FRIDAY, JANUARY ® tome. \"' Phone 316 * GODKIN'S LIVERY For taxi, sleighs for driving par- Also ice- e ties, hacks and cutters. "4 boat for sale. KINGSTON TRANSFER (CO. 158 WELLINGTON SEREET foves Freight, Steel, Building Eq es Machinery, Safes, Pianos, etc. MONEY LOANED AGAINST MORTGAGES Phones 377. Evenings 2231. FOR BALE Queen Street, brick house, 13 rooms, w, floors, electric Nght, h Ww, fur- ee. ' En Street, double frame house, 7 each, electric light. {I farm, 20 acres, with 8 room house, barn and hen house, with« 6 miles of eity. yor further pardeulars apply at of- See. TO LET ; Kensington Ave. Furnished house, Janusry at to Jume 1st. $60.00 per month. Street, brick, 0 =ooms, h.w. gurpsce. $40.00" per month. General I noe, The Real Cause Of Constipation Is A Bad Liver Mrs. Jean Bocheir, Nelson, B.O, writes:--* 'For many years 1 have been troubled with my liver, and suf. fered terribly with constipation. I HEARD ABOUT Milburn's LAXA-LIVER 7 10 RT and have been greatly improved since I started to take them. I cannot recommend them too highly to any ome who is troubled with their liver." Milburn's Laxa®Liver Pills are not a new and untried remedy. They have been on the market for the past 82 years; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. nsursnce, Agent Great West Life A Companys K. H. Waddell 86 BROCK STREET Telephones 326 and 896. Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 266, sn fi - * PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing ard Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. y 'PHONE 134. searce, but we have Hard Coal is Ry selling at plenty of Somi-Hard "COAL | FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Local and lung distance. All Motor Trucks with Aly Tires. H. L. BRYANT Division Street. 'Phone 1753 The finest thing in the to keep a stomach in tip-top oh a d: f EO OE Be DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street.' 'Phone 18550 for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. imples By Using Cuticura Soap to Cleanse Ointment to Heal Stick. Monarch Pastry FLOUR This Flour 1s manufactured from select, white, winter wheat and is undoubtedly th best pastry flour on the Ttken For sale by all the leading groc- 25 Brook St. Phone 1686 Easy to Burn. Difficult to Beat. No Ash or Stone. Quick to Heat. This is Mitchell's Welsh Coal the cheapest fuel in the world, W. A. MITCHELL & C0. Telephone 67. SALE Boys' and Youths' OVERCOATS *10.50 Ages from 12 to 16. 'Regular value $16.50 ¢ Prevost's Est'd 1871. 56 Brock St. "The Home of Good Clothes". & THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG News From District Places BUSY CUTTING WOOD To Fill a Contract for One Hundred Cords. Croydon, Jan. 4=Christmas and New Year's passed off quietly and as usual was the occasion of several fam- ily re-umions. The pupils of Croydon school gave a splendid entertainment, in Croydon church, on Monday even- ing, Dec. 21st, with a good programme and excellent order. Santa Claus was well represented every child receiving an orange and bag of candy and nuts and each pupil a gift from the teacher Miss Amey. Miss Amey is to be con- gratulated in- the way she had the children so well trained, Proceeds $26.25.° Patsy Nalon, Rochester, N.Y. and sister, Miss Celia Nolan, Toronto, are spending the Christmas holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Nolan. Mrs. John R. Kring is visiting with friends at Toronto. William McKeown has returned home from Detroit, Ray- mond Campbell spent Friday evening at Pete Teskey's. Pete Teskey and daughter, Miss Elsie, spent Christmas with his brother, Rev. Ernest Teskey, Oxford Mills. James Heighs, visited with friends in Peterboro for a couple of days last week. Mrs. W. B. Close and daughter Annie, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. George Black, Camden East, Messrs. Patsy' Nolan and Blake Bar- ragan and Miss Margaret Nolan visit- ed over the New Year with the for- mers sister, Mrs. Patrick Dwyre, Be- thel street. Raymond Campbell and Miss Bernie Galbraith attended the ball at Centreville, on Tuesday last. Miss Florence Pero, Newburgh, vi- sited at William Galbraith's a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGre- gor and family spent Sunday evening at W. B, Close's. Albert Bumhower and family have