THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PROBS: moderately cold, 'with light snow. v | STEACY'S JANU RY = CLEARANCE SALES Every Day a Bargain Day This Month at Steacy's. SATURDAYMORNING 9 TO1 PM. Treble Discount Stamps! A WAR SCENE IN THE HOLY LAND - | French forces captured Rashaya in Syria after a bloody battle with the Druses. Twenty Christians had been massacred | ' in the city, according to reports which led the French to slash their way into the stronghold. i shriveled minds? MARITAL SELECTIVITY Just a little dog biscuit for | thought! Why Do Men Wed Their Social BURIAL AT STRATFORD. and Mental Inferiors ? For a short time we are placing on sale our stock Dr. Hickey's Refi Goods Speedy Relief] | = French Ivory Quickly banishes the : troublesome cold or cough. 25c. and 0c. L. T. Best PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST ! "Phone 59. For Young or old Of the Little Daughter of Dr. Dennis Jordan. . The funeral of Mary Jordon, the By Cynthia Grey. 9-year-old twin daughter of Dr. and . Our friend, De Wolf Hopper, has | Mrs. Dennis Jordan of Toronto, was been married a few weeks, a long | held at Strathcona on Wednesday. time for nim. But even so, the com- | Scores of Strathroy friends met the train to offer sympathy to the fam- ily, and proceeded to the local ce- A A er als ments continue to come from some | of his erstwhile wives as to why the | oiery where interment took place. . girls just will fall in love with De Professor W. G. Jordan of Queen's Wolf. University, Kingston, grandfather of 20% Discount Perhaps the numerosity of the X | the deceased, conducted the service, : Among those from a distance to Wives 'makes - the : comments, It attend the funeral were: J. B. Hun- takes so long to go around. ter of Ottawa, Deputy Minister of Anyway, I see by the papers that| pyplic Works, accompanied by Mrs. one of the X Madame Hoppers ex- Hunter; W. S. Calvert, ex-M.P. for plains De Wolf's fatal fascination {yest Middjesex; George S. Stewart, thus: Sidney Sutherland, Mr. Livingstone, "It's his intelligence! His great|aj; of Toronto; Judge Ross of St. mind! His stupendous mind! You Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Watson just listen, all fascinated! Yonge of London, together with Miss | "Why, 1 was only a girl in the | 4,14 of Toronto, and Mrs. Jordan of 20's and he was 67, and I never |ygingston, and Dr. and Mrs. Dennis thought once of his old shriveled-up | yordon the bereaved parents. legs! His mind was so fascinating!" And there you have it! The eternal, abiding, everlasting differ- ance 'twixt the male and female viewpoint on this thing called matri- mony! - Wabasso Circular Pillow Cottons 40, 42, 44 inch. Reg. 50c. yd. Sale Price 39¢c. | 40, 42, 44 inch. Regular 60c. Sale Price 47c. Sheetings Thousands of yards of Canadian Bleached Sheet- ings at greatly reduced prices This is a splendid op wf portunity to supplement your set of Ivory with an odd piece or two, or to obtain a fine piece of Bng- lish Leather at a very rea- sonable cost. 8-4 Bleached Sheeting, regular 60c. Sale Price 49c¢. 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, 'regular 75c. Sale Price 59¢. Death of James Foley. Monday evening, after a short ill- ness, James Foley passed away at his home, Hard Island, at the ads DETACHED BRICK DWELLING - 7 rooms, B. and Toi electric and | gas, H. w. floors, hot air; garden; central, 2,000--Frase, 4 fooms, B. and T.. electrie light. me, 7 tooms, 3 p. bath, electric | 'and furnace. Arata 3 electric a TIOn ay agate Hight MONEY TO LOAN. OUSTOMS BROKER ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. 