THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG "The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place DAIRYNEN PAID VISIT "HEMLOCK STOCK FARM Delegates to "Convention Were Impressed With Conditions at This Dairy Farm Plant. of about forty of the dele- A rol Dairymen's Convention, et in the city on Wednesday rsday, took the opportunity to the Hemlock Park - Stock ¥arm on Thursday afternoon. They were transported to the farm in mo- Br busses and were shown over the tdtution by Mr. W. J. Fair and the farm management. Although these men had heard very glowing accounts of this farm, they were more than delighted in what they saw. Many expressed themselves as never having seen a dairy farm plant that could equal it, md they felt that the dairy industry in tern Ontario would receive a d stimulus from the fact that ' farmers would be able to get e Mnest strain of Holstein cattle from this farm to build up their own herds. LA feature which greatly impressed Mhe visitors was the care which was ed on the farm to ensure the ab- solute cleanliness and purity of the milk, and they were very surprised to learn that milk sold in Kingston at a much lower price than milk of a like quality was sold at in any other city. About two hours was spent in the visit, and the dairymen were convinced that it was ome of the most beneficial features of the gle convention, QOMMUNITY HALL OPENED AT GLENBURNIE Event Marked With Chicken Supper, Programme and Dance. whi and The new community hall was form- ly opened at Glenburnie on Thurs- y night, by the United Farmers' ub, No. 741. The new hall was formerly the old Presbyterian Church snd, after the United Church was formed ,the farmers bought the pllding at a cost of §2,000 and re- lled it into & community hall, | Tor the service of the young peop DEATHS. WISKIN--In Kingston, January 1926, Delmar Boyd, infant son of Mr.' and Mrs. Harold Wiskin, 4868 Fle Street. saturd 1t uneral (private) urday - afternoon, 2 o'clock, to Cataraqui Cemetery. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 877, 280 Princess Street M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME: * 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889. |OUT OUR WAY. TH SHERIFFS UST, SMOKEY GT's TH SHERIFF AN TAKES A PRISONER" AWAN FROM Him, JOHN CORNELIUS Undertake? and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 660 H. Jd. UNPERTAKER 0 EMBALMER PARLOKS-Syde a Yarker, Verona, and Atteraca. Ambulance 'phone 35. h KINGSTON, hy TT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ads. are restricted tg thelr proper classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Dally rate per Mne or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Da rates id line Charge Cash irths, Engagements, Mar- riages, one insertion charged, $1.60; San, $1.00. Card of Thanks, and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, §1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-tilne inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Fount six average wordg to the ne. Ci ged ads. will be received by telephone and if paid at The Brits ish Whig Office within 6 days from the first date of Insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjuste ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line lor white space As the same #s a line of type. Special rate for yearly ED vertiaing upon request. Publighers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified 'advertising copy. Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. post and Found 1 AUTO KEY--Found, In front of door of British American Hotel. Owner may ave same at British American Ho- te Bb KILLIN "TNO O THEM "~ : I» PUBLIC ORPINIONY BY WILLIAMS. FINO Tat LETTER O PLutf BEWILDERED!