moved in with his father for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. P. Nolan and family, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dwyre and family and Messrs. Alex Wright and Herb McCabe spent Sun- day evening at Patrick Dowling's. Messrs. Blake Barragar and Patsy Nolan had dinner at W. J. Haggerty's on Thursday. Mrs. P. Dwyre and chil- dren are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Nolan's. John Wewey and sister, Miss Theressa, were New Year guests at Robert Brown's, John Dewey has the con- tract of cutting one hundred gord of wood for Mr. Vandervoort, New- burgh. Mr. Dewey has a full staff of men helping at the work. EFFICIENT SCHOOL TRUSTEE Has Retired After Thirty-Three Years "of Service. Kepler, Jan. 4--The Parlour Social, held at H. E., Johnston's last Thurs- | day night, was well attended. About | seventy being present. Owing to the pastor of the United Church, Rev, W. P. McKenzie, being ill, the service here Sunday 'morning, was conducted by Mr. Macey, Montreal. The young people are taking advantage of the fine skating on the lake. At the school meeting, held last Wednesday morn- ing, W. H. Horning tendered his resi- gnation as trustee and secretary trea- surer, after thirty-three years of faith- ful service as trustee; thirteen of which he has acted as secretary treas- urer in which capacity he rendered very efficient service. G. W. Orser was appointed to fill' the vacancy as secretary-treasurer, F. Potter to act as trustee. Mrs. W. H. Horning is recovering from her recent illness. Mrs. K. Law- son has gone to the city for the winter months. Among the Christmas visi- tors were: Miss Helen Wartman, Tor- onto; Misses Beatrice and Marietta Orser, Queen's, Miss Gladys Oren, B.A of Chesterville High School staff, Miss Emily McKever, Queen's, Misses Mar- jorie and Geraldine Johnston and Miss Ruth Garrett, Sydenham High School at their respective homes, G. W. Keyes | and family, Wolfe Island at A, Orser's; Geo, Porter, Hartington at H. E. John- ston's and Miss Emily Strachan, Tol- edo, Ohio, at John McKeever's, Mrs. Karl, Kingston, spent the week-end with her. daughter, Mrs." Stuart Bab- cock, Harold Eddye's visiting at Step- hen Knights. ' The cottage prayer meeting last night, which" was held at Stuart Bab- cock's, was well attended. The Ladies' Aid' will meet Wednesday afternoon at Mrs. Newton Orser's. The Christ- mas tree and congert given by the pu- pils of she publi school was a decid- ed suc ev. W. T. McKenzie was presented with a fine turkey and box of chocolates by the people of this ap- pointment, as a Christmas gift. at the social, on Saturday evening, at Mrs. J, W. Perry's. Miss Marjory Riley entertained her intimate friends at a farewell party on Saturday evening. The holiday visi- tors have all returned to their homes or occupations. Miss Edith Williams spent last week at Harrowsmith with her cousin, Miss Helen Orser, and oth- er friends. SEVERAL REGRETTED DEATHS. Are Reported From Battersea--The Holiday Visitors. Battersea, Jan. 4.--~The annual Christmas tree, which was held on Christmas Eve, proved a decided success, Gloom was cast over the community by the death of David Sleeth, who passed 'away at his home, on Dec. 22nd. His funeral was held in the Battersea church. Mrs. Wesley Hartley was called away, suddenly, to be with her daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Smith, Flint, Mich., who was seriously ill. Every- one is glad to hear of Mrs. Smith's recovery. Skating is the order of the day, Battersea being able to boast of a fine skating rink. Mr. end Mrs. Fred Langford and family left some time ago for Eng- land to visit their parents. Miss Ann Hanley spent New Year's at home. Mrs. Barl Shepherd and baby, Barriefield, spent Christmas week at her father's, William Ormsbee. Battersea mourns the' death of Mrs. John Robb, who died on Dec. 29th at her home, Her funeral was held from Battersea church on the 31st Dec. to the Sand Hill cemetery. The New-Year's tea meeting was held on New Year's Eve. It was largely attended. rn P or affect digestible ~ longer. and under expert su on, ras Pls DOES make it the power to keep sweet REPORTS FROM ARDOCH. Council Elected--Same Teachers on the School Staff. Ardoch, Jan. 7.