River, and mixed with them a younger generation born on the prairie, turned and balanced and bowed and laughed and shouted as they went through the mazes of the Lancers while 70 years of western history were rolled together. Right Hon. Arthur Meighen is taking part in a square dance near the door. In the next group is Mrs. Charlie Brown, aged seventy-four, swinging easily and smilingly into the dance. The crowd forms into a big circle for the Red River jig, with the soli- tary fiddler on a lonesome chair in the middle. Mrs. Charles Brown and Mr. Sibbald with his moccasins are the first couple and as the fiddler talks the weight of half a century is thrown away. H. C. Whellans of East Kildonan attracts attention with a bit of fast stepping. Mr. Sib. bald returns and cuts him out. A young lady does a vigorous step that one old-timer back of us says is the real thing but which another says is a little too modern. We don't know." That Mr. George Stockbridge found two pansies blooming in the C.P.R. garden on Wednesday. This successful gardener seems to have learned how to produce biocssoms in mid-winter. We are wondering what next he will bring to The Whig to show us what can be done with flowers and plants if you have learn- ed their sccrets, That the mild weather brought out some of the birds which, al- though they stay in Canada all winter, seldom appear in extreme weather, On Wednesday, a crow flew over the city and several peo- ple have seen winter robins. Will the 3 oty tell. the editor of the Word's Path. When they see a strange bird? That every train that came into the city on Wednesday was laden | with cadets returning to the Royal | Military College and Queen's stu- dents returning to the University. We are glad to have them back and wish them a happy year. That the Hamilton Spectator says of the famous Canadian actress- who was born in Hamilton: "Julia Arthur i8 in Winnipeg this week, the guest of Sir James and Lady Alkins at Government house. Many functions have been arranged for her, including Canadian club, and the Winnipeg branch of the Can- adian Women's Press club, the wo- efi's branch of the Canadian thors' association, and others. Bhe has a maid rejoicing in the name of 'Sweet Wine,' although coming from the land where pro- hibition reigns. She hegged a west- ern correspondent who knew the Lewis family in Hamilton not to ask her age, as it had already been su ently "'put" at anywhere up to served, clear-eyed, sensible woman, charming in a Canadian-made is bobbed, and she wears the badge of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire." SHOPPING. "The trouble with shopping," says Nellie to me, : 'Lies not in the things which I'd like that I see, But the ribbons and things Such as monkeys on strings, : And Tittle pink bonnets and dollies _ + and shoes Which T don't need at all, but T can- not refuse. . "It's this way," she said, "as I go ~ through the shops doll carriages, tea jirl or boy Ls smile with delight such THE SENDING OF THE MAGL In a far Fastern country It happened long of yore Where a lone and level sunrise Flushes the desert floor, That three kings sat 1ogether And a spearman kept the door. Gaspar whose wealth was counted By city and caravan; With Melchior, the seer Who read the starry plan; And Balthazar the blameless Who loved his fellowman. There while they talked a sudden Strange rushing sound arose And as with startled faces They thought upon their foes, Three figures stood before them In imperial repose. One in flame-gold and one in blue And one in scarlet clear, With the almighty portent Of sunrise they drew near! And the kings made obeisance With hand on breast in fear. "Arise" they said, "we bring you Good tidings of great peace! To-day a power is wakened Whose workings must increase Till fear and greed and malice And violence shall cease." Nt The messengers were Michael, By whom all things are wrought To shape and hue; and Gabriel Who 18 the lord of thought; And Rafasl without whose love All toll must come to naught. Then Rafael said to Balthazar, "In a country west from here A lord is born in lowliness In love without a peer. Take grievances and gifts tor him And prove his kingship clear! "By this sign shall ye know him; Within his mother's arm Among the sweet-breathed cattle He slumbers without harm, : While wicked hearts are troubled And tyrants take alarm." \ And Gabriel said to Melchior "My comrade I will send My star to go before you That ye may comprehend Where leads your mystic learnin If a humaner trend." ; And Michael said to Gaspar, "Thou royal builder, go With tribute of thy riches! Though time shall overthrow Croup at Night GALLAGHER'S » T 'AXI 'PHONE SERVICE 960 25¢ gp CITY DAY OR NIGHT ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS Easy To Gain Weight With Yeast and Iron New Combination of Yeast With Vegetable Iron Builds Up Weight in Three Weeks Thin, run-down and under. weight men, women and children §, can improve their health, in- crease their energy and put on from five to twenty pounds of good solid flesh in three weeks. 2 A new combination of yeast vitamines with vegetable iron, renews the action of sluggish blood cells, drives out dangerous poisons, increases and endurance and supplies the system with the vitamines that build up weight. For years yeast has been known as a rich vitamine food, but not until we perfected "ironised yeast"--which comes in concen- trated tablet form, was it possible to take yeast and iron in the right Proportions to build up weight. » egetable "Iron" » en com- . y ined with yeast is quite easy to digest, therefore better for the system. And "yeast" when ironized, becomes just twice as beneficial as ordinary fresh or cake t. Ironized Yeast tablets are composed of concentrated food ele- merits, therefore they are pleasant to take and free from drug-like effects. It makes no differénce how old you are---or how Joung Jou are--how long you have been under-weight--or how much - weight you are, "ironized yeast" tablets ate positively guaranteed to ick you right up, and add from five to twenty pounds of good firm fesh in three weeks' time. If they fail get your money back. Sold by druggists, at $1.00 for a large 60-tablet package. Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Ltd., Toronto. A. -- nn Thy kingdom, no undoing The visitors were gone. His gentle might shall know." . | Then straightway uprose Gaspar, Then while the kings' hearts great | Melchior and Balthazar ened And passed out through the murmur And all the chamber shone, Of palace and bazaar As when the hills at sundown To ke, without misgiving Take a new glory on The Yuriy of the Star. And the air thrill with purple --Bliss Carman. " mena --~ vw . JUST RECEIVED A 'CASE OF SCOTCH WOOL BLANKETS "THE. LAMMERMOOR" This is one of the finest qualities of, pure Wool Blankets made. : All whipped singly. Pink and Blue borders. ° Made in the following sizes, 62x81 --64x84--66x86--72x90--76x94. We guarantee the prices to be right as we make a specialty of this line of celebrated Blankets. W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store LINDSAY PIANOS MADE IN CANADA THE STYLE "A. i : | Colonial style, full iron Frame, Overstrung Bass, Ivory Keys, Three Pedals, beautiful Mahogany Case and exceptionally fine tohe, : = i SE § EASY TERMS ¢