| AN TELLIN TH THERN | SMOMENS NTH Baw TT BEAT IT 1S WHUT POINTS ONE WAY TWO BANK HOLDUPS | EVER HE 15, HE SHORE | WN. UH-A- WAL HES IS KILLED AN TEs [HAD NERVE AN SPEED | SOME FAST Wi A STOUT WITH THEM TNO. | HOW SICK 1S Ths HERE SMOKEY ? TJRwilliave Oven by wes i» -18 Help Wanted ___ Real Estaté Por Rent Articles For Sale. Articles For Sale. Business Service Furniture 13a FURNITURE-- Antique and modern furniture sold and bought. M. Cram- er, svi rribcess teel, BSUCCessurs 0 Lesseg Antique Shop. Fuel ana Feed is FOR SALE--l car Virginia Nut Coal 13.00 ton, 1 car Ken: ucky Egg $135.00. hese are semi-hard and burn well in stoves apd furnaces, 1 ear Split Pea Coke, $8.00. 1 ton Virginia or Ken tucky and 1 ton Pea $20.00. Smaller quantities. Cartage extra. 1 car Peat $6.00 half ton. Dry mixed soft Cond- wood or slabs, $3.00 load. Dry hard- wood $4.00 load. Phone 24¢0-w. W. C. Bruton, 290 Wellington Street. HARDWOOD--Dry body Saple $3.75 per. load, Dry mixed $3.0 Dry so maple, $3.76. Split 25c. Dy 'Phone 1439-J. Mrs. Ray Parker, corner Jonnson and Mclwnald Sireets. HARDWOOD--33.50 and $3.75 quarter cord; mixed wood $2.75 and $3.25; Slab wood $2.76 to $350, according to qual. ity; rough and dressed lumber, shingles, $3.50 per thousand and up. Sawdust sold cheap, , Talbot, Concession Sireet. Telephone 2753-J. STOVE WOOD--Of all kinds; cut stove lengths; kept under cover. Cedar kin- dling, split, §2.76 load. 'Phone 889. J. Peters & Son, eorner Brock and Vie- toria streets. SWAIN'S WOOD YARD = Dry dod hardwood, $4.60 quarter cord; mixe: bodywooed $4.00 cord; hardwood slabs $4.00 a load. Mixed slabs $3.00 a + load. 'Phone 2516-w. ~W. Business Services ee SEES Talloring. and Pressing 20 W. ROBERTSON --- Tallor, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing; your own clot made wp. Samples in' stock. $20.00 and up. 273 Bagot Street. born rrofessional J} DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER .. W. A. Marcelis, corner of Barrie and Prine cesa Streets. Chiropractic adjusts ments, electric treatments and hand' massage. X-ray service. Consults tion tree. Hours #-12 am. 1-§ p.m. Evenings by appointment. Office tele~ phone 522-J. Residence 'phone 957-J. LUQY==Geo. ¥. and Jennie A, Chiro. practors, Registered Nurse, 202 Bagot Street. 'Phone $51-w., Houps 9-12, 1-3, 6-7.30.. Consultation free. Insurance ERNIE D. SLITER--Insurance Broker, all branches of Insurajte in old companies of highest financial stand- ing: 851 King feet East 235:8-w. Res 1121. FIRE-Automobile and Cagualt ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 Ear 'Phone 1783-M. INSUBANCE--Only She most i asanly companies re hed in ties S ome * np Strange, establis B--Life, Fire. Accident snd 'Phones Insur~ Street. Clarence Street, B. COOK "bicinans in rel Rig rig manage m Office 503-w. . Red 1101-00 R HEALTH AND ACCIDENT-.Pol- ar will protect Joup $ Salary, All Hines 0 lls Insuragee. EK. of Fire and Autom Williams, 2 Couper #t Decorators - » Aw=Paint Ba ANDERSON, or. Estimates given er And Decors n oF Sm Jobs. Choice stock Xi: arr om samples carried. hone 186 CALL 13§3.F--For first i paper hanging and interior decorating. Choice samples. H. Rowley. N PAINTING=J. Robinson, sige bagot Street A ou TT Pinesoal FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. MENT SOCIETY -- incorporated in 1861. President. A. D. Cartwright, Vice-president J. M. Farrell Money to loan on city and farm properties; in- vestment, DBondg bought and Sold; des posits received and inter minimum monthly balance. e Cartwright, manager, 87 ry §t. Storage NEW LARGE STORAGE WAREHOUSE =-built of concrete blocks and cement floors; ready to receive all kinds of merchandise, including automobiles, trucks and furniture, etc. Terms reas sopable, Call and inspect at 290 Wel- ington. street, 2440-w, W. C. ru > a7 ASHES.Cleaned out of cellars and yards, ciean job done. A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. Phone 2255. Male Help Wanted 2 YOUNG MAN-Or middle-aged man preferably one who has been in busi ness and who has good connection in and around Kingston, to represent me, This should be good for $150.00 weekly for at least three months. .This pro- position is not permanent, but may develop so. If you can qualify, this is a legitimate proposition for a man who can come well recommended. will be in Kingston shortly and will