----At the time of writing, the usual January thaw is| visible. Sleighing is in a poor con- dition. The dance in the hall on New Year's night was well attended. Miss A. M. Fraser returned fo Matawat- chan t6 resume teaching duties." Mr. end Mrs. Clifford Smith, of Barrie- field, spent Christmas and the fol- lowing week at J. H. Smith's. Mjss Greta Schonager returned to Sal- mond's Resort, Myers' Cove, after spending a few days at her home here. Consideradie sickness prevails throughout the district. Dr. Good- fellow, McDonald's Corners, passed through here enroute to Oscar Perry's, Fernleigh, on New Year's Day. Little Earl Winters is also in- disposed. 'Mr. dnd Mrs. Henry Gin- singer and Miss Mary spent Sunday | | at Mrs. M, Weber's, and Monday evening at Robert Martin's. Misses Kathleen and Ruby Myers returned to Kingston after a week's holiday at their home here. Dr. 8S. Wilson, of Perth, made a dental visit to this burg and spent a very busy day. Mrs. M. BE. Evans, of Centre- ville, Miss Keegan, of Cloyne, and J. P, Kennelly, of Northbrook, were New Year visitors at Mrs. Catherine Fraser's. Guy Watkins recently made a horse and cutter trip to Clayton, Ont, The schools re-opened to-day with the same teachers on the staff. Carmon McNeil, of Wemley, filled the vacancy of township councillor ROMINENT health authorities have agreed for PASTEURIZED | guaranteed absolutely safe. In cities where milk is not thers is a tenden death rate from Fever than in cities where all milk is pasteurized. he: 1t is natural, therefore, that in furnish- ing Kingston with a better and safer milk service, Hemlock Park Dairy should in- clude pasteurization as measure of precaution. Pasteurizing is cess of heating an the aid of acourate, costl that only cai be years ilk teurized, towards a higher hoid and Scarlet its greatest ly a scientific pro- cooling milk, with equipment 80 that, bacteria' (Only through removed. can this 'assurance be given) ia Bn ag pimp makes il te. 'in any way, remove cream hotter. its taste. It | and gives ! it' | Welsh Anthracite ...... Domestic Coke . ..... . Large Furnace Coke . . .. Pocahontas Egg Coal . ...... . $18.00 ton . $14.00 ton .$12.00 ton .$13.00 ton. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO ; | All Coal and Coke kept under cover. | | mm ---- owing to the late Michael Weber. The other members were all re- elected by acclamation, The moter stage is still running. Hugh Fraser made a business trip to Matawatchan. News From Stone Road. Stone Roard, Jan. 5.--The sawing machine j& heard in this locality. Frederick Adrain is sawing at Wil- liam Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wilkinson spent Sunday at Bur- ridge. Mr. and Mrs. William Gib- son and daughter, Mabel, spent Sun- day at F. H. Warren's. Mr. and Mrs, Private Branch Exchange Phone 1571. x Willlam Jacquith apd children, Jones' Falis, were visiting friends in} this locality on New Year's day Miss Edna Adrian is at hér bros. ther's, Delbert Adrain. Mr. and Mrs! F. H. Warren are spending a few days at Haston's Corners. Delbert Adrain is all smiles--its a girl. Edward White has rented his farm and moved to the village of West port. Jerry Ryan is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lymett are at- tending a funeral at Stanleyville Seabert Warren, Easton's Corners, is visiting relatives at Stone Road and Westport. Have you seen ous~new model dairy on Princess Street? can watch the various You processes the milk passes through by means of the large front windows. Or we'll gladly explain our modern dairy equipment if you come in ilde. Only Pasteurized Milk is Safe Surely you will want--as many other mothers of Kingsion families now do-- to give your family only milk which is absolutely safe and pure -- Hemlock Park Dairy Milk. Milk moreover, which -- because it is obtained under the most ideal farm conditions which are continually inspected by a qualified doctor with ing in Med Heslth service--is unusually rich and creamy. Milk which is ygade absolulely pure and safe under perfect sanitary conditions in our own dairy, one of the finest- equipped in Eastern Ontario. Milk which is bottled and ea | by ay, Heushes your home as pure as when it leaves our dairy. Milk which is delivered in lon, DEPENDABLE fashion. Give YOUR family the benefits of this' a . ephone ] salesman fo call. Fugu Mavor