1 BEOCK 42. KINGSION Paint and YEAR RIGHT Via The HIGHWAY TRANSPORT SERVICE Daily Service To Napanee, Deseronto, Belleville: Trenton, Brighton, Colborne, Cobourg, Oshawa and Toronto : Truck Leaves Kingston Every Day Toronto Office: 818 Victoria Lane Phone' Ring 2723 for Information. Attn Sand Hutton, in. Workshire, has three railroad stations and only four trains a day. touch up the worn floors or wood-work. eins «ih.» $1.50 qt. Glow White 2 pone... $1.60 qt Varnish $1.75qt. BH China-lac Varnish Stain $1.50 qt. Imagine, if you can, any man say- ing seriously: "I never even 'noticed her old, shriveled-up legs. Her mind was oh, so fascinating! It just held me spell- bound! Really, old top, I can't tell you whether the Jane has black or blue eyes and whether she's a per- feet 16 or a perfect 56!" I watched a friend in action the other evening. We had been talking about the probable or improbable ac- curacy of a certain chapter in 1 Well's "Outlines of History." (Old stuff, of course. But one does get 80 left behind in this day of com- plex living!) The donrbell rang and a gentle- man came to call, With the entrance of the mala of the species the very last vestige of intelligence was wiped from my friend's face. In its place cama the well-known "you're $0 strong" expression! One could almost near her lisp-- "It's jus' wunnerful the way you great big busy men keep up with everything!" When he had gone I looked my amazement. "Just concealing my latent in telligence, old thing," she told me. proceeding to lay her cards on the table, "I lke him. I want his company. He has a brain. Do you think for a moment he'd bother with me if he wasn't dara sure that he was my mental superior?" Yesterday a professor in my home |i town university married a freshman with baby-blue eyes and a rosebud mouth---alse adenoids and a lisp! The manager of a national adver- tising agency married a typist! A prominent doctor married a pat- ient who couldn't spell or talk cor- rectly. A certain Ph. D, I know married the 'stenographer who typed his doctor's thesis! No. I'm not being snobbish! I'm not saying that a freshman, a typist, a stenographer, or a patient who can't ol, dren't the salt © the vanced aged of eighty-four years. He followed farming. He was very well | known throughout the community. Surviving 'are two sons and three daughters, namely, Messrs. Vance Foley, Plum Hollow; Bryce Foley, at home; Mrs. David Young, Athens; Mrs. W. Topping and Mrs. George Gardiner, both of Brockville. He also leaves two brothers and two sisters, They are, Messrs. Frank Foley, Athens; Charles Foley, Lake Eloida; Mrs. James Castle, in Michi- gan, and Mrs. J: Lawson, Los Angeles, Cal. In religion the deceas- ed was a Methodist, a member of the United Church. Inverary Notes. Inverary, Jan. 6.--Rev. Dr. Adam- son 'has suffiently recovered from his recent illness as to be able . to take the service at his regular ap- pointments on Sunday. Mrs. \Mec- Naughton, Sydenham, will be pyes- ent at the monthly meeting of/the Women's Institute, on Jan, 2th, and will deliver an address on Fed- eration. William Lappan has returned to Kingston after spending a few days at Blwood Thompson's. Mrs, Tina Chrisley is spending a few days at Richard Arthur's. A number of the young people spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Allan Sands on New Year's Eve. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webb at the home of her her father E. F. Dennee, a daughter. THE GIRL SCOUTS And the Campfire Girls are two na- tional 'orgatizations working side by side in the cause of healthy, happy. intelligent womanhood. They are training the minds of eager girls for greater service, and thelr bodies to be healthy and strong. Wise mothers of these girls in their early teens urge them frankly to depend upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound when they are assailed by woman's pains or aliments, as for three gene- it has proved to be the most depeniable medicine tor women. Best plain Canadian Sheet- ing, 2 yds. wide. Reg. 90c. Sale Price 73c. 9-4 Best Plain Sheeting, regular $1.10.» Sale Price 89c¢. 10-4 best, Plain Sheeting, regular $1.25. Sale Price 98c. 40, 42, 44 inch. Regular 75c¢. me Rega GREY COTTONS 1,000 yards, 34 inch, Grey Cotton. Sale Price ... 124c. yard 2,000 yards Grey Cottons, 36 inches wide. Special at 18c¢c., 20¢c. to 35¢. yard. Entire Stock of Dresses 'Sale Prices Less 33; 3/0 Your unrestricted choice of our entire range of Cloth, Flannel, Knitted, Jersey and Silk Dresses--all marked in plain figures at this drastic reduction for cash.