interview you. Address Advertiser, c/o. "Whig," Kingston. == in Female Help Wanted 3 ity. The event held on the ro of the hall was a triple af- fair, consisting of a chicken Supper, programme and a dance. The chair pled by Mr. C. J. Graham, Kingston township. The me consisted of a number focal and instrumental selections, by members. of the Farmers' a . The prinéipal speaker was . W. J. Bell, principal of Kempt- 'fila Agricultural College, who also dtessed the [Eastern Dairymen's peiation on - Thursday evening. re was a large attendance at the int and danding until 3 a.m. "The community is the first ure of this kind over taken this line at Glenburnie, and far it has with a large meas- ure of success, ue to the efforts of the farmers of the community, who have taken this means to keep their boys and sl at home. nd for the social events of the com- h UNITED CHUROH LOYAL TO BRITISH THRONE Delegation From u the New Body Conveys Greeting to Gov- : ernor-General a . | N na a ------ Ottawa, Jan. 8.--Loyalty to the King and to Canada is expressed in two addresses - brought to Govern- ment House yesterday by a delega- on representing the United Church Canada. The addresses are to Majesty the King and His Bx- gellency the Governor-General re- Spectively. They convey the ex- rape of loyalty. and goodwill made at the First General Council "Church in Taronto. . The | Included Rev. 4. C. D.D., moderator; Rev, T. 0 D.D., secretary; Rev. D.D.,, former general BRASS DOOR KEY¥---i'ound, in taxi, on Thursday afernoon. Owner may have same by 'phoning 225. EARRING-- Found, on Brock street, Owner may have same at 406 Bare rie street. FOUNTAIN PEN--- Lost one day last Sek Finder please return to Whig FRONT PART---Of automobile engine hood cover, lost. Finder will be re- warded for return to Callaghan's Gar age, Wellington Street. GLOVE--Found! at corner of Albert and | == Union Bireets. Owner may have same at Whig Office. ---------------------------------------------- LARGE KEY «= Found on Frontenac Street, on New Year's eve, Owner may have same at Whig Office. PAIR OF MITTS--Child's, white with blue cuffs. Owner may have same at Whig Office. PURSESmall, black, containing smal} sum of money, lost Wednesda, ing between Johnson and Rideau Streets. Finder please return to Whig Office or phone 2019-F. STRING OF BREADS A brooch, one pair of dark-glasses, Rune in Laid~ daw's store. Apply at main office and claim same. TAIL BOARD--Of oe lost on road between Napanee and Kin Thursday, Finder please return to W. G. Craig and Co, Ontario Street. LWATCH--IFound, on Earl Street, bes tween Barrie and Division Synee. may have same at 229 t - Store Burned. Arden, Jan. 7.--~The store and dwelling of Wilson Thompson, at Elm Tree, six miles west of Arden, was destroyed by fire Tuesday morn- ing. and the members of Mr. Thomp- son's family just managed to escapy in fa Sonty clothing. No cause has been assigned for the fire. There was a small insurance on the stors and stock, but none on the home or contents, The loss is heavy. To Install Officers. Mrs. G. BE. Rothwell, past 'worthy matron of Frontenac Chapter No. 90, and Mrs. Gordon left for Syden-| Nn ham this afternoon, to install the ofticers of Loborough Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. The ceremony Will take place this evening. ------------ Kenneth Holmes aged fonrtesn, Sidney township, died in Belleville hospital, on Tuesfay, following an { operation tor tor appendicitis. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hojmes, GENERAL SERVANT---Wanted, jmme- diately. 'Apply to 2340 Frontenac Street. MAID---Wanted for general housework. Apply §4 Wellington Street.. ee ee Male or Female Help Wanted 8a COOK-~Wanted for hotel, at once. APs _Ply to Stewart House, Lansdowne. st "Male and Help Wanted 8b GOOD SECOND COOK----- (Male), also two good dindng room girls. Apply at _oftice, Kingston "General Hospital. Agents Wanted 1 Rooms 10 ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM -- Well heated. All conveniences. Apply 88 Main street. ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM--AIl con. veniences; warm, with private family. Apply 201 William street. I| ONE FRONT BEDROOM--- Warm and brigh:; central; pholie 2120-F. ROOMS--TWo or three, furnished for Hight housekeeping; no children; all conveniences; use of phone. Rent rea. sonable, near Business College. Ap+ ply 'phone 1523-w. Wanted To Rent SMALL FURNISHED APARTMEN Wanted for aix months. Apply K-8, Whig Office. / Farms and Land rent reasonable. Tele- n 12 CHR SUS _man, Bath Road Post Real Estate For Sale Houses rk . Chap' 72 ie 4. 5 FIRST CLASS MAN--Salesman, School education at least. preferred, but not essential. A real opportunity with big organisation. Salary and commission; none but men of character, energy and ambition, aha of highest = standing need Spply Chances for promotion unlimited. ply by letter with full details. Agha Rreferred from 236 to 40 yeats. A~2, Whig Office. AGENTS--Get in a profitable, commission business of Eyery propert High Married all-year your gen. owner is a cust or prospect. "hAuhdred variet 0 of hardy Nursery products, Cash every. week. Complete ap ment and instructions free. Weite Dominion Nurseries, Montreal. or Rent laces n Real Business STORES--Three stores, Princess Street, south side; heated, commoi@fous, redr entrance. Aloo fxtures, m rrors, ete, for sale, Apply 1 1 Cohen & Co. One tarjo Street. Housuvs ® BWELLING~---Five Joos, with stable garage. est Bateman' Heat Estate, nis Brock Street. OU SE § rooms, electric li hts rent 16.00, on Cowdy street; small rooms, water and toilet; rent 'on Stanley street; also house on ant real Appl H. F. Nop Pat one Howe HOUSE~--Corner. Colborne and 'streets, 8 reet. =e ater Ti to one. thirds tumbler of water, is the best "according to Sir Harry to the King of Bng- NG man 19 a bopelens fool until he ht J.B CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Rd and Loans 79 Clarence Street. BRICK HOUSE--On Stuart reel all improvéments, $4,300. Ap Trumpour, 270 incess Sirect. Tele+ phone 704 or-1205-J, HOUSHe=A rable cut stond dwell- the' oes of a aliens I 2. Righey, @ y of a client ney, Barrister, etc, 89 Clarence Strest E. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Ineurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets Phone 538-w. Advt Page 2. rick, seven rooms, modern, central. Three farms cloge to city. Would ex- e, a to let; central Insurance. Money 18 Joan 151 Princess Sireet. "Phone 1189-3. anted To Buy 14a a SREY PLEASURE ICH AT--To seat three persons wanted. Must be con« Um. Tom on Dopo aan Books Wanted MR. B. DIAMOND, the known book dealer of a will be in this sity for a few days and will pay the highest cash prices for complete libraries, sets he tame war fo0k.of bimanit tn {00 Miscellaneous CUTTER---For sale cheap, ©0e parts. 'Phone 181-m.- JANUARY SALE--Suits with extra pair Trousers, $30.00. Usual easy terms. Five per cent. for cash. Satisfaction guaranteed. Newest Spring, patterns. 'Phone 2206-w. J. G. Patterson, 120 Johnston Street. LAMP SHADE FRAMES Fire dogs and screens. We make them, large variety. 'Phone 380. Partridge Wire orks. Try us for sliver plating and refinishing. KITCHEN RANGE--Nearly new Peer- less Peninsular Kitchen Range, nearly new Drophead Singer Machine; one Coon Coat. Owner leaving city. ly 69 William Street west. BLDER'S CIGAR STORE -- Farmers when in town see us. Get your sup- ply here. We have the assortment, up in packages, tins and cartons 15 Alsc Bris. done ; ble PATS your convenience. See our pipe specials, 'DO JOU UsmeGia Containers. Ca- pacity allon. We hav ve will sell il cheap. Elders Cigar Sto BLDER'S CIGAR STORE---Special sale of Chocolates Saturday, 60c. for 8%¢c. ELDERS CIGAR STORE--Special sale of Cigars this week-end. Regular ten cenite. BLDER'S CIGAR STO ars Sat urday only, one dollar for a box of 25. BLDER'S o16AR STORE~Smokets, we are offering some aos pe barguins. Drop al on vi aver. BIDER'S CIGAR STORE--Records, new flock of of he latest, the ones you have be ig for, Come in and hear jem. ONE DROP CENTRE BREAD WA: =~(New). Apply BE. E. Wathen, Nelson street. 'Phone 1391.J. ONE CUTTER--One buggy, § tons hay, tons gtraw. Apply John Dockrill, rewer's Mills. PIANO. <Gerhard Het maman i style 72, ahogany case, u design! in excellent conditdon. Can be bought at & great reduction. Easy terms. C. W, Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess Street. PIANO, UPRIGHT---Handsome walnut , 7 1-3 octave, ivory Keys; style Louis. ice Seated. "Phone 2417-3 J cal Colborne Street. 3 o 18 118 (GHS----One set, second hand, Ada ops. Beatty Barn equipment, Daley urns and Washers. Single and double harness. De 1a Separators. . Cramer, Frost ood Agency, 3 Brock Street. Ay 885.7 "ln AGON 127 STRIOILY 1 FRESH per dos. oy 297 Mon SET Ov 8 sunvEYows Walkem, » 5 Clintons +4 do ite ma SUFIS.-Pastly On xi nt 37 eS ma ply eal Street. Tonons able. Terms If} that a CUNNINGHAM & SMITH --. Barristers and Solicitors, 7 Clarence Street, Kingston. AB. Cunnningham, K.C,; Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE--Barristery and Solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King. ston, A. E. Day, Adrian I. Revelle. Morigages arranged. 'Phone 205. REYNOLDS, J. C~Barrister and Solici- tor, 81 Brock Street. Mortgages ar- ranged on city and farm property. 'Phone 2509. SLATER--Douglas, Barrister and Soli- ory 3 Claresics Street. Money to loan. hone 433. re BAe Barrister and Solicitor. Law Offies, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. 'Phone 1998, SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, ete, removed permanen:- ly. Satisfactory Glasses ftted and furnished after others have failed. Goltre cured without o sation, = ears' ar hes. rE Br. img J ye, Lakh Bagot Street. OR orm House 11357 Table Board 22a, TABLE BO. ARD---Given. Near University. An excellent Phe Rates reasonable. 'Phone Fancy Work PICOT EDGING ou Hemstitching, Pieaung, a Suaranteed. Mrs. e rT reet, nea Street. 'Phone 2433-J, Prins a Ladies' Halr Parlor Mu ALL FIRST HAIR, MADE TO rr or- mations, bobbed cu. rr es, sham POOINg, singelne. cur ing, Ladies and Children's Mrs. Cun utting. » ningham Street, Telephoris 8 ey Kingston. WAVING BE or Wat att ing, Cunme er 1 Sieh, ne Facial and na, Sonlp Jheatment. §tiention Ara. Hale Dyein s send Street. bi intment 'phone 2016, PERMANENT WAVING The only wave you can shampoo and ampness improves, Just like natural curly hair Marcel Waving, Sham Manicur ng, Massaging, Hai add all the latest ey in ale A. B. KINGS 209 209 Princess Street. | RY, 2015-7. Netural 848 rate te of sixty cents is set for Counties of Brant, Bigin, Sale, Haldimand and Norfolk. can Anthracite (but STORAGE--Dead storage for cars. Ap ply 538 Frontenac Street. 'Phones 260-w. SKATES SHARPENED---Hollow ground 15c. and 25c. Muller's Bicycle orks, 371 and 373 King Street. 'Phone 19§1-w, SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES--Taken, good teams, careful drivers. Wood saws. ing, carload or job lots: Estimates given. Caverly Transfer Co. Upper Princess Street. 'Phone 1507-7. STORAGKR-For furniture, clean, dry, airy Ts rooms and spaces; 00% key. Frost's City Storage, 200- 305 Queen St. "Phone 526. Res. 98)-w. Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting. Phone 1544. C.'W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERIN Ge-And gong, repal ne Leave Driers at Pips or, cian y Coupe bodies, California Tops an holstering. Awnings and Bente : 347 King street. Automobiles FORD TRUCK 1 sides. Also 1 en ord Munra Auction Rooms, M hone 2945. INSURANC Writing 3 ire, Lit RICE Fr cident, Sickn 3 Other lines of a 33 BROCK ST. 'PHONE 585-w. COOK STOVES nid Also a full line of FURNITURE, Everything reasonable, Turk's Store 'PHONE 705. Control of radio industry and par. ine ¥ ticipation by United States fn dis armament are approved at Vang: ton, We are still able to offer to the Public, Amer procure 4 ang of the shove for any James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street. "Phone 185. not all I sane elsh { Anthracite, Pocahontas Smo = Homie Coke in Stove and Nut sizes. No. 1